Chapter 86

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Next Day...
Aayan's POV...

I open my eyes, and everything is blurry.... Am I getting blind ?

I try to lift my head, but it hurts like someone hammered it with like 100 hammers...

Damn this hangover...
That's why I never drink, I can't digest it at all...

I groan and close my eyes again, and began massaging my temples with my right hand...

After sometime, I realise my left hand is wrapped around something soft...

O God ! This is not a thing..!  It's a person...!!

My hands and feet turn cold, when I see a woman lying on my chest, I couldn't see her face, as everything is blurred...

Immediately remove my hands which are around her waist

Damn it...!  I got drunk and spent the night with a lady...!!!

Oh no no no no no....

What will I say to Ananya...!  She will think I cheated on her again...

Shit man, she already thinks that I....

Curse my fate !

I immediately get up, not caring whether the person beside me wakes up or falls from the bed, and cover my face with my hands

Where am I...? 

And there was no girl in Ved's party... Where did this girl come from...?

'Shit shit shit !' I mutter irritated, as my head is throbbing with pain and my vision is blurry

The girl seems to wake up, and she sits beside me, keeping her hands on my shoulder

The nerve of her...

'Aayan are you okay...?' she asks softly

'Listen, I don't know who you are, I am not interested to know who you are, but you must leave this room immediately... ' I say, not lifting my head from my arms

Damn it hurts...

'What are you saying Aayan...? Why are you asking me to leave...! And what's wrong with your head...?  You want me to get painkillers for you...?' The girl asks me concerned

This voice, I have heard it somewhere..

'Are you deaf, I said leave me alone... ' I say angrily, massaging my head

'Don't be silly, tell me where it hurts..' she tries to touch my head

'Listen woman, I am married okay, and I love my wife... Please leave the room.... I don't know where you found me, I was drunk... Whatever happened... I.... was... Damn it..  What will I say to Ananya...!' I say pulling my hair in frustration

The girl didn't say anything for sometime, removing her hand from my shoulders

I don't care about it, what will I say to Ananya and Ved, Vansh will kill me..! And our Dads...! And Naina mom ?
No no no no, why did I drink...! This is not right...

'Please leave... ' My voice was a mere whisper

'Aayan... Nothing happened between us last night... ' The girl says softly

What...! Thank god...! 

'Aayan... Look at me... ' she said

Why...? And how does she knows my name...

I didn't say anything, just continued massaging my head

'Open your eyes and look at me Aayan... ' she said holding my hands

Her hands were so warm, and her touch created goosebumps in my body...

'Don't touch me... ' I jerk her hands away, my head will explode anytime...

She firmly holds my hands and tries to remove it from my face...

What the hell...

'Listen, don't... ' I say angrily, looking at her

'Shhh..  ' she sushes me and I look at her blinking my eyes several times

To my shock, it was none other than my wife, staring at me, holding my hands firmly, I loosen my grip and take a deep breath

'Don't worry.... You didn't do anything stupid...' she smiled and kissed my forehead

I closed my eyes as her kiss created havoc in my body...

Why is she being so sweet to me...

'Your head hurts...?' She asks softly and I nod my head

'Okay, I'll get medicines for you... ' She said caressing my face

What's wrong with her... She is being sweet ? I can't believe it...

Our eyes met for some seconds, her dark brown orbs boring mine and today they didn't held anger which they normally held after our wedding, it was something else...

Ananya got down from the bed, and I could hear the door opening and closing...

I didn't cheat... Thank god I didn't...
I won't touch alcohol ever again...

I get down from the bed and walk inside the washroom and splashed my face with water...

I look at my reflection in the mirror and gasped seeing her lipstick marks on my forehead and similar stains on my shirt and could feel my heart hammering...

Who sleeps with their lipstick on...

I remembered our kiss yesterday and could feel my stomach churn, that was so unexpected yet so good...

Good... ? What's wrong with you Aayan...  You are not supposed to feel good about her...

She challenged you remember...? Don't let her win... Make her leave you...

