Chapter 45

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1 week later...

It was a Sunday afternoon, Vansh was sleeping on the sofa, after having the brunch... 

Ananya was in the terrace garden, planting the lilies she brought this morning, whereas Mary was resting in her room too...

The door bell rings, and Ananya couldn't get the door because her hands were soiled, so she calls Vansh

'Bhai... Please open the door... ' She called, But Vansh who was in deep slumber doesn't hear her

'Bhai...!! Wake up... This is not the time to sleep... ' Ananya calls again and the door bell continues to ring

'Shut up, Annie... ' Vansh mutters in his sleep and the door bell rings again

Sighing, Vansh calls Mary and sits on the sofa rubbing his eyes, 'Mary please see who is at the door... ' he said yawning

Mary hurriedly rushes towards the door and opens it, and Vikrant enters inside..

'Hey bitch...!' Vikrant says cheerfully to Vansh

'Hey sloth face... Why are your ugly feet soiling the floor of my house at this time...?' Vansh mutters, half sleepy

'I am not here for you pumpkin pie...  I am here for Annie... ' Vikrant says looking around for Ananya

'Son of a biscuit... ' Vansh mutters

'Annie...!  Annie.... ' Vikrant calls

Ananya comes downstairs, with her hand soiled...

'Hey Bhai... What happened...?' she asked

'I have a gift for you... ' Vikrant grins

'You never bought me a gift... ' Vansh says

'Shut up, Son of a burger...' Vikrant comments and Vansh throws the sofa cushion at him

Ananya goes to the kitchen sink to wash her hands and comes out, wiping them with her apron

'What is it Bhai...?' Ananya asked

Vikrant smiles and turns around
'Hey gift, come inside... ' He calls and they look at him confused

They hear footsteps and then look at the person and gasp..
Vansh gets up from the sofa and Ananya stares at the person, with her mouth hanging open

Deepika walks inside, wearing a pink shirt, paired with black jeans, her hair open reaching her waist and full rim glasses...

'Hey Ananya... ' She smiles at her

Ananya was too shocked to say anything, while Vansh walked inside his room

Tears filled their eyes and Ananya stared at her briefly and then turned around her back facing Deepika and she wiped her tears

'Annie.. I know... You are angry but... ' Deepika began, but Ananya didn't listen to her and she walked inside her room and shut the door, and leaned against it, tears rolling down her eyes

Deepika knocked her door..
'Annie please... I am sorry... I know, I shouldn't have abandoned you like this... ' She cried and Ananya sobbed at this

'Ananya, I know you were not at fault for whatever happened... I know I was not fair to you... I am really sorry for that... Please come out...  Please... ' Deepika knocks her door

'You punished me for being Ved Bhai's sister, you know that me and Vansh Bhai sided with you, still you left me... What was my mistake...!' Ananya cried

'I am so sorry Annie... Please listen to me... ' Deepika cries

'It's damn easy for you right, just cut people out of your lives, and then come back asking for forgiveness... I know everyone is selfish, but I didn't expect you to become like them... ' Ananya sobbed

'You have no idea, How I lived without you, in these 2 years...' Deepika cried

'Go away then... Live with your new besties... I don't believe in second chances...' Ananya said

'I know Annie, please come out, slap me, shout at me, hit me... Do anything but please don't walk away like this...  I am ready for any punishment you give Annie, please please come out... ' Deepika cried

'What did Ved do to you Deepika...?' Vikrant asked confused and Deepika gets scared and so does Ananya, on the other side of the door...

'Bhai... Wo... We had an argument on some stupid issue, and I took it out on Ananya... That's why she is upset... ' Deepika lied and Vikrant didn't seem to buy her reason, but did not say anything and Ananya sighed at this...

Deepika quickly turns back to face Ananya's door, to hide her panicked expression, because she know that her cousin Vikrant, was not very fond of Ved, and if he comes to know that, Ved said all those things to her, he might do anything with him...

'Annie..  Please I am sorry... Please open the door... ' Deepika knocks her door again

Ananya wipes her tears, and then takes a deep breath, and turns the knob to open the door...

Deepika, who face is tearstained, smiles nervously at him and Vikrant stares at them questioningly...

