Chapter 85

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Ved's Bachelor's party...

Vansh and Aayan had organised a bachelor's party for Ved, at Aayan's house...

Jai was asked to stay at Arjun's house, to which he agreed only on one condition that he, Arjun, Adi and Sash will be allowed to dance at the end of the party...

Vansh and Aayan agreed to it and then only Jai left...

'You think, Bade Papa can dance in the end...?' Vansh asked Aayan, and he chuckled

'He sleeps at 10, and this party will go on till everyone is wasted, so his dance is not happening... ' Aayan smirked and Vansh laughed

'Very smart bro... ' Vansh hi fied him

'That plan won't work son, I am your father after all, see you after midnight...' Jai called while walking outside and Vansh - Aayan looked at him shocked

'He has sharp ears too... ' Vansh said flabbergasted

'I know right.... ' Jai called again and Aayan - Vansh look at each other, not saying anything

'Have fun boys....' Jai laughed

'How did he...?' Vansh began shocked, but Aayan put his hands on his shoulders

'Don't even try.... ' Aayan sighed

'Let's begin with the preparation, the guests will start arriving soon... ' Vansh said and Aayan nodded

'What about the Dancers...?' Aayan asked

'Let's cancel them, anyway our saint boy Ved won't appreciate them in his party.... ' Vansh sighed

'Sometimes I really wonder, that how two people with similar face, can be so different... ' Aayan said amused expression, and Vansh narrowed his eyes, and then a hint of playfulness can be seen in his face

'Don't worry, you will know soon... ' He smirks and nudges Aayan with his elbow

'How...?' Aayan asks him confused

'Because twins run in our family you know, sooooooo.... ' Vansh wiggles his eyebrows looking at Aayan

Aayan understood what he wanted to say, and looked away, as he could feel heat rising up his cheeks...

'Let's continue with the decoration..' Aayan said picking up his phone

'Aaye haaye koi to rok lo... ' Vansh teased him and picked up the box which had things for decoration and Aayan was avoiding to look at him

She doesn't let me touch her, so what you are hinting to, is not happening bro..

'Let your time come, I am saving all these in my system, to counter you back at your time... ' Aayan said pointing at his head and Vansh laughed

'Not happening anytime soon... ' Vansh said

Just then Aayan receives a text from Jai, showing him the outfits he will wear for the party and he cringes seeing the bright yellow pants and red shirt paired with yellow blazers and quickly sends a No for it

'Why he always plans to embarrass me in front of my friends.. ' Aayan sighed looking at the other outfit Jai sent

Vansh looks at Aayan's phone and starts laughing...

'Bade Papa is awesome man... ' he says while laughing and Aayan frowned

He receives another text, and now he smirks and shows his phone to Vansh

'Big dad is also very cool... ' he smirked and Vansh looks at Arjun's outfit

'Eww man, no way, he is not wearing that... All my and Ved's friends will laugh at us... ' Vansh whines

'Why are they wearing these type of clothes...?' Aayan frowned seeing the outfits

'Did you tell them that it's a retro theme or something...?' Vansh asked

'No... ' Aayan says in his defense

'Maybe they thought that these outfits are cool... ' Vansh said sighing

'Let's finish this party soon, so that they don't dance in front of our friends at least... ' Aayan said and Vansh nodded

'What outfits..?' Ananya asks from behind

They turn to face her, and Aayan sighs remembering the sketch he hid in his studio few minutes ago...

'Look at the outfits Papa and Bade Papa are planning to wear on Ved's party today....' Vansh shows him Aayan's phone 

Ananya looks at the outfits and smiles
'Awww.... They will look so cute in these...' Ananya exclaims

'You are as mental as them... ' Aayan mutters rolling his eyes

'Did you say something...?' Ananya narrows her eyes and Aayan shakes his head left right to say no...

