Chapter 71

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One and a half month later...

It's been more than a month since Ananya and Aayan spoke to each other...

Ananya was busy in applying into multiple law firms in Delhi but was not getting any response from anyone, which frustrated her...

She had no idea what Aayan was doing, what was he planning or was he even bothered about her presence in his life

His silence was bothering her, she was worried that why was he silent, even after she threw him out of his own house ?
Is this the silence before the storm ?

Will he strike her back with something more harmful...?

Aayan and Ananya were not any normal newly married couple, who are madly in love with each other after a month of their wedding

They had no idea what future had in store for them, also they hated each other so much, yet got married, how long this marriage was going to last none of them knew...

There was no space of love in their relationship, these were two opposite poles who were bound together, one was ruthless and hated the existence of love, while the other hopelessly believed in love...

The only way to make this marriage work was that one of them backs off and tries to adjust with other person, which was impossible...

Both were egoistic obstinates and arrogant brats, who will back off...?  Certainly no one !

Two wrongs never make a right...!

'Mr. Thadani, you asked me to apply to your partner's firm here in Delhi, which I did, but I haven't received any response from that firm...! Sir on your insistence, I did this.... Now I don't have a job... What do I do...?' Ananya said frustratedly on the call

'Ananya my partner was told that you moved to Bangalore, that's why he hired another lawyer in your place... ' Mr. Thadani replied

'What...! That's not true !!! And how can he hire another candidate without even considering me once !' Ananya said angrily

'It's his firm Ananya, he can hire anyone he wants, I have no say in that, I can only recommend candidates...' Mr. Thadani said

'Fine, thank you for your help sir... ' Ananya said and hung up

She angrily throws her phone on the bed and takes a deep breath

My professional life is screwed
My marriage is a bliss.... (Note the sarcasm) 
My life is so happening....!! Yeeaahhh

Jai enters her room and sees her moving to and fro near the bed angrily

'Princess... Are you okay...?' he asks looking concerned

Ananya stops walking and looks at him, tears filling her eyes

'What happened Princess....? Why are you crying...?' Jai asks panicked

Ananya runs towards him and hugs him

'Papa everything is messed up, I don't know what to do...' She cries and Jai caresses her hair

'What is messed up..?' Jai asks

'My career... ' Ananya sobs

'Didn't hear back from any firm ?' Jai asks and Ananya nods in negative

'You want me to talk to Mr. Singh...?' he asks

'He already has 2 extra assistants working under him, taking me will be an additional burden on him...' Ananya says wiping her tears

'What about Rehaan...? You can ask him... ' Jai suggested

'Mausaji doesn't need assistants Papa, he is anyway retiring next year and there is no lawyer in his family, so his firm is closing as well... ' Ananya said

'Let me see what else I can do beta, your Papa has a lot of contacts,  we will find someone who can hire you...' Jai smiled caressing her hair and Ananya nodded

'Any news from Aayan...? When is he coming...?' Jai asked

'He says there is a lot of work there, so he may not be able to come this weekend as well... ' Ananya lied and Jai frowned at this

'Why is he repeating my mistakes...?' Jai muttered to himself

'What...?' Ananya asked

'Nothing, I will talk to him about this..' Jai said and Ananya sighed

'About what Papa...?' Ananya asked

'About making work as a priority over his married life, he is not realising the consequences... ' Jai said in a serious tone

'It's okay Papa, work is important...' Ananya forced a smile

And it's even better as it is keeping him away from here...

'No my child, work is not more important than your family, Aayan is a married man now.... He must understand this... ' Jai said shaking his head disapprovingly

Ananya was about to reply, but then Mrs. Kumar comes there

'Bade Sahab, Sameer Baba is waiting...' she says and Jai slaps his head

'See I completely forgot... Your bestie is here... I came to call you, Go meet him... ' Jai smiled and Ananya's happiness knew no boundaries

Finally he is here....

She smiled, and this was her first genuine smile, Jai saw after the marriage...

'Sameer is here...! Papa I'll go meet him....' Ananya said excitedly and literally ran downstairs

Jai smiled and followed her

Sameer saw her descending downstairs, wearing a pink saree and stood up from his seat, admiring her, he went forward to hug her tightly, but backed off seeing the red vermilion on her forehead and the mangalsutra around her neck

She is someone else's possession now...
Sameer thought and took a step back

'Hey Ananya... How... ' before he could complete, she hugged him tightly, making his heartbeat go crazy

He was too shocked to react, he didn't hug her back as he was confused whether he should do it or not..

