Chapter 44

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New Delhi...
Thapar's residence...

Arjun and Jai were sitting on the garden, having their tea..

Arjun's health was better, his difficulty in breathing was not bothering him much, but doctors still advised him to rest...

'I think I should come back to the office from tomorrow... ' Arjun said sipping his tea

'I'll hit you with this stick on your head, if you think something like that... ' Jai warned him and Arjun laughed

'But I am bored sitting in the house... ' Arjun whined

'Bear it for few more weeks old man, get completely fit and then come to the office... ' Jai said

'But... ' Arjun began

'No buts, don't worry about the office... Ved has managed everything very efficiently in your absence, also Sash - Adi and me are there to guide him... ' Jai said and Arjun smiled

Their gate opens and a black SUV gets inside and halts in front of the house..

They look at the car and then at the person getting out of it...

'Sid...!' Arjun exclaims standing up

Sid walks towards them smiling and then hugs Arjun

'I missed you buddy... ' Arjun said

'I missed you too... How is your health...?' Sid asked breaking the hug

'I am good now... ' Arjun smiled

'Hey old man... ' Sid hugged Jai

'I am not the sick one here, he is the old man now... I am young again... See... ' Jai said flexing his muscles and they laughed 

Sid takes a seat beside them and takes out a box of sweet from the bag he was holding and forwards it to Arjun

'Vansh's production house started with their first film yesterday...' Sid said

Jai smiled at this and looked at Arjun who was staring at the box, tears filling his eyes...

'It's okay you can cry, we are not going to judge...' Sid said holding Arjun's shoulder...

Arjun broke down at this and Sid hugged him tightly...
'You are really a crazy man Arjun, your son achieved his goal and instead of getting happy, you are crying....?' he caressed his hair

'These are happy tears man... ' Jai wiped his own tears..

'He hates me right...!' Arjun sobbed

'No... He doesn't hate you, trust me on this... ' Sid smiled wiping his tears

'How do you know...?' Arjun asked

'Okay, I am not supposed to tell you this, but when the contract was finalised... Vansh got drunk that night and then cried holding me, saying that he misses you.... ' Sid said and Arjun - Jai chuckled

'How bad was he...?' Arjun asked wiping his tears

'Just like his mother... ' Sid commented and they laughed

'Why don't you tell him Arjun...?' Sid said

'Tell him what...?' Arjun asked

'That you are doing all these on purpose, taunting him, throwing him out of the house... It hurts you more than anyone, even more than Naina...' Sid said

'It doesn't matter Sid... ' Arjun said

'Of course it does Arjun, the boy will start hating you... He has to know... ' Jai said

'He won't hate me... He'll understand one day... ' Arjun said

'That's what he thought for Aayan too... And you saw what Aayan turned out to be like... Had Ananya not been there, the guy would've hated him till now... ' Sid said and Jai nodded

Arjun just sighed at this...

'See we know, you love all your kids equally, but you loved Vansh more, everyone saw that... He was the first one among the twins you held in your arms, damn it... ' Jai said and Arjun smiled remembering his son's birth day...

'Will you tell us now, why were you so hard on him 2 years back...?' Sid asked

Arjun took a deep breath

'He was not serious about his career...' Arjun said

'That's not true... ' Jai said

'It is true... When he came back from London, he was not worried about getting a job at all... ' Arjun said

'I thought you didn't like his cinematography career... ' Sid said

'See, I didn't stop him from pursuing his graduation in a film school, because I knew it was his passion, had I been against his cinematography career... Would I let him to study that...? I would've admitted him to a business school like Ved... ' Arjun explained

'So when did the problem start...?' Jai asked

'One day I heard him talking to Naina, he said that it's okay, if he doesn't earn at all, he'll ask money from Ved and also I will leave some fortunes for him, he will survive on that...' Arjun sighed worried

'He was joking Arjun... Naina told me...' Sid said

'He may be joking sid, but that actually worried me... I could sleep for so many nights... ' Arjun sighed

'I am not worried for Ananya, she was always clear that she wants to be a lawyer... And she will be, I know that...
Ved was never very expressive, but he showed interest in E market affairs, I was happy to see that, atleast one of my kid will join it...
But Vansh, he was always a confused kid, sometimes he said he wants to be a cricketer, I made him join cricket academy... He left that within six months, He said he wants to make a career in football, I searched for India's best academy and sent him there.... He came back in 3 months... Then adventure sports, he left it in 6 weeks ! Then photography...
It was fine when he was a kid, but even at Ananya's age he was not clear what to do with life... It worried me man...  What will he do after me...? I don't want him to be dependent on Ved... ' he sighed

'But why always discourage him man, there are other ways to explain too... ' Sid said

'Vansh is a different kid bro, he is not serious like Ved or Aayan, whenever I tried to tell him that concentrate on his career or exams, he would take it as a joke.... And I never liked scolding him... I thought with age, he will understand, but no... He was still a kid by heart... I had to be harsh on him... ' Arjun replied

Jai and Sid just nodded...

'Comparing Ved and Vansh always killed me inside... Both are mine, I can't be partial with one and ignore other... I had no other way to fuel the anger inside Vansh... I had to make him angry...  You don't know how hard it was to see his disappointed face, whenever I said something to him.... ' Arjun wiped his tears...