I sighed and walked out of the bathroom and she was standing with a tablet and a glass of water

'Thanks... ' I say and take the medicine from her

'Ved Bhai said, taking warm shower helps with hangover too.... You can try it... ' She said and I nod my head

'How did I reach here...?' I asked after gulping down the tablet

'Your driver brought you here...' She said taking out a yellow saree from her closet

'Did I... Uh say or do some...something that I shouldn't have... ' I stammer scratching the back of my head

She smiled
what's up with her smiling today...

'No... You didn't do anything stupid.... However you were so cute few moments back... ' she teased pulling my cheeks

What the hell....

'Don't tease... ' I warn her

'Leave the room lady, I have a wife.... I was drunk....' She mimicked me and started laughing

I narrow my eyes at her and walk towards my closet taking out some clothes

'You are so scared of me Aayan...? I didn't know... ' She teased further

I am not scared of her, I am scared of losing her.....

Wait what...! 

I slapped my head in disappointment and Ananya stopped teasing

'Are you okay Aayan...?' she asks concerned

'Uh yeah... ' I say and then start searching for towel

'Aayan... ' she calls

I didn't say anything, and continued my search

'Aayan...!' She says irritated

'What... ' I revert back and see her holding the towel

'Oh...Thanks... ' I say and take the towel from her

I was walking towards the bathroom when she called me again
'What..?' I turn around and she swiftly walked towards me and hugged ME tightly, leaving me shocked, my hands froze where they were

What the hell...

I hesitantly wrap my arms around her

'Ananya...?' I ask

'Thank you... ' She says


'Not cheating... ' she says and I relax

'Uh...okay...' I say and she leaves me

'But don't think everything will be okay, I still don't like you....' she says going back to her arrogant self

Kuch nai ho sakta iska (she is hopeless) 

'Feelings are mutual... ' I reply arrogantly

Are they...? 
Shut up !

'Get ready and come to my house, it's Ved Bhai's haldi... ' She says and I nod and began to search for a kurta, keeping the shirt aside

'Wear this... You won't look hideous in this atleast... ' she keeps a yellow kurta in front of me

'It's not my haldi... ' I say and reject it, searching for a white one

'Exactly so it will be feasible that only Ved Bhai wears White... ' she says

'It's not your haldi as well, why are you wearing yellow... ' I raise my brows

She looks at me shocked and her mouth was open

'Yeah, flies can see their new house...' I comment and take out a red kurta

She closes her mouth and then keeps the saree inside, taking out a red one for herself

'You are a spoil sport... Now I have to match everything again... ' she whines

She looks very cute when she does that...

Aayan !!!! Get a grip...!

'Thank you... ' I smile victoriously and walk inside the bathroom 

I could hear her complaining like a kid after I go inside and chuckle...

1 hour later
Thapar's mansion....

I walk inside carrying the milk carton box which Naina mom asked me to bring and look around to find her

I spot her instructing the servants to do their task, she looked tired, her forehead has sweat beads and her cheeks were flushed

Poor Mom... She takes a lot of stress unnecessarily...

'Satish, the set up in the garden must be decorated with yellow marigold okay... Yellow not orange.. Go do it fast, take some help, we have to begin the ceremony in hour... ' She instructs him

'Chanda didi, iron Ved's white kurta and Vansh's blue one... And remember don't get confused between them again, Ved is the taller one and is a bit lean, don't give him the blue one... Understand... And if you still get confused just ask them their names... Okay...?' She says to the elderly maid and I chuckle

'Ramu, haldi... ' she begins and then spots me..

'Aayan thank god, you are here with the milk... Ramu take this from Bhaiyya and start preparing the milkshakes...' She says and I give the box to the servant

'Mom, you look tired... ' I say, when and she takes a tired sigh

'This is shaadi waala ghar beta, we have a lot of things to do... And everyone here is confused... And I... ' She says and I cut her off in between

'So we are here na, why are you stressing yourself...?' I say and make her sit in the sofa

'Aayan beta... ' She began

'Mom... Sit here... ' I order her and she smiles taking a deep breath again

'Did you eat breakfast...?' I ask and she nods her head no, but I see she is still breathing heavily..