'Where the hell were you...!  No messages no calls...!  How dare you show me your face after 2 freaking months...!' Ananya hits him and Sameer chuckled, rubbing his arm where she hit

'I told you, I was in London...' Sameer said backing off

'Why you had to go during my wedding... You know I missed you... ' she said almost in tears

Sameer's heart raced seeing her in tears, he immediately understood that Aayan did something that she is so upset

'What the....' Sameer began, but then stopped seeing Jai approaching them, Ananya quickly wiped her tears

'Yes Sameer, you shouldn't have missed your best friend's wedding, your brother, Aayan asked about you as well...' Jai said patting Ananya's shoulder

'Sir, I had to attend that Edinburgh conference, also had some more work  in London as well, so I couldn't make it... ' Sameer said politely

'That Annual Business meet...? Man, I wished someone from E market attended that.... ' Jai sighed

'It's fine sir, infact it's better that no one wasted their time there, I was so bored... ' Sameer rolled his eyes and Jai chuckled

'Sometimes I really wish I met your mother young man... By seeing you I can totally say what a noble lady she would be... ' Jai smiled and Sameer smiled too

'My current mother is not bad as well... She raised me to become what I am today... ' Sameer said and Jai frowned

'I wish she took this much effort for her own children as well... ' Jai said coldly and Sameer smiled uncomfortably

'I am so sorry Mr. Varma, I didn't mean to... ' Sameer began and Jai looked at him

'This is definitely not Priyanka... ' Jai said, There was this awkward silence in the room

'Let's not ruin our moods with this old man's whining, you guys talk, I'll be in my study... ' Jai smiled and Ananya - Sameer chuckled

'Okay Papa... ' Ananya smiled, Jai looked at her and then at Sameer

'Sameer, take her somewhere outside  look at her face, she looks so stressed out, nothing like a newly married girl... Go beta, hangout with your friend you will feel better...' Jai said smiling

'Okay Mr. Varma... I'll take her to her favorite coffee shop... ' Sameer smiled

Jai nodded and walked upstairs, but then stopped and turned around

'You are Aayan's brother, you need not call me Mr. Varma, you can call me uncle... ' He said and then walked upstairs

Sameer was shocked for a moment at this, and Ananya smiled at him

'See I told you, he doesn't hate you... ' Ananya said and Sameer smiled not looking at her

'Let's go...?' Sameer asked

'Yeah... ' She said and they walked outside the house

Half and hour later...

Sameer and Ananya were sitting at Ananya's favorite ice cream parlor at Connaught Place, Delhi

After ordering their ice creams, they talked about Sameer's trip

'Enough about my boring experience, you tell me, how it is like ? To be married...?' He asked and Ananya smiled weakly

'It's good, I love the new experiences and responsibilities I am handling as a married woman, but I really miss being single you know... ' Ananya sighed

'Is Aayan treating you well...?' Sameer asked and her expression changed at this, but she quickly composed it

'Yeah he is very sweet and caring, but he is in Bangalore right now... I miss him... ' Ananya lied, controlling her urge to frown

Sameer looked at her intently

'Okay... So when will you move to Bangalore...?' he asked

'Why will I move to Bangalore...?' Ananya raised her brows

'Because you miss your husband right...?' Sameer asked further

'No I miss him the sufficient amount, I can happily live without him here... ' Ananya said controlling her anger

'But he is your loving husband... ' Sameer raised his brows

'Stop it...!' Ananya said angrily, losing her patience..

Sameer sighed
'I knew something is not right....' he said and Ananya calmed down a bit

'What's wrong...?' Sameer asked controlling his rage

'Nothing...' Ananya replied

'Something is bothering you... Tell me... ' Sameer coaxed

'Nothing that concerns you... ' Ananya replied rudely

Sameer loses his calm at this
'Don't give me that shit okay... You know you can tell me everything... I was the warned you about this marriage damn it, I told you that I will help you, no matter what... How does it not concern me if you are in pain and the reason is my step brother...!' Sameer said angrily and Ananya looked at him shocked

This was the first time she saw him angry, and tears filled her eyes

She had so much to say, she wanted to cry her heart out, she was broken from inside, and was slowly losing the strength to fight Aayan anymore...

Tears rolled down her eyes and Sameer sighed

'See I am sorry... ' he began but Ananya held his hands

'I can't bear this anymore Sameer, this is harder than I prepared myself for...' Ananya cried

Sameer got scared at this
'What do you mean...? What did Aayan do...?' he asked

Ananya wiped her tears and narrated the whole incidents to him, right from the time she heard him talking to someone about how he will marry her and destroy her life, till her throwing him out of the house incident

Sameer listened to everything very patiently, and with each and every sentence his guilt was aggravating that he wasn't there for her, and as Ananya was about to finish he quickly wiped the tears formed in his own eyes, without her noticing

'I am so sorry that you had to go through all these... ' Sameer said in a sympathetically

'I don't even know why did I marry him... ' Ananya says caressing her forehead

'Can you imagine yourself as someone else's wife other than Aayan... ' Sameer asked

'Don't try to make me feel good about Aayan, I hate him Sameer... ' Ananya said angrily and Sameer sighed

'We knew that he may have some covert intentions, and now we know that he has, we should switch to plan B... ' Sameer smiled

'What's plan B...?' Ananya asked

'Clearing all his misunderstandings..' he replied

'I am not explaining anything to that good for nothing, arrogant prick, let him assume... ' She huffed

