Wedding (Part 3)

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Aayan's POV

She looked so beautiful in that pink lehenga, that I really couldn't take my eyes off her...

She indeed is beautiful...
And she will be my wife...

I looked at her, waiting for her to look at me, but it seemed that she was intentionally avoiding looking at me...

What's up with her...

She was looking everywhere but me...

Damn it...
I am the one who should be avoiding her, not she !

Then finally she looked at me, and I was shocked seeing that look on her eyes...

She was inviting me for an unannounced challenge through her eyes, they didn't held the admiration and love for me anymore, they held something else...

What is going on...

Breaking the eye contact, she came and sat beside me and didn't even glance at my side once

Okay may be she is shy or something...
But if she is shy, that eye to eye challenge was not something I expected...

'You look beautiful Ananya... ' I whisper moving close to her

She looked at me, like she didn't believe me and then just gave a faint smile and looked away

No blushing...
I am not lying, she is actually looking very pretty today...

I expected her to blush, but she appeared to be unfazed by my comment, I was disappointed...

It appears that I was looking at her, more than I should because I hear someone clearing their throat and then looked at my father who was smiling and Ved - Nitaara smirking at me

'You have all your life to look at her like that son, but now pay attention on the ritual... ' Dad said and I looked away feeling embarrassed

Something is definitely wrong with her..

The priest was chanting the mantra and we folded our hands in front of the holy fire, and prayed

Ananya didn't even look at me once the whole time, she was sitting there like a statue

Day before yesterday she was acting like a love sick puppy, but today she isn't even acknowledging my presence..

This is so irritating...

I took a deep breath and exhaled heavily to show my irritation, but she didn't pay attention, her eyes flickered on my side, but she ignored me

What the hell...

I cleared my throat to get her attention, but she didn't even look at me once...

Look at me...

I clear my throat again, this time a bit louder, and to my surprise I wasn't acknowledged again

What's wrong with her

'You need some water Aayan...?' Ved asked and I nod

He gets me a glass of water and I gulp it down in one go...

I'll talk to her after the wedding...
She can't avoid me after this anyway...

The priest called for bride's parents for Kanyadaan ritual

Big dad and Naina mom walked towards us, and mom smiled at me..

There was this sudden pang of guilt that ran inside me, I am planning to ruin her daughter's life...

Will she ever forgive me..

I couldn't make an eye contact with her, and looked down

Big dad tied the scarf of my shervani with Ananya's veil, and I could feel butterflies on my tummy

Wow it's actually happening...

While he was tying the knot, Ananya looked at him with glassy eyes and he caressed her face, I had this urge to wipe her tears, which I did and Big dad smiled at me, while Ananya for the first time in these 20 minutes looked at me...

She looked away, wiping her tears and Big dad patted my shoulders, he and mom placed Ananya's hands on my hand which was very cold surprisingly, both big dad and me frowned at this and looked at her, and she avoided looking us...

We got up for the pheras , while encircling the holy fire, the priest asked us to give promises to each other which we repeated after him

During the pheras, I held her hands tightly but realized that she wasn't holding it back, confused I turned back to look at her and was about to collide with the priest

'Aayan... Pay attention, what are you doing...!' Dad scold me and I muttered a quick sorry to the priest, and after this phera, she came forward...

After the pheras, I was asked to fill the partition of her hair with the vermilion, and I don't know why my hands were shaky during that, so Dad held my shoulders to calm me down...

I could see tears trickling down her eyes when I did that...

Were they happy tears ?

And then my mom handed me the mangalsutra, to tie it around her neck, when I was tying that, it accidently slipped from my hands and fell on her lap

She took a deep breath at this, while the adults in the house gasped

'This is inauspicious... ' I hear Ananya's cousin grandma say this and we all looked at her

'It's nothing inauspicious Daadi... Aayan's hands were sweaty, it would've slipped accidently, don't be so superstitious.... ' Vansh said and she huffed

I picked up the Mangalsutra again, and this time Ananya looked straight into my eyes, her dark brown eyes boring into mine

I tied the Mangalsutra around her neck, not breaking the eye contact

Her eyes didn't show love for me, it showed anger...

But why was she angry.. 

'Your life is going to change, officially  Mrs. Ananya Aayan Varma...' I whispered

Instead of smiling she gave me a challenging look

'Good luck with that... ' She replied and now I was super confused

Everyone around us clapped, and we broke the eye contact...

What does she mean by good luck ?

