Chapter 84

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2 days later...
Jai's house...

'Think once again Sameer, you can stay with us, no one will have any problem... ' Ananya said and others nodded, except Aayan who was sitting far away from them on the king size chair, crossing his legs and observing Ananya and Sameer with narrowed eyes

'Yes Son, and don't worry, I won't let your parents come near you...' Jai said and Sameer clutched his hands

'It's okay Sir, I will stay somewhere else for few days, anyways Ved's wedding is in 2 days and my presence may create unnecessary complications...' Sameer said

'Nothing will happen Sameer, we will take care of it, you must not be alone at this phase, you need to be with people...' Ved said

'Ved is right son, you must stay with us... ' Arjun agreed too

'That's very generous of you all sir, but its better for everyone that I leave, you all know my father, if he comes to know that I am here, he will create unnecessary Drama during the wedding... ' Sameer sighed

'I think he is right... ' Aayan said getting up and Jai gave him a warning look

'Where will you go...?' Ananya asked,keeping her hands on his shoulders and Aayan frowned at this

Why are you getting bothered, you kissed a girl in front of her, you have no right to frown... His inner mind mocked him and he closed his eyes in frustration

'I don't know, may be away from Delhi and will try to find a job too... As I am not joining Singhal advertising again... ' Sameer said with the hint of anger in his voice and Arjun - Jai look at each other

'Don't say like this son... You are it's heir, and your father needs you... ' Arjun said

'He lost the right of being my father, He is a cheater ! And that woman and her son... ' he began angrily but then stopped realizing that Jai and Aayan were here...

Aayan fisted his hands in the mention of her mom and half brother.. 

'It's okay Sameer, me and Aayan don't mind, she is no one to us, Right son...?' Jai asked Aayan and he nodded

'Let's not ask him what to do right now Dad, he is not in the state of understanding anything... ' Ved said to Arjun and he nodded

'You can stay at my house in Mumbai...' Vansh said

'That's a brilliant idea... ' Arjun exclaimed

'Vansh, you don't have to... ' Sameer began

'Listen bro, wherever you go, your father will find you, because he can predict where you can go, but it won't even cross his mind that you are at my house... I mean I am the useless son of his arch rival, why will you go there....' Vansh said and Arjun sighed at this

'You can delete the word useless from that... ' Ved said and Vansh didn't say anything..

'He has a valid point Sameer, you go to his house... ' Jai said

'Thanks man... ' Sameer smiled and Vansh tossed his house keys to him

'I'll call Mary and ask her to clean the house and prepare food for you... ' he took out his phone and walked out of the room

'I'll book your tickets, Is Evening flight okay for you...?' Ved asked

'Please book the next flight Ved, I want to leave right now... ' Sameer sighed and Ved patted his shoulders

'Okay, let me see, is there any flight in next 3 hours... ' Ved said and walked out, browsing on his phone

'Panditji has called us Jai, let's go...' Arjun said and they too leave the room

'Don't go na Sammy... ' Ananya whined and Sameer chuckled

Aayan crossed his hands to near his chest to show irritation, but they did not notice him and he huffed at this....

'It's better that I leave Annie, but don't worry, I'll be back soon... ' he said pulling her cheeks and Aayan fisted his hands at this

I am not allowed to touch her, but he can...!  Nonsense...! He huffed internally

He walked towards them and sat beside Ananya, sliding his arms around her waist, pulling her closer... Ananya frowned at this and Sameer controlled his smile..

'What do you think you are going to do ? Now that you have left Singhals.. ' Aayan asked, ignoring Ananya's glare and Sameer sighed

'I don't know, I can try for the post of operational manager in some firms, I also have experience in designing apps, I can also apply in some technical firms too... ' Sameer said

'What about your PhD...?' Ananya asked

'That can wait... ' Sameer smiled, and Aayan frowned at this...

'I will send you some contacts, you can apply in these firms, you must start working somewhere, because right now all you need is something to distract you from these happenings or else you will go crazy....' Aayan said and Sameer nodded

'And don't leave the idea of doing your PhD bro, you need to keep your mind occupied... ' Aayan said, and Sameer's eyes filled with tears

'Thank you bro... Although I don't deserve your kindness, you are still good to me... Thank you... ' Sameer said, his voice cracking

Aayan left Ananya, and held Sameer's hands and smiled faintly

'You did nothing Sameer, and I understand what you are going through, I was there 12 years ago... I can totally relate to what you are feeling right now....' he smiled

'How did you deal with it Aayan...? When you came to know that mom cheated on Mr. Varma...? You were sixteen when you came to know about it, how did you react... ' he asked teary eyed and Ananya patted his shoulders and looked at Aayan

Aayan who had faint smile on his face, now got serious and his expression morphed into a frown, remembering the day when he came to know about his mother's infidelity...

