Chapter 69

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Vansh's studio...
3 p.m...

'Check the lights... ' Vansh orders on the mike and hundreds of lights in the ceiling are turned on brightening up the room, and then the lights are again turned off, leaving the room dimly lit...

'Aarav, adjust the center lights, camera can't focus...' Vansh says on the walkie talkie, while checking the camera

'Copied Sir... ' The person on the other side answers

'Lights... ' Vansh calls on the mike and they check the lights and now it was desirable as per directors requirement

'Call the actors, Natasha... ' Vansh turns to one of the assistants who was staring at him dreamily

Not receiving any answer he huffs and snaps his finger in front of her face

'Sir... Sorry ! You were saying...!' she stammers turning red

'Go call the actors, we need to rehearse the scene before the director comes...' He orders her and she hurriedly goes towards the vanity vans to call the actors

'Khushi, you need to keep it a bit higher... ' He hears one of the assistant instructing Khushi to place the pink heart at a certain height

They were going to shoot a proposal scene for a movie today, where the protagonist confesses his love to his lady..

Vansh was already irritated because he hated such scenes, and the fact that director asked him to rehearse before he reaches, irritated him more...

'Here...?' Khushi asked, she was standing on a high stool placing the heart on the wall..

'A bit higher girl, use your height... ' the assistant teased her and she gave him an uninterested look

'Be careful both of you, she may fall... ' Vikrant instructs them and walks towards Vansh

'Hey bitch, let's hit the club tonight...' he says excitedly

'I don't want to go anywhere today, you go with your girlfriend...' Vansh said adjusting the camera lenses

'I invited Charu, and also her hot friend Kaira, that's why I am asking you to come, let's set you up with her...' he winks

'I am not interested...' Vansh said a bit irritated

'What's up with you man, you are really cranky after Annie's wedding... Is everything alright...?' Vikrant asked

'It's nothing... ' Vansh said avoiding the topic

'Bro, something is not right... Tell me...' Vikrant held his shoulders

'Let me work bro... ' Vansh said a bit irritated

'No you tell me... ' Vikrant coaxed and Vansh lost his patience

He was about to snap at Vikrant, when they hear a loud noise of someone falling down and then his staff running towards the place where Khushi was standing

'I told them to be careful... Damn it... ' Vikrant mutters and jogs towards them

Vansh follows Vikrant and they see Khushi on the floor, trying to get up but then she cries in pain and lies down again

'Freak man, I am sorry Khushi... ' the assistant who was instructing the task to Khushi apologized

'You need a doctor Khushi...?' Vikrant asked

Khushi was about to say something when Vansh lashed out at her

'There is height of carelessness Khushi, how more clumsy can you get... ' He growled and his staff looks at him scared, especially Khushi

'Sir.. I... ' Khushi began

'Our props are more costly than your salary, be careful and protect them even more than yourself, understand... ' he scolds her and she looks down, controlling her tears

'Vansh....' Vikrant tries to pacify him

'She needs to work carefully, she always falls here and there, breaking things... Her hands has more black and blue bruises due to falling than her skin, my studio pays more for her first aid rather than any other essential item... I am warning you Khushi, One more fall...! And I will fire you....' he says angrily and Khushi nods wiping her tears

'Bro... Control, you don't know what you are saying...' Vikrant says

'Sir, it was my fault... ' The assistant said on her behalf, looking scared

'Whoever's fault it was... Don't waste my time.... And you... Get up... ' he says to Khushi and she gets scared

She tries to get up, but fails, she tries again wincing with the assistant's help

Vansh who has already lost his calm, marches towards her and picks her in his arms in one swift move, and everyone stares at them shocked and Khushi is horrified at this

'Sir... I... ' She begins

'Shut up...' he says taking her out of the area, and makes her sit on the chair and she shuts her mouth, not really holding him

She winces as he places her on the chair, and he sees that..

