Chapter 46

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Ved's engagement Day
New Delhi...

Thapar's residence...

'Ved.. Here... Wear your suit... ' Naina gives him a black 3 piece suit, which Rads selected for his engagement

Ved looks at the suit and then sighs and Naina looks at him confused

'You didn't like it...?' she asks

'Maa, I don't feel good... ' Ved says

'It's all nervousness Vedie boy.... Your Maa was nervous too...' Radhika said bringing the box of shoes, to check which one goes with the suit..

'You'll be fine beta, everyone gets nervous at this time... Afterall whole new responsibilities come after marriage... ' Naina caressed his head

'Maa, it's not nervousness... I... I can't explain... ' Ved said looking down

'It's okay son, you'll be fine... ' Arjun says

'Did Annie or Vansh call...?' Ved asks Naina

'No beta... I don't think they are coming... ' Naina says sadly

'They are my siblings Maa, and they are abandoning me on my engagement day, Even Aayan is not responding to my calls... ' Ved says his voice cracking

'They don't like Shanaya di Bhai, neither do us....' Rudra says, matching the tie with his suit

'Do your work Silently....' Adi scolds his son and Rudra huffs

'I am not calling her Bhabhi... ' Saanjh enters the room carrying Ved's breakfast and keeps it on the table

'I am not attending the function either... ' Rudra says and he and Saanjh walk out of the room

'Son are you sure you want to do this ? Your siblings are not happy with this, even you don't look happy...' Arjun asks

You will come begging to me for my forgiveness, and you won't get it...  Deepika's voice rings in his ears and he fists his hands

'They will understand one day... ' Ved says taking the suit and walks inside his walk-in closet to change...

IGI Airport...

Vansh, Ananya and Vikrant came out out the arrival, carrying their luggages and Vansh asks them to stop..

'What happened Bhai...?' Ananya asked

'Aayan's flight will land in 15 mins, we should wait for him... ' Vansh said

Ananya didn't want to face him, so she carried her bag over her shoulder

'Bhai, I think I should leave, I will talk to Maa and Paa, and try to convince them to stop this... ' Ananya said

'But Annie... ' Vansh said

'She is right Vansh, we don't have much time... The function is about to start... ' Vikrant says and Vansh nods

'Okay... Go Annie... All the best... ' Vansh gives her a side hug

'Please don't be late Bhai... ' Ananya says and walks away

20 minutes later...

Aayan walks out of the arrival, carrying sleeping Amayraa on his arms

Vansh and Vikrant approach him

'Woaahh... Another surprise....' Vikrant said

'Mrs. Kumar had to leave for her native place, I couldn't leave her with someone else... So.... ' Aayan said caressing her back

'Lalit's daughter....?' Vansh asked.

'My daughter... ' Aayan smiled

'You got married...!' Vansh exclaimed

Vikrant smacks his head..
'Dumbo, he adopted her, now she is his daughter....Airhead...!' he said and Aayan chuckled

'Ohh okay... ' Vansh smiled and looked at sleeping Amayraa..

'She is pretty...' Vansh said lightly caressing her curly hair

'Yeah... ' Aayan smiled

'Let's go...?' Vikrant asked

'Your luggage...?' Vansh asked Aayan

'The caretaker will bring it to the house directly, let's not waste time... The guest must have started arriving...' Aayan said

'Yeah... ' Vansh said and they get inside the car and drive out of the airport

Thapar's residence...

Ananya's car halts in front of the mansion and she quickly gets out of the car, asking the gatekeeper to take care of the luggage

She sees her house, fully decorated and a small stage is set in the lawn, for the function...

She runs towards the entrance of the house, when Ved spots her and gets happy seeing her

'Annie...!' he calls her and Ananya stops and looks at him

He jogs towards her and engulfs her in a tight hug

'Thank you so much for coming little sis, You don't know how much it means to me... ' Ved said

'Where is Maa...?' Ananya asks him

'Maa..?  Why...?' Ved asks her confused

'Because you have lost your brains Bhai, that's why you are doing this... I need to tell maa that this is wrong... ' Ananya says pushing him away

'This is my engagement, which is taking place with my consent, you should not interfere.... ' Ved began angrily but Ananya cut him off in between...