12 years ago...
St. Xavier's Convent School, Shimla...

Ved and Aayan were in class 10 and were preparing for their boards which was 2 months ahead, it was chilling month of December, and the next day was Aayan's Birthday...

'You will be 16 in 2 hours bro, aren't you excited...!' Ved said excitedly and Aayan rolled his eyes

'I hate birthdays Ved, you know it... ' Aayan said not looking up from his Physics book

'I know you hate your birthday, because we were sent here, in between the term on this very day... ' Ved said

'You need not to remind me that.. ' Aayan gritted angrily

'Let it go bro... ' Ved said hitting him playfully

'Ved..?' Aayan said not looking up from his book


'Shut your mouth and let me study... ' He said and Ved frowned

'Huh ! You are no fun...' Ved huffed and Aayan rolled his eyes

'At least tell me that you are excited that Bade Papa will come tomorrow... ' Ved said looking at him hopefully

'I am not Not so excited about his visit, but mom will be here too... I am dying to see her... ' Aayan said excitedly

'So will be Prateek Uncle and Yash... ' Ved frowned and Aayan's smile faded

'I can tolerate them for Mom, anyways it's the matter of few hours, Singhal doesn't speak to me anyway and that piddi Yash is just 8... What can he do... ' Aayan said chuckling

'He is the most ill mannered and unpleasant kid I ever met, never talks like a innocent child...' Ved said frowning

'Like father, like son... ' Aayan frowned

'Papa and Vansh will be here too, can't wait to see them... ' Ved smiled and Aayan nodded smiling

'Now let's study, I anyway have to sneak out at 12,to get your birthday pastry, which I arranged by bribing the peon... ' Ved grinned

'You won't bring anything inside this dormitory Ved, and I am not cutting any cake...' Aayan warned

'Arre, but I smuggled it inside the school, after so much risk and you won't even taste it...?' Ved whined

'Nope... ' Aayan said

'You are such a Saddu....' Ved said irritated

'Thanks...' Aayan said and they continued with their studies...

Next Day...

Aayan was excitedly waiting for his mother to arrive, as Jai was going to be late..

He and Ved were dressed in school sweat shirt and pants, and were waiting near the school ground, from where visitor's room was close

'Still angry on me for not eating the pastry...?' Aayan asked and Ved huffed

'You don't talk to me man, you don't care about other people's efforts... ' Ved said angrily and walked away from him

Aayan sighed and jogged behind him, catching his hoodie, he pulled him back, hugging him tightly, and climbed on his back

'Come on Bro,it's my birthday... Don't be angry on me at least today, I promise I will even eat poison if you say, just smile for me please... ' Aayan said pulling Ved's cheeks

'Damn you are heavy... get off me.. ' Ved whined

'Say you forgave me... ' Aayan said wrapping his legs around his waist and Ved was finding it difficult to stand now

'You bull... You are very heavy... Good that you didn't eat the cake or else I would've been pinned to the ground... ' Ved said trying to balance himself

'Aww... I love you Ved... ' Aayan teased him

'Shut up... ' Ved hit his hand

'Say you forgave me... ' Aayan smirked

'Aayan... '

'Say it... '

'Yeah okay, I forgave you, now get off me... ' Ved whined and Aayan chuckled and hopped down from Ved's back

'Bull... ' Ved sighed caressing his back

'You are so weak, no wonder Shanaya had to kiss the floor that day... ' Aayan laughed and Ved glared at him

'Come here you... ' Ved marched towards him angrily and Aayan laughed and they began chasing each other in the ground

They were halted by a voice, and they look at the person, Aayan had a big smile on his face and Ved had a frown, both of them adjusted their sweatshirts and walked towards them

'Mom...!!' Aayan hugged Priyanka and she hugged him back, Prateek Singhal rolled his eyes at this

'My Baby, how are you, look at you how thin you have become... ' Priyanka said pulling his cheeks

Ved coughed at this and Aayan hit him with his legs..

