Chapter 68

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1 week later....
Ananya's POV..

I open my eyes, sensing some movements around me, and to my bad luck, he was awake...

While having my eyes closed, I silently prayed that he shouldn't be awake, because I don't want to see him as the first thing, when I wake up...

But, this is my fate, who likes to mess with me a lot, so as my eyes slowly adjust with the lights of my surroundings, I find pair of hazel green eyes staring at me intently...

Man they are scary, yet captivating...

I gasp and push my self away from him and he frowns

'Sorry I didn't mean to scare you... ' He says sweetly

What a fake...

'No it's okay, I am not used to wake up with someone staring me like that....' I say now fully awake

Creepily I meant

'Well now get habituated to it... Because I like watching you sleep... ' he says putting the hair strand behind my ears

Had you said this a week before, I would've easily believed, but now, not a chance...

'What's so fascinating about watching me sleep...?' I say getting up 

'You look so beautiful...' He smiled


I ignore his comment and get down from the bed, and he frowned at this, because he was slowly leaning towards me for a kiss...

'When did you wake up...?' I ask taking my clothes out of my bag

I need to arrange them in the cupboard ASAP, or else he will take me with him

'About an hour ago...' he said half lying on the bed, resting his body weight on his right hand, and staring at me

'You should've gone for a run or something...' I say and he lies down on the bed completely

'I workout in the evening now, and besides, watching you sleep was much more interesting than going out in this winter...' he said shivering dramatically

Man he is such a creep..

I guess he expected me to blush or smile or something, but I didn't react on his comment and continued my work

'Ananya...?' He asks getting up

'Yeah... ' I reply without looking at him

'Is everything okay, Love...?' he asks

Love ?? Like really...?

'Yes, everything is fine, why do you ask...?' I turn to him and raise my brows

'You are behaving weirdly after the wedding, are you worried about something...?' he asks

Yes, I am worried about how do I stop myself from killing you....

'I am fine Aayan, don't think too much... ' I reply

Anyways thinking doesn't suit you...
Brainless prick..

'Okay then answer me this... ' he began and I sigh frustratedly which he didn't notice of course...

'Yeah...?' I say crossing my hands near my chest

'Why don't you want to move to Bangalore with me...?' He asked

'I already mentioned the reason in front of everyone... ' I say non chalantly

'Is that the real reason...?' he raises his brows

'Yes, what else it can be... ' I say irritated

'I don't know, maybe you don't want to live with me.. ' he said

Exactly you jerk...

'Don't think too much Aayan... ' I say and then walk inside the bathroom ending that stupid conversation there, or else I would lash out at him for being fake and marrying me for stupid revenge and ruin the fun of bugging him

Aayan's POV

She is dodging my questions, something is really up with this woman...

I really wanted to take her with me to Bangalore, where Ritika is waiting for us...

I wanted to see the heartbroken Ananya, after all she must know how it is to get hurt...

But she seems to know what am I up to...? Is this even possible...! No... It can't be...

I should think of something else, to get force her to go with me...

I don't know when sleep took over me...

I wake up with giggling sound of Amayraa and Ananya, and I open my eyes to see the most beautiful sight ever...

Amayraa was sitting on Ananya's lap,  and she was tickling her, making her giggle...

Since the day I got married, this is the sight we always see whenever we wake up now a days, it's feels great to see this every morning...

Ananya was wearing a lavender color saree paired with golden blouse, with Mangalsutra around her neck and vermilion on her forehead....

As usual she looked beautiful...

She was tickling Amayraa, and Amyaraa's legs that were wrapped around her waist moved the saree slightly down the midriff, leaving her waist exposed, I gulp at the sight and close my eyes..

Why does she have to look this appealing all the time....

I take a deep breath and then sit on the bed, watching them playing and laughing, I liked this side of hers, at least she is not a brat when she is with Amayraa...

I clear my throat to get their attention, and Amayraa grins at me

'Aaya... ' She smiles and gets down from Ananya's lap and runs towards me

'Good morning Baby... Had your breakfast...?' I ask kissing her chubby cheeks

'Yesss.... Annieeyyy gave me chocky....' She said excitedly


I look at Ananya, giving her a 'what the hell' look and she narrowed her eyes at me

'It was not really a chocolate, it was chocolate flavored immunity booster bar with multi grains, it's good for children...' She said

'Okay... ' I say and then turn my attention to Amayraa

'You want to go home baby...?' I ask her

Please say yes...

