Chapter 63

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Next Day..
8:30 am..

Vansh was getting ready to leave for his studio, while Ananya was helping Mary to prepare the breakfast...

This was probably the last time that they were going to have breakfast like this, because after Ananya's wedding unfortunately everything won't be same

Ananya was preparing Vansh's favourite Aloo Paranthes with extra chillis, whereas Vansh requested Mary to prepare Ananya's favorite strawberry milkshake, as he couldn't make a good one

The door bell rings and Vansh opens the door, and smiles at the person on the other side...

'Sameer bro... ' Vansh hugged him tightly

'Hey Vansh... How are you buddy... ?' Sameer smiled and walked in

'Well I am okay... I thought your land case here is cleared and you left for Delhi...' Vansh said

'Yeah, we won the case thanks to Mr. Thadani and Ananya, and yeah I will leave tonight...' Sameer said

'That's awesome... ' Vansh exclaimed

Ananya who finished preparing the breakfast came out removing the apron and smiled at Sameer

'Hey Sameer... ' She smiled

'Hey Bhabhiji... ' Sameer gave her side hug and she chuckled

'Will you have breakfast with us...?' Ananya asked

'Absolutely...  I don't want to miss the last chance of having a breakfast with you... ' Sameer said

'Last chance...? She is going to be your sister in law bro, you guys will be a family... ' Vansh said taking his seat on the breakfast table

'I wish things were that simple between us... ' Sameer sighed and Ananya too looked sad

'Bade Papa adores you Sameer, he won't mind you visiting them... ' Vansh said

'I am not talking about Mr. Varma here Vansh...' Sameer said and Vansh frowned

There was silence at the breakfast table for sometime, only Mary was serving the breakfast to them

'I am really sorry for what ever mom said that day Ananya, she didn't mean it... Trust me...' Sameer apologized

'It's okay Sameer, you don't need to apologize on her behalf, she us my mother too, I didn't feel bad... I mean Yes a little bit, but after talking to Aayan, everything was fine.. ' Ananya smiled and Vansh frowned

'Annie are you sure about this wedding...?' Vansh said after a while and both Ananya and Sameer look at him shocked

'What do you mean Bhai...?' Ananya asked

'Are you sure Aayan is the right man for you...?' Vansh said and Sameer sighed

'Bhai, Aayan is fine... You are just being overprotective for me, he may look rude, but has a beautiful heart... ' Ananya smiled

Both Sameer and Vansh felt sorry for her, yes Aayan may appear to be changed, but deep down no one was convinced that he is actually changed

'Listen to his wife bro, she knows him better... ' Sameer laughed and Ananya hit him

'Okay....' Vansh laughed too

They finished their breakfast joking and chattering about work and other things

As soon as they finished the breakfast, Mary started cleaning the table, and Sameer's phone rang

'Yes...?' he answered and then frowned
'Okay, I'll be there in an hour...' Sameer said and hung up

'I need to leave... The new staff doesn't know anything, I'll instruct them the work and tomorrow will send my Delhi Manager here.. ' Sameer said getting up

'Come I'll drop you... Let me get my jacket... ' Vansh gets up too

Vansh walks inside his room and Sameer engulfs Ananya in a hug, she gets confused but then hugs him back..

'I hope the next time I see you, you'll be the same jolly and lively girl, like you are now....' he says sadly staring at her face

'Why are you looking at me like that Sameer...?' Ananya asks

'Because I really don't know when I will be able to see you again... ' Sameer caresses her face

'What are you saying, you will see me at my wedding... And will visit me all the time once I shift to Delhi.... ' Ananya smiled and pulled his cheeks

'I am not attending your wedding Ananya... I am leaving for London tonight, and will return after 2 months... ' he said

'What ! Why didn't you tell me... How will I... ' Ananya began

'Mom and Yash will be there, don't worry, remember we are a family now...' Sameer smiled

'But my best friend won't be there... That's not fair... ' Ananya pouted and Sameer looked at her sadly

It looked like he was capturing her happy self with the camera of his eyes and store it in his memory forever

'Sameer... Don't go... ' Ananya whined shaking him

'I have some work there... ' He smiled and pinched her nose

'Cancel it... You can't miss your brother and your best friend's wedding... ' Ananya ordered

Sameer caressed her hair and then sighed sadly, his eyes not leaving her face

'If you face any problem, you know that I am just a call away, don't hesitate to do that.... You can call me for anything, anytime Annie... I'll be there for you.... If you think world has turned against you, you will always find me by your side....' he said, his eyes became glassy and Ananya too had tears in her eyes

'Sameer... ' Ananya whined

'Take care Annie... ' He kissed her head and quickly walked out of the house unable to control his tears

Vansh who witnessed all this, took a deep breath and walked towards Ananya who was crying by now...