Vansh chuckles and mutters in Aayan's ears

'Don't worry, even Paa is scared of Maa... Dominating females run in our family too... ' He said and Aayan chuckles

'So when are you guys leaving...?' Ananya asked and both of them look at her confused

'Where are we going...?' Vansh raises his brows

'To Ved Bhai's bachelor party, I am sure you guys would've booked the best club in the town for that....' Ananya grins

'We are not going to any club, the party is here in this house... ' Aayan said crossing his hands near his chest and Ananya's mouth hangs open

'What...! You can't have your party here...!' Ananya exclaims panicked

'Why not...?' Aayan raises his brows

'Because I am throwing Deepika's bachelorette party here...!' She exclaimed and Vansh - Aayan look at her shocked

'With whose permission...?' Vansh asked

'Why will I need permission...? This is my house as well... ' Ananya says looking at them, specifically Aayan who gave her an uninterested look

'All our arrangements are done Annie... Food, Music, drinks and only thing left to do is decoration... We can't do it all over again... ' Vansh said

'But all my invites are sent and the caterers will reach here any minute, how can I change the venue... ' Ananya whined

'Your problem... We asked first, so the place is ours, go find some other venue... ' Aayan said and Vansh looks at him shocked

'Listen, Dad said that I can do whatever I want in this house, and I am arranging a party for Deeps here...! So I am not leaving you will... ' Ananya countered

'I can't see any of your arrangement..  But can you see ours...? *points at box in Vansh's hand* so we will be partying here... So don't waste your time and find a new venue... ' Aayan said ignoring her irritated face

'Or ! we can arrange a party together, you see, more the merrier... ' Vansh said trying to calm them down

'Bhai, Ved Bhai and Deeps can't see each other before their wedding... ' Ananya said

'Yeah, and merging our party with theirs will ruin our hard work Vansh, the party will turn boring... ' Aayan said rolling up the sleeves of his shirt and Vansh stares at him scared

'Hey...! I am excellent party planner... ' Ananya countered

'Self appraisal at it's peak...' Aayan said playing with his finger nails and Ananya glared at him

'For the love of god Aayan, don't aggravate her further, do you want to sleep on the sofa for rest of your life...!' Vansh muttered

'It doesn't matter where I sleep anyway... ' Aayan muttered to himself, and Vansh looks at him shocked

'What..?' Vansh mutters shocked and Aayan bit his tongue, mentally slapping himself

'I mean, Don't worry about me... I have my way... ' He says and Ananya narrows her eyes at them

'What's with the gossiping ladies... Have you decided where will you do this party..?' Ananya asked and they narrowed their eyes at her

'Yes, we are doing this party here and you are doing it somewhere else... ' Aayan said matter -o- factly

'But... ' Ananya began to counter

'Let's leave Vansh... We have a lot of things to do, unlike some people....' he looks at Ananya and then walks upstairs

Vansh gives her a nervous smile and then follows Aayan carrying the bag, and Ananya stomps her feet angrily and dials someone's number

2 hours later...
Aayan's room....

Aayan walks inside carrying the big box which had the remaining stuff of decoration, to get changed himself...

His breathing hitched as he saw Ananya dressed in a black knee length one piece, with very thin strap and she was blow drying her hair, and the dress had a deep back, and her cleavage could be seen as she was combing her hairs

He took a sharp breath and walked towards his closet, Ananya noticed his presence, but then continued her work...

Aayan takes out a blue shirt and jeans, and walks inside the walk in closet to get changed

He closes the door and leans against it

'Why do I behave like a desperate sex starved man, when I see her like this... ' he muttered

Because you are desperate... His inner mind mocks and then he frowns

He gets changed and walks out of the closet and sees Ananya wearing a cardigan over the dress and sighs in relief...

