Chapter 78

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Next Day...

Khushi was in her room trying on different outfits to look her best in the 'supposed' date, But she wasn't sure whether it was a date or not !

Vansh Thapar is one hell of an unpredictable man, you think he will do this, but he surprises you by doing something that you will never imagine...

'What if I dress in some fancy outfit and he decides to go to an amusement park...?' Khushi muttered, looking herself in the mirror, wearing a sky blue knee length dress...

'He said hangout, these are not hangout clothes Khushi....!' Her roommate Meenu, exclaimed and playfully hit her head

'What if it's a date...? I don't want to look like a dork in my first date... ' Khushi whined

'Who goes on a date at 8 in the morning...?' Meenu argued

'But... ' Khushi began

'What if he invited you for a casual hangout, like strolling around the city or something... And you are dressing up like a prom queen... Won't he feel odd...?' Meenu asked

'Hmm... You are right... ' Khushi said

'Do one thing ask him, where are you guys going...?' Meenu suggested

'What..!! No... What will he think... That I am too desperate...?' Khushi said horrified

'What !!!!! You are just simply asking him where are you guys going...that doesn't show you being, needy or desperate... Don't be stupid.. ' Meenu rolls her eyes..

'Meenu, you don't understand, this is the first time, any guy has asked me out, that too a handsome man like Vansh Thapar, I don't want to screw this up....' Khushi sighed

'Hmm... You surely have a lot of pictures of him... ' Meenu teases her looking at the gallery and Khushi's eyes widened

'Meena ! Give me the phone... ' Khushi marches towards her and Meenu runs away and soon they are chasing each other in the entire house

'He indeed is very handsome Khushi... Nice choice... ' Meenu laughs while running

'Give me the phone...' Khushi whines running behind her

'Let me ask him what you should wear...?' Meenu said typing something on her phone

Khushi's eyes widened...
'Are you crazy...!' she exclaimed and caught hold of Meenu, and tried to snatch the phone

'Let me text... ' Meenu protested, but Khushi didn't listen

'No you won't... ' Khushi exclaimed, snatching the phone just then it pinged

Meenu snatched the phone and looked at the sender and smirked
'It's from your lover boy... ' she sang

Khushi was shocked at this
'What does it say...?' Khushi asked

'Wear something casual, the weather is going to be slightly humid today, avoid jeans I would say..' Meenu read the text out loud and Khushi's heart began racing

'Someone is concerned about his girl already... ' Meenu teased and Khushi blushed

'Now stop smiling tomato... Get ready, I'll drop you at the station we only have 45 minutes... ' Meenu tossed her phone back to her and Khushi nodded, rushing inside her room

45 minutes later...
Bandra Railway station...

Khushi and Meenu were waiting for Vansh to arrive

'Does my hair look good...?' Khushi asked and Meenu huffed

'For the 17th time ! Yes, Yes, Yes...!  They look perfect, I straightened them properly, so they won't get fuzzy, relax, and if you have so much issues, just tie them up... ' she said 

'No I won't tie them up... ' Khushi whined

'Then stop eating my head... ' Meenu said irritated

Khushi was about to counter argue, but a honking sound drags their attention to their right...

They see Vansh's Jeep and then peek inside it, he wearing Green T shirt, his hair messy, and sunglasses on, behind the driver's seat waving at them and gesturing them to come towards him

'Great catch...' Meenu commented, walking towards the car along with Khushi who was already nervous now

'Shut up, don't say anything stupid in front of him... ' Khushi warned and they reach the car

'Good Morning Khushi, and who is this pretty lady with you...?' Vansh asked opening the door of the passenger seat, and Meenu blushed

'Good morning Sir, this is my friend Meenu... ' Khushi introduced them and Vansh shook hands with her

'Hello Meenamma, I am Vansh, nice to meet you... ' Vansh laughed and Meenu smiled

'Heyyy.... All my friends call me by this name only... Nice to meet you too Sir... ' Meenu exclaimed and Khushi frowned

