Chapter 59

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'Arjun, what do you mean... ?' Naina asks

'Yeah, few weeks ago you were ready for this marriage... Now you are denying...! What's happening...?' Jai asked

'Paa, did I say something wrong...?' Ananya asked bewildered & Vansh smiled at his father

'Can I talk to you outside... ' Arjun said to Naina and walked out

Naina looked at Jai and then at Vansh, confused and walked out

Arjun was pacing to and fro in the hallway, when Naina walked towards him..

'Arjun what are you thinking...?' Naina holds his palms and Arjun sighs

'We shouldn't have forced Ananya for this marriage, Naina... ' Arjun said

'Forced her...? But we didn't say anything to her.... ' Naina said bewildered

'Then why did she agree for this marriage all of a sudden, after saying no for it before...!' Arjun exclaimed

'You think I forced her...?' Naina asked

'No...!  But I am confused because of her sudden change of mind... ' Arjun said

'It's her choice Arjun, none of us said anything to her, when she declined the proposal...' Naina said

'Why do I feel it's like, what happened during our marriage...! You were forced to marry me... You didn't agree by yourself.. You were blackmailed...' Arjun looked away

Naina made him look at her

'I don't regret marrying you Arjun, and I will say this 1000 times everyday if you want me to, yes at that point I didn't want to marry you, but I could never thank Maa enough for forcing me... ' Naina said holding Arjun's hands tightly

'But Ananya... ' Arjun tried to argue

'Ananya agreed for this marriage, by herself no one is forced her, she is not doing this under any pressure Arjun, she likes Aayan... ' Naina assured him

Arjun didn't say anything, he just took a deep breath

'Ananya is a grown up, she understands what is right and wrong... Don't worry... ' Naina said stressing every word

'I don't feel good about this Naina... I don't know why, but I feel Aayan is not good for Ananya... ' Arjun said in a low voice

'You are being an overprotective father right now, in this way any boy is not good for Ananya... Relax.... He is Jai's son, your best friend's son, what else you need... ' Naina said

'Why do we need to marry her off to anyone Naina, I'll take care of her na... ' Arjun whined and Naina chuckled

'Don't be stupid, Ananya is not going far away, she is going to live across the street once Aayan shifts to Delhi... You are over thinking... ' Naina smiled at him

'Are you sure....?' Arjun asked nervously

'Arjun, don't worry... Ananya will be fine... '  Naina assured him

Arjun nodded, but deep down he was not convinced that he is doing the right thing

'Maa... Aayan is awake now.... ' Vansh called

'Come Arjun.... ' Naina said and walked inside the ward

Arjun who was unsure about this alliance, nervously walked behind Naina to the room

2 weeks later...
Vansh's house
4 pm...

Aayan was feeling better now, he was resting in Vansh's house and Naina, Ananya, Jai and others were taking care of him

Amayraa was also called from Bangalore, so that she doesn't miss Aayan...

Ananya and Amayraa were bonding well, after all they were going to be mother and daughter soon

Aayan was happy seeing Amayraa bonding happily with Ananya, however he was also elated that his plan was working

Arjun and Vansh however were still not comfortable with this alliance, but Naina and Jai tried their best to assure them that everything will be fine

They didn't say anything, but one can see resentment in their behavior, because they were not sportingly participating in wedding plans

Ved was back to Delhi, to look after the work he was missing, whereas Deepika was planning to move back to Delhi as well, back to her parents...

Ananya and Aayan's wedding preparations were started, they were planning to get them married soon, before either of them change their decision, knowing that how moody both of them are, Naina - Jai decided not to waste time...

'Naina, Panditji will be here to fix the engagement date at 5 or 6...?' Jai asked

Arjun who was helping Amayraa to learn how to identify shapes and colors, frowned at this..

'He'll come at 6:30 Jai... Do you have Aayan's horoscope with you...?' Naina asked

Jai frowned
'Priyanka has it, not me... ' he said

'Okay no problem... Vansh, please request Sameer to ask about Aayan's horoscope from Priyanka Aunty and send it to me... ' Naina ordered Vansh who walked inside the house, dressed in his office clothes

'Why so...?' Vansh asked removing his shoes

'Arrey we need to show them to Panditji naa... How will he fix the wedding dates without it...?' Naina said

Vansh frowned at this and looked at his father who was mirroring his expressions

He opened his mouth to say something but then, decided to keep quiet, because if his father is not able to stop the wedding, how can he do that....

'Okay... ' He muttered and caressed Amayraa's cheeks

'Naanu Angle....?' Amayraa asked Arjun showing him a square block

Arjun chuckled
'No baby, it's not a triangle, it's a square... ' He said pulling her cheeks lovingly

'Ware...?' Amayraa asked putting her fingers inside her mouth

'Bad habit baby... ' Vansh removed her fingers from her mouth and she pouts...

