Chapter 54

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Vansh's house...

'Aayan...!  This must be a joke... ' Vansh said

'Why would I joke...?' Arjun asked

'You guys are seriously thinking to marry my sister off to Aayan...!' He exclaimed shocked

'What's wrong in that...!' Arjun countered

'Dad...!  It's Aayan ! Have you forgotten how he becomes when angry....! What if he does something to Annie...? How can you trust that man with your daughter..?' Vansh exclaimed losing his patience

'Aayan is a changed Man, Vansh ! I have seen it, even your mother feels the same... Don't you Naina...?' Arjun looks at his wife

'I really don't know what to say Arjun, I want Ananya to take the right decision... ' Naina sighed and everyone looked at Ananya now, who was awfully silent, she was looking down, thinking about something deeply

'Have you talked to Ved about this...?' Vansh asked

'We wanted to know Ananya's decision first...' Naina said 

'Papa, please rethink about your decision... Its the matter of my sister's life..' Vansh argued

'Don't talk as if Aayan is some monster Vansh, he is a decent boy, with a settled career and I've seen him since his childhood... I know he won't hurt Ananya... ' Naina said

'Princess, we don't want to pressurise you for anything, we well totally respect your decision... ' Arjun said

'Don't take any decision in haste Annie... ' Vansh warned her

'Ananya, listen to your heart beta, you will know what is right or wrong... ' Naina caressed her hair

'I... I Need sometime to think Maa... ' Ananya stammered

Arjun took out a letter from his coat and handed it to Ananya

'Your Bade Papa wanted me to give you this... He said this will help you to decide... ' he smiled

Ananya looked at the letter confused and then sighed

'I'll be in my room if anyone needs me...' She announced

'Yeah.. Take your time, I wanted to visit sid anyway.... ' Arjun said

'Will you ever show me your studio...?' Naina hits Vansh playfully

'Absolutely, come with me now... ' Vansh grinned

'Arjun will you come with us...?' Naina asked

Arjun looked at her and then at Vansh, who looked nervous...

'No, it's fine, just drop me at Sid's house...' Arjun replied and they nodded, and Vansh was disappointed...

'Go get ready, Mary let me help you with the breakfast...' Naina ordered Vansh and smiled at Mary

'I'll be in the hall, Princess, you go to your room, tell us if you want to hangout after sometime...' Arjun said, sitting on the couch and Ananya smiled at him and walked inside her room

She closed the door and sighed heavily, her heart was hammering inside her chest...

There was no way that she was going to agree for this marriage, Aayan maybe the guy she loved, but he is not the one she would see as a life partner, he won't be a good husband to anyone, also he may have changed, but she was certain that he was pretending to achieve something, he can't be so sweet to her unless he wants something...

She glanced at Jai's letter in her hands and sighed, sitting on her bed, she leaned against the headboard and opened it..

Dearest Princess,

Happy 25th birthday my child...

I clearly remember, the day you were born...

You brought happiness back in our lives, your birth was very auspicious for E market my child, we were burdened with huge debt, which was cleared the very next day of your birthday...

Your parents who were in grief, because of your older sisters death, were happy once again, you were Arjun's best birthday gift till now...

You are special for all of us princess, we love you more than anything in this world, and 2 years back you proved that, you were a gift for me as well...

I had no hopes for mending back my broken family, my son hated me, my wife left me, my daughter was busy in her own family, at this phase of my life, you were there with me, I am really grateful for that my child...

The way you pacified Aayan that day was remarkable princess, that very moment I was sure that only you can change my obstinate son...

I failed as a father and a husband, but I don't want my son to be like that, he doesn't value the feeling of love, for him everything is based on give and take... But I am sure that you can make him realize that the love is the most powerful thing, and you can change the stubborn man inside him... Afterall you are Naina's daughter, who tamed your father, the most confused man in this world !

On your birthday, Instead of giving I am asking a gift from you princess, please become a part of my family, and make that house a home, you gave me my son back, I beg you to give him his happiness back...

I always knew that you will be my daughter no matter whom you marry,  Today I may sound selfish, but I want you to become my daughter in law and help me mend my broken family back, give my Aayan his happiness back...

I always wanted, Arjun's daughter to marry my son, but I was not sure what you wanted, but after learning that you have feelings for Aayan, I was very happy and didn't waste a minute to ask for this marriage alliance...

I am not sure about Aayan's exact feelings for you, but I know he will never harm you, I can guarantee that, because I have faith in my and Your mother's upbringing, he has some feeling for you, I am sure of that...

I also that he is not changed, I know that even you know, that he is pretending...

He might be a very good father figure for Amayraa, but he is still the same obstinate, insecure and manipulative boy that he always was ! Don't ask me how do I know, I just know...!  I am his father afterall...