'Just Vansh, no Sir... ' Vansh smiled and Khushi got jealous at this

'Okay Vansh... ' Meenu smirked sensing Khushi's jealousy

'Hop in, we'll take 2 hrs to reach there, and you look good by the way... ' Vansh said to Khushi,at which she smiled

'If you don't mind me asking, where are you guys going...? Should I ask our cook to make meal for you Khushi...?' Meenu asked out of curiosity

'Yeah, we will be back by 8-8:30 in the evening, we are going for a trek... ' Vansh said and Khushi's eyes widened, while Meenu controlled her laugh

'Trek...! But... But I don't have any equipments.... ' Khushi said nervously, she had never gone for trekking in her entire life

'Don't worry, I got them for you... ' Vansh smiled patting at the bag on the back seat

Meenu couldn't control her laugh now

'Good luck Khushi... ' He laughed

'Hey Meenamma, why don't you join us too, it will be fun... ' Vansh offered, but Khushi immediately said before Meenu could say anything...

'She has to visit a relative today sir, so unfortunately she cannot come... ' she said innocently and Meenu looked at her amused

'Oh... ' Vansh said

'Yeah Vansh, we will hangout some other time... ' Meenu smiled

'Sure we will... Get in Khushi, we need to leave before traffic increases... ' Vansh said and Khushi climbed to the passenger seat

'Good luck with your hair now... ' Meenu muttered to Khushi and she sighed

'Bye Vansh, Bye Khushi...' she said waving at them as Vansh started the car

'See you Meenamma.... ' Vansh said and they drove towards their destination

Same time...

Ananya opened her eyes, and took a sharp breath as she got scared, seeing a pair of hazel eyes, staring at her intently

'Sorry... I didn't mean to scare you.... ' Aayan apologized moving back, he was carrying a tray with juice and breakfast, along with medicines

Ananya took a deep breath, trying to calm her racing heart down, and then sat on the bed, resting her back against the headboard...

'You had fever yesterday night, so Akash has asked me to give you this after the breakfast....' Aayan pointed at the medicine and Ananya nodded

'Here have this... ' He gives her the juice

'I'll have it afterwards... ' Ananya said, resting her hair on the headboard

'Have it right now... ' Aayan said sternly and Ananya again closes her eyes in frustration

'Aayan..  I will have it, please don't force me... ' she said gritting her teeth

'I know you, you won't eat once I leave the room...'  Aayan countered

'Why do you care if I eat or not...!' She snapped finally losing her patience and Aayan was expecting this of course, he didn't react

'Because you are my responsibility... ' he stated matter-o-factly...

'Seriously...? Responsibility....? Tell me how am I dependent on you that you are assuming that I am your responsibility....?' She asked glaring at him

'Ananya, let's not talk about this... You are not well... And I don't want to ruin my happy mood, with this stupid argument....' Aayan replied calmly

'You are unbelievable...!' Ananya throws the quilt in frustration and jumps out of the bed

'Ananya... Listen to me... ' Aayan stood up and began

'You don't want to ruin your "Mood" by just arguing with me over a petty issue of food, and you expect me to stay calm even after you make out with a girl right in front of me, such double standards isn't it..!  Are you even real ?  How do you sleep Aayan...!' Ananya yelled angrily

Aayan looked at her flabbergasted, he never saw her this angry...

'What does that have to do with this anyway....?' He asked casually, but deep down he knew, that her illness was all because of the mental strain that he has given her

'Nothing...! This has nothing to do with my fever...! In fact anything happening to me, has nothing to do with you... ' Ananya exclaimed angrily

'Ananya... ' Aayan began

'You listen to me Aayan Varma, I know this marriage is a joke for you, my existence is nothing for you... You know what...!  I don't have any expectations from you either...! But see this..  *shows the mangalsutra on her neck* I have respect for this relation, not my husband but this marriage, because it happened because of our family's wish.... I will not tolerate anyone disrespecting this holy thread understand.... ' She exclaimed angrily and Aayan looked at her speechless

'If you dare to bring that woman in this house again ! I swear on my mother that she won't walk out of this house without a stretcher or a wheelchair.... ' she threatened him, breathing heavily and for the first time in his life Aayan was scared, not for Ritika but for Ananya

'Ananya... I.... ' He began, but she was in no mood to listen...

