Chapter 53

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8:30 pm..

Deepika unlocked the door of her house and walked inside..

Her homies were out of town so she was alone in the house...

On her way to home, she was thinking about Aayan's request...

Should I help him...?

It's true that Annie loved him very much since she was a teen, but now I think everything has changed...

Maybe I should talk to Annie or Vansh about this, I can't trust Aayan, I mean he is Aayan after all... The chameleon

But why do I feel he really likes her, and truly regrets his behavior...

If Annie still loves him, her fairytale will come true, but if he is lying, Annie's life will be destroyed...

I can't risk her life afterall...

I need to talk to someone...

Thinking all this she didn't realize that her house looked different...

Deepika felt someone's presence behind her and got scared, she looked around to find something to hit the intruder....

She spotted a broom and quickly ran towards it, but the person was quicker than her...

He grabbed her by the waist and pulled her closer to him, he back pressed against his hard chest, Deepika was about to yell, but the person put his hand over her mouth to muffle her screams

'Don't shout Deepika, or else your neighbors will think I am molesting you.... ' The person said and Deepika immediately recognized his voice and stopped struggling

The person left her and she turned around to face the intruder..

'Are you crazy Ved...! Is this the way to behave, you can't just walk in my house whenever you want.... ' Deepika scolded him

'You were not ready to see me... I had no other way....' Ved said

'Listen to me Ved, don't do all this please, you want my forgiveness right...? I forgive you, please go away now...' Deepika said her voice cracking

'Do you really want me to leave...?' Ved moved closer to her

'Yes... ' Deepika said walking towards her room but Ved caught her hand, and pulled her towards him and buried his face in the crook of her neck, pushing her to the wall, so she was trapped between him and the wall...

Deepika was startled by this, her bag fell from her hands, and her stomach doing somersaults as his lips touched her skin, and goosebumps all over het body

'Ved, what are you... ' She said breathing heavily

'Tell me to stop, if you don't like it...' Ved said kissing her neck and her breathing hitched

Deepika held his shirt tightly and he pushed himself more into her, sliding his hands around her waist, she moaned as he bit her neck

'Ved... Please... ' Deepika pleaded, clutching his shirt tightly

'Say that you want me to leave... Say you don't want to be with me...  Look into my eyes and say that you hate me... ' Ved said huskily and continued kissing her from neck to jawline...

Deepika bit her bottom lip to to contain the pleasure she was feeling right now...

'Do you hate me, Deepika...?' Ved asked

'No... ' Deepika breathed

Ved smiled at this and then brought his face close to her face and stared deep into her eyes

'I know you are angry on me, just tell me what should I do to get your forgiveness, just don't leave me like this... ' He said kissing her cheeks and she closed her eyes, and tears rolled down her cheeks

Ved wiped them from his thumbs and lifted her chin up

'I love you Deepika, I know I am the greatest idiot ever, but I really really love you... Please give me another chance... ' he kissed her eyes one by one

Deepika took a deep breath at this and opened her eyes to meet his chocolate brown orbs and was lost in the moment

Ved pressed his lips on hers and both of them closed their eyes and their hearts started beating twice the pace, Ved slowly moved his lips against her and she responded back after sometime

Both were lost in each others embrace, kissing each other, Deepika slid her hands on his neck and pulled him closer, and Ved too pulled her closer, and his hands started playing with her shirt buttons, he opened the top button of her shirt,not leaving her lips

Their moment was rudely interrupted by ringing of Ved's phone, which brought them back to their senses

Deepika gasped and pushed Ved away from her and Ved too cursed himself for losing the control over his senses

Both of them were breathing heavily and Deepika's face was flushed

Ved picked up the call without looking at the Id

'Hello... ' Ved said calming his breath

'Yes Papa... Yeah I had some work with Aayan so I came here, yeah I am driving towards his place only... ' Ved lied

