Chapter 72

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Next Day.. 
IGI airport, New Delhi...

Ananya gets out of the car, and Mrs. Kumar follows her carrying Amayraa in her arms, the chauffeurs carry their luggage and put it on the trolleys

Jai and Arjun get out from the front seats, followed by Naina and Ved from another car...

Ananya was hell nervous, and it was evident from her face, she was going to be there with Aayan alone ! God knows what will he do now...

Naina walked towards Ananya who was fiddling with the pallu of her saree, watching Jai and Arjun saying goodbye to Amayraa...

'Princess are you okay...?' Naina asked

'Yes Maa...' Ananya forced a smile

'See, it's okay to be nervous alright, even I was scared to death when I moved in with your father, even though he was my best friend since childhood... ' Naina chuckled

Ananya looked at her mother in admiration

How easily can you hide things Maa....
I know it must be killing you inside to marry the man you dislike...
This is what I am feeling right now...

'How did you manage ?' Ananya asked

'To live with your Paa, he was the most caring husband any girl can get, so I didn't have much problem in adjustment... ' Naina smiled

'I meant, how did you manage to live with the people you dislike...?' Ananya asked and Naina was shocked to hear this

She looked at her daughter, and could actually see fear in her eyes, her self intuition that Ananya is not happy was getting stronger by now..

'By staying strong from inside, not giving up easily, and not letting other person influence over, your determination to do something... ' Naina smiled and Ananya nodded

'There maybe some moments were you will feel helpless and you know, not having the energy to continue the fight, that's the time when you need someone to push you up again, don't hesitate to call your mother baby, I will always be there with you... No matter what..  Okay...?' Naina said and Ananya couldn't control her tears now

She hugged her mother tightly, which Scared Naina badly, Aayan and Ananya are going through a bad phase in their marriage was now evident by this...

'You will call right...?' Naina asked caressing her hair and Ananya nodded

'All hugs for your Maa...? What about me...?' they hear Arjun whining

Ananya chuckled and left Naina, quickly wiping her tears

'I'll miss you Paa... ' Ananya said and hugged Arjun

'I'll miss you too my princess, come back soon okay...?' He said caressing her hair and she nodded

'Take care of yourself and Aayan....' Ved said hugging her

'Yes Bhai, you too, don't worry I'll be back for your wedding soon.... Till then don't trouble my Deeps... ' Ananya threatened him playfully

'Say this to her... ' Ved laughed

'Come back soon kids, I'll be waiting for you three....' Jai said hugging Ananya

'Yes Papa....' Ananya smiled

'And don't hesitate to give me a call, if Aayan troubles you...' Jai said and Ananya chuckled

'What...? I am serious.... I will come there and whoop his ass, if he makes my princess cry....' Jai warned and everyone laughed

'Ananya, we must go for check in...' Mrs. Kumar said and Ananya nodded

'See you guys... ' Ananya said and looked at her mom nervously

She smiled giving her an assuring look and Ananya smiled, Arjun looked at them suspiciously, but didn't say anything...

Ananya walked inside the airport, waving at them, and then took a deep breath

Aayan Varma, here I come...

3 hours later...
Bengaluru International Airport...

Ananya comes out of the airport, pushing the trolley if luggage, with Amayraa sitting over it...

Mrs. Kumar was behind her, holding Amayraa's baby bag..

'Aaya....!' Amayraa shouts excitedly and Ananya looks at the direction, where Amayraa is staring and cringes

Aayan was standing along with his helper smiling at them, he was holding a big bunch of red roses and wore a white t shirt in which I LOVE MY WIFE was written in bold letters, over the T shirt he wore a jacket,but those letters could be easily seen

Ananya's anger escalated seeing this, yes she was nervous about living with him, but now she was so furious that she can beat him up right here, and send him to a hospital

'Don't hit your husband, don't hit your husband....' She chanted

Aayan very well knew that Ananya hated all this, he smirked looking at Ananya's irritated expression

'Wow, I didn't know Aayan baba had a romantic side as well... ' Mrs. Kumar exclaimed

'You don't know anything Mrs. Kumar... ' Ananya muttered

The passerbys were giggling looking at Aayan, some looked at him weirdly like he is some crazy man, while some looked at him in awe, that what an ideal husband he is...

'Babyy.... ' Aayan called and everyone's attention was on Ananya now

She got so embarrassed, that she could feel heat rising up her cheeks, she looked down to hide her scowl and flushed face

What a great start...

