Chapter 70

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4 days later....
5 p.m...

Aayan enters his mansion and finds everything surprisingly quiet..

It's was rare scenario that his house is quiet, because ever since he got married, it never happened !

'Ananya ?'

No answer....

'Papa...?' he calls

No reply...

'Nits...? Amayraa....? Mrs. Kumar...! Anyone...?' he called slightly irritated

But no one answers

Where is everyone...?  He thought

'Ananya ? Where are you ??'

Still no answer....

He calls the servants but no one answers...

Where is everybody...?

Confused he keeps his travel bag on the couch and walks around to find someone, he walked upstairs to check everyone's room, but no one was there...

'Shyam...! Shyam...!!' He called the servant again

The servant rushed upstairs, in a hurry...

'Good evening Sir... You called..?' he asked

'Where is everyone...?' Aayan asked

'Nitaara Didi went back to Mumbai, Bade Sahab and Amayraa baby went to Arjun Sir's house... ' He informed

'And Ananya Madam...?'  Aayan asked

Servant looked at him confused
'Sir she is in her room... She didn't go anywhere...' He said

'In her room ? But... Yeah okay...  You go... ' he dismissed the servant

He again checked his room, but she wasn't there....

Where is she...!

Aayan walked downstairs and his eyes land on these three big bags in the living room and he got confused...

Whose are they ?

'How was your trip ?' Ananya asks from behind

He smirked at himself, he felt good after listening to her voice

Stupid girl...

He turns around and finds his beautiful wife who is clad in red saree, glaring at him...

'Hey Ananya ! I missed you..!' he greets sweetly and walks towards her, opening his arms to embrace her..

'Quit this Drama, Aayan Varma ! I know you are pretending, I know you are not happy to see me....!' Ananya snaps


He stops on his tracks and stares at her confused
How does she know ?

'Baby, What are you saying ? I...!' he begins

'Ooooo Shut up you liar ! I know you were not in Bangalore for your so called 'Emergency Crisis'... I know you were at Goa, with that whore !' she half yelled controlling her tears

Aayan's confused expression changes into a smirk..

'How do you know ?' he asks amused

'I have my sources...'  Ananya crosses her hands

'Soooo, My cute little Ananya is not that Naive, I presumed she would be !' he advanced towards her smirking

'I am not yours !' Ananya huffs taking a step back...

'Who wants you anyway !' he retorts

'Then why did you marry me ?' she asks irritated

'Like I had any choice !' Aayan huffs

'Don't victimise yourself now okay, the alliance was proposed from your side... You married to take some stupid revenge from me... ' Ananya gave him a challenging look

Aayan was shocked to the core...

She knows everything, still pretended to be good...

Unknowingly he was impressed by her right now...

'You know everything, Wow... I am impressed... But now you are stuck Mrs. Ananya Aayan Varma, no one will save you from me... ' Aayan smirked and pulled her closer to him, for which she protested, but his hold was strong

'I think I myself will be sufficient to counter you, I don't need anyone's help in this... ' she said smirking back

'I will make your life miserable sweetheart, just wait and watch... ' he trailed his fingers across her face and she cringed at his touch..

This broke her heart, her dream for a perfect love story like her parents was shattered..

But she was Naina Thapar's daughter after all ! She won't cry for this worthless man !

Ananya didn't reply to his rude remark, and pushed him away

'Now that you know, let's keep this secret between us...!' He states moving closer to her

Really ?

'And why do you think I will agree to that !' Ananya raises her brows

'Because you love Big Dad and my Papa so much ' he smirks

And Ananya's angered expression morphs to worried one...

'And you don't want to bring their friendship at stake...' His smirk grows wider..

This cunning brat !

'Don't you think you are hurting your Naina mom as well by taking revenge from her daughter... ' Ananya countered and Aayan frowned

'Naina mom will understand...' he began looking away

'Keep dreaming Aayan Varma, because you are not going to make me suffer anymore... So I won't be hurt, and then Maa won't be disappointed as well... But YOU will be shattered to core....' Ananya said cutting him off in between

'Let's see... How much you can tolerate me... ' Aayan said amused

'Let's see how much You can bear me either.... You will be the first one to back off Aayan.... ' She smiled

'I won't leave you till my last breath Ananya Varma, stop dreaming... ' Aayan smiled back

Both of them stared at each other, not breaking the eye contact, like they were battling through their eyes

This weird competition which both of them signed up was not who defeats who, but was more like who fights their own feelings for other better....

Aayan was Ananya's first love, and Ananya was the first girl Aayan took so much interest in, even though out of hatred, but Aayan was attracted to Ananya in a manner he wasn't to any girl ever...

'Fine !' She pushes him away and walks towards the bags...

'Tut, tut... Poor heartbroken Ananya is leaving her husband's house ? That's Sad !' he mocks her

Ananya starts laughing and he stares her bewildered

Did she go crazy...?

'Heartbroken ? For you ! In your dreams, Aayan Varma !' she said disgustingly

Aayan doesn't reply at this...