'How will this Marriage work then ? If none of you is ready to understand...!' Sameer said

'Don't let it work then, I'll divorce him... ' Ananya argued

'Marriage is not a joke Ananya, do you think divorce is so easy... Do you have any idea what impact it makes in the lives of people associated to you..?' Sameer asked

'I don't care....' Ananya huffed

'Fine...! Divorce him then... Let him believe that he was right and you were wrong... Let him believe that all women are materialists, and none of them are worth any affection, let him be broken like his father... You are taking away his last chance to see what affection, care and love is... ' Sameer said and Ananya sighed

'Not only Aayan, let your fathers 40 year old friendship and E market to end as well... Let my father get what he always wanted, to see your father destroyed... ' Sameer said angrily and Ananya looked at him shocked

'And lastly, let Amayraa lose her parents again... Let her become another Aayan... Also your kid to grow up without any father... ' Sameer said

'I am not pregnant, do you really think that I will let him touch me after knowing his real intentions...?' Ananya raised her brows

'Ewww... I didn't need to know that... ' Sameer said shivering dramatically and Ananya smiled

'Thank god... Finally... ' Sameer said

'It's not easy Sameer, you don't know how it is...  To see someone you love to be with someone else... ' she sighed and Sameer chuckled at the irony

'Aayan is not with that girl, trust me ! She us just a pawn to bother you... ' Sameer smiled

'But... ' Ananya tried to argue

'If this was so difficult, then even your mother should've left your father and Mr. Thapar shouldn't have ever tried to get her back...' Sameer said and Ananya looked at him shocked

'What do you mean...? Paa never cheated on Maa... ' She argued

'Learn from your parents Ananya... Never give up on the people you love...' Sameer smiled and Ananya was more confused...

'I don't understand Sameer, what are you talking about...' she said

And it was now Sameer's turn to narrate Ananya her parents story..

After listening to their story, Ananya was petrified, but she didn't hate Arjun of course, because he struggled to get his love back,  but what changed was Ananya's respect for her mother...

Till now she loved her, but now she respected and admired her as well..

Arjun - Naina's story gave her the strength and determination to not to give up on love, maybe she was ready to give Aayan an another try but in her own way...

'Ananya are you listening...?' Sameer clicked his fingers breaking her trance

'Yeah.. ' she said

'So what did you decide...?' he asked

'I know what I have to do now... ' Ananya gave him a determined smile and he smiled back

'All the best... ' He said

'Be with me..?' Ananya asked

'Always... ' Sameer held her hands

1 hour later...
Jai's house...

Ananya walked inside and saw her parents and Jai talking to each other in the hall, even Ved was there

They see her coming inside and get up from their seat

'Princess... ' Arjun smiled and she literally ran towards him and hugged him

'I missed you Paa... ' she said slowly and Arjun caressed her hair

'I missed you too my baby... ' he said

Ananya hugged Ved, who ruffled her hairs, and lastly Ananya looked at her mother admiringly, her heart swelled with pride thinking that her mother is such a strong lady who was brave enough to fight society for her love

'Why are you looking at me like that baby...?' Naina asked and Ananya didn't reply but  hugged her tightly and Naina was shocked at this

'I love you Maa... ' Ananya muttered tears rolling down her eyes

'I love you too my princess... But what happened....?' Naina asked worried as Ananya wiped her tears

'She missed you guys a lot, also she was worried about her job... ' Jai said and Naina nodded caressing Ananya's hair

'But we have a good news for you Annie... ' Ved said

'What news Bhai...?' Ananya asked

'Aayan managed to get you a job at Bangalore's biggest law firm... ' Jai smiled and Ananya's hands and feet turned cold

'But I want to stay here in Delhi... ' Ananya said in a low voice and Naina was observing her daughter intently

'You will be back here soon princess, it's Just a matter of one year....' Arjun smiled 

'A year...!' Ananya exclaimed

'Yeah apparently, Aayan's shifting here to Delhi is delayed due to some accommodation and investment issues, so he may take another year to be back here... ' Ved informed

'Also, First year of marriage is crucial, so I don't think you and Amayraa should be here with me... You guys need to spend time together....' Jai said

'Anyway Aayan said that he also took Amayraa's admission in some famous play school over there... She is already 2, so I think you guys must not delay this... ' Ved said and Ananya who was about to use the same reason was speechless now...

Ananya couldn't say anything, she was trapped by Aayan from all the sides

There is no way she can escape going to Bangalore now..

'We are here to help you with the packing princess, you and Amayraa leave tomorrow morning...' Naina said looking at Ananya

Ananya took a deep breath

'Okay.... ' was all she could say

Arjun and Jai smiled, and then started discussing about some office related stuff with Ved...

'Let's go to your room Beta... ' Naina said and Ananya nodded

While walking upstairs, she received a text from Aayan

Happy second month anniversary baby...
Hope you liked my present...
See you tomorrow...

Ananya - 3
Aayan - 1


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