'Ow... ' Ved cried and then looked at Priyanka... 'Namaste Aunty... ' He greeted

'Hi Ved beta, how are you, even you became so lean, these people don't feed you guys proper meal or what... ' she said caressing his hair

'We need to reach home early Priyanka, Sameer must be alone, get done with this ASAP... ' Prateek said and Ved - Aayan glared at him

'Say hi to your dad... ' Priyanka said to Aayan and he frowned and didn't wish Prateek who was looking at him in anticipation

'You tell me how are you...?' Aayan directed his full attention to his mother and Prateek huffed

Priyanka sighed and then they started walking towards the visitors room, followed by 8 year old Yash

'Hello Uncle... ' Ved said out of courtesy

'It's sir for you... ' Prateek replied curtly and Ved frowned

He looked at Aayan - Priyanka, who were far away and turned to Prateek smirking

'I said it out of courtesy, so that you don't feel neglected again, but You know what, you don't deserve attention, you are nothing to me... Forget about sir... ' Ved said to Prateek and he glared at him

'No wonder you are Arjun's son... ' Prateek gritted

Ved was about to give him a sarcastic reply, when he sees his father's BMW entering the campus...

His eyes sparkled with excitement when he saw his twin brother jumping out of the car and running towards him

'See you never weirdo... ' Ved said to Prateek and ran towards Vansh..

Prateek who wanted to teach him a lesson, turned back angrily, but then halted seeing Arjun and Jai getting out of the car, he gulped and walked towards his own car...

'Veeeedddd.....' Vansh yelled running towards him

'Easy there Vansh... ' Arjun called from behind

But Vansh literally jumped on his twin, hugging him tightly that both of them fell on the ground and started laughing

'Damn these boys....' Arjun muttered and ran towards his sons followed by Jai who chuckled

'I missed you so so so so much big bro... ' Vansh said, not leaving Ved and Ved hugged him back

'I missed you too little bro... ' Ved said caressing his hair

Arjun reached near his sons and helped them stand up

'Grow up boys...' He says to them and they laugh

Vansh hugs him tightly again and Ved gets confused

'What was that for...?' He asked

'This was Mumma's tight hug for you.. ' Vansh said and Arjun chuckled

'And Annie's ?' Ved asked

'Let me give you that...' Arjun said and hugged him tightly

'I missed you son... ' He said kissing his head

'I miss you too Papa... ' Ved said

'God this guy lost a lot of weight....' Jai said and Arjun leaves Ved and looks at him worriedly

'Bade Papa... ' Ved hugged Jai and he hugged him back

'You are almost of our height now kid...' Jai comments and they smiled

'Where is Aayan...?' Jai asked and Ved's smile vanished

'Yeah... Where is the birthday boy...?  Maa sent lots of presents for him... ' Vansh asked looking around

'Priyanka aunty is here...' Ved says and then looks towards Prateek's SUV which was parked away from them

Arjun and Jai follow his gaze and then frown

'I guess we have to wait then... ' Arjun says and Jai just leans against the pole near them closing his eyes in irritation

'I wanted to wish my son first... ' Jai said pinching bridge of his nose

'It's her son too Jai, you look at the bright side na, you get to spend more time with him...' Arjun said to lighten his mood, but in vain, Jai was already angry now...

They see Priyanka walking out of the room, towards her car and Jai turned to the opposite side...

'Witch...' he muttered under his breath

Inside the room, Aayan and Yash were seated on the mess table waiting for Priyanka, and Yash began scratching the iron table using a stone

'Don't do that... ' Aayan snatches away the stone from him

'Give me my stone back you loser... ' Yash yelled Angrily and the school staff looked at Yash bewildered, wondering that how such a small kid can be this mannerless

Aayan apologized to the staff and glared at Yash

'Behave yourself kiddo, I am your older brother, I can throw you from this Cliff and no one will ever find you... ' Aayan threatened

'I am not scared of you Bhai, and my father says you and your father are losers... And I don't like you... ' Yash said

'I am not very fond of you either... And mind your language...' Aayan was losing his patience now

'No one loves you Bhai, and Maa left you, your loser father and useless sister for my father because she hates losers too... ' Yash seethed glaring at him

Aayan lost his patience now, and slapped Yash on his cheeks, the staff gasped and he stood from his seat...