'Where is your puff mom...?' I ask and she points it on the table

I give her the puff and she inhales the tablet, and leans on the sofa

'I'll get breakfast for you.. ' I say getting up, but she catches my hands

'Beta, I am fine... ' she says

'No you are not...' I glare at her and order the servant to get her a juice

'Mom you are very careless...' I scold caressing her head

'And my son is very caring... ' She smiles and pulls my cheeks

'My Ananya is very lucky... ' She smiles closing her eyes, and a pang if guilt ran inside me

Little does she knows what is happening between us...

I sigh and continue caressing her head and the servant gets the juice for her

'Here mom... ' I hand her the juice and she drinks it, and was about to get up

'Sit here, and tell me what to do... ' I made her sit again and she chuckles

'Okay so here it goes... ' she began

Another hour later...

The courtyard of the Thapars was decorated with the marigold flowers and yellow - white ribbons, Ved was sitting in between the set up, on a stool and the family members surrounded him

Vansh was dresses in blue Kurta and was standing beside Aayan and they were discussing about the wedding which was in the evening...

Ananya walks towards the set up wearing a simple red saree, which hugged perfectly to her body, wearing a simple chain, and mangalsurta, her hair open...

Even in this simple attire, she looked gorgeous, as soon as Aayan's eyes land on her, he stopped responding to Vansh and stared at her admiringly

He couldn't take her eyes off her, she smiled at her mom and was carrying the tray of Haldi...

Vansh followed Aayan's gaze and smirked, he snapped his fingers in front of his eyes, breaking his reverie and he looks away embarrassed..

'You can ogle my sister some other time... Now tell me who will drive Ved's car to the venue... ' Vansh asked

'I am his best man, I will drive... ' Aayan said

'But I am his brother... ' Vansh whined

'I am his brother in law then... ' Aayan argued further

'Hey, not fair... ' Vansh argued

'You tell me in your wedding who will be your best man, Ved or Vikrant...?' Aayan asked

Vansh was speechless, he opened his mouth and closed again

'That's a tough choice... ' Vansh sighed

'Best friends drive... ' Aayan said

'No brother's drive... ' Vansh argued

'Best friend... '

'Brother... '

'Best friend...'

'Brother....' and their fight continued

Arjun and Jai intervened in between

'What's going on... ' Jai asked

'Papa he is not letting me drive Ved's car to the hall... ' Aayan complained

'Papa, Ved is my brother so I will drive na... ' Vansh says to Arjun

'Hey, he spent more time with me... ' Aayan said

'We shared a womb... ' Vansh smirked and Aayan has no counter to this

'Not fair...' Aayan huffed crossing his hands

'Papa...' Both of them complain to their dads and they sigh

'Let the driver drive him to the destination, and you both sit with them in the backseat... ' Arjun suggested and they both look at each other and nodded

'Good boys...' Jai patted their shoulders 

'Who drove you to your wedding destination Papa...?' Vansh asked

Arjun looked embarrassed and Jai started laughing

'He himself drove to the hotel, he was so excited that he didn't let anyone drive... ' Jai said

Both Aayan and Vansh looked at Arjun shocked

'Yes, Adi I am coming... ' Arjun called and literally ran away from them without glancing again...

'No wonder Ved is impatient...' Vansh muttered

'No wonder you are stubborn... ' Aayan commented and Vansh chuckled

'I wonder where you get this hopeless romantic nature from... ' Vansh smirked and Aayan looked away embarrassed

'Me of course, his mom was a sadu... ' Jai says making a face

'Oo so he is a sadu because of Aunty... ' Vansh teased him and Aayan glared

'Come here you... ' He rolls up his sleeves and walks towards him threateningly

Vansh yelps and runs away from there and Aayan chases him, they run around where Vansh continues to tease him, while Aayan trying to catch him

The moment the reach near Ved, Vansh quickly dodges Ananya who was talking to her sister Saanjh, but Aayan failed to notice her, and he loses balance when she suddenly comes in his view...

