Chapter 9

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'Aayan...?' Dad said taking slow steps towards me

I take a step back, and I literally cannot find my voice...

He looked weak, with dark circles under his eyes, his hair turning silver from sides...
He lost weight, his eyes were tired, I can see that he was in tears through his rimless glass...

He was not this weak, when I saw him last time...

Why is he using a support stick to walk...?? What happened to him...?

With much difficulty I found my voice, It was devastating to see him like this...

My Tall, Strong, ever smiling, perfect dad, turned into this cold, sad, slouching weak, old man...

I won't forgive you for this Maa...

Dad was staring at me in anticipation, Damn ! I have to say something...

I want to move forward, but my feet are cold... 

I am nervous in front of my own father....

Naina Mom patted my shoulder, encouraging me to go ahead...

I nervously look at her and she smiles assuringly...

Big dad was looking at us, he stood behind Dad to support him...

I took a deep breath and hesitantly walked towards him, he was staring at me all the time with faint smile...

He is going to cry I swear...

I bend to touch his feet, to take his blessings.. With trembling hands he stops me mid way...

I gulp and stand, I don't want to cry...

He engulfs me in a hug and begins sobbing...

I don't know how to react, I was shocked, terrified, emotional at same time...

'I missed you son... ' Dad said

I hesitantly hug him back, tears filled my eyes too...

'Me too Papa... ' I whispered

He hugged me more tightly on this, like he will never let me go..

It was so overwhelming, seeing my father like this...

I wonder whether Aayan is mine or that bastard's...

I remembered his vile words that still scar my mind and I instantly broke the hug...

Slightly moving away from him, while he stared at me confused...

He looked disappointed, then wiped his tears...

'How are you Papa, why you need this...?' I ask pointing at the stick..

'Now I am good beta, this is nothing... ' he throws away the stick

But as soon as he does that, he loses his balance, Me and Big Dad rush towards him to catch him midway from falling...

Mom gasped.. 

'Papa.... ' I breathe, my heart hammering badly

'Are you crazy Jai...' Big dad scolds holding him from behind

Whereas I was holding him from the front, while Naina mom hands him the stick...

'Be careful Jai... ' Mom says

He is so careless, when it comes to his health, this elevates my anger..

'What is this Papa, what were you thinking...?' I say annoyed but didn't raise my voice, because still I don't have that much courage to yell at my father.... Morally I shouldn't do this as well...

'Why is he using this...?' I ask mom

'Nothing to worry beta, he is recovering from prolonged illness, he just needs support while walking,  once he recovers he won't need this...' Mom informs

'Okay... '
What?  Illness...?

'Why were you ill...?' I ask Papa, he didn't say anything

'He was not taking his meals properly... ' Big dad said

I glare at my Papa, who sheepishly smiled at me..

'How can Raj be so irresponsible, I'll fire him today itself...!' I say angrily..

'Can't you stay with me...?' Papa asks with hopeful eyes...

Not at all...

'Uh... I... ' I stammered and didn't say anything...

'The boy just arrived Jai, let him breathe, you can scare him later... ' Big dad said and walked towards me

'Look at you my boy, all handsome, but why you look so lean...? Aren't you eating anything... ' he said holding me by my shoulders

I bent down again, but he stopped midway and hugged me...

'I am so glad to see you here Aayan, Welcome back .. ' he said

'Thanks Big Dad... ' I smile

Just then Adi Chachu enters the room and stares at me shocked...

'Oh my god... Two - Two Jai Bhai's... One younger, one older...! Am I time travelling...?' he said

We chuckled

Shashank chachu hit him from behind..

'That's Aayan you genius... But my god, even I thought for a moment, that I am seeing younger Jai bhai again... ' he said

Yeah I look like him a lot...

Still he was unsure...

I prevent myself from frowning and looked at my dad who was smiling...

'Chachu... ' I smile at him and he hugs me

'Congratulations for the deal son... ' He said

'Thanks Chachu... ' I reply

'What deal....??' Dad asked

'Haven't you heard, your son's AYSA solution has acquired Beat global solution's investment worth 10 millions, they are handling almost 65% of software of the Beats... ' Sash chachu said

'That's great son... ' Big dad pats my shoulder..