'I arranged a hall in the outskirts, all thanks to you... ' Ananya says, taking her bag and walks towards the door, her heels making noise as she walks

Outskirts..? At 7 ? What is she lands in trouble while returning...? She could be drunk or wasted, what if someone tries to do...  NO !! She can't go this far at night... After that bastard tired to touch her, I can't risk her safety

'Listen, don't go in the outskirts, it's not safe in the night, you ladies will be drunk, you can land in trouble...' Aayan said and Ananya turns to face him

'Where will we party then...?' She raises her brows

'I'll arrange a venue for you....' He says taking his phone

'There is no venue available, I checked everywhere and even offered extra money, they don't have any... ' she says walking towards him

'Then don't do it....' Aayan said

'What do you mean don't do it...? Why don't you cancel your party...?' Ananya said angrily

'Ananya, outskirts are not safe, let me arrange my friend's house for you... ' Aayan said calmly

'No... I will party there only... ' Ananya says and walks towards the door

Aayan sighs in frustration and runs his hands through his hair

'Ananya please, listen to me for once, quit acting stubborn...' Aayan said irritated

'Don't tell me what to do... ' Ananya countered and Aayan was losing his patience now

He grabs her wrist and pulls her closer, boring his eyes into her dark brown orbs, Ananya's throat went dry, she got scared with the proximity...

'I am not risking your safety again, you will not go to the outskirts at this time... ' he said dangerously getting closer to her

'I will go there... ' Ananya says gathering her courage

Aayan takes a deep breath and massages his temples, and then scans her from Top to bottom

'Okay at least change your clothes...' Aayan said and Ananya looks at him shocked

'Stop commenting on my dresses... ' She says getting out of his hold

'It's too revealing, and it will be cold outside... It's February's winter for god's sake...' Aayan sighed frustrated

'It's not that cold and even if it is a bit revealing, you should not be concerned... ' Ananya said, but Aayan held her hands again

'Why shouldn't it concern me...? I am your husband for god's sake... ' Aayan said angrily

'You are my husband for name sake... And I can take care of myself alright.. So leave my hand... ' Ananya said, but Aayan didn't leave her

'Why didn't you do anything to that bastard then... ' Aayan gritted angrily

'Because he is your brother and also Sameer was there to save me...' Ananya countered

Aayan's blood boiled listening to Sameer's mention

'My step brother is more close to you, then he should... What's going on...?' Aayan raised his brows and Ananya's anger escalated at this

'How dare you...!' Ananya exclaimed angrily, trying to get out of his hold

'I am not a characterless piece of crap like you, who kisses other woman in front of their own wife, understand...! What Sameer and I have is pure friendship... Which a narrow minded man like you will never understand...' She says angrily and his grip on her loosens

'And even if I wear anything that attracts men, you shouldn't get bothered, because you don't consider this marriage as marriage so even I won't... ' Ananya said getting out of his hold

Aayan's eyes dart towards her and she could feel shiver running down her spine, as he looked dangerous right now...

'You mean you will have an affair, even if you are married to me...?' he asked dangerously

'If you can have, then even I will... ' Ananya countered, but she was scared as he was slowly and dangerously walking towards her

She took a step back as she saw Aayan's eyes burning with fury

Deep down Ananya understood that infidelity was something that Aayan absolutely loathed, because he was the victim of one such act as a child, she cursed herself internally to say anything without thinking twice

'I did not sleep with her... But you are saying, that you will...? With any random man...!' Aayan gritted

Ananya couldn't find her voice now, she took a step back and her back hit the wall, she looked up scared to see Aayan dangerously close to her, his masculine scent getting into her senses, she was finding it hard to say anything, because Aayan looked dangerous and appealing to her at same time

'Don't...Don't lie... ' Ananya stammered

'I don't have any reason to lie to you, as you know everything.... You don't want to believe, I don't care...' he said and Ananya looked up to meet his hazel orbs

'Plus, don't divert the talk... Answer this... ' *puts his hands on either side of her shoulders trapping her between him and the wall* Will you sleep with another man..!' He asked and Ananya was speechless again

Her mind was shouting to say no, but her tongue betrayed her in this..