Ananya gasps seeing Aayan falling towards her, and before she could understand, They both were on the ground, with Aayan's full weight over her and his face in the crook of her neck, while his one arm around her waist, and other near her chest holding her tightly

Their hearts were beating very fast, as this is as the most intimate they got during their six months marriage...

Everyone around them gasp, and Ananya tried to get out of his hold, as his weight was crushing her, Aayan gasped and looked up, realising their awkward position in front of their family, her saree was misplaced too...

He quickly got up and pulled Ananya up, without giving her a chance to understand what just happened, and adjusted her pallu, so that her stomach which was on display, is covered

Ananya also adjusted her saree as Aayan left her and then her hair

'Are you guys okay...?' Naina mom asked

'Yeah... ' Ananya said, but then winced, her back was hurt

'Princess come sit here....' Arjun said and made her sit on the chair, she sat but then winced again

'Get her the painkillers Kitty... ' Ved said and Sayesha ran inside the house

'We are sorry Annie... ' Vansh said and Aayan nodded

'It's okay bhai, I know it was not intentional... ' Ananya said and looked at Aayan

'Are you okay...?' she asked

'Yeah... ' he said although his left had which bore both of their weights was paining

'Ananya beta, are you sure you are okay...?' Naina asked and Ananya nodded smiling

'Okay then, let's begin... ' She smiled and then walked towards Ved applying Haldi on his shoulders, arms, hands and cheeks...

Ved smiled at her and she kissed his forehead...
Soon all the elders applied haldi to Ved and then it was Vansh's and Aayan's turn..

They smirk at him, and Ved looks at them horrified

'Rudra... ' Aayan said

'Yes Jiju... Getting it.. ' Rudra smirked and gets a small bucket, which had a mixture of water, milk, turmeric and saffron

Ved gasped seeing it, and so dis the elders

'Kids no... ' Sash warned

'Chachu please... ' Rudra whined

'Yeah dad.. ' Viraj said

'Go for it kids, don't worry about this sadu.. ' Adi said wrapping arms around Sash and he chuckled

'Guys no... ' Ved warned

'Yes Mr. Groom.... ' Vansh smirked and took the bucket

'Maa...' Ved whined but Naina smiled and took a step away

'Haww traitor... ' Ved gasped and before he could run the cold mixture was splashed over him

'Not fair... ' Ved whines wiping his eyes and everyone laughed

Aayan and Vansh were laughing very much, holding their stomachs, and before they could understand, Ved rubbed the turmeric paste, on their faces and they gasped

'You are so dead... ' They say and soon the entire set up was a battle field of turmeric

The elders stepped away and smiled seeing the kids, enjoying the ceremony

Ananya applied turmeric to Ved and he hugged her, while Vansh jumped on them hugging them too

She applied some turmeric to him and then they started smearing each others faces with it...

Aayan applied turmeric to Saanjh and Sayesha and they happily let him do that...

'Let me target your Di now... ' He says and smirks at Ananya, carrying the paste, towards her, she glared at him and took a step back

Before Aayan could touch her,Sayesha and Saanjh stepped in between

'Jiju, you can apply Haldi to our di, but there is a challenge for you...' Sayesha said and Ananya-Saanjh smirked

'What challenge...?' Aayan asked and Ved-Vansh who were busy lifting Viraj and Rudra looked at them

'You have to apply the paste on her face, without using your hands... ' Saanjh smirked and Aayan got confused

'How will I do that, without using my hands...?' Aayan said

'Exactly....' Ved said

'Accept your defeat then....' Ananya said and her sisters smiled

Aayan glared at her and then a idea popped his mind, he gave her a challenging look and her smile vanished

'Okay.... I'll do it... Step aside ladies... ' Aayan said and Saanjh Sayesha cleared his way

Aayan maintained the eye contact and Ananya shivered under his gaze, and involuntarily took a step back, her back was anyway aching so she winced too

He applied the paste on his face and everyone looked at him confused, and so did Ananya...