Just then Aayan walked out of guest room, wearing formal clothes

'Are you going somewhere...?' Jai asked

'Yeah, I was bored in the house, so I thought to go out and explore the city....' Aayan said rolling up his sleeves

'You look more like going on a date, rather than exploring around... ' Vansh said sarcastically and Naina frowned

'No... I don't have casuals with me here, so I wore this...' Aayan smiled

'Aayan go, pick Ananya from her office and then both of you can hangout together... ' Naina said and Arjun - Vansh stiffened

'Maa, I came early to pick Annie from office... I'll go.... ' Vansh intervened

'Vansh, let them bond beta, how will they live together if they don't know each other well...' Naina said and Arjun sighed

'Take my car bro... ' Vansh tossed his car keys to Aayan, though he was not pleased with this

'Thanks... ' Aayan smiled

'Aaya... Me....' Amayraa said raising her hands up gesturing Aayan to pick her up

'Yeah, take Amayraa along with you too, she will also enjoy the outing... ' Arjun said

'Come Amayraa, I'll take you to the park... ' Jai picked her up and Arjun sighed

As Aayan and Jai left the house, Naina glared at Arjun and Vansh and they looked at her scared...

'I see what you both are trying to do here, don't act paranoid okay, they are Jai and Aayan for God's sake...! Stop doubting them...' she scolds them and they sigh and nod like kids

Ananya's office...

Aayan was waiting for Ananya to come out of the building, he was leaning against Vansh's SUV, playing with his phone

The girls coming out of the building were checking him out, and why not ? he was the actual Tall, Fair and Handsome guy every girl desires...

He was wearing light pink shirt, perfectly fitting his tall and muscular frame, paired with black trousers, his hair perfectly combed and neatly gelled, he had his glares on and one can easily spot the expensive watch he was wearing...

The girls moving in group, giggled looking at him and he smiled at them, making them giggle more...

As they passed, Aayan frowned
'Stupid girls... ' He muttered typing something on his phone

Ananya came out with her colleague Raj, and they were laughing about something, and Ananya hit him playfully...

Her laugh caught Aayan's attention and he looked at the duo laughing and joking around and clenched his jaw

Raj held Ananya's arm to show her something on his phone, and Aayan took a sharp breath at this...

How dare he...!

Ananya saw the thing on his phone and started laughing again, and Aayan's rage was escalating at this, he wasn't able to comprehend whether it's Ananya's laugh that is irritating him or the fact that she is happy with a guy other than him

Ananya saw Aayan and waved at him smiling but Aayan didn't reciprocate..

Ananya couldn't see where he was looking because of his glares, and thought that maybe he couldn't see her, but he was glaring straight at her...

He controlled his urge to hit the guy, and pretended to finally spot her and smiled sweetly at her waving...

She smiled back, and Aayan walked towards her in long strides and engulfed her in a tight hug, kissing her forehead, to show Raj that she was out of his bounds, more like marking his territory...

Ananya was shocked by his behavior, hence she didn't hug him back..

'Hey Ananya, I missed you... ' he said pinching her nose playfully

'Aayan... Are you...?' Ananya began, but Aayan cut her off in between

'Come I'll take you out today... ' he said sliding his hands around her waist

'I'll see you tomorrow Annie... ' Raj smiled

'Raj, meet Aayan... He is....' Ananya was about to say

'Her fiance...' Aayan shook his hands and Raj looked at her shocked

'You didn't tell you got engaged... Dude ! Where is the treat...!' Raj hit her playfully and Aayan clenched his fist

'We will be engaged soon Raj, then we'll go for a treat, together... ' Aayan smiled and Ananya was too shocked to react...

'Alright nice to meet you Aayan, I'll leave now Annie, you guys have fun...'  Raj smiled and walked away

'Are you okay..?' Ananya asked Aayan shocked

'Yeah, what will happen to me...?' Aayan asked playing with her hairs

'Why are you here to pick me ? Where is Vansh Bhai...?' Ananya asked

'Husband practice.. ' Aayan grinned and kissed her cheeks
Ananya blushed crimson at this

'What's up with you, I didn't know you have this side as well... ' Ananaya said

'There are a lot of things you are about to see, soon to be Mrs. Varma, brace yourself for the biggest shocks in your life ahead... ' Aayan grinned and Ananya looked at him suspiciously

He dragged her to the car, and opened the door for her

'Hmmm... Impressive... ' Ananya said getting inside the car

Aayan quickly got into the drivers seat and they drove out of her office

'Where are we going...?' Ananya asked

'You are giving me your city's tour today...' Aayan grinned

'Really... Who said...?' Ananya raised her brows

'Your mother... Sorry, Our Mother said....' Aayan smirked and Ananya smiled

'Okay... ' She said

'So where to..?' Aayan asked

Ananya opened her mouth, but Aayan cut her off in between..