'Yes... ' She said, her voice a mere whisper and Aayan's eyes flickered with fury

Ananya knew that she committed a blunder, and now she needs to escape before Aayan bursts out

Before she could do anything, Aayan grabbed her waist and pulled her closer, and she collides with his hard chest and without giving her time to recover, he crashed his lips on hers

Ananya was too shocked to react, she could feel a tingling sensation all over her body, and as he moved his lips against hers, shiver ran down her spine and her grip on his arms tightened

Aayan pulled her closer, his hand lands on her lower back and she gasps, taking advantage of this, he bit Ananya's lower lip and Ananya could no longer contain the pleasure that was building up inside her

She raked her fingers through his hair, pulling him closer and kissed him back with equal fervor 

Aayan groaned at this, and his hands travel to her shoulders, removing her cardigan and her hands go to his shirt, unbuttoning them in urgency, not breaking the kiss

Both of them were kissing each other with equal passion, pouring out the anger for each other..

Soon Ananya's cardigan was on the floor and Aayan's half shirt was opened, they held each other very close and kissed like their life depended on it..

The love and anger they held for each other from last 6 months of their marriage, was coming out through this kiss...

Aayan's hand travelled to her almost bare back, caressing it and Ananya shivered at this, she had goosebumps all over her body, his fingers reached the hook of her dress, and opened it, he was about to pull her dress down, when Ananya gasped and broke the kiss, realizing what was this angry kiss leading to...

Aayan who was surprised by Ananya's pulling away, realised where his hands were and he immediately backed off, they looked at each other, breathing heavily, their cheeks flushed and not breaking the eye contact

Ananya gasped seeing Aayan's shirt buttons opened and Aayan looked away seeing Ananya's strap falling from her shoulders...

They turned away from each other, calming their breaths down and adjusting their clothes and hair

Ananya was about to bend down to take her cardigan, when Aayan took it and handed it to her, she slowly takes it without looking at him, He too was unable to look at her

' might want to fix...' Aayan said pointing towards Ananya's lips where her lipstick was smeared, she looked at him and pointed at his lips

'You too... ' She says, before wiping the smeared lipstick, and Aayan quickly wipes the stain near his lips

They do not say anything to each other, while Aayan walked towards the door, after fixing his shirt

'You can party here, we will go to your venue...' He said before leaving the room  without waiting for Ananya's reply

Ananya sat on the bed as he left, unable to control the tears...

I can't hate him... She cried

Aayan on the other side, leaned against the door

Is this revenge worth it...?  He thought

Both could feel the tingling sensation on their lips and closed their eyes to let go of that feeling, unknowingly, this moment of weakness, acted as the first step to prevent their marriage which was slowly breaking...

Vansh who was passing through the hall, saw Aayan leaning against the door, massaging his temples...

'What happened bro... ?' he asked

'We need to shift the venue, let Ananya have the place... ' he said not looking at him, continuing the action

Vansh sighed

'I knew it...! I knew Annie will find a way to convince you... You husbands give up so easily in front of your wives... ' He said huffing

Aayan didn't say anything, he just looked away

'Fine ! Let me send all these to the new venue, give me the address... ' Vansh said and Aayan nodded, and sent the address to him

'Inform the guests about the change in venue... ' Vansh said walking downstairs and Aayan nodded and began messaging the  guests about the change in the venue...

Deepika's house...
One hour later...

Ananya walked inside the house and greets Deepika's parents...

'Namaste Aunty, Uncle... ' she smiled at them

'Ananya beta, welcome...' Deepika's father greeted

'How are you beta... ' Sunita, Deepika's mom smiled hugging her

'Is everything okay beta...? Arjun didn't tell anything about sending you here... ' Deepika's father asked worried

'Relax uncle... Papa didn't send me, I had to ask something from you, so I came here... ' Ananya smiled and her father sighed in relief

'What is it beta...?' Deepika's mom asked

'Aunty can I take Deeps out for our last sleepover....' Ananya asks looking at them with hopeful eyes

