Chapter 8

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Aayan's POV

'Ved ! I can't come to your house, I mean, I'll be very uncomfortable there man...I... ' I said irritated on the phone, waiting for a cab outside Delhi airport

'Why ? This is your family as well Aayan...We grew up together, there are no strangers here....!' Ved replies

Who is bothered by the strangers, it's known people that scare me more...

'I agree, but I haven't seen or talked them, from like, 2 years... That will be really awkward.... ' I try to reason

'You will not be uncomfortable Aayan,  trust me... I'll be there with you...' Ved says calmly

Sometimes I wonder how this saint is my best friend...

'But Ved... '

'It's Your Naina Mom's order... ' he chuckles

Well... There is no point of argument after this...

'Okay... ' I sighed

'So at what time is your arrival, I'll pick you up....?' he asked

'No need,  I am already at the Delhi Airport, waiting for a cab... '

'Whhattt....? You said you'll come by 12....!' he exclaimed

'Long story bro, will tell you as soon as I reach there... ' I said and my cab halts in front of me

'Come soon, can't wait... Maa will go crazy, when I'll tell her, that you are arriving here in like 20 minutes... ' he chuckled

'Naa, don't tell her, I want to surprise her...' I said getting inside the cab

I can't wait to see Mom either...

'Okay...See you... ' he said and hung up

God how will I face all of them...
It's not that I hate Ved's family, I mean, I practically lived with them till I was 10, before me and Ved were sent to boarding school by our dads...

I clench the seat, at that memory...

I wonder, how Ved forgave his Dad so easily,  because honestly he was more mean to us, than my dad, when they decided to send us away...

This is so awkward, Families always make me uncomfortable no matter how much I try...

Alteast Mom and Ved will be there... I can survive, But ! What will I say to Papa...? I am always short of word when I face him...

Those horrific memories, his mean words flood my mind whenever I see him...

My dad was not like this always, he changed after mom married that bastard...!

This is the only reason I hate coming to Delhi...

These stupid memories make me feel miserable, I turn into this 10 year old crybaby again...

My reverie was broken by halting of the car...

'We reached sir... ' The driver announced

I pay him the fare and get out of the cab, which halted in front of huge bunglow, with an iron gate, with Thapars engraved in golden font...

I turned around to see an equally huge house, with Varmas name plate over it..  It has Dad's, Nitaaraa's and my name...

Dad removed our old plate, which even had Maa's name on it and also, now we don't live here, as none of us could bear the negativity inside this house, after Maa left...

I quickly turned away to face Thapar's house as I was getting nostalgic, and I hate getting emotional... 

I stopped crying for petty things few years ago...

We used to live in this super expensive South Delhi block, before I was sent away...

Yeah, my father is super rich...

I was greeted by the security staff outside the mansion

'Welcome back, Aayan baba ... ' Rajaji smiled, he is working here, since we were kids

I smile at him and walk inside, but then this irritating fur ball, came barking towards me, making me step back...

No offense, I don't hate dogs, but I don't like these cute, little dogs, they should be huge and tough to guard the house, not some living teddy bear to play with...

'Get off me, you filthy animal... ' I yell at that thing...

I take a step back and that stupid dog started jumping on me, soiling my trousers...

I hate it when there is even slight dust on my stuff and this teddy, he spoiled my expensive trouser...

Out of rage I push him away not by force, by my legs, and it made yelping sound...

Ooo freak..  Don't be so cruel Aayan, it's just a dog....

I was about to get down to see whether I hurt it or not, a female voice stopped me

'How Dare you...!' she said

I turned around and literally couldn't find my voice, the bag hung over my shoulder slipped off, and I couldn't  believe that it was her...

A Tall, beautiful girl, in loose tees and shorts stood in front of me, her hair reaching upto her waist, her hands on her hips, and she was glaring me with her Dark brown orbs...

Wow...who is this beautiful girl...? Saanjh...??

I am seeing her after, I don't know, 5 years ??

It's hard to believe she is just 18...

Is she really Saanjh or someone else ?

Stop drooling over a kid Aayan...

I composed myself and picked up my bag..

'Are you okay, baby...?' she asks the dog, who was wagging his tail now..

Her voice is so cute...

What...??!!??!? Aayan...!!!!!

'Control your dog... ' I said in my signature arrogant tone...

'How dare you hurt him, it's our house... ' she keeps her hands on her waist and glares at me

Fiery kid !! Family trait I guess... Afterall, her irritating sister is the same...

'Oo so you live with him in that house...?  Interesting... ' I mock her

Let's see how fiery this one is...

'How dare you talk to me like that, apologize to him... ' she says

Like really ? Apologize to a dog, I don't even apologize to Humans...

'To a dog ? Never !' I cross my hands glaring at her

Let the game begin...
Since when I started arguing with Kids...??

'Don't call him a dog ! He is my baby...' she glared me back

Her eyes... Why am I finding these dark brown eyes attractive !

Don't turn into a pedophile Aayan...!

'So you are his mother, that's why I can see resemblance between you too... ' I smirk and she gasps

Well done

'What !! Who are you...?' she keeps her hands on her waist

I know it is inappropriate to check your best friend's little sister out, but indeed she is pretty... Irritating, but pretty...

I was about to reply,  when Ved we hear Ved's voice..

'Aayan...?' He calls and jogs towards us

This girl turns back to me, looking shocked, I ignore her as My Buddy is here...

'Ved...' I hug him tightly...

