Chapter 7

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Ananya's POV

'Big Dad, Aayan is coming to Delhi.. '  when Ved bhai announced this,  I stopped my work and stared at Bade Papa

He was shocked...
Like literally, he stayed in the same position for minutes, tears filled his eyes

'Jai...! Are you okay ?' Papa asked shaking him, breaking his trance

'Wha... What...? You are not joking right...?' Bade Papa asked

'I will never joke about this, Big Dad... ' Ved bhai smiled

'Wh...why is he coming here...?' Bade Papa asked

Exactly !! Some business work may be..

'He is coming to see you... ' Bhai smiled and this time me, Papa and Bade Papa, Chachu all of us, were shocked...

That selfish man wants to visit Bade Papa ! Impossible...

Papa seemed to be thinking the same

'What.... Why I mean... He never did that...!' Bade Papa exclaimed shocked

Papa held his shoulders and stared at Bhai in anticipation...

'He has no business work here, Trust me ! He is coming to see you...' Ved Bhai smiled

Bade Papa was still shocked...

'I... I don't understand... Why will he...?' his voice cracked

'See Bhai, We told you, he just needs some time... ' Adi Chachu smiled

He can't come here without any pre notion...

'How long is he staying... ?' Papa asks

'One week...'

A week !!

'What...! Oh My God... Vansh !! Call Raj.... Ask him to clean the house... Stock the refrigerator... and do everything that Aayan likes.... He... ' Bade Papa said

'Jai, relax....'

'Relax !!!?!? Arjun you know how he is...  He wants everything in order...  And Me ? I wreck the entire house...  He won't like it... We have to.... ' Bade papa panicked

Wow...  A father is scared of his son... One of a kind scenario....

'Jai, Relax...You and Aayan both are living with us, in our house....' Papa said

'What....!!' I blurt out

And all of them stare at me confused,  Ved Bhai frowns at this.. 

'I mean Yyyeeeaaahhh... Bade Papa staying with us... ' I quickly cover up

Bade Papa smiled and pulled my cheeks...

'Will Aayan agree to this, Ved...?' Papa asked Ved Bhai

Please say no...

'Yes he will Dad, don't worry about it, bringing him to our house is my responsibility... ' Bhai assured him and I frown

I didn't like his attitude at all, why will he live in my house... And that too for a week...!

'I still don't believe this,  My Aayan is coming to stay with me...Me, Arjun...! That to for a week...! I am so happy... ' He exclaimed

Papa held his hands tightly and smiled...

'Doesn't this call for a celebration Bade Papa...?' Vansh Bhai grinned

'Absolutely son... ' He smiled

'Don't you have work...?' Papa scold Vansh Bhai, and he rolls his eyes..

Thankfully not noticed by Papa...

'Don't you scold my kid...! Vansh pick a restaurant, we all will have dinner there... ' Bade Papa grinned

'Bade Papa...!  You can't eat that... ' I warn him and he sighed

'She is right Bhai, you need to have healthy food...' Chachu sided with me

He made a sad face...
He looks so adorable doing that...

'Okay... But I can treat you, right...?' Bade papa asked

'No need of that, Big Dad... ' Ved said

'Take it Ved, your Bade papa hardly loosens his pockets... ' Papa said playfully and Bade papa hit him..

'I am seriously adopted... ' Vansh bhai mutters and I hold his hands assuringly...

'I am not like you...Okay... ' Bade Papa countered

'So Vansh, pick a restaurant, we'll party there... ' Chachu exclaimed

'You better pick a decent one....' Dad taunted him and Bade Papa hit him again

'Yes Dad... ' Bhai sighed

Poor Bhai..

'Get me out of here Arjun ! I want to go home....!!  My son is coming.... ' Bade Papa exclaimed

'Yes Yes...Anxious Bunny... We are here to take you home... Here take this, go get changed.... ' Papa said handing him clothes and Vansh Bhai helped him to stand

There is no way that arrogant man is staying at my house...

'Papa,  I was saying, that me and Deepika should go to Bade Papa's house to make sure, everything is in proper place... ' I say and Ved bhai frowns at me again...

'Why so...?' Papa asked

'Yeah... Why ?' Ved bhai raised his brow and Deepika sighed

I'll kill this girl, for crushing over my saduuu brother... She can get someone better...

'Though Bade Papa and Aayan will stay with us,  but what if Aayan decides to visit his house ? He won't like it messed up ! Right Bade Papa....?' I ask innocently and Bhai narrowed his eyes...

'You are absolutely right Princess... ' Bade Papa said

'Listen, Ananya.....' Ved Bhai began walking  towards me, without noticing Deepika behind me and bumped with her, again she lost her balance, panicked she held Bhai's sleeves and Dad caught her before falling...