'Please not the Queen's necklace right now, it must be very crowded... ' He whined, and that was the exact place what Ananya was going to suggest but then she didn't say anything

'Okay... So are you hungry...?' Ananya asked him

'Yeah... I am so ravenous right now, that can eat a whole freaking building...' Aayan whined and Ananya started laughing

'Then I know, where to take you... Take right from the next circle... ' Ananya instructed and Aayan followed

Vansh's house..

Vansh forwarded Aayan's horoscope to Naina, who showed it to the priest along with Ananya's horoscope

Arjun, Vansh, Jai, Naina were seated along with the priest in the living room, where he was reading their charts to give a suitable date for their marriage

Arjun was nervously tapping his feet, and Naina warned him not to, he looked at Vansh, who was equally worried

'Why are you against this...?' Arjun whispered to Vansh

'I am not getting good vibes from Aayan, since he proposed this marriage... You...??' Vansh asked Arjun in a very low voice

'I don't think Ananya is ready for marriage...' Arjun said and Vansh nodded

'What's with the gossiping, Junior and Senior Thapar...?' Jai asked

'Just random stuff... ' Arjun and Vansh said together and Naina rolled her eyes

'This marriage will bring Prosperity and Happiness for Aayan, his stars will change after marriage...' The priest said and Jai, Naina's face lit with happiness

'This is so great... ' Jai exclaimed

'What about Ananya...?' Arjun asked

Priest frowned looking at Ananya's chart

'Of course she will be happy too, if her husband is happy... What nonsense is this, can you please tell us the dates... ' Vansh said irritated

'Vansh....' Naina Arjun scold him

'Come on Maa, these are not true, it's 21st century for god's sake... You can't believe in these birth charts n all... ' He said matter o factly

'One should have faith in at least something Vansh Baba, that keeps you going...' Priest smiled

'One should keep faith on themselves, rather than a piece of paper Panditji...' Vansh said and Arjun smiled

'He is reincarnation of your father Arjun, even he didn't believe in all these....' Jai whispered to Arjun and he nodded approvingly

'Okay okay, let's find out dates...' The priest chuckled

'28th of this month would be good for engagement and after a month the wedding... ' He priest said

'What...! So soon...!' Arjun and Vansh exclaimed together

'Shut up both of you....' Naina scolds them and they frown

'Thank you Panditji... ' Jai thanked him

'Let's inform everyone in the house... ' Naina said excitedly

Arjun and Vansh helplessly look at each other

Khaugalli, Mumbai

Ananya and Aayan tried most of the famous street foods of the town and were laughing and joking with each other

Ananya was happy to see this side of Aayan, whereas Aayan was enjoying her company, he never thought that hanging out with the girl he despised the most, could turn out to be so much fun

They were at a random ice cream corner, enjoying their Ice-creams

'It's nice to sometimes explore the flavors outside the fancy restaurants... ' Aayan said

'Yeah, one thing I learned here is to find happiness in small things... ' Ananya smiled

'You are changed, from a brat to someone else, and I like it... ' Aayan said

I hope I could say the same for you too Ananya thought

'Parenthood changed you too... ' Ananya smiled

'You like the change...?' Aayan asked

'I am still debating on that... ' Ananya said and Aayan laughed

'Take all your time sweetheart, I am all yours for lifetime... ' Aayan said and Ananya's heart fluttered

'Thank you for giving me another chance... ' Aayan said

'I hope I won't regret this....' Ananya said in a low voice

'Ohh you will definitely regret it... ' Aayan said and Ananya looked at him shocked

'I mean, you will regret why didn't you give me the chance before... ' Aayan smiled and Ananya frowned and they continued to eat their ice-creams...

Aayan, after sometime gestured Ananya, that something is smeared at the corner if her bottom lip, by pointing at his own lips

Ananya looked at him confused and asked what's wrong

'There is ice cream near your bottom lip... ' Aayan said

Ananya wiped the area, but the stain was still there..

Aayan sighed and then asked her

'May I...?'

'Okay... ' She replied

He slowly caressed his finger on her bottom lip to remove the stain and both their hearts started beating very fast...

Ananya felt electricity running her spine, while Aayan resisted himself from doing anything stupid..

He quickly wiped the stain and moved few steps back, away from Ananya, pretending to recieve a call...

I can't think of something like this for her... He repeated in his mind, closing his eyes tightly

Ananya said a thanks to him and then turned around to take a deep breath to calm herself

I should not think something like this for him... Not at least before I clear everything... She thought

'Let's go...?' Aayan asked

'Yeah... ' Ananya said

They drove towards the house in silence...

One was fighting himself, not to fall in love, and other was waiting for the right time to fall in love.. 

They had no idea, however calculative they were trying to be in this relationship, they can't fight their destiny..

They will fall in love, but one of them was going to lose their everything...


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