'Ved was right, you are the most annoying 8 year old, anyone will ever encounter... ' Aayan said angrily and Yash began crying

'Aayan...!' He hears his mother's angry voice and looks at her

'How dare you hit your younger brother...' she keeps the gift on the table and rushed towards crying Yash

'He misbehaved with me first maa... ' Aayan said in his defense

'He is a kid Aayan, you should not raise your hands on him... ' Priyanka said caressing crying Yash's face

'Maa, why are you taking his side... ' Aayan said his voice cracking

'Apologize to him... ' Priyanka orders Aayan and he looks at his mother shocked

'What... No...he started it... ' Aayan said

Prateek walks inside and sees his son crying, and rushes towards him

'What happened to my son... ' Prateek says caressing Yash's face

'Aayan, apologise to your brother... ' Priyanka orders again

'No.. I wont... ' Aayan said stubbornly

'He hit him...?  How dare you..?' Prateek angrily marched towards him, but Priyanka stopped him

'Let me deal with him...' She says glaring at Aayan, and he was shocked to see his mother declaring him culprit without listening to his side of the story

'You have became mannerless, since I left you with Jai...' Priyanka says advancing towards him and Aayan took a step back, looking at his mother's angry face

'Say sorry to your brother... ' She gritted

'But Maa, he... ' Aayan began, but Priyanka  slapped him

He was shocked beyond his capacity, Priyanka never raised her voice on him, when he was a kid and today she slapped him because of his younger brother

'Mannerless boy... ' Priyanka said angrily and tears rolled down Aayan's eyes

'HOW. DARE. YOU.... ' They hear Jai's angry voice and look at him

Arjun and Jai were glaring at Priyanka angrily, while Ved and Vansh looked at Aayan horrified

Priyanka took a step back,looking at Jai, and Prateek stood up carrying Yash in his arms

'HOW DARE YOU SLAP MY SON.... ' Jai walked towards Priyanka angrily

'He.. He... hit Yash, without any reason... ' Priyanka stammered and took a step back

'Is that so Aayan...?' Jai turns to Aayan who wiped his tears, and didn't say anything...

Jai's heart broke seeing his son in tears and he fisted his hands

'Sir, the little boy is mannerless, you should do something about him, he misbehaved with our student.. This will not be tolerated... ' The staff said and Jai glared at Priyanka who gulped

'So this bastard son of yours, is more important than your first born...?' Jai said and others gasped

'Jai... ' Arjun tried to stop him

'Let Aayan know what his perfect Mumma is... ' Jai who lost his patience now gritted angrily

'Jai we decided we will never tell him... ' Arjun reminds him

'He deserves to know the truth... ' Jai said not leaving Priyanka's scared gaze

'Deserves to know what Papa...?' Aayan asked shaking

'Jai please...' Priyanka whispered

'Why do you care...? You love your other sons more, Nitaara and Aayan are anyway strangers to you now, so why do you care what Aayan will think...?' Jai says and Priyanka looks away

'Why did you call Yash as... ' Aayan hesitated to say the word, tears rolling down his eyes

'Because, your mother cheated on me, when we were married and Yash was conceived when your mom was a Varma and not Singhal.....' Jai said and Arjun closed his eyes in disappointment, while Priyanka looked away in shame...

Aayan stared at his mother in shock,  while Prateek Singhal walked out of the room carrying Yash in his arms

'Mom...' was only Aayan could say and Priyanka couldn't face him now

'Now my son won't see your face ever, so you better leave if you have some shame... ' Jai said and Priyanka wiped her tears

She couldn't look at Aayan who was staring at her in anticipation, demanding an explanation, she walked out of the room without even looking at Aayan for the last time..

Aayan was shook to the core, he couldn't believe that his mom, whom he loved more than anyone else could do such thing, he always blamed Jai for the divorce, because he didn't know the other side of the story

'I am sorry son... ' Jai walked towards him and he stepped back

'Thank you for the gift Dad, this was the best birthday ever.... ' Aayan said, tears rolling down his eyes

Jai looked helplessly at him, and Arjun walked towards Aayan

'Listen to him son... ' he said

'He and his wife shouldn't have given birth to me, when they hated each other so much Big dad... ' Aayan said looking at Jai, who was in tears too

'Don't say like this son... ' Jai cried

'Don't come near me, I hate you... ' Aayan said angrily

'Aayan... ' Ved said scared

Aayan looked at his mother's gift and opened it, and all of them looked at him confused

It revealed a set of canvases and charcoal sticks, as Aayan was an excellent sketcher...