'But beta... ' her mother began

'Please Aunty, this will be our last night as besties, after the wedding we will be Sister in laws, and I will move to Bangalore, and she will stay at Delhi... Please Aunty,  pretty please... ' Ananya pleaded

'Let her go Sunita... ' Deepika's father smiled

'Arrey But how can she stay at her Sasuraal before wedding...?' her mom argued

'Aunty she will be at my Sasuraal.... I mean at my husband's house...  I am not taking her to my home... ' Ananya said, and Deepika's mom sighed

'Yeah okay, but she cannot meet Ved..' she said

'I will make sure, Bhai doesn't enter my house, and will drop her back herr by tomorrow morning... You have my word... ' Ananya smiled and Deepika's parents agreed

'Let me call her... ' Her dad said and walked inside, Ananya sat on the sofa and smiled at Deepika's mom

'Marriage really changed you Ananya, look at the glow on your face, I can say Aayan is keeping you very happy...' Sunita Aunty says and Ananya smiles at her

Her stomach churned remembering what happened just few hours back and could feel her cheeks turning red

'Indian clothes look so good on you, far better than those western dresses you used to wear before marriage... ' Sunita said looking at Ananya's red Kurti

'Thank you Aunty... ' she smiled uncomfortably

'So, when are we getting the good news... ?' Sunita asked and Ananya looked at her shocked

God...!  Why is Aunty hell bent to embarrass me today...

'Uh... ' Ananya said uncomfortably

'Come on... Don't be shy with your Aunty...' Sunita teased her

'Aunty, it's just been six months to our marriage... It's too early to... ' She said getting uncomfortable

'Let's go Annie... ' Deeps comes to her rescue and she sighs in relief

'See you Aunty... ' Ananya smiles

'Yes beta, and next time come with Junior Aayan...' Sunita teased and Deepika glared at her mother

'Mom... ' she warned, and Ananya was all red by now, she politely greets her parents and then they leave Deepika's house

Ved's party...
11 p.m.

'Brooo.... Best party ever....' One of Ved and Aayan's school friend said, who was slightly drunk

Aayan helped him stand and then takes the beer can from his hands, keeping it aside

'Don't drink too much Rahul, you have to drive back home... ' Aayan warned

'Broo, those dancers are awesome..' His other friend Karan said

Aayan looked at the Dancers and sighed

'They are not dancers, that's my father and father in law... ' He said and his friend Zaid looked at him shocked

'They are awesome... ' He said and walked towards them joining them in their dance

'You guys did a good job, great idea to invite Dad, Bade papa and Chachus, they're actually lighting up the party... Whose idea was it...?' Ved asked

'Mine...!' Aayan and Vansh said together and then look at each other...

'We mean ours...' they lied and Ved smiled

'This is the best bachelor's party ever....' Ved smiled

'But no one got wasted and did something stupid... ' Vansh whined

'I did... ' Aayan muttered, remembering the kiss

'What...?' Ved - Vansh asked him and he shakes his head to indicate he didn't say anything

'So Ved, married man after 1 day...!  How does it feel...?' Rahul asked

'Well I am nervous and excited at the same time, I didn't think I will get married to Deepika... ' Ved said and Vansh chuckled

'But I knew, he will get married to Deepika only... ' Vansh teased and they laughed

'How is your married life treating you Aayan...? Did you learn to obey your wife ..? Or you are still the dominating one...' Zaid came towards them dancing and asked, they chuckled at his antiques, because even he was slightly drunk

Aayan opened his mouth, but Vansh intervened in between

'Our boy has finally learned to listen to others, Annie did a great job... ' Vansh teased and Aayan chuckled

'You guys are seriously friendship goals...' Their friend Nikhil said to Aayan - Ved

'Yeah, they were inseparable in school, remember they used to pick fights for each other... ' Their other friend Himanshu said and they chuckled

'And now, they have passed the highest test in bromance... ' Rahul laughed

'Which is...?' Vansh asked

'No man will get his own sister married to his best friend, unless he is sure that he actually deserves her, because bros know the darkest secrets of each other, and trusting your best friend with your own sister is the highest regard in the friendship....' Rahul explained

'True that... ' Zaid said patting Aayan's shoulders

'I trust Aayan with my life, and I know no one could take care of Annie better than him... ' Ved smiled and Aayan couldn't help but look away

Vansh noticed this, but did not say anything...