His unusual sweet behavior with you is bothering me as well, what is going on in that cunning boy's mind, I wish I could decode...

I know I am asking too much from you, but if you agree for this alliance, I promise you that I will always be on your side, no matter what...

I am not saying my son is a saint, he is still the beast, that he became because of me, but I am certain that only you can make him a happy human again, who values relationships and not see them as contracts...

You are my last hope to mend my broken family princess

But I understand that it's your life, I am not pressuring you princess, even if you say no to this alliance, I will always love you...

I know what you must be feeling right now, that this oldie dropped an emotional bomb on me, and now says do whatever you want...
Ananya chuckled at this...

But on a serious note, do whatever you feel like, I have no intentions to pressurise you in any way, afterall marriage is a huge decision in anyone's life, choose wisely....

Happy Birthday once again My child..

P. S. Don't think I didn't send a gift for you, it's in your father's bag, don't show it to Vansh or else he will whine.. 

Bade Papa...

Ananya closed the letter and collapsed on her bed....

Bade papa... You confused me even more....

A. V. Technologies HQs...

Aayan's POV

It's that brat's birthday today, and I wanted to gift her the biggest shock of her life...

I think the marriage bomb would've been dropped on her by now..! 

I so wish, I was there to see her reaction...

The current situation is totally win win for me and against her, I convinced her father, her best friend, my father, Ved will never criticize this decision, Vansh may become a problem, but big dad will take care of him

You are trapped from all the sides Ananya Thapar, who will save you from me...

Because of you, I was sent to the boarding school away, from my father and sister...

Because of you, my father didn't trust me, and sent me away again....

You were the reason, I went bankrupt 2 years back...! AYSA was split, no one was ready to invest with me, because they thought I am short tempered...

You destroyed me in every way Ananya Thapar !

Now it's my turn to return the favour !

I will isolate you from your family...

I will marry you and throw you in the corner of my house to rot in loneliness...

You love me right, I will make you suffer in my love....

I will destroy our married life, and shatter all your dreams after marriage..

This will be living hell for you...

Just wait and watch Ananya Thapar, soon to be Varma...

You love attention right ! Your own husband will ignore you, you will beg for my love and attention, but you won't get it

I don't need to hurt you physically to take revenge, my indifference will be enough to make you suffer...

I just want to wipe off that smile from your pathetically beautiful face, yes you are desired by many ! But you will be my possession...

Can't wait to marry you, sweetheart..!

My thoughts were broken by a knock on my door...

'Come in... '

Alex, the design head walked in

'Are the rumors true...?' He raised his brows

'What rumors...?'

'That you are getting married... ' He said and I couldn't control my smile

Hell yes..!! I am so excited...

My smile was his answer and he excitedly hugged me

'Oh man ! I am so happy....' he said

'Woah woah... Did you forget, I am your boss... ' I glare at him

'Ooo... Shut up you... Who cares, that you are the boss... I am glad that you found someone...' He said happily

'Who is the lucky girl...?' He asked

'Some childhood friend....' I replied 

'Uh huh...?  Engineer like you ?' he asked

'Nope, she is a lawyer...'

'Ooo... So she is Deepika Mehra's sister... ' he said

'No, she is Ved Thapar's sister... ' I replied

He looked at me shocked, his mouth hanging open...

'You are marrying Arjun Thapar's daughter....! Ananya Thapar.. ' He exclaimed

'You know her...?' I raised my brows

'Who doesn't, she is the daughter of one of the richest businessman in the country...' He said

'Hey, even I am the son of his business partner....' I replied

'Yeah that too... But man ! Your wife to be is hot...' he said

I glared at him
How dare he...!

'Alex...!' I began

'I know, I know... I am sorry... ' He raised his hands in defense...

Damage is done...

'When is your deadline for the app layout...?' I raised my brow

'Next friday... ' He replied looking at me suspiciously

'Give me the layout by tomorrow morning....' I said authoritatively

'What ! That's impossible...' He exclaimed shocked

'Do it or Pack your things and leave....' I said

He raised his brows and then sighed

'Possessive brat... ' he said and walked out of my cabin

She is mine...
No one can claim her or even look at her...

My phone rang and I saw my father's ID..

Time for good news...

I smiled and answered the call...

'Yes Papa... ' I grinned

'Aayan son, I have a bad news... ' he said

That was unexpected...

'What happened Papa...?'

'Ananya said no for the marriage.... ' He said gloomily


Hey guys...
Hope you liked the update...
I wanted to inform that I will update next part on monday now, because I have an exam on Sunday...

Also thanks a ton guys !!
IWAY has crossed 2 Million reads...!! And is approaching, 100k votes as well....
This is huge guys...
And all because of you only...

I wish IWNBY also reaches that landmark one day...
Thanks once again...


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