'Your son is as talented as you Jai... ' Naina mom said

I am not like him

'He is better than me... ' Papa said proudly.. 'Congratulations son... ' he said and I just smiled

'This calls for double celebration... ' Adi chachu cheered

'Absolutely... ' Big dad said

'Did I hear celebration...?' Vansh enters the room followed by Ved

'Yeah, this you will hear, but what I say never reach your ears... ' Big Dad frowns and Vansh sighs

'Arjun.... ' Naina mom & My Papa say together and Big dad huffs

'He is same as your age, or I must say 4 months younger than you, he cracked a deal...  And you are still playing with your stupid camera... ' Big Dad scold Vansh and he rolls his eyes..

Damn.. I hope Big Dad doesn't see this.. 

'Arjun, don't yell unnecessarily at my kid... ' Papa said

'Yeah Bhai... Don't scold the kid, it's celebration time... ' Adi chachu say backing Vansh

There was this awkward silence

'Aayan... You go and freshen up, I'll prepare your favorite dish... Vansh beta, take him to the guest room... ' Naina mom said

'Yes Maa.. ' Vansh says and gestures me to follow him

'See you guys... ' I say and follow Vansh

'Does this happen often...?' I ask him, while we were walking towards guest room

'Almost daily, since Ved Joined Office and I didn't...' Vansh sighs

Yeah Big Dad can be controlling when it comes to education and career...

'But who cares...I am happy with my show... ' Vansh grins

'I watch it every weekend buddy... ' I smile

'Thanks... ' he replied

Just then his phone rings and he frowns looking at the caller..

'Girlfriend...?' I chuckle

'Naah... I don't do this girlfriend thing,  it's my boss... ' He huffs

'You better take it... ' I say..

'Yeah, this might take time bro, you go straight to this hallway, last room in the left will be yours... I am so sorry.. But I have to... ' he said

'Hey it's completely okay, you attend your call, I'll go... ' I say, he smiles and exits

I walk on the hallway staring at the interiors..

Wow nothing changed, I still remember when me, Ved & Vansh were 9, Big dad and Papa built these bunglows opposite to each other, so that we all can stay together as neighbors...

We had a lot of fun, until that incident happened, and Me & Ved were sent to the boarding school

I reached the end, which side did Vansh say...?  Right...? 

Here it is....

Turning the door knob, I enter inside and my breathing hitched...

Damn it...

'Aaaarrrggghhh.... ' that irritating girl screamed

I rush towards her panicking and close her mouth with my palms...

I focus my attention on her face because, she was in a towel...
Just in a towel...

'Stop screaming, Or else they'll think I am molesting you... ' I hiss

She began struggling to get out of my hold and I was trying to control her..

What if that damn towel drops...
I don't want to see her in that condition...

'Stop moving, or that thing you are wearing will drop... ' I say closing my eyes..

She immediately stops moving and I leave her, turning around and take a deep breath..

I hear things moving behind me..

'Don't you have your own room...? Why are you changing in guest's room... ' I say irritated

'This is my room you genius... Guest room is at the left, this is right... ' she replied matching my tone


'There is some thing called as lock you know,  you should use it while changing... ' I say sarcastically

Damn I am arguing with a half naked girl in her room, this is super awkward...

'There are some manners called as knocking you know, you should do it before entering, Especially into a girl's room... ' She replied

'Why will I knock, if I know there is no one inside... ' I argue back..

'This is my damn room... ' she says angrily...

I was about to turn around to argue...

'Don't turn... ' she squeaks

Freak I forgot...

'I am sorry... ' I say and close my eyes...

Why am I even standing here...

After few seconds, she stands in front of me fully dressed

Thank god..

'You have no respect for women Aayan Varma, I thought you were just mannerless, but you are a pervert as well...!' she accuses me

What the hell...
This is too much..

'Excuse me...!' I look at her

'Yeah, you will say that you entered this room by mistake, but I know what were your real intentions, I know how guys like you are...!! Perverts... ' she accuses, glaring at me

That elevated my rage...

Let me teach you a lesson brat..

I grab her wrists and push her to the nearest wall, caging her in my hold, glaring straight into her eyes...

'What are you... ' she was about to scream...

'Shhh.....If... I were a pervert, you wouldn't be standing here fully dressed, and accusing me, you would've been somewhere else, trying to get up... ' I say coldly and her eyes widen in shock

'Watch your words Ananya Thapar... They are deadliest weapon that can harm anyone and sometimes yourself too.... ' I say and leave her hands and she stares at me teary eyed

Wow, still a crybaby...

'Entering your room was a honest mistake... I had no bad intentions and I apologize for that... But I am not a pervert...' I say and she takes a deep breath looking away

'Also, I don't have any interest in girls like you... ' I declare and leave her room closing the door behind...

I take a deep breath...

Wow she successfully ruined my mood...


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