'God, I missed you buddy... ' I say

'I missed you too... ' he smiled

The girl who was behind Ved, just huffed and began caressing the dog's head...

'Say Hi... ' Ved tells her

'He is your friend, not mine...' she frowns looking at me..

'Ananya ! Is this the way you behave with a guest....' Ved scolds her

Whatttt !!! Ananya.....!!!

That irritating brat transformed into this beautiful girl...

God I imagined her to look like Cruella D'evil... But she is....

Aaarrggghhh...  I don't like her at all...

'He hurt my Bruno...  And called me his mother...!' she whined

'Aren't you his pet parent...?' Ved asks

'So...? I don't look like him !' she huffed

Ved stiffles his laugh, and Ananya glares at him...

'He didn't even apologize to Bruno... ' she glares at me

Don't stare into her eyes Aayan...
They surely do something to you...

I kneel down and gesture the dog to come to me... He happily hopped out of her lap and came to me, which shocked both Ved and Ananya..

I do know how to deal with dogs okay...

I caress his head and scratch him near his ears and that dog snuggles more into my arms...

'Did I hurt you boy...?' I caress his soft fur and the dog jumped on me happily shocking Ananya

I raise my brows at her and smirked, she narrows her eyes at me

'See, he forgave Aayan... ' Ved smiled

Ananya did not say anything...

'Now you apologize to him, for being rude... ' Ved says to her

'Never ! He said I look like a dog... ' she complained like a kid

Still the same...

'You said you are his mother....' I argue innocently

'See Bhai,  he is not even saying sorry for that....' she whines

'I won't... ' I shot back..

'This is my house, I decide rules... ' She says angrily

'I love to break the rules... ' I reply calmly..

She looked pissed off...
'Bhai ! He can't live.... ' She began but Ved intervenes in between

'Enough both of you... Aayan you just arrived man...  You must be tired... Let's go inside *turns to Ananya* And you... Go, Freshen up... Don't you have college....?' he said

'Yeah... I have more productive works to do, rather than wasting my time with someone.... ' she replied taunting me..

'Wow, since when Delhi university started taking classes on Sunday... ' I say adjusting the bag on my shoulder

Her eyes widened and she mutters something...

'Delhi Law school, do take classes on sunday... ' she replies and walks inside the house..

Ved sighs, 'Sorry about her, you know how she is... '

Yeah... Cute yet Annoying... Thank god,  I'll be gone in a week... I can't tolerate her for more than that...

We walk towards the house,  when Vansh comes out...

'Finally you are here bro... ' he hugs me..

'Hey Vansh... nice to see you bro... ' I reply

'Look at you, all handsome... Girls of Hyderabad are very lucky... ' he winks and I chuckle..

'Bangalore... ' Ved corrects him

'Yeah, Bangalore... I heard girls are very hot there.... ' he grinned

'Vansh... ' Ved scolds him

'Yeah, but I prefer Delhi girls... ' I smirk

'Atta boy !' *hi fies me* 'We will go to the club, when you are free bro, and have some fun... ' he grins

'Sure buddy... ' I  wink back

Same old Vansh...

We walk inside the house, It was empty, I guess no one is awake...


'Where is Naina Mom...?' I ask Ved

'In the kitchen... ' he replied

I keep my bag on the sofa and walk towards the kitchen

There stood my mom, dressed in saree her back facing me, probably preparing breakfast for everyone...

I walk tip toeing towards her and cover her eyes with my palm

She stopped working and held my hands, I can feel her eyes getting moist...

'Aayan...?? ' her voice cracked

Every damn time, how does she do that...

She turns around and caresses my face...

'How do you know everytime Mom...?' I ask

'I just know... ' she smiled

My Naina mom is the best in the world...

'Finally you got time to see your old mother....?' she said wiping her tears

'Who says you are old... You look like Ananya's younger sister... ' I tease and she hits me..

'I missed you Mom... ' I say

'I missed you too beta....' she hugs me and I hug her back...

'You came early... ' she said

'I wanted to surprise you... ' I grin

'Really... ' she raised her brows

'See Ved,  Maa forgets us whenever Aayan comes... ' Vansh said and Ved chuckled

'I came with my client...' I reply scratching my head..

'Hmm... ' Mom narrows her eyes at me

'Sorry mom... ' I say

'I am glad at least you are here son... ' Mom smiled

'Now go freshen up, I'll prepare breakfast for you... ' she said

'No you won't make anything for me....' I warn her

'Like that warning will work... ' Vansh laughs

'Mom, don't stress yourself... ' I say

'A mother never gets tired, working for her kids... Don't worry about me son..' she smiled

'Let's meet Bade Papa...?' Ved said and my hands and feet turn cold in his mere mention

Mom seemed to notice this, and held my hands assuringly..

'Everything will be okay son... Come...' she encouraged me

'But....' I whisper, my throat was dry..

I am seeing Papa after 2 years...

'He is your Dad... And he needs you... Don't be scared... Come... ' she said

Scared ?  I am terrified...

I literally cannot put my feet forward, what if Papa sends me away...
What if he tries to hurt me again...

Don't be silly Aayan... You are 25 now... Stop being a baby...

Mom squeezes my hands lightly and pulls me towards Papa's room...

She turns the knob and I grip her hands tightly...
My heart is beating wildly...

Relax aayan...  He is your father...

We enter inside

'See who is here...!' Maa announced

And two elder men rise from their seats...

And the older version of me, or rather I look like him comes forward and I step back...


And I couldn't find my voice...


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