'Will you ever do that again...?' Ananya glares angrily at Deepika

'Never... ' Deepika nods negative

'You Promise to stay with me no matter what happens between you and my brothers... ?' Ananya asked

'Yes... ' Deepika holds her hands

'And If you dare to abandon me again....?' Ananya begin

'Lock me inside the room, full of rats and I won't shout at all... ' Deepika said wiping her tears

Ananya's glare turns into a smile, and then she tightly hugs Deepika, who hugs her back..

'I missed you Deeps... ' Ananya cried

'I missed you too Annie... ' Deepika cried

'Too much drama, Thank god, now I will be free from the messenger role I was playing from last 2 years... ' Vikrant sighed dramatically and they both chuckled

His phone started ringing, and he goes out to answer it, and Vansh comes out of his room wearing a Captain America mask, which was covering most of his face...

'Bhai, What is this...?' Ananya asked

'I know she doesn't want to see my face, thanks to my twin.. So I covered it... ' He grinned

Deepika chuckled, and walks towards Vansh, and removes the mask from his face, he stares at her in anticipation

'You may have his face, but he doesn't have your heart... ' Deepika smiled pointing at his chest and Vansh chuckled

'I missed you kid, we both missed you, a lot, I am sorry for what happened... ' Vansh holds Deepika's hands

'It's not your fault Vansh, you were always on my side... And I am grateful to you for that... ' Deepika hugs him and he hugs her back..

'Me too... ' Ananya cheered and jogs towards them and they hug her too...

After sometime, Ananya and Deepika were in Ananya's room, chatting about what happened in last 2 years in their lives, laughing and crying at the same time...

'Ananya, do you still have feelings for Aayan...?' Deepika asks out of nowhere

Ananya stiffens at this, whenever someone mentioned about Aayan, she recalled their last encounter...

I won't let you forget me Ananya...

'I don't know Deeps, I am trying to forget what happened between us,  I neither love him nor hate him... It's... It's complicated... ' Ananya said

'Will you ever tell me what happened between you two...?' Deepika asked and Ananya's hands turned cold at this...

'I will tell you Deeps, when I am ready... ' Ananya said

'See, there is something you should know about Aayan... ' Deepika said hesitantly

'What...?' Ananya asked

'I met him last week, at a supermarket in Bangalore, he is my boss btw... ' Deepika said

'What.. !' Ananya exclaimed

'Yeah, but this is not the thing I wanted to tell, actually he is ma.... ' Deepika begin, but they hear a smashing sound of glass outside the room and get startled...

'What the Fuck....!' Vansh growled angrily and Ananya - Deepika quickly get out of the room to see him fuming him with anger and Vikrant looked equally pissed

There was the flower vase lying on the floor, and Vansh was holding the newspaper..

'Bhai what happened...?' Ananya asked rushing towards him

'Be careful with the glass Annie... ' Deepika said walking behind her

'Our brother has lost his mind... How can he be so stupid...!' Vansh said angrily

'Well I am not surprised... ' Vikrant commented

'What's going on...?' Ananya asked

Vansh forwards the newspaper to Ananya and she reads the page he was reading and gasps

'What is it Annie...?' Deepika asked

Ananya looks pissed after reading whatever angered Vansh too and throws away the newspaper on the sofa

'Guys.. What happened...!!' Deepika gets scared seeing the brother - sister's expression

Vikrant picks the newspaper and reads the headline

'Delhi based Businessman, Arjun Thapar's elder son, Ved Thapar announces his engagement with Shanaya Nanda, daughter of the real estate king, Vikram Nanda...the couple will get engaged this week... '

Deepika was shocked to hear this, her phone drops from her hands and Ananya - Vansh look at her worriedly...

Vikrant looks at their faces and understands that there is something fishy, but doesn't say anything...


Aayan was in the kitchen, sitting at the counter, waiting for Mrs. Kumar to prepare Amayra's lunch..

'Aunty, how much time...?' He asks impatiently

'Just a minute baba, let me smash these potatoes, or Amayra baby won't be able to eat it... ' Mrs. Kumar replied

'Are you sure, she can eat this...? I mean we can continue with the baby food we have... ' Aayan said glancing at the porridge she was making

'Aayan Baba, Amayraa baby is already one and a half years old now, she must start with the homemade food, kids don't get all the nutrition they need from the baby food... ' Mrs. Kumar said

'But what if she doesn't like the taste...?' Aayan whined

'She will get used to it Baba, don't worry... ' Mrs. Kumar chuckled

They hear Amayra, walking inside to the kitchen wearing her choo choo shoes, which were making noise and holding the big blue teddy that Aayan brought for her, more like sliding him on the floor...