We looked at our family members smiling at us, and our fathers had tears in their eyes...

'Mubarak ho Samdhiji... ' Dad smiled and hugged Big dad

'Aapko bhi, Samdhiji... ' Big dad chuckled

'Congratulations Priyanka for getting your very first daughter in law... ' Naina Mom said  to my mother

'Congratulations to you too, for getting your only son in law, Naina... ' Mom smiled and hugged mom

'Jeejaji... ' Ananya's siblings smirk at me together and I smile

Wow I am a married man now...

2 hours later...

After the ceremony, it was almost the time for Vidaai, Ananya's heart sank at the mere thought of sharing a room with Aayan...

How can I survive with that man in the same room, who I want to kill...

She took a deep breath, and sat on the chair, she was tired after smiling for so many of photos, and also attending the guests along with Aayan

During this course of time, they did not exchanged a single word with each other

Whenever Aayan would try to talk to her, someone would interrupt them

It was ironic that Ananya who always wanted to have a dream wedding, was not actually happy on the day of her dream wedding...

She despised her husband, she married him because she can't disappoint her Dad and Bade Papa again and again...

Aayan who was busy talking to his office colleagues, called her and she frowned internally and went towards him

'So guys, meet your new boss, Ananya Varma... ' Aayan said sliding his hands around her waist and pulling her closer

Ananya's rage elevated at this, but she managed to smile at his associates

'Ananya, he is Alex, our design head, Rashmi our sales manager, Kartik our BD head, and he is Kshitij, he manages innovation team along with me....' Aayan introduced them

They said hello and shook hands with her, and she smiled at them

'You are prettier than the photos Mrs. Varma...' Alex said and they look at him confused

'What ? Didn't you guys ever notice Aayan's computer and laptops desktop ? It has her photos...' Alex said and they looked at Aayan in awe and Ananya smiled uncomfortably


'Excuse me... ' She politely smiled and walked away from them

He is so fake...
He wants to ruin my life, still has my picture as desktop wallpaper...
God !! Did I marry a psycho

Ananya's chain of thoughts were broken by young man of around 20-21 who blocked her path, by coming right in the front of her

'Bhabhiji... ' The boy smirked at her and Ananya couldn't remember who he was, but she has certainly seen him somewhere...

Ananya looked at him confused, whereas the boy looked her from top to bottom, she didn't like the way he looked at her

'Sorry, do I know you...?' Ananya asked irritated and the person gasped dramatically

'You don't know your brother in law...?' he asked and Ananya immediately recognized him as Yash

'Oh.. Sorry, I never met you so I got confused... Hi... ' She smiled at him and his gaze was still making her uncomfortable, he didn't reply but continued to stare at her

'Yash..?' She tried to make him speak as his gaze was very uncomfortable

'Aayan Bhai surely has a great luck, he always gets the best... ' He commented

'Excuse me..?' She said irritated, but her expression changed as Priyanka approached them

Ananya put the veil on her head and smiled at her, and she smiled back

'Ananya as I see you already met my other son, treat him as your younger brother okay...?' she smiled and Ananya nodded, while Yash frowned

'And take care of my Aayan... I hope you won't disappoint me...' Priyanka said and Ananya tried to control her frown

'Come Yash... ' Priyanka drags him along with her and Yash glanced at Ananya for one last time...

'See you soon Bhabhiji...' he winked at her and followed his mother

Ananya huffed, and then walked ahead, when Vansh came towards her

'What did that Singhal say to you...?' he asked

'He is a spoiled kid Bhai... ' Ananya said frowning

'Yeah I know that, good that you don't have to deal with him everyday... ' He smiled and Ananya sighed

'You will be fine Annie, and you know right no matter what your Vansh bhai stays with you always...' he smiled and Ananya felt lump forming in her throat

I signed up for this bhai...  I have to deal with it alone...

'I will miss you Bhai... ' She cried and Vansh hugged her tightly

'I will miss you more... ' he said his voice cracking

'Don't make me cry before Vidaai... ' Vansh joked and Ananya chuckled

1 hour later

Everyone were at the exit, and Arjun was already crying like a baby...