'I'll be back in 2 hours... ' He said and kissed her forehead

'Yeah... ' She sniffed and then walked inside her room, to start with the packing

'Whatever happening is not right... '
Vansh sighed and walked outside the house...

Vansh's studio...
9:15 am..

'What the hell is happening here... I leave this place for 1 week and you guys wreck things up... ' He growls at the staff and they get scared as this was the first time their fun boss was angry

'Sir... Things are going according to the schedule.... ' His associate director informed

'Why aren't props ready for Scene 52...? Why aren't actors informed that they have a schedule here tomorrow... Where the hell is the choreographer who was supposed to start with the song...! Can't you guys do one thing properly....' he growled angrily

He was sad to the core, and didn't know how to vent it out, so his staff was facing his wrath right now...

'Sir... ' one of his staff began

'Vansh, calm down babe... You want me to get you something...?' One of the models working on the project said to him in a flirty manner

He glared at her
'Get the fuck out of my sight, that would be a great favor on me... ' he said angrily and she frowned

'Where is Khushi...?' he asked

'Sir she comes at 9:30... ' His AD informed

'Call her right now, and Ask her to come to my cabin ASAP... ' Vansh ordered

'Yes Sir... ' he nodded

'What are you guys waiting for...? Go do your work... ' he said to his staff, who hurriedly resumed their work

Calm down Vansh... What's wrong with you...  He cursed himself and then walked inside his cabin

15 minutes later..

Khushi hurriedly rushed inside Vansh's cabin, carrying two big files in her hands, her bag hanging on her shoulders and her hair loose, reaching down her waist and big specs which was on the verge of falling from her nose

'Good morning Sir... I didn't know you'll be coming so early today, I would've arranged your cabin... ' she said and Vansh looked at her narrowing his eyes

'So you mean, If I Don't come to my office, you guys wreck my cabin...?' He dangerously stood up and it scared Khushi

She clutched the file tightly and took a step backwards, her lips quivering with fear...

'No... No sir... I didn't mean that, actually me, Nisha and Vikrant sir also work from this cabin, so yesterday It got a bit late for me to complete the task, so.. So I forgot to clean the cabin... So.. Soorry sir... ' She looked down

'Hmm.. What are these files....?' Vansh asked and Khushi kept them on the table

'Sir this one is the script, staff name, model's fees, props used, bills and equipment summary of the Adidas Ad, we shot last month... ' she gave him a blue file

'And these are the requirements of the next matrimonial advertise were are cued to shoot next month... Wanted you to have a look on these and tell me  what additional things we need and what can be cut down... ' she informed and Vansh looked at the files

Khushi glanced at Vansh and was mesmerized by his super good looks, his chocolate brown eyes, his sharp nose, fair complexion, full lips which were slightly pink, he wore a green shirt, which was hugging his body and showed his arms muscles, also his broad shoulders and 6'2" tall personality would make any girl go weak on his knees

He looked like a model, but was not interested in pursuing it as a career, most of the female models tried to hit on him, but he would never entertain them ever, he was solely focused on expanding V square productions name and good will...

Khushi admired him for his perseverance and determination to get things done perfectly, she was learning a lot under him, moreover he was a fun boss so everyone loved him

But today, he looked different, his eyes were tired, he looked sad.. Khushi was trying to find the reason behind his sad face...

'Tell me from where will you arrange bridal attires for... ' Vansh looked at her, and found her staring at him intently without blinking

Her blue eyes were dangerously attractive, he looked away sighing

'Khushi...?' He called her, but she continued to stare him

He snapped his fingers in front of her, breaking her reverie...

