Chapter 77

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Next Day...
Aayan's POV...

My sleep is disturbed with the sound of the alarm beeping, I open my eyes and gasp seeing my sleeping position, my arm was wrapped around Ananya's waist, and her head was on my shoulders...

I immediately removed my arms and carefully placed her head on the pillow, sitting on the bed and quickly turning off the alarm,I glanced at her, she was sleeping soundly and I sighed

I am still dressed in my last night's shirt and trouser, and shoes on, damn...!

I quickly kick off my shoes and they land somewhere at the random places in the room and stretch my hands, yawning at the same time...

The screen of my phone lights up, I see a message from Ritika and roll my eyes, I glance at the time instead, it showed 7:45...

Damn Ananya can wake up anytime, I should probably leave before she wakes up...

I look at her, she was sleeping peacefully, and I check her temperature, it is slightly warm, this means she will get fever eventually...

I have to stop her from going to the office, but how...? There is no way she is going to listen to me...

I get down from the bed and walk out of the room, after covering Ananya with the quilt properly...

Peeking at Amayraa's room, I found that she was sleeping, I walk inside her room and kiss her cheeks and she opens her eyes...

'Aaya... Wakey...?' she asked sleepily

'No baby, you can sleep for sometime... ' I pat her head and she drifts back to sleep

Wow she sleeps very fast...

I walk out of the penthouse and run downstairs towards my house to clear that stupid mess of roses and candles, before Ananya wakes up...

I open the door with my fingerprints, and enter inside, unfolding my sleeves...

The AI system of the house announced in a computerised voice...

Welcome home Aayan Varma, Temperature - 22.5°C
Humidity - 72%
Number of members currently in the house - 2

Two people...? One is me, who is the other one ?
Is Pappy back...?

I walk into the kitchen, and take out the water bottle from the fridge, and drank some water from it...

Just then Ritika walks out of my room, wearing my shirt and nothing beneath, I spit the water and start coughing...

What the hell...
What is she doing here...?

'Good morning Baby... ' she said in a flirty way, and walked towards me, while I took a step back, trying to control my coughing

'What the... *cough* hell are you *cough* doing here... ' I hold my chest to stop it...

She slid her arms around my neck, tip toeing herself to reach my height, and looked at me seductively, biting her lip

I look at her disgusted and push her hands away from me

'Get out of the house, before Ananya comes.... ' I say angrily

'So what if she sees us, she must think that we spent the night together... ' Ritika said coming closer to me, and I take a step back, my back collides with the fridge

'Go away Ritika, I am warning you... ' I growl and she comes closer

'The more she sees us together, the faster she leaves this house... ' She said removing my specs and keeping it on the kitchen counter

'Who asked you to come here, how did you get in, and most importantly wear some pants please... ' I shut my eyes irritated and she laughs

'Aww you are so cute... ' she pulls my cheeks

'Ritika... Get out before Ananya comes back... ' I say her threateningly

'Why are you so scared of her, let her see us... ' Ritika again slides her arm around my neck and pushes her body to mine

Enough...! Now I will hit her...!

I raised my hand to remove hers, then I hear the door opening, and Ananya enters inside, carrying Amayraa in her arms

Her eyes immediately dart towards us, as kitchen is right in front of the entrance and she took a sharp breath, and closed her eyes seeing us practically glued together...

Welcome Mrs. Aayan Varma,
Temperature - 23°C
Humidity - 73%
Number of members in the house - 4
The smart house computer voice spoke...

Ritika smirked at this, and left me, and turned around winking at me...

I glared at her and wore my specs which were at the kitchen counter

'Good morning Ananya... ' Ritika greeted her sweetly

Ananya gave her a cold look and walked towards Amayraa's room, without even glancing at me and replying anything to Ritika

'Get out or else you will face the consequences... ' I warn Ritika and she rolled her eyes and walked inside my room

I sat on the dining table with my one hand over my head and massaging the temples with another...

Now she will surely think that, I spent night with Ritika

Damn I will be labeled as cheater, even though I didn't cheat...

You signed up for this, now suffer...