Entire school knew that Aayan's paintings and sketches had no match, he was a gifted artist and won numerous prizes for this and he also represented his school in national competitions many times

Jai looked at Aayan, as he walked towards the bonfire in the room, which was just lit as the temperature was dropping...

All of them looked at him horrified as he threw the canvas and charcoal sticks into the fire and wiped his tears angrily...

'Aayan listen to me son... ' Jai began, but he didn't listen to him and walked out of the room, followed by Ved and Vansh...

After this incident, Aayan never touched paint brush or charcoal, the artist inside him was no more...


He took a deep breath and saw Ananya and Sameer staring at him in anticipation, with worried expressions on their faces

Ananya was holding his hands and Sameer also looked scared

'Aayan...? Are you okay...?' Ananya asked softly caressing his hands

'Bro, we are calling you from last 15 minutes... Are you alright...?' Sameer asked worried

'Leave him alone for sometimes you guys... He will be fine... ' They hear Ved from behind and turn to him

Aayan stood up from his seat, and glanced at Ved, who gave him an assuring smile and nodded, before walking upstairs

'Your flight is at 2 pm... ' Ved informed Sameer, who looked at Ved scared

'Is Aayan okay...?' He asked and Ananya looked at him too

'Some wounds never heal... ' Ved sighed and Ananya looked worriedly at the direction where Aayan went

'I didn't mean to hurt him.. ' Sameer began

'Don't worry about him Sameer, he will be fine, he has learned to live with it and trust me, you will too... ' Ved said and hugged Sameer, who sighed at this

'I'll go check on him... ' Ved said and Ananya - Sameer nodded

Aayan's studio

This was a small room, which Jai built especially for Aayan, where he can paint and sketch in peace...

This room had everything Aayan needed, brushes, paints, canvases, charcoal blocks, papers everything...

He looked at the stuff and sighed, Aayan never painted in this studio...

This was Aayan's 18th Birthday gift, which he never accepted and didn't use ever...

'It's a pretty cool place... ' Ved said, breaking Aayan's reverie

'Yeah... ' Aayan said

'I wonder why you never used it... ' Ved said looking around

'Never felt like using it...' Aayan said

'And today you are here because you want to sketch something...?' Ved asked

'Yeah Maybe... I don't know... ' Aayan said looking at the small charcoal blocks on the table

'Ever thought about sketching again...?' Ved asked

'You know I don't sketch anymore... ' Aayan sighed

'You may try once again...' Ved said

'I sketched what was in my heart bro, it's not possible now, my heart has nothing.... ' Aayan said

'Because you closed it's door man, but it can be reopened you see... ' Ved smiled

'I don't know, I think I forgot how to sketch....' Aayan began

'I just know that, once Aayan Varma picks up that charcoal, nothing can stop him... All you have to do is pick the thing up and you will paint what is in your heart by yourself...' Ved smiled

'Nonsense.. ' Aayan chuckled

'Try it... An Artist never dies Aayan, like a writer can't forget creating characters even after years, an artist can never forget his art... Its all hidden inside, and will come out once given a chance... ' Ved smiled and patted his shoulders and left the studio

Aayan looked at the charcoal and then sighed

Why not...

Maybe I can paint the pain in my heart and get rid of it...

'You are becoming filmy like Ved, Aayan... ' he chuckled to himself...

'But there is no harm in trying, let's see if I still have the talent or not... ' he muttered and picked up the charcoal block

Rolling up his sleeves and opening the top 2 buttons of the shirt, he walked towards the canvas and set it on the stand

'Let's see what's in my heart today... ' He muttered and started sketching someone's face

After 2 hours when he finished the sketch, he gasped and sweat beads rolled down his forehead

His shirt was dirty with charcoal powder, and face was stained too, his fingers were all black and he ran his hand through his hair in frustration..

This is in my heart...? He asked himself and stared at the sketch

To his own shock, Aayan made Ananya's sketch...

Touching the paint after 12 years, this was the first thing he made...

He made Ananya's sketch, in which she is looking down and smiling shyly, and he couldn't believe that he made it...

His fingers began trembling and he throws away the charcoal, staring at the sketch...

This can't happen...

What's wrong with me...!


Thoda jyada filmy ho gya ! Nahi...?

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