'I won't let you ruin your and our family's life like this alright, You know Shanaya is not the right girl, for you and our family....' Ananya matches his tone

'Oh really, then who is ? That gold digger Deepika...?' Ved retorted

'You will regret saying this sentence, in just few minutes Bhai, trust me... This engagement is not happening... ' Ananya said angrily and walked inside the house and Ved huffs angrily

She walks inside the house and spots Naina and Arjun talking to Jai, and even Shanaya's family was here as well...

Shanaya was dressed in a golden gown, and was giggling along with her friends,she spots Ananya and calls her...

'Ananya...! What a pleasant surprise, I thought you won't come... ' She chirped, sweetly and now Arjun - Naina's attention was on her

Ananya ignored her and walked straight towards her parents, who were elated to see her

'Ananya...!  Glad you came my child...  Ved was missing you today... ' Naina said hugging her..

'Maa.... You have to stop this engagement... This is all wrong.... ' Ananya said holding Naina's hand

Arjun and Jai look at her confused, and Naina is shocked to hear that

'Princess, what are you saying....?' Arjun asked

'Yes Paa, Bhai is being impulsive right now, he doesn't like Shanaya, he wants to take revenge from Deeps and Vansh bhai... ' Ananya said

'What....!' Jai exclaimed

'Maa, we don't have time, please stop this now, or else all of us will suffer... ' Ananya pleads Naina

'Beta, but Ved himself told us that he likes Shanaya and wants to get married to her ASAP... ' Naina said

'Maa... Bhai has gone mad... He is not thinking... ' Ananya began, but she was cut off by some older man standing behind her, they turned around and saw Vikram Nanda smiling at them

'Ananya beta, what a pleasant surprise... I thought you and Vansh won't make it... ' he said

'Hello Uncle... ' Ananya said, but then turned to Arjun, trying to convince him

'Where is Vansh...?' Vikram asked

'Uncle, Bhai had some work, he will reach here in 10 - 15 minutes...' Ananya said and Arjun's face lit up hearing this...

'Wow, the whole family is reuniting... See Arjun, my Shanaya is very lucky for your family.... ' Vikram said proudly and Ananya controlled her urge to frown

'Indeed she is... ' Arjun smiled

Ananya turns to Arjun..
'Paa please... Stop this... ' Ananya whispered to Arjun

'Don't be childish Ananya, it was Ved's wish... We can't stop him... Everyone is here... ' Arjun said

'Bade Papa, please help me... ' Ananya said to Jai

'Arjun, listen to her.....' Jai began, but Vikram called Arjun

'Arjun, the priest and the guests are here, let's begin with the ceremony... ' He said

'Yeah, let's go... ' Arjun said and Ananya sighed in Frustration

'Come princess... ' Jai said to Ananya..

'I need to call Vansh bhai... ' Ananya said taking out her phone

All of them walked towards the lawn where the engagement set up was done, Ved was standing at the stage and Shanaya was slowly walking towards him..

Arjun and Naina stood beside Ved and other family members were around too

'Pick up the phone bhai... Please pick up the phone... ' Ananya was calling Vansh, who was not responding to her

The priest began chanting some hymns and Ananya's heart started beating faster, she shot a pleading look at her mother, who looked uncomfortable as well now...

The priest called for the rings and Ananya slowly walked towards Jai and stood beside him, and closed her eyes in disappointment...

Ved took the ring from Naina and was about to put it on Shanaya's finger

'ARE YOU FUCKING CRAZY...?' A voice boomed at the lawn and they turned to see Vansh and Aayan angrily walking towards Ved

Arjun and Naina get happy seeing Vansh after 2 long years
Behind Vansh and Aayan, Vikrant came holding Amayra in his arms who was staring at the lights and the flowers of the stage in awe...

