Wedding (Part 1)

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2 weeks later...

Aayan's POV...

I am speeding my car towards the hospital, breaking the traffic signals and ignoring the curses of the fellow drivers...

She needs me... I have to be with her, how can I be so irresponsible... I shouldn't have left her alone.... God know what will be her condition

I am driving with a speed of 100kmph, in the busy city of Delhi, god knows how many challans and reckless driving tickets I am going to get, but who cares, My Ananya needs me...

I see the hospital on the other side of the road, and take a sharp U turn at the divider,ignoring the honks from other speeding drivers and  screeching sounds of their tyres, when they had to halt abruptly because of me...

I drive towards the hospital and parked at some spot, I didn't bother to check and ran inside the hospital...

'Ananya Varma...where is she...?' I ask the receptionist, while trying to catch my breath

She quickly typed something on the computer,and then looked at me..

'Mrs. Ananya Aayan Varma, Maternity ward, Private room no 7... she is about to be taken to the delivery room...that way....' she points at her left

I mutter a quick thank you and run towards the ward...

But then a voice inside me screamed,

'What the hell is happening...? When did she get pregnant...! I vowed  myself that I won't touch her... whose baby is that....!' 

Exactly, when did this happen...!!

I ran inside the room, and there she was clutching the bedsheets tightly with one hand and other one on her big belly, her face was red and sweaty, tears rolling down her eyes, she was taking deep breaths

I see sameer sitting next to her, trying to calm her down...

What the hell is he doing here...!

'Bro...' he smiled at me and Ananya furns towards me and smiles weakly

'You reached... Thank god...' She says and then winces in pain

'When did this happen...?' I blurt out and both of them stare at me shocked, especially Ananya who glared at me..

'Bro what are you saying...' Sameer asked me

I really don't understand what the hell is happening here...

'Exactly Aayan, what kind of ridiculous question is that...' Ananya growled and then cries in pain

Doctor rushes towards her
'Let's take you inside Mrs. Varma... ' she says and Ananya nods and I didn't realise that even I am sweating very badly

'Don't show me your face... ' She warns me as they take her inside the delivery room

Somebody please tell me what is the hell is this...

'Don't worry bro, we'll get good news in no time... ' Sameer smiled and I am panicking very badly...

Arrey, but I didn't do anything to get this good news...

How is this possible...

I didn't even marry her, why are they addressing her as Mrs. Varma...

Am I time travelling or something...

We hear Ananya's loud cry and then sound of a baby crying

WHAT THE HELL....!!!!!!!

I wake up with a jerk as the beeping of alarm broke my sleep, and quickly turned on the side lamp...

'Wooaahh... That was weird.... ' I mutter wiping my forehead

You are crazy Aayan, how can you even dream about starting a family with her... I curse myself

My heart was hammering inside my chest, this was the stupidest dream ever...

This won't turn into reality ever...

I will force her to give up on this marriage, she will leave me one day and her family will also not accept her back, because they are convinced that I am changed and I won't do anything of that sort...
They trust me blindly...

And that will be my revenge on her for messing with me...

There is no chance of having children with her, or with anyone...

I am happy with my Amayraa, I will raise her to be the best girl ever, and not like others

I glance at my daughter sleeping peacefully beside me, and caress her hair lovingly...

I hope Ananya will be nice to her at least...

This kid already suffered a lot, I don't want her to bear the wrath of a stepmother

But Ananya is very sweet with her already, is that real or she is just being pretentious...

Well she is changed now, she isn't a brat anymore...

What's wrong with you Aayan, how can you forget she is the reason that you were sent to boarding school twice ! And she also ruined your first hard-earned career

She deserves nothing but your hatred

But everyone deserves a second chance...!


What the fuck is wrong with me....

'Stop thinking about her...!' I scold myself and Amayraa squirms in her sleep and I cover my mouth with my palms and get down from the bed

I come out of my room and see that my relatives moving here and there, doing some or the other work

'Good that you are awake... ' I hear Nitaara from behind

I turn around, still covering my mouth and she looks at me confused

'Why are you covering your mouth...? Do you feel puckish...? Or you are awestruck seeing your older sister looking so gorgeous even in pajamas...' She said proudly, flipping her hair behind

I narrow my eyes at her and then remove my hand from my mouth

'Yeah ogres manage to look hideous in every attire they wear... ' I shrugging my shoulders and she glares and hits  me

She opens her mouth to say something but then doesn't find anything to counter so she shuts it again

I smile victoriously at her, and then she smirks at me..

Oh no... I know what this means...

'No no no no no.... ' I run behind her as she runs down the hall way

'Papa... Aayan is hitting me.. ' She yells as she spots Dad in the hallway

What the hell...
She has a daughter for God's sake...
Can't she grow up...

