Chapter 67

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Next Day...
Aayan's room...

Aayan wakes up and sits on his bed, stretching his hands and then looks at the other side of his bed to find Ananya sleeping peacefully...

She looked really cute while sleeping, her long hair spread on one side of her head, mouth slightly open, her cute little nose, she was holding one of the pillow close to her while sleeping...

Aayan smiled at this, and then his eyes landed on the red vermilion on her forehead, and the black thread around her neck, and he gulped as there was this weird sensation inside his stomach

We are married now...
Am I doing the right thing...?

He was about to put the hair strand falling on her face to other side, but then he stopped mid way...

No... I won't touch her... He reminds himself and then backs off

He gets down the bed and glancing at her, walks inside the washroom

After sometime he walks out of the bathroom, wearing a towel and finds her still sleeping, he quickly gets changed into tracks and t shirt,and then walks towards her

He glanced at the clock, it showed 9:00

Maybe I should wake her up..

He sat on the bed and put the strand of the hair on her face to the side and stared at her, she looked beautiful even in sleep...

Aayan couldn't help but lean towards her face and plant a kiss on her forehead and to his surprise, he felt very content after doing that

Ananya squirmed in her sleep and Aayan backed off panicking...

'Ananya....?' he called moving away from her, but she didn't respond

He shook her lightly, 'Ananya wake up, it's 9:00...' He said moving closer again but carefully this time

'5 minutes Paa... ' Ananya whined and snuggled herself into the pillows, which Aayan found very cute

He removed the quilt which was covering her body, so that she wakes up, but he gasped at the sight, her t shirt was slightly above from her belly, and exposed her milky white skin and navel, Aayan gulped at this and covered her with the quilt again

Jai Bajrangbali,  Jai Bajrangbali.... He chanted inside his head and turned away from her

This is harder than what I predicted,
I thought she won't be able to resist herself around me, but here I am unable to do that...

Control Aayan....

'Ananya please wake up... It's almost 10...' he said without turning back to her

He heard movements behind him, but didn't turn around, he was calming himself down

'Ananya...?' he called

No answer

'Ananya are you awake...?' he asked again

No answer again

God she sleeps like a sloth he sighed and turned around

'Ananya it's.... ' he began, but Ananya jumped right front of him from the bed

'Booo...!' she said stretching her hands in the air and Aayan was shocked at this, he lost his balance and fell on the floor

Ananya started laughing at this and Aayan frowned trying to sit...

'Such a scaredy cat you are... ' Ananya held her stomach while laughing and Aayan glared at her

'Ha ha ha, Very funny...' Aayan said getting up

'You should've seen your face, how much scared you were... ' Ananya laughed sitting on the bed

Aayan looked at her with a smirk on his face and before Ananya could comprehend what he was upto, she was pinned down to the bed,both her hands above her head and her eyes met a pair of hazel green eyes, which were dangerously close to her

She closed her mouth and stared at him scared, as he was hovering over her, his knees on either side of her waist, his one hand was holding both her hands and other was around her waist, there were goosebumps all over her arms and her stomach doing somersaults all the time, Ananya got very very scared at this...

'You should see your face right now...' Aayan said leaning closer to her and her eyes widened, she could feel heat rising up her cheeks...

'Why aren't you laughing now...?' he smirked, she could feel his hot breath on her face and shut her eyes, getting uncomfortable..

Aayan on the other side was fighting his senses, and was praying that he doesn't go beyond this

'What happened Mrs. Varma, isn't this funny... ' He said huskily and rubbed his nose playfully with hers and Ananya's heart started beating frantically at this

She took a deep breath to calm herself down, and opened her eyes, and he leaned further and kissed her on the cheek and she was disgusted by his touch

He pulled away and Ananya sat on the bed, adjusting her t shirt and putting her hair behind her ears, not looking at him

'Good morning Mrs. Varma, see you downstairs for the breakfast... ' he smiled and walked out of the room

He closed the door and leaned against it, and calmed his ragged breath down...