Ved looked at his brother and best friend happily, but then hit confused looking at their pissed off expressions

As they approached him, Vansh takes the ring from Ved's hand and throws it away, Ved looks at him confused and Vansh slaps Ved so hard that he falls on the ground, everyone gasped at this

'Vansh... ' Arjun warns

'Please Sir, not today... It's between me and my brother... ' Vansh said without looking at him, and Naina gasped at this

'Are you crazy, Vansh... ' Ved said getting up, but now Aayan punched him and he again fell on the ground, his suit getting soiled

'What are you guys doing....?' Shanaya screeches and Vansh cringes at this

'Stay away, unless you want to spoil your dress too... Nice dress by the way, you look like your true self in this.... A gold digger... ' Vansh commented and she frowns

'Arjun, control your son... ' Vikram Nanda said angrily

'Guys, what the hell... ' Ved tried to get up, brushing of the dirt

'What is your problem...?' Vansh hits him on his stomach

'Oww... ' Ved cries

'Vansh...' Naina tries to stop him

'Yeah... Why is your self destruct mode on...?' Aayan growled, hitting him again and Ved falls on ground

'Guys it hurts....' Ved cries holding his stomach, but as they move forward to hit him again Sash comes in between

'Boys... Stop hitting him, it's his engagement day for god's sake... ' Sash scolds them

'It's his destruction day Chachu, not only his, but for all of us... ' Aayan said

'You were always the perfect son right...? Perfect in studies, sports, career, well behaved, obedient everything... How could you do such blunder...' Vansh said and Arjun takes a deep breath

'I am not doing any blunder... ' Ved said angrily

'Do you love Shanaya, Ved...?' Aayan asked and Ved couldn't reply, he just looked away

'See...! Still you are marrying this bitch, who doesn't even love you... ' Vansh said accusingly

'Enough young man... ' Vikram Nanda raged

'Please stay out of this Vicky... ' Jai said and all the elders look at him bewildered

'I love Ved, alright... And we are marrying because we love each other... ' Shanaya raged

'My brother doesn't love you... And you are marrying him for money, I will prove it... ' Vansh challenged her and she huffed

'Aayan give me the papers... ' Vansh said and Aayan took out some papers from his bag

'This is my father's will, which he wrote, 4 years ago, when Ved joined the office... ' Vansh showed her the paper and Arjun looked at him confused

'My will..  But I didn't write.... ' Arjun whispered to Jai, who held his hands tightly, gesturing him to play along

'In this will, he has said that after him, the heir of E market will not be Ved or me or any boy in our house, but it will be Ananya, Saanjh and Kitty.... Also, our wives won't have any stake in the company, it will solely go to the daughters of the house... Who can kick us out anytime.... ' Vansh said and the Nanda's look at Arjun shocked, who smiled uncomfortably

'What nonsen....' Ved began but Aayan shut Ved's mouth with his hands

'And as you know, you are not at all our sister's favourite, after Paa, they will definitely throw you and Ved out... ' Vansh smirked and Shanaya looks at Ved horrified who was equally confused

'Now Ved's worth goes down from 2000 Cr to just 20 lacs per annum.... That's like your 2 months expense... But you love Ved right, that should not bother you.... ' Vansh said to Shanaya and she looks at her father scared

'Dad... I don't want to marry him... ' Shanaya says and all of them look at her shocked, including Ved

Vansh, Aayan and Ananya chuckled

'Shanaya beta, that's not true... Arjun tell everyone that you have no such will... ' Vikram said

'I am sorry Vicky, but that is my will..' Arjun said

'Dad, I don't want to marry him... ' Shanya cried and Ved got annoyed

Vansh turned to Ved...
'Is this love, big brother...? If Yes, Then I am very lucky that it never happened to me... ' He said dusting his suit and Ved looks away

'You loved Deepika, Ved... I saw it... Why would you do this stupidity...?' Aayan asked

'She was not a gold digger bro, she loved you since you were no one, I saw that, we all saw her love for you... Except you... How can you be so stupid... ' Vansh said softly and Ved took a deep breath, controlling his tears

'She and Vansh never dated Ved, in fact whatever you saw, was our plan to make you jealous... What you are doing now is not right Ved.... You broke her heart and right now torturing yourself... ' Aayan said and Ved looked at Vansh and Ananya shocked

'Why didn't you ask me or Deepika directly, when that bitch told you that we were dating... We would've clarified everything... ' Vansh said and Ved looked away feeling guilty for his action 2 years back

'Deepika did try to tell him bhai, but he was not in his right senses, he accused her for trapping both of you in her charm, and insulted her... That wasn't cool bro... ' Ananya said and Ved looked down in shame

Aayan looked at Ananya and was surprised to see such changes in her..  She was not a whining baby anymore... She was matured, calm and composed also not to forget even more beautiful...
Ananya looked at Aayan, and they had a brief eye contact.. When Ananya looked away getting uncomfortable....