'Are you searching answers on my face...?' He asked her

'Yes sir... ' Khushi blurted out

'What... '

'I mean, No ! No sir... I was just...thinking what you asked...' she lied adjusting her specs

'Okay... Then tell me... From where will you arrange the bridal clothes... ' He asked again

'Sir, your Aunt Mrs. Radhika Singh Khanna's fashion studio has collaborated with us in this project, they will provide us with the costumes, don't you remember ? You proposed this deal... ' Khushi informed him

'Ohhh... Oh yess... Yes... I forgot... Sorry... ' Vansh said pinching the bridge of his nose

'About that scene... ' Vansh began

'Sir that scene is rescheduled after 2 days, because director sir has some work, actors are being informed, props will reach here by tomorrow and we didn't have space for dance practice here, so the choreography practice sill start in the choreographers studio in the evening... ' Khushi informed him

'Okay...' Vansh took a deep breath and sat on his chair..

Khushi continued to stare at him...

'What...?' He asked

'Can I ask you something personal Sir ?' Khushi looked hesitantly at him

'Sure, as long as its not my bank account details....' Vansh said caressing his head with his fingers

'You are sad because you lost something very close to you right...?' She asked adjusting her specs

Vansh looked at her shocked

'How do you know...?' He asked her amused

'I just know sir.. ' Khushi smiled and her dimples were to be seen now

Vansh was again mesmerised by her smile, yes it was rare, but it was lively

He didn't reply, just looked away

'Sir, when we lose something very dear to us, it's a sign that we are going to get something better... So if you are sad that you lost that thing, be assured something best is yet to come... ' Khushi smiled again and Vansh smiled back

'Thank you Khushi... ' he said

'Anytime sir... Give me a call if you need me, I'll let you know the progress of today's scheduled shoot in a hour... ' She said and walked out of his cabin

'Best is yet to come... ' Vansh smiled repeating her words

New Delhi...

Ananya and Vansh were back to Delhi for wedding preparations, and Aayan was also there.. 

After dinner everyone went to their respective rooms and Ananya was in the terrace, looking at the full moon and stars twinkling around them..

She loved to gaze at stars, she loved it so much Arjun brought her a telescope when she was 9, so that she can easily see them

Ananya smiled at the memory, she was her father's life, he would do anything to make her happy, she knew Aayan was not like that, but she could not ask for anyone better

Someone wrapped his arms around her, and he immediately knew who it was...

'Hey... ' she leaned against his chest

'Hey....' he held her close to him

'You really love star gazing right...?' Aayan asked

'Yeah... ' Ananya smiled

'You know, I installed a latest high power telescope in the terrace of our Bangalore house, so that you can see them properly... ' Aayan said

'Aww that's so sweet of you... ' Ananya held his hands

'Anything for you... ' He bangs his head with hers lightly and she smiled

'When are we shifting back to Delhi...?' Ananya asked

'I have begun with the search of a commercial building here and also the staff hunt is going on... It may take 6-8 months to set everything up... We'll shift here after that... ' Aayan said and Ananya nods

'I have got something for you... ' Aayan says and gets a red box out of his pocket

'You are already showering me with lots of presents Aayan, there was seriously no need of this...' Ananya said

'You are my queen... You deserve every precious thing in this world... ' He said opening the box, which revealed a platinum chain with a solitaire pendant

Ananya gasped looking at it
'Aayan this is so pretty... 'she looked at the diamond mesmerised

'Not more than you... ' Aayan said and put it around her neck

Ananya was very happy to see this side of him, he turned her around and gazed at the necklace

'Beautiful... ' He said kissing her cheeks and Ananya blushed

He was about to pull away, when Ananya caught his t shirt and leaned her face towards him, he immediately knew what she was upto, so he pulled away and Ananya frowned at this

'I... I don't want to make you uncomfortable by doing this before wedding... '  he said closing his eyes

'But I am not... ' Ananya began

'See I know what I did back then was not right, I don't want to do that again to make you uncomfortable so... I am ready to wait... ' Aayan said

Ananya smiled at this...
'Okay... ' she hugged him tightly
'I am glad to see this gentleman side of yours... ' she said and Aayan took a deep breath

Yes he hated her, yes he was deceiving her with his fake love, but he had no intentions of taking advantage of her...

Yes he was attracted to her, but his sane mind was stopping him to ruin her chastity, he can't fall that low...

He vowed to himself that he won't touch her, even after marriage, he was a devil with some ground rules afterall....

He was finally showing some traits of being Jai's son, other than just the appearance....

Maybe he will change his mind someday too....

Next destination - Wedding... 😝
See you guys soon

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