'Naa... I live with Daadu and Annieyy... ' Amayraa whined and I sighed

Damn it...

I look and Ananya, and I swear I saw her smiling, but then she composed her expressions...

Something is definitely up with this girl..

'Come baby, let's go to Daadu... ' Ananya called her and she hops down from my lap

Ananya picks her up in her arms and then turns to me
'Get ready, we're waiting for you at the breakfast table... ' she says and I nod

I need to know what this brat is up to..

I collect my things and then walk inside the bathroom

Half an hour later...

I walk out of my room, dressed in tracks and t shirt and walk towards the dining table

I smile seeing the sight in front of me,  Ananya is chasing Shivaalika and Amayraa with a bowl of fruits in her hand and they are giggling and running away from her

Papa and Nitaara were watching them and laughing...

'I am seeing happiness in this house after a very long time Nitaara... ' Papa said as I reach the table

'Yes Paa, After a really long time... ' Nitaara says looking at me, I roll my eyes at this...

'So when are you leaving for Bangalore ? ALONE....'  Nitaara smirked at me, and Dad chuckles

I glare at her, and then take a sip of my tea..

'I am leaving tomorrow, but don't worry I'll be back soon... ' I say giving her challenging look

'Of Course you will, after all you can't stay away from someone, for long... ' Nitaara teases me, pointing at Ananya

'Guys I know that I am a free parent and all, but eww... I am still here okay.... ' Dad says cringing

'Shut up Nitaara...' I say trying to control my smile and she laughs

'Well you better come back quickly, because you both are leaving for your honeymoon after 10 days... ' Nitaara said

'What..! No... ' I say and simultaneously hear Ananya's voice echoing mine

She doesn't want to go with me either..?

Dad and Nitaara look at us shocked, and both of us looked at each other and then away

Wasn't she chasing the kids...?
All ears here eh..?

'You both don't want to go out...?' Dad asked raising his brows

'Uh.. I have to meet the investors and finalise the workplace here... ' I give my excuse and they look at Ananya in anticipation

'I... I haven't resigned from my office yet... I need to go back to Mumbai... And then apply at Mr. Thadani's law partner's firm here... ' she said

She didn't resign..?
Wait, she can't get a job here...
I have to take her to Bangalore with me...

'Okay weirdos... ' Nitaara rolled her eyes and we smile at them uncomfortably

Ananya again began chasing the girls to feed them fruits and I dug into my breakfast..

After sometime, we hear a loud thud, sound of glass crashing on the floor, followed by Ananya's cry in pain

We look at each other in panic and then rush towards the place from where the sound came

We reached the hall, and saw Ananya on the floor, her hands on her forehead, and the fruit bowl smashed on the floor, Amayraa and Shivaalika standing near the sofa, holding each other, staring at Ananya scared

'Princess what happened...?' Dad rushed towards her

'How many times do I have to say don't run while having breakfast, see what happened...' Nitaara scolds Shivaalika and Amayraa and they stare at her guiltily

Paa helped Ananya sit on the sofa and removed Ananya's hands from her forehead, and we saw a cut on her forehead, blood coming out of it and we gasped

'Mrs. Kumar please get first aid... ' Nitaara said and rushed towards Ananya

'How did this happen...?' I ask

'Maami was chasing us, her legs tripped on her saree, and her head banged with the mirror Vase, that Naani brought yesterday... ' Shivaalika said

I looked at the rich vase that mom brought yesterday as our wedding gift, which she ordered especially from Greece, it was rich porcelain vase, with mirror work all over and the mirrors with pointed edges at some places

Ananya must've banged her head in one of those edges, and suddenly that beautiful vase was the ugliest thing for me in the room

How dare it hurt my wife..
She is in pain because of this god for saken non living pathetic thing...

Anger filled inside me, I couldn't stand that Vase in front of me anymore, it hurt my wife...

I marched towards the vase and picked it up, there was Ananya's blood on it's edge, that made my blood boil, unable to control my rage I smashed that Vase on the ground with force and it broke into small pieces...

I was breathing heavily trying to control my anger and then I realized what I did...

I look at my family who was staring at me horrified..