Now Ananya turns back to him and smirks...

'These aren't my bags, my darling husband...! And I am certainly not leaving this house !'

'Then whose bags are those ?' he asks

'These are yours ! You are leaving ! Cheaters don't deserve a house' she declares

'WHAT THE HELL !' was all Aayan could say

He was stupefied at her move, he didn't even think that she will throw him out of his own house...

'This is my house, I am not leaving...' Aayan countered

Ananya gave him an amused look and sat on the King chair crossing her legs, which was Jai's favorite and placed at the center of the hall

'Actually, it's not yours... ' Ananya said casually

'What do you mean...?' Aayan raised his brows

'I was just going through Papa's will, I mean your Papa's will yesterday, which clearly states that this house belongs to your wife, once you get married... So as your wife is unfortunately me, this house is mine.... ' Ananya grinned

'What nonsense... ' Aayan huffed

'Ask Papa...' Ananya shrugged her shoulders

'Why he always makes such stupid wills that eventually works against me..  ' Aayan huffed

'So, you may leave... ' Ananya smiled

'You are the owner of this house as long as you are my wife, so how can you throw me out of the house, I am the reason for your association with this family... ' Aayan tried to argue

'Hmmm... Makes sense... So do one thing, divorce me...  I'll leave... In this way you live here happily, I'll live somewhere else happily.... Because I am not sharing a roof with you man, never... ' Ananya said

'I am not divorcing you... ' Aayan huffed

'Me neither...' Ananya grinned

'Fine I'll leave....' he said and Ananya sighed as he walked towards the bags

He turned around, smirking which confused her more...

'This is your house, I agree but who will save you there at Bangalore... You have to share space with me my dear wify...' Aayan smirked

'Who said I will come to Bangalore...' Ananya countered

'Ohh sweetheart, you will come to Bangalore, that to very soon... ' Aayan gave her a challenging look

'We'll see...' Ananya said dismissively

'Fine I am leaving now, but this is not your victory my dear, infact you made things easier for me....' Aayan said and ordered the servants to keep the bags inside his SUV

'How...?' Ananya asked

'You'll see...' Aayan said and walked towards the door carrying his travel bag

He turned back and saw Ananya sighing

'Won't you see off your husband...?' he teased her and Ananya huffed looking away

'See you soon Mrs. Varma...' he smiled and walked out of the house

As soon as Aayan left the house, Ananya couldn't control her tears, she covered her mouth with her hands to prevent the sob to escape, she ran upstairs, and locked herself inside her room

She held the pillow and cried her heart out, it killed her from inside to stay away from Aayan, but she couldn't live with him either...

By harming Aayan, she was hurting herself too, this was harder than she imagined...

What have I gotten myself into...!

Ananya - 3
Aayan - 0

Or was it...? 

Next day...

Ananya, Amayraa and Jai were having their breakfast

Jai looked at Ananya and understood something was not right, her eyes were swollen and her face looked so dull

'Princess are you okay...?' He asked

'Yes Papa, I am fine, why do you ask...?' she forced a smile

'No you don't look fine... ' Jai said still not convinced 

'Actually I was talking to Deeps yesterday till 2 am and then slept a late, that's why I may look tired, else I am fine really...' Ananya said and Jai narrowed his eyes but then didn't say anything

'Okay....' Jai said

'Why didn't Aayan came back yesterday, he told that he will be here...' Jai said taking out his phone and Ananya got scared at this

What if he says everything to Papa...

She had goosebumps all over, if Jai and Arjun come to know about their troubled marriage, their friendship will surely be affected

She closed her eyes and prayed that Aayan doesn't tell Jai about their recent clash

'Hello Aayan...  Where are you beta...? You said you'll be here soon... ' Jai asked Aayan over phone and Ananya looked at Jai, her hands in praying position inside the table cloth

'What do you mean you are not coming back to Delhi....?' Jai frowned looking at Ananya and her heart sank hearing this

'Oh.. Is that so...?' Jai looked at Ananya intently and her heartbeat was twice the rate

'You want me to take care of that...?' he asked further

'Okay...  I will convey this to her... You take care beta, and try to shift here as soon as possible... ' Jai said to Aayan

'Bye beta...' Jai said and hung up

'What happened Papa...?' Ananya asked, her voice shivering

'His deal with the Delhi investors failed here, it's hard for him to shift here anytime soon... ' Jai sighed

The deal was almost finalised...
He purposely cancelled it...

Ananya frowned at this..

'Well, establishing the branch to a new place is actually a task, even I had to face a lot if issues there in Mumbai, when we planned to have another branch of E market there...' Jai smiled and Ananya nodded

'He says he misses Amayraa and you...' Jai said caressing Amayraa's cheeks and she forced a smile

So he didn't say anything to Papa...
Thank god...

I am not going to Bangalore... Not at all.... She thought

Her phone pinged and there was a text from Aayan

We'll see...
Can't wait to receive you at the airport..

She frowned looking at the text

What will he do now...? 

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