'And you see, Ved and Vansh are not in talking terms right now, I don't know what happened,  if Vansh wouldn't have started with his new work, after leaving the house, he was bound to obey Ved, I don't want my son to be submissive to anybody, not even his own brother...' he said

'Are you proud of him now...?' Sid asked

'I was always proud of him man, I still have his first 5000 bucks he earned with his volunteering work.... And now he has his own production house... This makes me content, that I can die in peace... ' Arjun smiled

'Shut up... He sounds like me, when I was depressed.... ' Jai commented

'You both really need some serious parenting lessons...  One had an estranged son, for like 10-15 years, and Other's son is angry with him... ' Sid said and they chuckled

'No one is a born parent... You learn things eventually... ' Jai said

'Should I tell Vansh that you are one of the major investor in his film...?' Sid asked

'Are you crazy, he'll stop the film... He has got Naina's ego... As far as I know him, he hates me so much that he'll prefer to beg on streets, but not ask money from me... ' Arjun exclaimed

'But he has to know this eventually that you are proud of him... ' Jai said

'I am eagerly waiting for that day, when he'll forgive me and I say that I am proud of him... ' Arjun smiled

'I hope he doesn't take 3 years like his mother to forgive you... ' Sid comments and they all laugh..

'How is Aayan's work now...?' Sid asked Jai

'His AV Tech is doing really well, his staff strength is like 50 people now... I think it will expand more... ' Jai smiled proudly

'So AYSA shutting down was a blessing in disguise... ' Sid said

'Yeah you can say that...!' Jai agreed

'And you are okay with that Amayraa girl living with him...?' Sid asked

'Aayan is matured enough to take his own decisions Sid, if he thinks he is ready for that responsibility, I will support him completely... ' Jai said

'I think it was a very noble thing to do... I am proud of him for this... ' Arjun smiled

'Yeah... Does Naina know...?' Sid asked

'No he wants to surprise her... ' Jai said

'I hope he doesn't get beaten up for the surprise...' Sid laughed

'I hope that too... ' Arjun comments showing fake fear..

'Come let's go inside... ' Jai said getting up and all three of them go inside the house..

E market HQs..
New Delhi...

Ved was reading the draft sent to him by his BD team, he had to review that and forward it to Shashank, who was supposed to pass it..

Shanaya stopped bothering him as she promised and Ved was relieved because of that...

But whenever he thought about Deepika, instead of anger, a guilt like feeling emerged inside him, which inturn annoyed him that why was he feeling guilty...

I did the right thing... He would say to himself....

Ved sighed, removing his glasses and leaned on his chair...

His phone rang, and he looks at the caller and smiles

'Aayan... ' he answers the call smiling

'What are the things you are hiding from me... Spill it out...!' Aayan said angrily

'I don't understand... ' Ved replied confused

'Why didn't you tell me that Vansh doesn't live with you guys...?' Aayan asked

'Who told you that...?' Ved asked

'Doesn't matter, and what happened between you and Deepika..?' Aayan asked further

Ved fists his hands on this

'I don't want to talk about her... ' Ved replied irritated

'Why didn't you tell me all this Ved...I feel cheated okay... ' Aayan whined

'You already had a lot of things ti worry about, AYSA's split, then it's closing down, and Lalit's death... Then you had to set up AV tech as well... I didn't want to distract you with such petty things... ' Ved said

'Petty things...? You and Vansh getting separated is a petty thing...? Deepika and Ananya not talking to each other is a petty issue...? What happened between you four...?' Aayan shot questions at him

'You come here, I will tell you everything, just know this, Deepika was not a good girl... She was not the one I presumed her to be...?' Ved said

'What are you saying Ved...? She liked you... A lot...!' Aayan said

Ved was shocked to hear this from Aayan
'How do you know...?' he asked

'Everyone knows about this, Me Ananya, Vansh... ' Aayan said

'But she and Vansh were dating...!' Ved exclaimed

'What...! When did that happen...?' Aayan asked

'It's all messed up man, come here I will tell you everything... ' Ved said

'Yeah... Now I have to...' Aayan said

'How do you know all this...?' Ved asked

'I met Deepika here, yesterday... ' Aayan said

'Oh, she didn't tell you about her and Vansh...?' Ved asked controlling his anger..

'No.. In fact I saw some other guy with her...' Aayan said

Ved's rage escalated at this...
She left my brother as well...
Such a gold digger she is...

'Aayan... I have some work... I'll call you later... ' Ved said

'Yeah... Okay... Bye... ' Aayan replied and hung up the call..

Ved closed his eyes and took a deep breath to calm down his outraged nerves...

I saw Deepika with another guy....
We all knew she liked you...

If she claims to like me and then forget me so easily and go with another guy...
Even I will...

Hope you like it...
Next update soon...

Just a request...
All the queries related to the future of the characters and how the story will progress, how long will be the story, when will the prologue come... Etc etc... will be answered in further updates, please don't jam my inbox with such questions...

Please be patient with the story, like you always have been...

Shooting questions at the author won't help... It kinda distracts me, and I can't write what I planned...
Seeing you guys getting impatient freaks me out...

Sorry if I sound rude...
I love you guys...


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