He held her by the waist and pulled her closer, their faces inches apart, he slowly moved closer and Ananya's breathing hitched, he softly rubbed his cheeks against her, while she closed her eyes, unable to contain the pleasure building inside her, his grip on her waist tightened as he did that...

Other around them hooted and cheered for Aayan as they looked at each others eyes, with a very little space between them, The haldi was smeared on Ananya's face, but she turned red due to his act...

They were about to move further closer, possibly sealing their lips, when their siblings shout once again

'Woooaaaahhhh guys, it's a public place... ' Vansh whined, closing his eyes..

They immediately left each other, and saw their siblings covering their eyes and the elders smiling at them

'Fuck... ' Aayan muttered, getting super embarrassed

While Ananya was already red due to embarrassment

'Young romance... ' Ved teased, Aayan

'They are so cute together... ' Saanjh said looking at them admiringly

'Uh... I have some work.... ' Ananya said and ran inside the house

'Uh me too...' Aayan walked to the opposite direction and they all chuckled

Half n hour later...
Ananya's room...

Ananya changed into a pink kurti and sky blue salwar, her hair was damp and open, she was trying to apply the pain relief gel on her back, when someone knocked her door

'Come in... ' She said adjusting her dress and Aayan walked inside wearing a white t shirt and tracks

'Hey.. ' he smiled

'Hey... ' She smiled back

'How is your back pain...?' He asked looking at the ointment in her hands

'It still hurts but not much, I was trying to apply this, but can't, can you send Kitty or Saanjh to help me...?' She says and he frowns

'Uh, they are getting themselves cleaned, infact everyone is getting ready I guess... ' he said

'Ummm... Okay.... I'll do it myself then... ' she says

Aayan looked at her hesitantly and forwards his hands to her

'May I help... ' He asks and Ananya looks at him shocked.

'No it's fine, I can... ' she said hesitantly but he sushed her

'It's because of me, so please I insist... ' he says and she sighs and gives the tube to him

'Lie down please... ' He says and she looks at him bewildered

'How will I apply then... ' he says and she nods

She lies on her bed and Aayan sits beside her and makes her turn, and lifts her kurti, making her breathing hitch..

He closes his eyes to avoid doing anything stupid and then applies the gel on her back, which had goosebumps all over

He held his breath, while he was applying the gel on her body, and his touch were creating havoc in her body

He finished applying the gel and she turns back, staring at him, unable to break the eye contact he keeps the gel on the side table and looks at her

They held a different emotion for each other today, which was not hatred, it was desire, which none of them were unable to hide...

Slowly they move closer, and Aayan supported his weight on the right hand, while the other one was caressing her face..

He slowly moved his thumb on her lips and she closed her eyes

Aayan bends further and slowly places his lips on hers, and his other hand wraps around her waist, Ananya rakes her fingers on his hair pulling him more closer,kissing him back

Their lips moved together, creating somersaults in their stomach and their bodies on fire all around...

Aayan controlled himself to move his hands anywhere because if he does that, the things will slip out of his control, wheras Ananya was loving the heavenly feel of his lips on her...

They pull away for air after 2 mins and stare at each other, Aayan caressed her face again and she did the same, not breaking the eye contact

Then the realization hit them, and they removed their hands from each other's faces and immediately pull away, from each others arms and looked away...

Ananya turns her head to other side breathing heavily, closing her eyes in frustration, wheras Aayan gets down from the bed and runs his hands through his hair

Their minds screamed that this was wrong, this kiss, this intimacy everything was wrong, they are sworn enemies afterall, bit their hearts said a different story altogether...

'I... I must leave.... ' Aayan stammers

Ananya doesn't say anything just nods, and he leaves her room without glancing at her

Ananya sighed as he left

'This is not good... ' she mutters to herself

Aayan leaned against her door and sighed frustratedly

'This must not happen... ' he mutters

Well, what is meant to be... Happens anyway....


Sorry for the delay...

Next update : Tomorrow evening...

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