'Natasha... See what's wrong with her.. ' he orders and then walks towards the area where scene was supposed to be shot

'You unnecessarily scolded the poor girl... She wasn't even at fault... ' Vikrant frowns

'Let's resume our work... ' Vansh says ignoring his remark and Vikrant frowns

'Clear the area...! Manik - Ruhi take your positions... ' Vansh orders the actors

'Ready Sir...?' The assistant asks the actors and they nod

'Order sir... ' The assistant informs Vansh, and the staff quickly clears the area...

'Yeah, Lights...! *the lights turn on* Roll Camera, no....! Don't roll the camera, it's just a rehearsal....' Vansh says and Vikrant chuckles

'Action... ' Vikrant says and Vansh reads the script

Khushi in the background was watching everything, she wiped her tears and Natasha applied the ointment on her back

'Painkiller will work in sometime Khushi, don't move.. ' Natasha smiles at her and Khushi nods

'I really really love you Ruhi, please be mine... ' The actor says to his counterpart

Lamest proposal ever... Vansh mutters

'But I don't love you Manik, I love your brother....' The female actor says and Vansh looks up from the script

'What... '

'I always liked your brother Manik, I see you as my best friend...'

The male actor dramatically moves behind looking sad and Vansh looks at him and clutches his hands

'Maybe you can help me in impressing him... ' the actress says and Vansh couldn't take it anymore..

He imagined him, Ved and Deepika in that situation and felt pathetic for falling for Deepika....

'STOP IT....!' he growls and the staff looks at him bewildered

'This is the most stupidest scene ever, who wrote this... You know what I am asking the director to cut this scene, anyway Manik doesn't need any partner in his life....' Vansh says angrily

'Vansh... Are you OK...?' Vikrant asks

'Yeah I am fine, Guys...!  Pack up... ' he yells and staff looks at him bewildered

'Pack up...? Sir we didn't even shoot one scene today... ' Natasha informs Vansh

'Do as I say... ' he orders and turns to Khushi

'Ask the director to come tomorrow... ' he says and she nods standing up in pain

'Why are you all looking at my face... Move... Do your work and leave.... ' He orders his staff and they hurriedly start packing up

Vansh walks out of the studio in rage and staff stares at him bewildered, especially Khushi, who sensed the sadness behind his bad mood....

Same time...

Ananya walks inside her room and sees Aayan packing his bags, she gets confused seeing him packing so early because he was supposed to leave the next day afternoon

'Why are you packing your bags...?' she asks

'There is an emergency crisis in the office so I need to leave ASAP... ' Aayan says keeping his shirt in the bag and zipped it up

'Oh okay... ' Ananya says but doesn't believe him

'When will you come back...?' She asks

'Miss me already... ' Aayan smiles tapping her nose with his finger

You wish

'Uh..  Not like that, I was just...' She began

'Don't worry, I'll be back soon... ' Aayan says kissing her forehead and she wanted to cringe internally, but her body deceives her brain, and she felt butterflies in her stomach due to his touch

'Ookay... ' she breathed heavily and Aayan walks inside the bathroom to change intentionally leaving his phone behind

A message pops up in his phone and Ananya looks at the notification and frowns seeing the message from a contact named 'Sweetheart ❤'

What the hell...

She battles with herself, not to check the message but then her anger overpowered her sane mind and she opens up the message...

Can't wait to walk with you on the beautiful beaches of Goa, holding your hands, come soon ❤ I miss you ❤

Ananya clutched his phone but then took a deep breath to calm herself down, Tears formed in her eyes

Don't cry for this worthless man, don't cry for this worthless man... She chanted inside to prevent tears from falling down

She kept his phone on the bed and walked out of the room angrily

So he will cheat on me right from the first week of our marriage...! 

Such a jerk he is...

Well this was expected, after all he married me to take revenge...

I shouldn't have married him, why did I do it anyway...
Such a emotional wreck I am...

How do I counter this now...

She takes her phone and walks out of the house, not waiting for Aayan to leave...

One hour later...

