Chapter 6

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Aayan's POV

I park my car in the basement and walk towards the elevator

That silly, crybaby Ananya is still the same !

Irritating like before, or more I guess...

I don't know how Ved and Vansh tolerate her, If I had an annoying sister like her, I would've abandoned her in some deserted island for sure...

Big dad has spoiled her a lot !

But her voice was good, I bet she must be beautiful....

Wait what ?

Did I just think that ?

You've gone crazy Aayan...

The elevator halts at the 9th floor,where me and my staff of 20 people work, I step out out of it, leaving that stupid thought behind...

I enter my cabin and my assistant Lalit enters...
'Good morning Aayan... '

'Good morning Lalit, are we ready for today's proposal...?' I ask him

'Yeah, the presentation is ready Karan and Rakesh are practicing mock in the room, Sam didn't arrive yet.... *rolls his eyes* Our software is working fine, still it will be desirable that you check it... While the other miscellaneous arrangements are being taken care of... ' he informed

'Okay, Call Sam ! Ask him to be on time today atleast, and let's go to the conference room ... ' I say keeping my bag on the desk

I swear I will teach that useless piece of shit, a lesson one day...

'Aayan.. Mr. Ahuja's daughter called..' he said hesitantly


'Ritika Ahuja, the girl you met last month...' he said

I go out with lots of women, why would I remember her...

'And why should I be concerned about her...?' I raised my brow

'Because.... Uh.... She claims to be... To be... your girlfriend...' he stammers

What a pain...

'Listen Lalit, very carefully, not every women I go out with, is my girlfriend.. So from next time, don't waste my time by filling me with unnecessary details...' I say coldly

He gulped and nodded
'But her father invested in our company... '

'How much did he invest...?'

'7 millions... ' he said looking at the file

'And how many times did I go out with that girl...?' I asked

Man this is so boring, why am I even discussing this...

'Uh.. 2 times.... ' he replied


'7 million, 2 dates... That's more than enough... Block her number... ' I say and walk past him

'Whhhaatttt...?? But Aayan... ' he said

'We have more important things to deal with Lalit, come.... '

He followed me silently after this..

After double checking the newly developed software by us, we practiced for a mock presentation, and I also interacted with Ved over a conference call...

I include him in everything small and minute decisions of my company, and he always gives wise suggestions that give us benefits in long run..

This investment is very important for me, after this I can get out of this stupid partnership and establish my own firm...

I never wanted to work in E market, I cannot survive with my father for 8 hours straight...

I just can't forget what he said...

My reverie was broken by my annoying partner Sam

Finally he arrived...

'Aayan bro ! Excited for presentation?' he said in his irritating voice

I roll my eyes internally

'Yeah ! I am sure they will like it... ' I reply controlling my anger

'Of course, afterall we worked really hard for this... ' He grins

We ? You just returned from a  vacation...

'We...? ' Lalit raised his brows and I smirk at him

'Your secretary blabbers a lot...' Sam dismisses him and Lalit glares at him

'Bear him for last time Sam, because this is the last deal we are handling together...' I declare

Sam's face turned pale...

'Aayan ! What are you saying bro...?' he said

I was about to reply, but we were interrupted by our client who entered inside the room

'Good morning gentlemen, I apologize for rudely interrupting your conversation like this, but we were in a hurry....' A man in his 50s said

We rise from our seats to greet him, Sam looked pissed off now...


'I am Dilip Mehta, from Beat global solutions.... ' he puts his hands forward

'I am Samar Sahni Sir, co founder of this AYSA solutions, thank you for taking out your precious time for us sir... ' Sam states proudly


The man turns to me and gazes intently...

'Hello, I am Aayan... '

'Varma ? Jai Varma's son...?' he completes my sentence

My grip on his hands tighten, and I control my anger, by keeping an even face...

Why do I look like him...

'Yes sir... '

'Wow, I am not surprised, that even you didn't join E market like Arjun's younger son... ' he states

'You know Jai uncle ?' Sam asks

Uncle ? Really ?

'Yeah, We were classmates in college...' he smiled

I didn't reply, just smiled at him

'Well, you are just like your father young man, *No I am not*  even he refused to join his father's company after graduation... And see where he is now... ' he said

I've heard this like 1000 times...

