Chapter 58

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City hospital...


'Did you find any donors Bhai...?' Ananya asked Vansh

'None...' Vansh sighed

'What do we do now...?' Ananya asked her voice cracking

'Bade Papa will reach here in 4 hours, I hope Aayan could make it till then... ' Vansh said taking a deep breath..

'Ofcourse he will... He has to... ' Ananya whispered the last part, but Vansh heard it

'You still aren't over him, right...?' Vansh asked

Ananya's eyes filled with tears and she hugged Vansh tightly, tip toeing to reach his height and started crying

Vansh sighed and hugged her back...

'So now I have a reason to dislike Aayan... He became my baby sister's weakness... ' Vansh caressed her hair and she hugged him more tightly

'I am sorry Bhai, but I couldn't help it... ' She cried

'Well today I understood why they say, we can't choose who do we fall in love with... ' Vansh frowned and Ananya didn't say anything

'I can see he is changed a bit, so yeah whatever....' Vansh said caressing her hair, and Ananya continued sobbing

'Don't worry Annie... He will be fine... God can't be unfair to Bade Papa.... ' Vansh consoled Ananya

'From where will we get the donor... ' Ananya asked not leaving Vansh

'I really don't know... ' Vansh said worriedly

The ward boy rushed inside the ICU and said something to doctor who came out to talk to them, Vansh left Ananya and walked towards him..

'Is everything okay Doctor...?' Vansh asked and Ananya looked at the doctor hopefully

'We just received an anonymous donation of A negative blood for Aayan Varma...' Doctor said smiling and Ananya held Vansh's hand for support...

She suddenly felt lively again, this was blossom in her blue life, else she was preparing herself to live in depression once Aayan dies...
It was like someone gave an elixir of life to her dying heart, her soul was full of life again...

'Bhai... ' She cried with happy tears brimming in her eyes

'I know... ' Vansh patted her cheeks
'He will be fine... ' he said holding her hands

'We'll examine the blood and then administer to Mr. Varma, after that ge will be out of danger, because his pulse rate was dropping few minutes back.. ' Doctor said

'Please save him doctor... ' Ananya said and Vansh looked at her sadly

This girl is doomed.. He thought

'Don't worry Mrs. Varma, he will be fine... ' Doctor smiled at her and Vansh stiffened, wheras Ananya didn't say anything, she tried to pacify her heartbeat

'She is not Mrs. Varma...' Vansh stated
'Yet... ' he completed his sentence looking at Ananya

The doctor muttered a sorry and walked inside the ICU

Ananya and Vansh sat on the bench outside the  ward, when they saw Sameer walking towards them in panic

'Are you guys okay...?' Sameer asked Vansh

'Why are you here...! Is everything alright...?' he asked further

'Aayan met with an accident, he is in ICU.. ' Vansh said as Sameer took a seat beside Ananya

'Oh My God... Is he okay...!' Sameer asked worried and Vansh narrowed his eyes at him

'Yes.. But how did you know we are here...?' Ananya asked

'I called you genius, but you didn't pick up, then I called Mary, she said you guys are here, so I came to see whether everything is fine...?' Sameer said

'Ookaayyy... ' Vansh said stressing the word, but Sameer looked away

He held Ananya's hands

'He will be fine... ' He smiled and Ananya sighed and held his right arm, resting her head on his shoulders

Sameer winced at this, but composed his expression, which was noticed by Vansh

They sat there for some time in complete silence, none of them spoke anything, Sameer was occasionally glancing at the staff who were running in and out of the ICU, whereas Vansh was lost deep in thought 

Ananya saw the small idol of Lord Ganesha at the far end, she leaves Sameer's hands and walked towards the idol

Sameer and Vansh looked at her sympathetically as she prayed in front of the idol...

They knew what was in her heart and what can it lead to...
But sadly they were too late to stop that...