'Aayan... ' Dad gave me a warning look

'No Papa... She is lying... ' I say in my defense

Nitaara smirks at me and I glare at her

'Learn to fight by yourself, no need to bring Papa in between always... ' I challenge her

'When you will have a son, and Amayraa will come running to you like this complaining about him, then let me see what will you do... ' Nitaara teases me and Papa started laughing

I am not having any kids with that brat...

I huff and walk upstairs

No point in arguing with this 32 year old lady... She always wins because Papa takes her side...

'Come downstairs soon, we have to start with your Haldi ceremony... ' Papa calls


'Okay.... ' I reply and walk inside my room and see Amayraa awake sitting on the bed, looking at the ceiling

'My princess is awake..! Good morning... ' I pull her chubby cheeks

'Aaya... Annieeyyy....?' She asks

Oh god, you too...

'She is at her home Amayraa... You can meet her afterwards... ' I say trying to pick her up, but she wriggles out of my hold

'Naa.. Annieyy...!' She whines

'Yeah you go to Annie...  First get ready... ' I say trying to catch her again

'Naa... ' She jumps out if bed and runs out of the room

Aaarrgghhh.... Why girls are so stubborn....

I run behind her and see her running towards Vansh, who grins at her and opens his arms to catch her

'Amayraa Baby... Why are you running...?' he asks picking her up

'Annieeyyyy.... ' She says

'She wants to be with Ananya...' I say walking towards him

'Okayyy...  I will take you to Annie... First brush your teeth.... Or your mouth will stink... Ewww...' he says making a face and Amayraa covers her mouth

Vansh puts her down, and she runs towards Nitaara...

He turns to me with a serious look on his face...

'I need to talk to you... ' He says

What now...
I mentally roll my eyes

'What happened bro...?' I ask Vansh

'Follow me... ' He said walking inside my room

I follow him quietly and close the door behind,  he looks at me and takes a deep breath

'Who is Ritika Ahuja ?' he asks looking straight at me

Some body is doing background check on me...

I also don't break the eye contact to indicate that I am not bothered by his question and smile at him

'She is my ex girlfriend... ' I reply calmly

'But you said you never had any girlfriend... ' Vansh raised his brows

'She was more like a business investment rather than a girlfriend...' I reply shrugging my shoulders

'So this is what girls are for you...? A business deal...?' he looks irritated

'Ananya is not a business deal for me, Vansh... ' I say truthfully

Which is true, she is of no use to me...

He didn't reply, just stared at me..

'Besides, everyone has a past, even Ananya had a boyfriend back in college....' I continue and Vansh opens his mouth to say something but then shuts it

'Okay... Are you still in contact with her...?  Because Ananya doesn't talk to Ayush anymore... ' He said

'We have a formal Hi - Hello, but not more than that... ' I say and he nods

'Okay... ' he said and walked past me to leave my room

'Just because you are my good friend, it doesn't mean that you will be spared if something happens to my Annie... ' he says in a dead serious tone

You won't be able to do anything...
Trust me...

'Yes I know....' I smile at him

'Okay.. Come downstairs, I am here for your Haldi... ' he said and walked out

This one is really hard to convince...

Half and hour later...
Varma's House...

Aayan was made to sit at the centre of the hall, and his relatives and family members were standing encircling him...

He was sitting in his vest and shorts and was getting embarrassed because he was mostly surrounded by ladies

He helplessly looked towards Ved and Jai who grinned at him and he huffed in return

'Get done with this already Nitaara, My hands and legs are getting cold here... ' he whined and the ladies giggled 

'Yeah, okay Mr. Cranky pants... ' Nitaara laughed and brought the platter, which had saffron, sandalwood and turmeric paste in it...

'It's cold okay... Don't overreact...' Nitaara warned Aayan

'Like I am scared... ' Aayan said bored and then yelped as Nitaara applied the paste on his arms

'Holyyyy fu.... ' He yelped but then covered his mouth, looking at Jai who was busy talking to Vansh and them glared at Nitaara who gave him a 'told you' look

Later turn by turn everyone applied the paste on Aayan's body, Ved took a handful of paste and rubbed it all over his face earning a smack from him and Amayraa took a small amount of paste and smeared it over his nose...

Everyone were in awe, seeing this move by Amayraa and Aayan was about to kiss her on his cheeks,when she ran away seeing him covered in yellow paste..

'Eww Aaya... ' She cried holding Nitaara and everyone laughed at this

Some amount of paste was scraped out from Aayan's arms and was mixed in another paste, which Nitaara handed to Vansh

'Tell my beautiful Bhabhi, that we are coming to fetch her tomorrow... ' she grinned and Vansh smiled faintly at this peeking at Aayan who was playing with Amayraa

He called Amayraa and took her with him to his house which was just 2 blocks away...