Amayraa ran towards Paa, and hid her face in his chest, scared of me, Shivaalika held Nitaara scared, both Papa and Nitaara stared at me flabbergasted, then my eyes land on Ananya who looked shocked, fear evident in her eyes...

Damn what did I do...

I look away and then ran towards the stairs ordering the servant to clean it...

No one has any right to hurt my wife, except me...

E market HQs...

'Sir, Arjun sir is calling you...' the clerk informs Ved who was talking on the phone

'I'll be there in 5 minutes... ' Ved says to him, clerk nods and leaves his office

'Babe I need to go... Papa is calling... ' He says to Deepika who was on the other side of the call

'Don't go... ' Deepika whines

'I am at the office Deepika, I need to work... ' Ved says sweetly

'Fine.... Go... I'll call later...?' she asks

'Yeah I'll call after office... ' Ved says

'Bye... I love you....' Deepika says

'I love you more... ' Ved says and hangs up

(A/N - Too Much Sweetness... That just gave me diabetes... Ugh... :/ Ewww Ved...  Just Ewww....)

He walks keeps the phone in his pocket and walks out of his cabin

Arjun's cabin..

Arjun and Sash were going through a file when they hear a knock on the door...

'Come in... ' Arjun says without looking up from the file

Ved walks in, adjusting his jacket and takes a seat in front of Arjun's Desk

'You called me Papa...?' He asks and Arjun looks up from the files and adjusts his specs

'Yes Ved, I would like to see this months performance reports please..' Arjun said and Ved gets nervous

'I.. I haven't prepared it yet... ' Ved says looking down

'Okay... So give me the sales report of electronics section...' Arjun demands further

'They are not ready yet....' Ved informs getting embarrassed

'What about the new recruits training...?' Sash asked

'It's still going on...' Ved says not so sure

'It was completed last week...' Arjun says folding his hands across his chest and starting at Ved

'Oh... Sorry Papa... ' Ved says ashamed

'What's going on Ved... ' Arjun raises his brows

'Nothing... ' Ved answers quickly

'Then why aren't you concentrating on your work... ' Arjun asks further

'Papa... I.... ' Ved gets nervous

'Listen Kid, I know that you are excited about your wedding... But it's 3 months away... You can't leave your responsibility and start dreaming about it... ' Arjun scolds him and Ved looks down

'Sorry Papa... ' Ved said embarrassed

'I always see you talking on the phone now a days Ved, even here...! I won't tolerate this kind of indiscipline in my office understand... ' Arjun scolds further

'Yes Papa... ' Ved says not looking up

'You should learn from your brother, he knows how to balance between his work and personal life... ' Arjun says further and Ved nods

Sash looks at Arjun amused at this...

Arjun was about to say something when Ved's phone made a beeping sound, he quickly took it out and saw that there was a text from Deepika, Ved got scared and looked at his father who was pissed now...

'Give me your phone... ' Arjun demands

'Papa... I... ' Ved tried to protest

'Bhai he is 28...' Sash said amused

'You want me to confiscate your phone as well...?' Arjun says to Sash who nods negative

Ved hesitantly gives his phone to Arjun

'Give me the sales report and take your phone from me... ' Arjun says and Ved nods

Just then, Ved's phone beeps again which reveals another text from Deepika and also shows his wallpaper, where he is kissing Deepika on her cheeks, holding her very close to him

Ved gets embarrassed by this and so does Arjun, Sash covers his mouth with his hands to control his laugh..

Arjun forwards the phone to Ved

'Change the wallpaper and turn off the net, ask her to text you after office... ' he orders not really looking at him

Ved nods and quickly does as instructed, and gives the phone back to Arjun

'Now go.. Do your work... ' Arjun orders

'Yes Papa... Sorry Papa... ' Ved apologizes and hurriedly leaves the cabin

Sash starts laughing as Arjun keeps Ved's phone inside his drawer...

'Hopeless romanticness runs in our family... ' Sash says and Arjun chuckles

'Did you notice, after so many years you asked Ved to be like Vansh and not the other way round... ' Sash said and Arjun smiled

'He made great progress in his work...' Arjun said proudly and Sash nodded

'You must be really proud... ' Sash smiled

'Yes I am... ' Arjun said

'Let's hope he also gets someone like Ved did... ' Sash said and Arjun frowned remembering the day Vansh cried in front of him

'I really hope someone comes to his life soon... ' Arjun said sadly

Indeed some one will...
Very soon...



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