'Let's join your father's on the dance floor... ' Nikhil exclaimed and they all joined Arjun, Jai,  Adi and Sash on the dance floor, except Aayan who grabbed a beer bottle and walked outside

Deepika's party...
1 am....

Ananya and Deepika along with their friends were chatting and laughing

However Ananya was silent, she was not interacting much, she just smiled when someone said something...

'So Annie, how is your married life...? I hope Aayan is taking good care of you...' Her friend Maithili asked

'He does, I have seen it... ' Deepika smiled and answered on Ananya's behalf and she give them a forced smile

'You know, Ananya has actually changed after wedding, I didn't think that our fiery, party animal Annie, will be so calm in a party like this... ' Their friend Shivani said

'Yeah, she is not even drinking... Did Aayan asked you not to...?' her friend Shagun teased

'It's not like that, I need to be sober for tomorrow, her wedding is in the evening and I have to do the arrangements, that's why I am not drinking... ' Ananya smiled

'She is really changed...' her friend Anaika commented

'Come on guys, it's nothing like that... ' Ananya gets up from the chair and walks away from them

Flashes of what happened few hours ago, came in front of her eyes and she closed her eyes in frustration

How can I let a cheater touch me...! She thought

I did not sleep with her, I have no reason to lie... Aayan's words ran in her mind

'Was he lying....? Of Course he was... ' she said to herself

'Annie are you okay...?' Deepika asked from behind and she turned to face her

'Yeah Deeps, I am absolutely fine... ' Ananya gave her a fake smile

'You don't seem to be fine Annie, please tell me what's going on... Is everything okay between you and Aayan...?' Deepika asked concerned

'Yes Deeps... We are.... ' Ananya began but their conversation was interrupted with the honking of car

They walked towards the window to see Aayan's car entering inside and looked at each other

They ran downstairs to see the driver, helping Aayan to get out of the car...

'Is he okay...?' Ananya asked scared

'Yes Ma'am, he drank too much of alcohol I guess....' the driver replied

Ananya looked at Aayan whose eyes were red, and he was blabbering something, and cannot even stand properly

'Take him to my room... ' She instructed the driver and then turned to Deeps

'You take care of him, I will attend the guests... ' Deepika smiled

'But Deeps... ' Ananya began

'Shhh... Go... Take care of your husband, I am here... Don't worry... ' Deepika said and Ananya sighed

She walked towards the room, and opened the door

Aayan was half lying on the bed, his eyes closed, and he was muttering something

She helped him to lie down properly and removed his shoes...

While she was covering him with the quilt he grabbed her hands, which scared her

'What are you doing to me..?' Aayan slurred and Ananya looked at him confused

'I want to hate you, but can't...
I want to cheat on you, but cannot...
I want to see you crying, but your tears do something to me... What are you doing to me... ' he said not opening his eyes

Ananya's eyes filled with tears, she caressed his hair

'Why do you hate me..?' she asked softly

'I.. Don't know.... ' Aayan slurred

'I didn't cheat, I did not sleep with anyone... Did not sleep with Anyone..' He said and passed out

Ananya couldn't control her tears now, she held his hands that were clasping hers tightly and kissed them

'Thank you for not cheating...' she whispered

'I am sorry, for whatever trouble I caused... Please stop this revenge already... I am losing my courage now, please don't do this... ' she cried, but Aayan was sleeping

She lays her head on his chest and lied down beside him, and cried till her eyes give up and she enters into deep slumber herself...

Things were getting better in their lives...
Or were they...?

Word count : 4525
Typed for the second time :(
Sorry for the delay...
Also unedited, kindly ignore grammatical errors...

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