'Well we are not Deepika's lawyers here bro, but we couldn't let you ruin your life by marrying that girl... ' Aayan said, and Ved started crying and Vansh hugged him tightly

'I love you Bro, I can't let you destroy yourself... Don't cry, you just got saved... But believe me Ved, that girl loved you for real... I saw that... I tested her myself for it... Your anger ruined everything...' Vansh muttered holding Ved and he sobbed

'We are calling off this engagement Arjun, my daughter doesn't want this marriage... I am sorry... ' Vikram joined his palms in front of Arjun

'It's okay Vicky, I understand... Don't worry we have no hard feelings... ' Arjun held his joined palms and Vikram nodded

Shanaya's mom and Naina apologized to each other and then Shanaya's family and guests left their house

Ved was still crying holding Vansh, and Aayan was caressing his hair, Naina walked towards her sons and touched Ved's shoulder

Ved looked at his mother and hugged her, crying like a baby..
'I am a horrible man Maa... I.... ' he cried and Naina caressed his back

'It's okay son, everyone makes mistakes... But realising your mistakes and asking for forgiveness can make things work... You must ask for her forgiveness, son before it's too late... ' Naina said and Ved nodded

'He is truly your son Arjun, jab tak maar na pade akkal nahi aati isko bhi (he doesn't understand things unless hit).... ' Jai laughed and Sid, Sash and Adi chuckled and Arjun smiled

'Good work boys... ' Adi said

'Thanks Chachu, but Dad and Mr. Singh helped us too...' Aayan said and they all look at Jai confusingly

'From where do you think they got that fake will...?' Jai raised his brows at them and they chuckled

'Will she forgive me Annie...?' Ved asked Ananya

She wiped his tears, and smiled
'I really don't know Bhai... But you must try... ' Ananya said

'I am going to Bangalore... ' He informed Naina..

'She is in Mumbai, genius... ' Vansh laughed

'Get changed atleast... ' Arjun said

'No Papa, I have to say sorry to her... ' Ved said and he smiled

'You don't have tickets... ' Aayan said

'Take my return ticket, the flight is at 11 pm... Go groom up yourself and leave...  Take my identity proofs, we get the advantage of being twins... ' Vansh winked at him

'I am more handsome of course... ' he said to Naina and she pulled his cheeks

Ved thanked him and was about to leave, when Vikrant stopped him, he came forward, blocking Ved's path holding Amayra, who gave Ved a toothy grin...

'You are not going near my sister... ' He gritted

'Vikrant... I have to... ' Ved began

'You rich innocent boy don't deserve my gold digger sister's forgiveness... ' Vikrant cut him off in between and Ved looked guiltily at him

'Bro please... ' Vansh tried to calm him down

'What if someone did the same thing with Annie Vansh, would you let him go near her...?' Vikrant asked angrily and Amayra got scared of him

Aayan - Ananya stared at each other and then looked away...

'Vikrant, let him go... ' Sid came in between

'But Dad... ' Vikrant argued

'Let Deepika decide what to do with him,  you don't come in between...  He is just asking for forgiveness... Everyone deserves a chance to apologize son... ' Sid said taking Amayra from his hands who starts playing with Sid's specs

Vikrant sighed and then glared at Ved
'Just forgiveness, nothing else.. ' Vikrant warned him and Ved nodded smiling

'Go bro, get her.... ' Vansh cheered and Vikrant - Sid glare at him

'Her forgiveness.... ' He completed gulping and Aayan chuckled

Ved nodded and ran inside the house

'Who is this baby, Vikrant...?' Naina asked and even Ananya looked at her

Aayan came forward and took Amayra from Sid, who excitedly jumped on him

'Aaya.... ' She called and Aayan kissed her cheeks

'Mom... I want you to meet someone.. ' Aayan smiled and Ananya looked at him confused

'Meet your Granddaughter, Mom she is Amayraa, my daughter... ' Aayan said to Naina and Ananya's hands and feet turned cold

'What...!' Naina exclaimed shocked and the Gents smiled at this

Ananya couldn't control her tears, she slowly without anyone noticing, sneaked out of the lawn setup and ran inside her bedroom crying...

This was her 'real' first heartbreak


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