'I'll inform Bade Papa, that he got a donor, he'll come here in serenity then...' Vansh said looking at Sameer and he got uncomfortable

'I think I must leave, Mr. Varma and Aayan won't like seeing me here...' Sameer said politely as Ananya walked towards them

'Bade Papa doesn't dislike you...' Ananya said

'But Aayan does... That poor fellow's BP must not rise seeing me, he already lost a lot of blood... ' Sameer chuckled and Ananya smiled weakly at him 

'Come I'll drop you off at your car Sameer...' Vansh said and Sameer nodded

Sameer gave Ananya a side hug and walked away with Vansh

Doctor walked out of the room and looked at Ananya

'He is stable now, but still unconscious you can see him, but he won't be awake for 4-5 hours..' he said

'Thank you doctor... ' Ananya smiled and walked inside the ICU

Aayan was sleeping, his head was bandaged, and IVs were attached to his arms, luckily he didn't break any of his bones, but there were bruises on his knuckles, arms and shoulders

The nurse gave her a warm smile and walked outside

Ananya took baby steps towards Aayan, who was unconscious

Tears rolling down her eyes, as she saw him in this state...
Her heart clenched imagining the pain he went through...

Ananya was empathetic to very few people, and never in her dreams she thought that Aayan would become one of them

Yes ! Arjun's princess had fallen in love with Jai's pride

Their bitter - sweet relationship was going to take a turn into something unimaginable..

Ananya unaware of Aayan's intentions was falling for him everyday, and Aayan not knowing his own feelings was going to do a huge blunder

This was going to test the strength of their fathers friendship

She sat on the stool near his bed and held his free hand, which was warm

'You scared me Aayan... ' She whispered to his sleeping figure

'You have no idea how terrified I was, even with the thought of losing you... ' she sobbed

'I know you don't like me, you think whatever I did was to hurt you, or see you in pain... But that's not true Aayan, how can I hurt my own soul by hurting you...?' She cried holding his hands

'Sameer is right, I must clear the misunderstandings so that you get peace from the hatred you've been holding up inside you...' She caressed his hair

'I am tired of running away from you Aayan, I am tired of constantly reminding myself that I will never be yours, I don't know what fate wants from me...  But one thing I know for sure that, I can't hate you anymore.. ' She wiped the tears rolling down her eyes

She took a deep breath and held Aayan's hands tightly

'I love you Aayan, I don't know if we are meant to be together, but in my heart, you will always be there... ' She said and kissed his forehead

'Just wake up soon... ' She rested her head on their intertwined fingers, closing her eyes, as her head felt heavy because of crying and then sleep took over her

Outside the hospital

'So you need some fruit juice or something...?' Vansh asked Sameer

Sameer looked at him bewildered

'What are you talking about...' Sameer asked

'I am director okay, I very well understand who is acting and who is not, and you are a very bad actor....' Vansh smirked

'I still don't understand what are you saying bro...' Sameer said and held the handle of his car

Vansh held his hand which was resting on the handle and rolled up the sleeves of his full sleeve T shirt...

It revealed a white patch on his right arm

'So you casually decide to donate blood today.... Nice... ' Vansh said Sameer looked scared

'You can't let anyone know this, especially Aayan.... ' Sameer requested Vansh

'You practically gave him a second life, he owes you everything, why do you want to stay anonymous....?' Vansh asked

'He hates us Vansh, if he comes to know that it's my blood running in his veins, he may do anything to himself, you know how crazy he can become when angry... ' Sameer said and Vansh sighed

'How can you be so selfless, even after being Mr. Singhal's son...?' Vansh asked surprised

'I am my mother's son too, also I can't let Priyanka mom lose her son, I owe her my childhood, she has raised me with love and affection... ' Sameer smiled

'Priyanka Aunty and Bade Papa are indebted to you now... ' Vansh smiled

'I saved my brother's life Vansh, I could've done this for anyone in need... I remember once, Priyanka Mom saying, That me and Aayan have same blood group... When I heard Ananya on phone saying that you guys need A +ve, I couldn't control myself....' Sameer said

Vansh hugged Sameer tightly and Sameer chuckled and hugged back

'I have a new respect for you Sameer, I always liked you but now I respect you bro... ' Vansh muttered

'I was also saving my best friend future husband....' Sameer joked leaving Vansh and he chuckled