Shut up... I scold my mind

I was massaging my temples when Ritika came out after changing into her dress

'I kept your shirt back in closet... ' She informed

'Take it with you, I am anyway going to burn it, because you wore it... ' I say not looking at her

'How mean... ' She whined

'Just Go... ' I show her the door and she huffed

'Call me when you need to irritate your wife again....' She said

'You won't be hearing from me, anytime soon... ' I say massaging my temples, not looking at her

She stomped her feet and turned around to leave,but then she stopped

'I really had fun last night baby, see you soon... ' She said sweetly and I look up at her creasing my eyebrows together, and she winked at me, while I stare at her confused

Then my eyes land on Ananya, who walked in the kitchen with a blank expression on her face and I shut my eyes slowly in disappointment and covered my face with my palms

Arre yaar...

I hear Ritika closing the door and Ananya taking out something from the refrigerator, I look at her, but she didn't glance at me even once...

I sigh in frustration and get up from the table, and walked out of the kitchen, opening the buttons of my shirt

Half and hour later...

I walked out of my room, after freshening up, I wore my favorite sky blue shirt and grey pants, texting Ananya's boss from my phone that she won't be coming to the office today....

I see Ananya feeding Amayraa the breakfast, ready in her office attire...

Damn how do I stop her...

'Good morning Baby... ' I wish Amayraa, and she grinned

'Aaya... Wakey wakey.... ' Amayraa greeted and I kiss her cheek

Ananya didn't say anything, just placed my breakfast in front of me, her hands gently brushing with mine, and I got alarmed...

I quickly hold her hand and she looks at me bewildered, it was warm, this means her fever is escalating...

'Come closer... ' I say so that I can check her forehead

'What...!' She exclaimed and I realized what I just said

'I... I wanted to check whether you have fever or not that's it....' I said nervously and she huffed

'Mrs. Kumar is not around, you need not to pretend... ' She said sarcastically

'But I am genuinely concer... ' I begin but she cuts me off in between

'Just have your breakfast and leave... ' She said irritated and walks out of the kitchen

What do I do now...?

I see Amayraa playing with Alexa the AI robot, she would say something and Alexa would ask
Can you please repeat your question....
In a computerised voice and Amayara again blabbers and seeing this I get the idea

I quickly turn on my laptop and change the smart lock setting of the door, so that only my fingerprints can open it and no one else's...

Ananya comes out wearing a pink shirt and blue jeans, and takes her bag which is lying beside me...

'Don't go Ananya, you have fever...' I say

'Take Amayraa with you today, it's saturday, she doesn't have any school and Pappy is not at home.. ' She says avoiding my concern

'Bye baby....' she kisses Amayraa's cheeks and Amyaraa grins at her

She takes her bag and without looking at me, walks towards the door

I smirk, you will come back wifey
I could hear her struggling with the door and then she takes a frustrated sigh and walks angrily towards me

'What is your problem...?' she asks angrily

'What....?' I say innocently

'Don't act coy okay, I know you changed the door lock settings, open the door, I need to leave...!' she exclaims

'You are not going....' I say

'Why...?' She asks angrily

'Because you have fever... ' I reply

'Why do you care...?' She counters angrily

'Because I want to... ' I counter back, and she sighs angrily

'Listen.. Aayan, let me go please, I don't have the energy to fight with you... Open the door please....' her tone gets low

'Ananya, listen to me at least once, you should not go, I already informed your boss that you are not well and he is okay with you taking a day off today, so please kindly go to the room and sleep... ' I say politely

'See Aayan... I... ' she began, but I see her gripping the chair, this means she is finding it difficult to even stand

Without wasting the time, I pick her up in my arms and surprisingly she didn't protest, instead rested her head on my chest, and I felt very content when she did this..

Amayraa giggled seeing this
'See baby, your Aaya is so strong....' I say and Amayraa cheered

I take her to our room and lay her down to the bed, and remove her shoes

'What are you doing...?' she asks weakly

'Getting you changed....' I say casually

'What...!' she jolts up from the bed, looking at me shocked

I hand her the comfortable clothes and smile

'Go change into these clothes... Or I will gladly help... ' I smirk and she glares at me, snatching the clothes from my hands

After 5 mins she comes out of the bathroom and sits on the bed massaging her temples

I give her the medicines and made her lie on the bed, she sighed and closed her eyes to avoid looking at me

I dial Alex's number, and he picks up in 4 rings

'Yes Aayan...?' he answers

'Mail me the designs and the AI blueprint we were working on, I will work from home today... ' I instruct him

'Okay, I will...  Are you okay...? I mean healthwise... ' he asks

'Yeah...' I reply

'See you don't have to skip office because of me... ' Ananya says in a coarse voice

'Shhhhhh....' I sush her and she frowns

'Oooo.... Lover boy is taking care of his wife... Okay.... I'll send it, get well soon Bhabhiji.... ' Alex said and hung up

I glance at Ananya and she was asleep, don't know what came to me, I walked towards her and sat on the bed, and putting a hair strand behind her ears, I kiss her cheeks...