'This is not good...' he said to himself and walked downstairs

Inside the room, Ananya calmed herself down and then sighed angrily

'I can't let him touch me like that... ' She said to herself

'I better learn how to dodge his advances...' she muttered and then walked inside the bathroom

Ananya came out of the bathroom wearing a blouse and a skirt, first she tip toed to see whether Aayan was here or not and then sighed in relief

She frowned looking at the saree and then sighed

I should've listened to Maa, when she was teaching me how to wear a saree...

A notification popped up on her phone and there was a video from her mother
Confused she played the video and smiled, thanking Naina...

It was tutorial, of how to wear a saree

'Love you Maa.. ' She exclaimed and then placed the phone on the table, and followed the instructions on the video

After struggling with it, and trying for the 4th time, she finally succeeded in wearing a saree successfully and then glanced at the clock, it showed 10:15

Shitt I am late...

Without bothering to wear any jewellery, she simply wore her Mangalsutra and quickly combed her hair and ran downstairs

As she reached downstairs, she found Jai, Aayan, Nitaara, Shivaalika and Amayraa were already waiting for her at the table

She quickly walked towards them and Aayan started at her intently, which she ignored..

'The new bride is up... ' Nitaara smiled and they all look at her, and she smiled at them

'I am so sorry Bade Papa, Di that I overslept, I won't do it from next time... ' she apologized

'Don't look at me, I woke her up... ' Aayan raised his hands in defense, before Jai could scold him

'Don't worry princess, it's your house too, you can wake up sleep anytime you want.... ' Jai smiled and Nitaara nodded

'Be thankful that Mom doesn't live here with us, or else you would've faced the wrath of you Mother in law on your very first day... ' Aayan commented

'Aayan... ' Both Jai and Nitaara scold him and he smirked

'You still don't have to worry about her or anyone princess, this is your house, no one could direct you, what to do and what not to... ' Jai smiled

'Yeah kid, don't get so formal because you married this nuthead, you are still the favourite daughter of this house... ' Nitaara smiled and Aayan frowned 

'Thanks di... Let me help you in serving the breakfast... ' Ananya said and Nitaara made her sit beside Aayan

'Mrs. Kumar will do that... You sit...' Nitaara said and Ananya smiled

'Annieeyyyyy... ' Amayara called her and Ananya smiled, and got up from her seat beside Aayan and walked towards her

'Good morning my baby... ' Ananya kissed her cheeks taking a seat beside her

'Call her Mummy Baby, she is your Mom now...' Nitaara said cutely to Amayraa, and she started at her with her big eyes

'Mummy go to God... Aaya... Annieyyy go to god too..?' Amayra asked and Aayan got scared at this thought, and others frowned

'No baby... ' he said, fear evident in his voice

'How will Annieeyyy go to god... She doesn't know his address....' Jai joked and they all laughed

'You can call me Annieeyyy baby...' Ananya pulled her cheeks

'Anniieeyyy Mummy... ' Amayraa grinned

'Awwww....' Nitaara and Ananya saif together and Ananya kissed her cheeks

'Yes baby...' She cooed and made her sit on her lap

Aayan smiled at this, while Mrs. Kumar served breakfast to them

'I didn't know that you know how to wear a saree Ananya... ' Nitaara said feeding the cornflakes to Shivaalika

'I don't know how to wear that di, Maa sent me a video for it.. ' Ananya smiled and fed cerelac to Amayraa

'Naina mom is always a sweetheart, she sent me a video for preparing kheer as well on my first day... ' Nitaara smiled

'Had she and Arjun not been there, I Don't know how I would've raised you kids... ' Jai smiled and his kids nodded

Ananya felt nostalgic after hearing about her parents

My parents are the best...