Vansh was at the terrace of his studio,  which was facing the sea, he took a deep breath to control his tears

She is not yours to claim, you have no right even to grieve for her... He said to himself

Khushi walked upstairs wincing due to pain, and saw him standing, facing the sea, his eyes were closed and he was holding the railings tightly

She quietly stood beside him, looking at the sea, without him realising her presence

'She is your sister in law, she is your sister in law... ' Vansh muttered under his breath, but Khushi heard that

'It's hard isn't it...? To get over someone that was never yours to claim....' Khushi says startling Vansh

He opens his eyes and stares at her shocked

'What did you hear...?' he asks scared

'Your secret is safe with me Sir, don't worry...' Khushi smiles and Vansh sighs

'Don't smile like this, I can't concentrate on anything else when you smile... ' Vansh says looking away

'I should probably smile more often then, at least you will forget your pain... ' Khushi says and Vansh chuckles

'Don't worry I am not flirting with you... I am just complimenting your smile... ' Vansh said not looking at her

'I am not flirting either Sir, I have no intentions to hit on you, I just came here to say that sharing reduces pain, and helps us to move on, so if you want to vent things out, I am here to listen... ' Khushi smiled and Vansh looked at her shocked

'I barely know you... ' Vansh said

'That's even better, you won't have to worry about me judging you... ' Khushi said and Vansh nodded understanding

'How do you know I am in pain... ' Vansh asked

'Your eyes speak a lot, and moreover you are worried about something, After working with your for 2 years, I learned one thing that nothing can bother our super cool boss unless it's something related to his heart... ' she said and Vansh sighed

'It's complicated... ' Vansh sighed

'I won't judge, I promise... ' Khushi smiled

Vansh looked at her bewildered, and her smile was having a soothing effect on him, he felt he can vent things out in front of her, and even if she judges him, who cares it's not that he wants to impress her

'I am kinda waiting for someone who was never mine to wait... ' Vansh said

'Okay... So don't wait... ' Khushi said simply

'Wow genius, very helpful of you, I never thought about this....' Vansh said sarcastically and Khushi laughed

'Sir, it's better to let go, because waiting is futile, the one who didn't choose to be with you now, will never come back to you, and if they do, you will always be the second choice...' Khushi said

'You won't understand...' Vansh sighed and Khushi smiled

'My parents left me with my grandparents when I was 6 because they couldn't afford to raise me, I waited for them to come as their financial condition improves, but they never came... Now they live with my younger brother in London, and my grandparents are no more... They chose to abandon me Sir, and never came back... I waited for so long, now I am 24, and I finally realised that they will never come back, so I am happy... ' she said and Vansh looked at her shocked

'I am sorry... I didn't know... ' he began

'Don't be sorry sir, I didn't tell you my story to gain your sympathy or something, my point is, you must let go... The one what was never yours will never be yours.. So what's the point... ' Khushi smiled

'True... ' Vansh smiled

'Everything will be fine sir, just don't lose your patience, once you let go of it you will feel wonderful.. Trust me...' she said

'You can call me Vansh... ' he said

'I prefer to respect my elders, I will stick with Vansh Sir... ' Khushi smiles and he laughs

'You are very mature of your age.. ' Vansh comments

'You are very strong emotionally... ' Khushi said

'I am sorry for my behavior earlier... ' He apologized..

'It's okay Vansh Sir, I forgot that long back... ' Khushi smiled patting his shoulder

'Don't do that, or I'll start flirting... ' Vansh teases her and Khushi frowns pulling her hand back

'Chill, I have self control...' Vansh said and Khushi laughed

'I'll tell you tomorrow's schedule...?' Khushi asked

'Yeah..let's go downstairs first.. ' He said and they walked inside the building

Next day...

Aayan walked towards his cabin and Alex started at him bewildered

'Weren't you supposed to be at Goa with Bhabhi...?' He said and Aayan rolled his eyes

'You think I'll take Ananya to a place like Goa...' he said

'That's what I thought, that why will YOU take your wife to a place like Goa... But you had reservations for two there... Why didn't you go...?' Alex commented

'I didn't feel like..... Cheating...' he whispered the last word and walked towards his cabin

Big drama to unfold ahead
Stay tuned

Sorry for the inconvenience caused earlier... :(

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