'I see the same potential in you too, young Man...' he continued

'Thank you, Sir... ' Was all I could reply

Damn ! Why he had to be Dad's friend

'Well..  In that case, this presentation is just a formality for me, you are my buddy's son ! I have complete faith in you....' he said patting my shoulder

That was quick.. 

But I don't want to get this just because I am Jai Varma's son... Or his mistake I must say...

I must get this on my own capability...
Or else I don't want it...

'That's great sir...! So we consider this deal to be finalized...?' Sam rises up from his seat..

I motion Sam to stop...

'I appreciate your offer sir, but I will insist you to go through our proposal and then decide on it's merit, and not on other factors... ' I say in my professional tone

'Aayan... ' Sam begins

'As expected from Jai's son... ' Mr. Mehta smiled

Why he has to bring him in everything..

I smile and motion Lalit to begin, he presses the red button from my chair and the glass screen comes out of the table and a computer voice greets us

Welcome to AYSA solutions...

Mr. Mehta and the staff gaze at it in awe and take their seats without saying anything...

My staff was just giving the commands and the entire proposal was presented on the glass screen by the computer itself...

Yes ! That's what we developed, a voice modulated personal assistant, who manages millions of data in seconds...! 

I was continuously monitoring it's software, so that it doesn't undergo malfunctioning and thankfully it didn't...

After the presentation was done, everyone rose from their seats and clapped for us..

'I am impressed young man, this was one of kind proposal I've ever seen...!' Mr. Mehta said

'Thank you Sir... ' I smiled

'You got this deal son...!  We would love to invest here...' he announced

Sam frowned, while me and Lalit were overwhelmed,  but didn't show this in front of him...

'Thank you so much Sir... ' I shake his hands

After the presentation...

'How is Jai...?' Mr. Mehta asked

Uh.... I don't know...

'How will he know sir...!' Sam says sarcastically...

I glare at him...

'What do you mean...?' Mr. Mehta asked

'He means, Aayan didn't visit his father last month sir, he was busy with this proposal, that's why he has no idea... ' Lalit covered me up

Thanks Lalit...

'Ohh... This means I owe Jai an apology for keeping his son away from him....' he smiled

No need for that...

'For how many years will you apologize sir... ' Sam mutters

Keep your freaking mouth shut or I will punch you... Jerk !

I glare at him and he smirked


'Uh..  No need of that sir, Aayan is visiting his father tomorrow anyway.... ' Lalit said panicking

You went overboard Lalit...

He gulped looking at my shocked expression...
And Sam looked amused...

'Really Aayan...?' Sam asked

'Yes Sameer, Really...!' I counter back..

'That's great...! You can come with me in my jet... ' Mr. Mehta smiled

Oh no...!! This shit is getting real..  I can't go to Delhi...  I mean I haven't visited anyone there since 2 years,  moreover Nitaara is also not there...  Where will I go...!!

'No need of that sir, I Already have my bookings done... ' I say glaring at Lalit, who gulped...

'You can cancel that, come on...  Even I will get a good company... ' he said

I will kill you Lalit...

'Sure sir...' I forced a smile

'Great...!  My driver will pick you up at 4 in the morning... ' he said

That's early...!!

'Okay Sir... '

'See you tomorrow son... ' he got up from his chair..

I rose from my seat too...
'Yes Sir..  '

He exited the cabin and I turn threateningly towards Lalit, Sam begin laughing...

'I am sorry... But I had to intervene... ' Lalit gulped and later glared at Sam

'That was fun, now poor Aayan has to see his father... ' Sam smiled

This jerk...
Let me teach him a lesson...

'That is sad, Lalit, please apologize to Ritika on my behalf, tell her I can't see her tonight... I have to go to Delhi...'

Color on Sam's face drained..

'You mean my fiancee Ritika... ' he said

'No I mean my ex, and your current Fiance Ritika... ' I smirked

'What the fuck...!' he got up and dashed out of the room

'I am so sorry Aayan... ' he sighed

'That's okay.....But this is the first and last time I am sparing you... ' I warn him

'I will make sure this never happens again... ' he said

'Good, now I have to inform Ved about this...'  I pick up my phone and exit the cabin


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