'Okay I'll call you then... Yeah bye... ' Ved said and cut the call

Deepika turned the other side controlling her tears

'Please leave Ved... ' She cried

'Deepika I... I know I... ' Ved stammered

'Please don't say anything... ' Deepika said

'Deepika, don't do this to me...  From last 15 days I am trying to contact you, to apologize, you didn't respond to my calls, I was looking for one moment to find you alone, but Vikrant always had his eyes on me like a hawk... I agree I was a jerk, I accept that I hurt you very badly, but I want to apologize.... Why can't you give me another chance... ' Ved said frustrated

'Some wounds don't heal easily Ved... ' Deepika sobbed

'I will heal all the wounds Deepika, just let me apologize properly to you, don't walk away from me... ' Ved pleaded

'I am meeting a guy tomorrow Ved, Dad wants me to marry him... ' Deepika said

'That's why I am here... Leaving all my work... Everything behind.... Just to tell you, that don't leave me Deepika... Please don't marry that damn lawyer... You can't leave me hanging... You just can't awake emotions inside me and leave me like this.... I won't let you go... ' Ved said holding her by her shoulders

'Ved I... Please don't make it hard on me... ' Deepika looked down

'I am leaving right now, because you want it Deepika, but I will come back..  To get you, he can't take my girl away from me... ' Ved said and walked towards the door

He opened the gate and turned back..
'I hope you take the right decision, you are putting my life at stake too... ' he said and walked away...

Deepika broke down at this, she collapsed on the ground and began sobbing badly, cursing her fate...

Next day...

Ananya walked out of the bathroom, towel drying her wet hair, she was dressed in spiderman blue shorts and baby pink plain t shirt, her long hair damp, reaching her waist...

She put some water in the vessel to boil it, and turned on the gas...

Just then her doorbell rang and she walked towards the door, and unlocked it

There was a courier service guy, holding a bouquet of red roses in his hands

'Ms. Ananya Thapar...?' He asked

'Yes... That's me...' Ananya said

'These are for you Ma'am... ' He said handing her the bouquet

'Who are these from...?' She asked

'Sorry mam, we can't tell the name, we are specifically instructed not to do that... ' the mail man said and walked away

Ananya looked at the bouquet confused and then searched for a card inside it

She found a card with a handwritten note in it...

For Adam, he made Eve...
For Darcy, he made Elizabeth..
For Aditya, he made Geet..
For Naina, he made Bunny..
For Me, he made YOU...❤

Ananya cringed after reading the pickup lines

'Ewww.... Who is this...?' she said and kept the bouquet on the table

The door bell rang again, and she opened the door...

Another courier service guy was standing with a box of chocolates

'Ananya Thapar...?' He asked

'Yeah...?' Ananya said

'These are for you mam... ' he handed her the box

'Who sent this...?' Ananya asked him

'Sorry Ma'am it's confidential.... ' the person said and walked away

Ananya opened the card and read the message in it...

Are you Gillette, because you are the best a man can get...

Ananya started laughing at this, and then tossed the box on the sofa...

'That was the worst pick up line ever... ' She said

There was another knock on the door
And Ananya sighed and opened it again...

A man stood there with a giant pink teddy bear and  Ananya sighed in frustration..

'For Ananya Thapar..?' Ananya asked

'Yes Mam... ' The man smiled and handed her the teddy bear

'And I assume even you can't reveal, from whom they are... Right...?' Ananya raised her brows

'Sorry Ma'am but I really can't... ' The delivery man smiled nervously and ran away

'Who is this...?' Ananya muttered annoyed

She read the card attached on the teddy's ears

I really like your surname, but I would love to give you mine...

'Eww eww eww.... ' she threw away the teddy

Vansh walked out of his room, rubbing his eyes, and looked at the bouquet and chocolate and teddy

'Oo wow... Someone's birthday already started with a blast... ' He laughed

'I don't know who this person his, but his pick up lines are totally cringe worthy....' Ananya huffed

He read all the lines and started laughing

'That guy surely has a bad choice... ' Vansh said eyeing Ananya from top to bottom

Ananya hit him with the pillow and Vansh laughed

'Happy Birthday my little sissy.... ' he said hugging her

'Thank you Bhai... ' Ananya smiled

The door bell rang again and this time Vansh opened the door and Ananya ran inside the kitchen to turn off the gas

'To my princess, who tamed the beast inside me... I wish you a long and happy life...
Happy Birthday love....' Vansh read out the message in the big greeting card he was holding

Ananya immediately understood who sent all this...