Vansh was still not sure about Aayan, but sadly he had no evidence to present in front of Arjun that he is wrong, he sighed and walked towards his house, holding Amayraa's arm who was happily hopping all over the way

Thapar's residence...

Vansh walked inside his house and Amayraa ran towards Ananya who was sitting at the centre of the hall, dressed in yellow saree

Arjun was sitting on the chair far away from the setup, with Sash watching the children enjoying the function, the girls and women were dancing around and Ananya was watching them with a beautiful smile on her face

'Anniieeeyyyy.... ' Amayraa ran towards Ananya and she opened her arms to welcome her

'Amayraaa.... My baby.... ' Ananya hugged her tightly

'Annieeyy missy... ' Amayraa said cutely

'I missed you too... ' Ananya pouted

'Who is this baby...?' one of the relatives who was in her late 70s asked Naina

'Chachiji, she is Amayraa, Aayan's daughter... ' Naina replied hesitantly

The old lady's eyes, darted towards Arjun who looked at Naina and they both gulped

'You are marrying my granddaughter to a widower ! Who has a kid ! Are you guys crazy... Oh god what will I say to my late Sister in law and Brother in law, when I die... ' the lady scolds them

'Chachiji it's not what you think... ' Arjun tried to explain

'First of all he is not a Punjabi, I didn't say anything, his parents are separated, I didn't say anything on that either, now he is a widower...! Ananya is your own daughter right Naina...?' She glares at Naina and she gulped

'Daadi...! You are getting it all wrong, Amayraa is Aayan's adopted daughter.. ' Ananya replied on her parents behalf and they nodded

'Why will he a adopt a kid ! How can you be so sure that she is not his illegitimate child.. ' The old lady said angrily

'She is not his own daughter Chachiji.. Aayan is a decent man... Trust us... ' Arjun assured his aunt

'I anyways didn't like this idea of marrying your children to your friends children, you will regret this marriage Arjun... ' She said and walked upstairs with Rudra's help

Arjun's hands and legs turned cold at this...

You will regret this marriage Arjun

He looked at Vansh, who was mirroring his expressions holding the paste in his hands

'You are here...!  How much time does it take to come from a house just 2 blocks away...?' Naina scolds him and he gives her the paste

'Here is your Haldi Princess, let's make you more beautiful... ' Naina said and Ananya smiled

Then everyone applied the paste to Ananya as well, who was very happy, everyone was enjoying the function except Arjun and Vansh who were worried for their beloved princess..


After the Haldi ceremony, Ananya's hands were decorated with Henna, which had Aayan's name on it

'Wow Ananya...!  Your hands look so beautiful... ' Deepika exclaimed

'Don't worry Bhabhiji, even your hands will look this beautiful very soon...' Ananya winked at her and she blushed 

'I am very happy that you are finally getting married to the man of your dreams... ' Deepika smiled

'I am happy for you too, after all Ved Bhai was your dream man too... ' Ananya smiled and Deepika blushed again 

'What's with the blushing...' Ananya teased and Deepika hit her

'Shut up, show me your hands, let me find Aayan's name in here... ' Deepika said changing the topic

Aayan's terrace
11:30 p.m.

Aayan was gazing at the stars from his terrace, thinking about his life

He wished for a happy family, like Ananya has, he remembered the days when he felt so lonely, when he missed his parents at the hostel and he also never had a shoulder to cry on except Ved...

Jai always kept him away from himself, to discipline him whereas in reality he was not spoiled at all..

He just needed his attention

Aayan sighed and then his phone started ringing, he frowned looking at the caller

'Yes Ritika... ' he replied bored

'Why are you doing this to me...?'  she cried from the other side

'Don't imply that I used you and then left you... ' Aayan warned her

'But I love you Aayan... ' Ritika cries and Aayan cringed at this

What a pain...

'Listen Ritika, I am not marrying her because I am interested in her... ' Aayan said sweetly

Ritika stopped crying on the other side

'Then...?' She asked

'I have some past issues with her, which want to resolve by marrying and then leaving her after that... ' Aayan smirked

Well She will leave me ...

'So you don't love her...?' she asked and unknowingly Aayan's heart beat rapidly at this and he was surprised by his own body's reaction on Ananya's name

'N...No... ' He replied his voice shivering

'So you will marry me after leaving her..?' Ritika asked hopefully and Aayan rolled his eyes

'We'll see about it, only if you help me irritate her...' Aayan said

'Count me in... ' Ritika exclaimed excited

'Okay.. Now bye... ' Aayan said and hung up smiling at himself

Aayan was unaware of the fact that someone was standing behind him who heard everything...

Tears rolling down her eyes, and she wiped his name from her almost dried henna clad hands and glared at him, who was busy in star gazing, completely oblivious about her presence behind him

This was the beginning of their respective ends...


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