She looks at Aayan and grins, her little teeth showing, she was the cutest thing on earth for Aayan...

She was his friend Lalit's daughter, who and his wife lost their lives in a car accident, Even Amyraa was inside the car with them, she was eight months old, but magically she survived the accident, but her parents couldn't make it

Initially Aayan decided to give her away to some orphanage, as he couldn't trace her relatives, but when the orphanage people came to take her, Aayan denied to give her away, he already developed a fatherly love for Amayra and adopted her officially six months ago..

'Aaya...' Amayra jumps looking at Aayan

'Hey, my cutie is awake...' Aayan cooes getting down from the counter

'Aaya... Wakey wakey... ' Amayra says excitedly and Aayan picks her up in his arms

'Yes, Amyraa is awake...!  What will you have for breakfast sweety... ' Aayan pulls her cheeks

'Chocky...!' Amayra exclaims and Aayan laughs

'No chocolate is bad for teeth baby, it will take away all your teeth... Then how will Amayra eat...?' Aayan tried to scare her and she looks at him with her  big brown eyes scared..

'Pappy, Chocky eat Amayra teeth...?' She asks Mrs. Kumar

'Yes baby, Chocky bad... Soup good... ' Mrs. Kumar said and pours the porridge on Amayra's favorite bowl...

'She can call you Pappy, but not me Papa... ' Aayan huffs and Mrs. Kumar laughs

'It's okay Baba, she will call you Papa one day,...Here...' Mrs. Kumar brings the spoonful of porridge near Amyraa's mouth and Amyara turns her face on the other side

'No... Soup eww... Amayra want cookie... ' She whines

'Amayra will get cookie once she finishes this... ' Mrs. Kumar again tried to feed her but Amayra being stubborn didn't eat it

Aayan looked at her and sighed
'How many stubborn girls, do I have to deal with God... ' He mutters

'Pappy... Give it to me... I will eat it, then you give me the cookie and the milkshake too... 'Aayan said taking the bowl from Mrs. Kumar

He takes a bite and says 'Yumm....  I will eat it all... ' He looks at Amayra who looks angry

'Naa.. It's Amayra's... Amayra will eat... ' She snatches the bowl from Aayan's hand and he laughs

Aayan laughed and Mrs. Kumar takes the bowl from Amayra's hands
'Come I will feed you... ' she picks Amyraa and places her on the baby chair and starts feeding her

Amayra while eating sticks her tongue out at Aayan and he does the same

His phone starts ringing, and he takes it out from his pocket and glances at the ID and is startled to see that...

'Vansh... ' Aayan answers the call

'Why the fuck are you allowing him to Destroy himself... What kind of best friend are you...?' Vansh says angrily from the other side

'Vansh.. I don't understand, what are you talking about...?  Destroy himself...? What did Ved do...?' He asked confused

'Just read today's newspaper, entertainment column, you will understand what I am talking about...' Vansh replied

Aayan walked out of the kitchen and picked up the newspaper and read the column

'Fuck... ' Aayan muttered

'Why are you letting him do this..?' Vansh asked

'Believe me bro, I had no idea that he will be so stupid... Why is he doing this, suddenly...? ' Aayan said

'He has lost his mind...' Vansh huffs

'I think I know, why he did this... ' Aayan said remembering something


'He thinks you and Deepika are dating... ' Aayan said

'That's ridiculous... ' Vansh exclaimed

'You are not...?' Aayan asked

'Of course not...!'

'That plan backfired bro, I'll ask Deepika what did he say to her..?' Aayan said

'She is here, with Annie... ' Vansh said and Aayan had goosebumps hearing her name and he frowned at himself...

'Ved must know the truth Vansh, he is doing all this impulsively...' Aayan said

'Do something, stop him... ' Vansh said

'Time to go back to Delhi bro... ' Aayan said

Vansh was silent for sometime and then he answered..

'Let's do this... See you in Delhi... ' Vansh answered

'Yeah... ' Aayan said and they hung up the call..

Why Ved... Why...


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