She took out her phone and dialled his number...

'I was expecting your call... ' Aayan smiled from the other side

'What is all this...!' Ananya says irritated

'It's my girl's birthday, I wanted to make it special... Happy Birthday love' Aayan said sweetly

'Don't do all this drama alright, I won't get impressed by these stupid cheesy lines of yours... ' Ananya said annoyed

'What....! I googled them, they were the best ones I picked...! And yeah that Gillette one was my own creation...' he smiled proudly and she controlled her smile as Vansh was watching

'I am warning you, stop all this or else my brothers will beat you up... ' Ananya warned him and Vansh cracked his knuckles to encourage her to threaten him further

'They can't do anything to me, besides don't get angry on these gifts...  My special gift is yet to arrive... ' Aayan said

'I'll send it back... ' Ananya warned

'Ooo believe me... You can't...' Aayan laughed

'You know what, I don't want to spoil my birthday by arguing with you... ' Ananya huffed

'Love you too babe... Happy birthday once again...' Aayan sang

'Get lost... ' Ananya huffed and cut the call

'Who was it...?' Vansh asked

'Bhai throw all this outside... ' She said angrily

'Arrey... But why...? Who sent this... ' Vansh asked confused

'Someone highly stupid Bhai, just throw them away....' Ananya whined and Vansh was even more confused

The door bell rang again, and Ananya ran towards the door and angrily opened it

'We don't want any parcel or anything, courier them back to the sender....' She said annoyed without looking at the person

'Princess...?' Arjun asked confused and stiffened

She looked up and saw her father staring at her confused, and her mother beside him who was mirroring his expression...

'Maa Paa...!' Ananya hugged them together

'Happy Birthday my baby...' Naina hugged her tightly and Ananya excitedly hugged back

'Thank you Maa... ' She said and Naina kissed her forehead

'Happy Birthday Princess... ' Arjun hugged Ananya

'You too Paa... Happy Birthday to you too.... ' Ananya hugged him tightly and he chuckled 

'What did you get me this time...? A rock again...?' Arjun teased her and Ananya chuckled

'Nooo... We got you and Maa this...' Ananya excitedly opened the drawer and took out an envelope..

Arjun opened the envelope, and his eyes widened in shock

'A world tour tickets.... ' Naina exclaimed and Vansh - Ananya grinned

'Yes... This is from me, Ved bhai and Vansh Bhai... ' Ananya said excitedly

'Thank you my child...' Arjun hugged her tightly

'Happy Birthday Paa... ' Vansh wished him and Arjun left Ananya and hugged him tightly

Vansh was taken aback by this, but then he hugged him back and Naina smiled at this

Then she glanced at the presents for Ananya

'Oo wow, who sent these...?' Naina asked

'Annie's secret admirer... ' Vansh said leaving Arjun

'What...! Who...?' Arjun asked irritated

'No Paa, there is no secret admirer, these are not for me, we were about to return them... ' Ananya said

'But...' Vansh began but Naina gestured him to stop

'I wish Ved was here too... ' Naina said

'Yeah me too... ' Ananya said sadly

'Don't worry next year we will celebrate both your birthdays with an additional member with us.... You see like 5+1...' Vansh winked at Ananya

'Actually make it 5+2...' Arjun smiled

Vansh and Ananya look at him bewildered, and Naina sighed

'We have a marriage alliance for you Ananya... ' Arjun said and Ananya looked at him shocked

'What...! Who..?' Vansh asked grinning at Ananya

'Aayan... ' Naina said and both of them looked at their parents shocked and Ananya was speechless

This is your final gift...!


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