'I don't care, if you have affair with her or 10 other women, or even have kids with them... But none of them is coming into my house understand...?' she said and Aayan nodded like a punished kid

'That was a very sick way of playing Aayan,  you talk about fair play...? What if I bring a man here and kiss him right in front of you.... ' Ananya glared at him and Aayan fisted his hands and glared back

'Your stunt that night made me more determined to defeat you in this game of who leaves who.... And trust me, it will be you, not me...!' Ananya challenged and Aayan closed his eyes in frustration, but deep down somewhere he was happy that she won't leave

'And this is not because, I like to irritate or defeat you, it is for the old times sake, it's because I loved you at some point in my life and you gave me pain by ignoring me, so now it's your turn to get ignored, I know you don't love me, but your hatred is so strong, that you will get frustrated as I ignore you now... I want to settle this with you before ending this marriage.... ' Ananya said wiping her tears and Aayan was shocked to the core

'You wanna test right, how much I can bear ? Try all your might, but be ready to get disappointed... You are NOT winning this time... ' Ananya said angrily, tears rolling down and Aayan was speechless

'And I don't need your fake concern alright... Keep it with you, because I know, even if I die, you won't be affected....' Ananya said and Aayan looked at her scared, the mere mention of her death scared him like anything

'Yes I regret marrying you, but I am not giving up on this marriage, because you will....!  I will make you, you are not dealing with an ordinary girl Aayan.... ' she said and Aayan looked away

Ananya wiped her tears and took her clothes out from her closet and walked out of the room....

I loved you at some point in my life....
These words were engraved in his mind now and he couldn't think of anything else now

You are not dealing with an ordinary girl

'Indeed you are not ordinary... ' he muttered sitting on the bed

2 hours later...

Khushi's jaw dropped seeing the fort at the cliff they were about to climb on...

Vansh chuckled seeing her expression and made her wear the safety jacket and handed her the knee pads...

'Wear this....' He ordered, and started wearing safety equipments himself

'Sir... Do we have to do this...? I mean look at the height it's situated at... ' Khushi asked nervously

'Don't worry Khushi, I am there with you naa... ' he patted her shoulder and she wore the knee pad

Khushi wore the remaining equipments and then sighed looking at the cliff again, her eyes land on Vansh and she was mesmerized looking at him...

He looked so handsome in grey 3/4th and green T shirt and with headgear and other safety jackets on, Vansh looked at her and found her staring at him intently..

He clicked his fingers breaking his trance...
'What...?' he asked

'You look very handsome....' Khushi blurted out and then after realizing what she said, looked away feeling embarrassed

Vansh smiled at this
'Wow, very first compliment for me from Khushi, I must record this date and time for future reference... ' he joked and Khushi turned red due to embarrassment, but managed to give a shy smile

Vansh got close to her..
'Did Anyone tell you, you have a killer smile, it can actually kill people... ' He said and Khushi started at him, her blue eyes met his chocolate brown orbs and they were lost for a moment

Vansh put her hair strand behind her ears, and moved a bit away

'You may want to tie them, or else there will be a lot of casualties at the end of this trek...' he said and Khushi turned to other side, trying to control her ragged breath,and simultaneously tying her hair

'Wow Vansh Thapar, you are a pro in flirting... ' he patted himself and Khushi sighed

'Let's go...?' Khushi asked and Vansh nodded

'How high it is...?' Khushi asked

'About 3.5-4 kms... ' Vansh said casually

'What...! Are you kidding me...?' Khushi exclaimed and Vansh laughed

'Don't worry, it doesn't have steep slopes, we will reach the top in 3-4 hours.... ' he assured her and she sighed and followed him

4 hours later...

'Sir, I can't climb anymore... I am tired... ' Khushi took a deep breath and Vansh who was tired too held her hands, trying to make her stand

'Come on Khushi, we reached, it's just few metres.... See there is the last point... Come... ' he pulled her

'I can't sir, I really can't...' Khushi said tired, her face was all red and her legs were paining due to this continuos walk

'Don't give up reaching this close...' Vansh said and Khushi still was tired and shook her head indicating a no...