Vansh held his father's shoulders and controlled his tears, Ved was holding her mother who was crying badly 

Ananya whose eyes and nose were red with crying was now hugging her sisters

'Don't trouble each other much... ' Ananya cried and they sobbed

'We'll miss you di... ' Viraj said wiping his tears, and Ananya kissed his head

'Be a good boy okay, don't trouble Aunt Claire much... ' She said and he nodded

'I'll miss your pancakes... ' Rudra said controlling his tears and Ananya chuckled hugging him

She walked to her Maa, and hugged her tightly, while Ved caressed her hair

'I love you Maa... ' she sobbed and Naina cried harder at this

'I love you too my happy my child, may god give you all happiness in your life... ' Naina said kissing her cheeks

'I will miss you Annie... ' Ved hugged her tightly and cried, Ananya hugged him back

'Take care of yourself and Deeps Bhai... ' She said and he nodded

'I have to take this call...' Vansh faked a call and began to go away from there

'Bhai... ' Ananya held his hands and he couldn't control anymore, he hugged her tightly and began sobbing, and ananya cried too, Ved hugged both his siblings and they cried together

'Please take care of her son... ' Arjun requested Aayan and he smiled

'Yes Big Dad... ' He said

Ananya walked towards Arjun and he wiped his tears

'You promise that you will take care of yourself...?' She asked and he nodded smiling

'Take medicines on time...?' She asked further and he nodded

'Won't scold Vansh bhai... ' She said and all of them chuckled and Arjun nodded smiling

'I love you Paa....' Ananya hugged him and Arjun couldn't control his tears anymore

'I love you too my princess, more than anything in this world... I will miss waking you up daily and saving you from Naina's scoldings... ' Arjun cried and Ananya sobbed at this

'She is going to her other Dad's house, Arjun...don't worry...' Jai said and Arjun nodded and left Ananya, kissing her forehead

'Take care.. ' He smiled and then walked her towards Aayan's car

'Finally Ananya got her Prince in White Mercedes....' Adi joked to lighten the mood and they all chuckled

I wish Chachu.. I wish...

Ananya got inside the car and Arjun left her hand

Please don't go Paa...

Arjun smiled at her and made Aayan sit inside the car at which she frowned

'Don't worry, you can visit them whenever you want, you can hop back here anytime, like literally...' Aayan smiled and Ananya nodded wiping her tears, driver started the car and they drove towards Jai's house...

2 hours later
Aayan's bedroom...

Aayan's POV...

I walk inside the room, expecting Ananya to be sitting on the center of the bed waiting for me...

Let me disappoint you my dear wife...
I won the game anyways, so it's me who will dominate this relationship...

But to my shock again, she was not here...

What's up with her...

I hear the bathroom door open and she walked out wearing a t shirt and shorts, her hair open, just wearing the Mangalsutra and vermilion...

What the hell, who dresses like this on their wedding night...!
Especially when you are trying to seduce your husband

Well her exposed legs are kinda attractive, but that is not I am talking about...

Control Aayan...

She seemed not to notice my presence, and then began combing her hair

She is not expecting anything for tonight ?
I thought she is dying for my touch...

Sab ulta ho raha hai bey....!!
(Nothing is going according to plan man...!)

I pull my hair in frustration and see her walking towards the bed, when she saw me

'Hey.. ' She smiled

'Hey... ' I say

Wow we are finally talking....

'Do you mind if I take this side of the bed...?' She asked me


'Uh... yes... I mean no... Sure you can...'  I stammer

Why the hell am I stammering

'Okay... Thank you... ' She said and climbed on the bed

Don't look at her legs Aayan...

'You want to say something...?' she asked

'Yeah... You already changed... I mean... Is everything... ' I couldn't make a sentence now

Obviously I can't ask her...
Hey don't you want to have sex with me...

'Yeah..  I was tired and the dress was quite heavy... So I changed... ' she smiled

'Okay...' I say


'You should get changed too, you must be tired as well... ' She said covering herself with quilt and I adjust the AC temperature

'Yeah... ' I say and then walk towards my closet to take a pair of shorts

'I have a habit of sleeping shirtless... I hope you don't mind... ' I say

Atleast get uncomfortable by this...

'Not a problem, I have already seen you shirtless, don't worry, go get changed....' She smiled and lied down, turning to the other side and I pull my hair in frustration


I walk inside the bathroom and change my clothes

When I come out, she was already asleep...
I couldn't do anything but to see how pretty she looked while sleeping...

'Don't worry wifey, I have my entire life to disappoint you... What if not today....' I say and then lied down on the other side of the bed, placing pillows in between

'Goodnight Mrs. Varma... ' I say and turn off the light. 

On the other side of the bed, Ananya opens her eyes and then smirks at his sleeping silhouette

'Let's see who disappoints who hubby...' she whispered and then closed her eyes


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