Aayan jogged towards them, and hugged Ananya tightly literally lifting her from the ground, and she could hear awws from the people around

Ananya was too shocked to hug back, but then He left her and she breathed in relief, but the very next moment she was shocked again, when Aayan placed his lips on her, giving her a quick kiss..

'For you... ' Aayan handed her the roses kissing her forehead and she cringed

Ananya was petrified at this, she was sure that she would be red by now, she stared at Aayan shocked, and she smiled

'I missed you... ' he whispered in his ears and Ananya could do nothing but scowl at this

He was doing all this purposely to irritate Ananya, while Ananya was fighting hard not to let him see that she was actually bothered...

'Guys, we are in a public place, and we have a baby with us... ' Mrs. Kumar said and Aayan - Ananya moved away from each other

'Amayraaaa my baby..... ' Aayan exclaimed, picking her up in his arms

Ananya took a deep breath, to calm her heartbeat down, she was angry and embarrassed at the same time

'Come Baby... ' He slid his hands around her waist and dragged her along with him

'Wow Baba, you are really changed after marriage...' Mrs. Kumar said sitting on the back seat with Amayraa, while Aayan made Ananya sit on the passenger seat

'Yes, after all I have the best girls in my life... ' Aayan smiled looking at Ananya who huffed

'Did you expect Aayan baba to become like this Ananya...?' Mrs. Kumar asked, but Ananya didn't reply, she was trying to control her anger

She rubbed her temples, while Aayan started the car

'Ananya....?' Mrs. Kumar asked, and she was about to snap at her, but Aayan spoke in between

'Pappy, Ananya's head always hurts after she travels in a flight, she will be fine once she sleeps, don't irritate her with questions now... ' Aayan said focusing his attention on the road

'Ohh, sorry Ananya I didn't know... ' Mrs. Kumar said and Ananya nodded

The rest of the drive was silent as Amayraa was already asleep and indeed Ananya's head was aching, only Aayan and Mrs. Kumar exchanged few words about the travel and Jai's health

45 minutes later...

Ananya's sleep was disturbed with the sudden halt of the car, and she lazily looked up adjusting to the brightness of the light, blinking her eyes several times

'We are here love... ' Aayan said and Ananya rubbed her forehead to show her frustration

'Awww.. You guys are so cute... ' Mrs. Kumar said and got down from the car, carrying sleeping Amayraa in her arms

Ananya narrowed her eyes at him and then tries gets out of the car, but he holds her hands and pulls her closer to him, and her right hand lands on his shoulders

'What are you... ' Ananya was about to say, but he sushed her

'Have I ever told you that you look extremely gorgeous in saree, and especially lavender color suits you...' He said and Ananya took a deep breath

'Stop this nonsense okay....' She says angrily and jerks his hands away, getting out of the car

Aayan smiled and parked the car at it's alloted place...

Ananya, Mrs. Kumar and Amayraa were waiting for Aayan in the lobby of the building, they had their apartment in a building were mostly all the business startup people resided, which was a very posh area..

Aayan runs towards them and presses the elevator button, taking bag from Ananya's shoulder

They walk inside the elevator, and Aayan pressed the 15th floor button, and intentionally trapped Ananya between the elevator wall and himself, she was finding it difficult to get out of his trap, while Mrs. Kumar chuckled

Ananya glared at him angrily
'Behave yourself Aayan... ' She said irritated, but he was unfazed

'Baba, let me go to my room then you can have your quality time....' Mrs. Kumar said not looking at them

Ananya was embarrassed and uncomfortable at the same time..

The elevator halted at 15th floor and Mrs. Kumar walked out giggling, Ananya's anger was at its peak now, she gave him a deadly glare and walked out

Mrs. Kumar unlocked the door and walked inside with Amayraa, when Ananya was about to enter, she stopped her and Aayan at the gate

'You guys wait here, let me welcome the new bride...' She smiled and placed Amayraa carefully on the sofa

Ananya sighed and waited, she leaned against the door as she was really tired, she looked around and found Aayan staring at her, leaning against the door wall opposite to her...