Vansh looked at her narrowing his eyes and then picked her up, giving her a piggy back ride and Khushi was shocked at this...

'Vansh ! Put me down... are already tired, don't do this.... ' Khushi exclaimed

'Shhh... ' Vansh sushed her and carried her towards the last point and the fellow trekkers looked at them in aww...

'Such a cute couple... ' one girl commented

'The girl is so lucky, see how handsome that guy is...' exclaimed another

'Vansh please....' Khushi pleaded

'We are here Khushi, shut your mouth now or I know how to shut it... ' he warned and Khushi did as instructed

They reached the last point and the fellow trekkers clapped for them and Khushi blushed, while Vansh took a deep breath and then dramatically bowed to his audience

'I won't let you give up so easily... ' he said determined, starting at her and she was speechless

They walked towards the edge of the cliff, the highest point of the trek and gasped,seeing the breathtaking view...

Everything looked so tiny and the mountains surrounding the fort were covered with beautiful green cover, and a bit of fog around the mountains added to the beauty of the beautiful scene

Involuntarily, Khushi held Vansh's hand, her eyes not leaving the beautiful sight

'It's so beautiful.... ' she said mesmerised

Vansh looked at her and was mesmerized seeing her awestruck, tired face, he removed the hairband, which tied her hairs and let them loose, she looked at him surprised, the hair strands covering her face and she removed them staring at Vansh

'It indeed is beautiful... ' he commented and then the looked at the breathtaking view together, holding the hands

Few hours later...

Vansh and Khushi were driving towards their homes, it was already getting dark and both if them were hell tired

Vansh was driving, and Khushi was at the passenger seat, she was damn sleepy, but she stayed awake, so that Vansh doesn't get distracted

'You can sleep you know... ' Vansh said

'I am not tired...' Khushi said and he chuckled

'Who are you kidding... ' Vansh laughed

'I really enjoyed today, this was the best day in my life, I will never forget this... ' Khushi exclaimed even though she was tired

'I enjoyed too, I didn't think that I will enjoy any other person's company except Vikrant... ' Vansh said and Khushi chuckled

'You love trekking, don't you... ' Khushi asked

'Yeah, I remember when we were young, Paa used to take me Aayan and Ved to mountain climbing and treks like these... To increase our interest and love for nature... ' He smiled remembering the memory

'Wow... Mr. Thapar sounds like a cool person... ' Khushi said

'Yeah he is... *frowns* or used to be... ' he muttered the last part

'I am sure you enjoyed that time... ' Khushi smiled and Vansh smiled back

'Yeah we had a lot of fun, I used to be his favorite you know, in terms of being active, because Ved and Aayan would get tired very easily... ' He smiled

'I am sure you are his favorite still... ' Khushi said and Vansh didn't reply at this

She understood something was wrong between them, but decided not to ruin his mood by asking

'You know Sir, my Grandpa used to say, Father's can't express their love like mothers, but they love us more than anything, but their way is different...' Khushi said and Vansh wanted to look at her, but couldn't because he was driving

'I am sure, Mr. Thapar loves you, but his way of expressing is different... ' She said and Vansh nodded

Both of them didn't speak after this and 10 minutes later, all the way he was thinking about what she said and his admiration for her increased

Vansh stopped the car in front of Khushi's house and she looked at h shocked

'Sir, how did you... ' she began and he  sushed her

'I had a great time Khushi... ' he said moving closer to her, and her heart started beating frantically at this

'Me... Me too.... ' she stammered

His face was just a inch away from her, and she closed her eyes in anticipation

He pecked her on cheeks and she opened her eyes to meet his chocolate brown orbs, staring at her intently

'I would love to take you out on a date someday... ' he said and she could feel heat rising up her cheeks

'Bye sir... ' She said and was about to get out from the car, when he pulled her closer to him

'It's Vansh for you.... ' he smiled and Khushi couldn't control her blush and got out of the car

'Bye... ' he smiled

'Bye... ' she waved him as he started the car and then drove away

Oh my god...
Best day ever....


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