'What are you Brothers upto today...? Why are you both hurting her.... ' Dad scolded

'Sorry Dad... I am so sorry Deepika... ' Ved Bhai apologized

Deeps's cheeks turned red, 'It's okay...' She muttered moving away

'So Can I go Papa...?' I siezed this opportunity of escaping from bhai's scrutinizing gaze...

'Okay... Go...  But Ved will pick you up after you finish your work...Don't come by yourself....' Papa said

'Uncle I'll drop her, I have my car... ' Deepika said

'I won't let you go to your house all alone at night, Beta... ' Papa said

'Me and Rudra will take her home, Dad... ' Vansh bhai offered

'Okay... ' he said

'Bye Bade Papa...  See you tonight... ' I hug him

'Come back soon, Princess... ' he smiled

'Bye everyone... ' Deepika greeted and we walk out of the room

'Be careful, both of you ... ' Dad called

'Yeah, we will be... ' I replied

We walked towards the parking lot,  at Deepika was smiling all the way,  like an Idiot...

'Come back to earth...' I pinched her as we reached our car...

'Can you believe my fate, I was saved by Ved Twice ! This doesn't even happen in movies.... ' she sighed dreamily

'Deeps, Bhai is very serious and sometimes boring as a person, you'll regret afterwards... ' I said putting my seatbelt on and she started the car..

'I can never get enough of Ved... I like serious guys... ' she winked

'You are crazy...!  I can't even stand them... ' I cringe even at the thought

We drive out of the hospital's parking lot and were driving towards Bade Papa's house...

'So your best friend is coming tomorrow... Excited....?' Deeps mocked me

I glare at her...

'He is not my friend,  besides didn't you notice how arrogant he is ! The way he talked to Ved bhai... I didn't like it... 'I huff

'They are besties Ananya.... If Ved is okay with it, you shouldn't have any problem with that... ' she said and I just huff

'What if he is hot...?' Deeps smirked

'Then you date him.. ' I grinned

'I won't ditch Ved... ' she laughed

'I can't ditch Ayush either... ' I countered

'God Ananya, he was your fake boyfriend for a week.... ' Deeps said in disgust

'So what...? I can't leave him, for that jerk.... ' I say

'Seriously ??  Ayush...? Don't tell me you started liking him... ' She said

'Are you mad...! I broke up with him after dealing with that creep Rohan... Besides, I am already committed to my dream man... ' I sighed dreamily

'What if Aayan is the one...?' Deeps smirked again


'Huh ! Not a chance... '


Bruno's continuous barking, woke me up...

Strange he never barks on anyone,  not even on strangers,  My bruno is the cutest and friendliest dog ever...

Who bugged him...?

I walk to my balcony which faces the entrance gate and our huge garden, to see what's wrong with him, and find Bruno wagging his tail and trying to jump on a tall man..

'Stay away from me you filthy animal... ' that man said angrily

What the hell...

Ved or Vansh Bhai will never say this to Bruno, who is this stranger...!

No one dares to talk to my baby like that...

I storm out of my room and walk towards the entrance...

And as I reach there, I see that he actually kicks my Bruno, who yelps in pain...

What the ACTUAL Fuck...

No one dares to raise voice against my Bruno, and this jerk, hurt him...!!!

Who the fuck is he...!! 

How dare he entered my house and hurt my baby....

'HOW DARE YOU...!' I storm towards the man yelling

He turned around, holding a bag on his shoulder, which falls down as he looks at me...

He was tall like very tall, very fair, dressed in white shirt and black trousers, which were soiled by Bruno with his paws...

'Are you Okay Baby...?' I cooed to my Bruno, caressing his shiny coat, He begin wagging his tail..

'Control your dog...' he says in a dominating tone, brushing off the dirt

Who the hell is he to order me around, at my own house...

'Don't you tell me what to do !!! How dare you hurt him, it's our house... ' I shot back at him putting my hands on my waist

'Ohh so you live with him, there...?' he asked amused pointing towards Bruno's dog house...

What the hell

'How Dare you...!! Say sorry to him...' I gritted

'Apologize to a Dog...!! Never...!' he crossed his hands


'How dare you call him a dog...!'

'Because, that is what he is...!' he said shrugging his shoulders

'No one calls my Baby a dog... !' I say angrily

'Ohh, so you are his mother...?  That's why I can see resemblance between you two...!' he chuckles

How dare he...!!

'How dare you talk to me like this, this is my house... Who are you...?' I yell

He was about to reply when I hear Ved Bhai's voice 'Aayan...?'

I look at him shocked
What...!!  He is Aayan... !!!
Ohh no....


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