She squirmed at this and I panicked realising what I did, and quickly ran out of the room trying to calm my racing heart....

What am I doing...?
Is this my guilt or something else...?

4:30 p.m.
Vansh's studio...

Vikrant was not well, so Vansh was assisting the editing team, for the latest sports ad they were working on..

Khushi was instructing the background artists their work and the associate director was explaining the the to the celebrity who was endorsing the advertisement

'BGs ready...?' The director asked and Khushi and AD cleared the area...

The background artists gave a thumbs up, taking their position

'Sidharth ? Are you ready....?' the director asked and the actor nodded and took his position

'Roll sound, Lights...! Reebok sports wear Take 1.... Action... ' The director said and the actors did their work as instructed to them

20 minutes later...

Khushi was talking to the lead actor and informing him about the next day's schedule, when Vansh called her

'Khushi, come to my cabin after 10 minutes...' He said, Khushi nodded and continued her work

After 10 minutes Khushi walked inside Vansh's cabin and found him reading something in a file, wearing his specs...

'Sir you called...?' Khushi asked and Vansh looked at her, removing his specs 

'Yes please be seated... ' he points at the chair opposite to his working table

Khushi nervously sits at the chair and Vansh forwards her a file

'What is this sir...?' She asked

Vansh looked at her intently with a serious expression on his face and then leaned forward to the table

'This is our marriage agreement,you are getting married to me, today... ' He smirked and Khushi's eyes widened

'Wha... What.... Ma... Mar... Marriage... But.. Sir... I.... ' Khushi stammered, sweat beads formed in her forehead

'Yes... Why...? Are you rejecting me...?  Am I not that handsome...?' Vansh said looking hurt

'No... No Sir, you are very handsome, I... Just... I... Really... ' she stammered getting up from her seat and Vansh started laughing, making Khushi confused

'Sit.. Sit... That's not a marriage agreement... God you get scared very easily... ' he laughed and Khushi sighed in relief, taking her seat

'This are the papers of a small block, near the Kamathipura area, where you work with those children, your NGO can set up classrooms there, so that you need not to go inside that scary place to teach the kids... ' Vansh said smiling and Khushi looked at him surprised

'Are you serious...?' she asked excitedly

'Yes.. This time I am not joking trust me... ' Vansh said and Khushi smiled ear to ear looking at the papers

'Thank you sir, that is so kind of you..' she said

'Don't thank me, my mother runs an organisation for underprivileged children and women, which co incidentally, I am not joking is called Khushi foundation... They are funding this purchase... ' Vansh informed

'I told Maa about you going to the brothel to teach the children of women working there and she was impressed and immediately agreed to help your NGO, she says she is proud of you... ' he smiled and Khushi smiled too

'I will thank Mrs. Thapar personally for this... ' Khushi said

'She said continue the good work, if she likes your work, she may recruit you at her organisation.... ' Vansh said

'This means a lot sir, thank you so much, the kids will be very happy... ' Khushi said

'Are you happy...?' he asked

'Yes... Very much... ' Khushi smiled

'What will I get in return for helping you...?' Vansh smirked and Khushi got confused

'What do you want sir...?' she asked

'Are you sure, You will give that to me..?' Vansh  raised his brows

'Yes...' Khushi replied

'Fine, Will you go out with me somewhere tomorrow...?' Vansh said and Khushi looked him flabbergasted

'Sir..?' she asked

'You said you won't deny... ' Vansh said challenging

'Yes... No... I mean.... ' Khushi stammered

'See I am not trying to hit on you, it's just I don't have anybody to hangout with on sunday, Vicky is sick, that's why I am asking... ' Vansh said

'Sure sir... ' Khushi smiled

'Great, will pick you up from Bandra station tomorrow at 8 ?' Vansh asked

'8 at night...?' Khushi asked confused

'No silly morning... ' Vansh said and Khushi chuckled

'Okay sir... ' Khushi said

'Fine, see you tomorrow... ' Vansh said getting up from his seat and walked out calling the AD

Khushi clutched the file tightly, close to her chest and saw Vansh leaving from the cabin and sighed...

Haaayyyeeee.... She thought admiring him...


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