'After the breakfast Annie, you rest for a while, then mom will be here for your first cooking ritual...' Nitaara informed

'Why will she come here...?' Jai asked angrily

'Paa, Ananya is her oldest daughter in law, even she has some desires as a mother in law.... ' Nitaara said

'Ask her to fulfil all her desires with her other Daughter in laws, my wife won't do anything for her... ' aayan said angrily 

Bossy already...! I am not doing anything he wants... Ananya thought

'I'll be ready Di, don't worry... Please tell me what she likes, I'll prepare that for her... ' Ananya smiled and Aayan frowned at this

'Okay....' Nitaara smiled

'I am not liking this Nitaara... ' Jai frowned

'Don't worry Paa, after Aayan - Ananya shift to Bangalore, she won't come here....' Nitaara smiled

Aayan smirked at this thought, because there he and Ritika had already devised a plan to irritate Ananya, so that she gets angry and ultimately leaves him, thereby disappointing Jai and Arjun, who will start disliking her then

He was eager to take her there at any cost

Ananya's heart sank with the thought of living in a house with Aayan, with no one around

There is no way I am moving with him to Bangalore....

'Di I was saying, that will that be okay if me and Amayra stay here...?' Ananya asked and Aayan's eyes dart towards her

What the hell...!

'But Ananya... How will Aayan manage there Alone... ' Nitaara said

'Wasn't he managing there alone before marriage... ' Jai interrupted in between and Aayan shut his eyes in frustration

'I was saying this because, Aayan anyways plans to shift back to Delhi in few months, so won't that be double hectic work to shift my stuff there, and then again shift them back here.... ' Ananya said

Nitaara and Jai nodded at this, whereas Aayan was fuming inside

'Hmmm...  Makes sense... ' Nitaara smiled

'Yes you are right Princess, why to increase unnecessary load, you better stay here and that way even Aayan will shift back here early... ' Jai smiled and Aayan sighed

'But... ' Aayan began and they look at him in anticipation, so he couldn't complete his sentence

'Okay....' He sighed

'Great..! In this way, both you and Amayraa will stay with me, I won't be bored at all, Arjun will be very happy to hear this... ' Jai said excitedly and they smiled

'Thank you Bade Papa....' Ananya smiled and then looked at Aayan who angrily got up and walked upstairs

'What happened to him now.. ' Nitaara asked

'Facing defeats for the first time... ' Ananya muttered and smirked

Ananya - 2
Aayan - 0

Thapar's residence...

Arjun, Ved and Vansh were silently waiting for their breakfast

They were missing Ananya very badly, others on the table looked at them and sighed

Naina comes out with their breakfast and then turns to Sayesha

'Kitty go wake Ananya up, ask her to come for the breakfast, it's already late....' She said without realizing that Ananya is gone, Arjun's eyes dart towards her and Ved - Vansh sighed

'Badi Maa, Di is at her in laws house.. ' Sayesha said sadly and Naina who serving breakfast stopped on her tracks


'Oh yes.. Yes.. I forgot....' Naina smiled uncomfortably and controlled her tears

'Enough sulking for her you guys, she is just 2 blocks away... ' Adi said and they all sighed

'Let's get them busy in something else... ' Sash laughed and they look at him confused

'Arrey let's bring our daughter in law Deepika to the house, so that they all miss Ananya less... ' Sash suggested and Ved smiled looking away

Vansh who was about to have his soup, stopped mid way, and this was noticed by Arjun

'That's a really good idea Sash Bhai.. ' Ria exclaimed

'Di let's call Panditji and fix Ved and Deepika's wedding date soon...' Ria said and Naina smiled

Vansh puts his breakfast aside and rises from his seat, and Arjun sighs...

'Maa, I am leaving today evening, I have important shoots lined up for these 2 weeks...' he informed and Ved looks at him confused

'Atleast stay till my engagement... ' Ved said holding his hands and Vansh smiled at him

'I'll hop back here once everything is fixed, big bro... ' Vansh ruffled his hair and others chuckled

'Let me help you pack... ' Naina said

'I'll do it Maa... You have your breakfast... ' Vansh said and walked upstairs towards his room

Arjun who was staring at Vansh in awe, felt really bad for his son, but still he smiled at himself

When did you grow up champ... I didn't realise... He thought


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