'You know about them...?' Vansh asked

'Your sister can't hide anything from me... I can tell from her face what she is thinking....' Sameer smiled

'I wish she had chosen you instead of Aayan... ' Vansh said sadly

'They are made for each other Vansh, they'll be very happy with each other... ' Sameer smiled

'Let's hope that...' Vansh said

'I'll leave now, you must go and see Ananya, she looked tired... ' Sameer said

'Yeah see you bro... ' Vansh said and Sameer got in the drivers seat

Vansh waved him good bye, simultaneously dialling Jai's number

Sameer drove outside the hospital

I wish Annie had chosen you rather than Aayan
Vansh's voice rang in his ears

'I wished that too Vansh... ' Sameer muttered, taking a deep breath to control his tears

2 hours later...

Ananya felt Aayan squirming in his sleep and she wakes up with a jerk to see what's wrong with him

He was still unconscious, but he was mumbling something..

She panicked and rushed out of the room, seeing a nurse she held her hands

'Nurse... Nurse... Please see what's wrong with him...?' Ananya breathes

Nurse quickly walks inside and checks Aayan's pulses

'He is still unconscious Ma'am... ' Nurse assured her

'But he was saying something....' Ananya said

'He is not in his right conscious Ma'am, and him saying something is a good sign that slowly he is waking up... Don't worry, he'll be up in 1 or 2 hours.... ' Nurse smiled and Ananya said thank you to her

Ananya sighed sat on the sofa, and Aayan was sleeping peacefully

After sometimes he started mumbling something and Ananya quickly walked towards him

'Aayan...?' Ananya held his hands

'Ananya....' he mumbled in a very low voice and Ananya got alarmed hearing her name

'Don't go... Ananya..... ' Aayan mumbled his eyes still closed, but his forehead was creased

'I am here Aayan... ' She said softly

'You.....are....mine, Sameer can't take you. ... Ananya.... ' Aayan muttered

'Sameer can't take you...  ' Aayan continued mumbling

Ananya's heart fluttered at this, and tears brimmed in her eyes

He is unconscious, still he is worried about losing me....

He was not faking it... He truly loves me...

Ananya kissed his forehead and whispered on his ears

'I am not going anywhere, Aayan... I am yours, no can take me away from you... ' she said, but Aayan couldn't hear her, he continued mumbling and sometimes later his mumbling stopped

Jai and Arjun rushed inside the ICU, followed by Naina and Vansh

'Oh my God... My boy.. ' Jai cried

'He is fine Bade Papa... He is out of danger....' Ananya assured him

'But Vansh said they need A -ve, I am here, take my blood, save my son's life... ' Jai said tears rolling down his eyes

'An Anonymous donor donated blood to him Bade Papa... Aayan is safe now... Relax... ' Vansh said

'That person is god for me, he saved my only son's life... Will the authorities tell us who is that person son...?' Jai asked Vansh

'I am afraid, they can't Bade Papa... I tried to find out... ' Vansh lied

'Relax Jai... Our Aayan is fine now... ' Arjun assured him

Naina walked towards Aayan and caressed his hair

'Wake up soon beta, we'll take you back home... ' Naina kissed his forehead and others smiled

Ananya looked at the elders and took a deep breath

'I want to say something to you all...' She said and Vansh's eyes darted towards her

'Annie, don't be stupid.... ' He warned

'I am not Bhai... I was being stupid and selfish before, but not now... ' Ananya said

Vansh closed his eyes in frustration and massaged his temples and Arjun looked at his son bewildered

'I have decided that, I will marry Aayan...' Ananya said and Vansh took a deep breath

'You got to be kidding me... ' Vansh muttered angrily

'Are you serious princess...?' Jai exclaimed wiping his tears

'Yes.. I thought a lot about it...And I am saying Yes to this marriage... ' Ananya smiled

'That's great baby.... ' Naina hugged her happily

Arjun couldn't understand what was going on, he looked at his son who was annoyed at this decision and his daughter who was happy.. 

After thinking for a while, his expression changed from confused to Angry

'No you won't... ' He said to Ananya and everyone looked at him shocked


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