She frowned at this and stood up straight adjusting her saree

'What do you think you are doing...?' she asked irritated

'Staring at you I guess...' Aayan replied casually

'Don't do it... ' she huffed

'I am a 21st century, educated, independent Man, I don't need a woman to tell me whether I can stare at my wife or not... ' he shrugged his shoulders

Ananya got so angry at this, that she punched him right in his stomach, and he winced, bending down

'Owww.... This is domestic violence...' he cried and Ananya huffed

Mrs. Kumar came out with the platter and saw Aayan caressing his stomach

'Baba are you okay...?' she asked

He immediately straightened up and composed his expression

'Yes Pappy, I ate something bad yesterday now it hurts....' He says glancing at Ananya and she controlled her smile

Mrs. Kumar applied vermilion to their foreheads and performed the ritual of welcoming the newly wed couple inside the house

'I'll be in my room if you need me... ' She picked Amayraa who squirmed a little and walked inside

Ananya turns to Aayan and keeps her right hand on her waist, glaring at him

'Where is my room....?' She asked aayan

'This one... ' Aayan pointed at the door to his left

Ananya nodded and walked inside the room pulling her bag with her as well, she entered and saw that it was a master bedroom, mostly in grey and white, with a king size bed in the centre, a walk-in closet, dressing table with a huge mirror, the walls were empty with no photos, and a huge balcony facing the beautiful view of hills

What a lifeless boring room... Ananya thought

Well what else can you expect with Aayan, he is boring himself, so naturally his choice in decor will be boring as well, thank god I am not sharing a room with him

Her thoughts were interrupted when Aayan entered inside the room and lied on the bed, turning on the television fixed on the opposite wall of the bed

Ananya looked at him confused and then frowned...

'Why are you here...?' she asked

'This is my room as well... ' Aayan replied turning down the volume

'You Don't have a separate room...?' Ananya asked shocked

'Why will I have a separate room...?' Aayan raised his brows

'What made you think that I will share room with you... ' Ananya countered back

'You don't reply with question, for a question...' Aayan rolled his eyes

'Listen don't act smart... You can't stay in this room... Or tell me where is the guest room I will go there... ' Ananya folded her hands near her chest

'Did you see the nameplate of the house, when you entered inside... ' Aayan asked half lying on the bed

'Yeah... ' Ananya replied looking at him suspiciously

'Whose name was on it... ?' Aayan raised his brows

'Yours...' Ananya replied narrowing her eyes at him

'So whose house is this...?' Aayan asked further

Ananya glared at him and didn't reply

'That's right, this is my house I make rules... ' Aayan said authoritatively

'But... ' Ananya was about to argue

'You threw me out of your house there in Delhi, did I say anything...' Aayan raised his brows

Ananya didn't reply

'I followed what you said at your house, you'll follow what I say in my house, and I say, we share a room, so you obey that... ' Aayan said and Ananya glared with him

'To hell with your rules, I am going out... ' Ananya held her bag

'Tut tut tut, someone doesn't know how to play fair... Someone is still a crybaby and a spoil sport... ' Aayan smirked

'Play...? This marriage is a game for you...?' Ananya asked angrily

'What is left in this marriage anyway, you know everything... So now we just have to behave like roommates...' Aayan said

'Why would I do that...?' Ananya raised her brows

'To save our Father's Friendship... And if you don't want to, you are free to divorce me... ' Aayan smirked

'In your dreams... ' Ananya huffed

'Play fair then...' Aayan said and Ananya marched towards him angrily

'You are the worst man I ever encountered in my life... ' She growled and was about to hit him but he held his hands mid air

'Hit me one more time and you will regret...' He said dangerously, but Ananya was unfazed

'Really what will you do...?' Ananya challenged

He pulled her to the bed, and rolled them over so that now he was hovering over her, Ananya's angry expression morphed into anxious one

'You want to see what can I do...?' He said moving closer to her and Ananya's eyes widened

He moved his face towards her neck and Ananya's breathing hitched as his lips touched her skin

'Aayan... ' she said scared

He trailed his lips from her neck to her collarbone and she froze on her spot...

'If you hit me, I will do this, infact more than this... So Beware... Understand...?' Aayan asked continuing his torture and Ananya nodded

'Good girl... ' Aayan said and left her,  and she sat on the bed, adjusting her saree...

Aayan got down, and then walked towards the door

'It's not like I am dying to be with you in the same room, but I feel Mrs. Kumar will tell Dad everything, I don't want any drama from his side, so you are staying in this room, no arguments... ' Aayan said and walked out of the room

Ananya sighed and then angrily throws away the pillow...

Ananya - 3
Aayan - 2


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