Chapter 97

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Next day...
City Civil court, Bangalore...

Ananya was waiting for Ila to come with the details of the courtroom alloted to them

Mr. Murthy was also waiting with her and her boss Deepak accompained them too, to see whether Ananya doesn't do anything stupid...

'We'll rock it today...' Bikram exclaims and Ananya sighed

'Yes, only if you do what is right...' Mr. Deepak said, not looking at Ananya, but she got the message..

'You look tensed child, are you alright...?' Mr. Murthy asks Ananya concerned

'She is just nervous Mr. Murthy, all the lawyers get nervous before the hearing, it's quite common...' Mr. Deepak said

'Don't worry, I have faith in you... You will definitely get me justice...' Mr. Murthy smiled and Ananya's boss gave her a knowing look

She smiles faintly at him and then her phone rings, and she excuses herself and walks away

'Paa...' Ananya answers the call looking at the ID

'I hope I am not late to wish you good luck, Princess !' Arjun says from the other side and she smiles

'No Paa, we are waiting for the courtroom allocation...' She replies

'Alright, All the very best my baby, you will do excellent today...' Arjun says

'Thank you Paa...' She says trying to control her tears

'What's the matter Ananya...? Are you nervous...?' Arjun asks concerned

'I am horrified Paa...' Ananya says, her voice cracking

'Why ? What happened...? Is everything okay...?' Arjun asks

'Paa, my very first case is against...' She began, but then on the other side Jai snatches phone from Arjun

'Heyy...' she hears Arjun whining

'Will you talk to my daughter all by yourself ! Let me wish her too...' Jai says and then answers the phone

'Hello, Princess...! It's me your favourite Paa...' Jai says and Ananya chuckles, imagining Arjun's pissed off face

'Everyone knows who is her favourite...' Arjun huffs

'Yeah, and that's me... Hello ? Ananya...?' Jai says over the phone

'Yes Papa..' Ananya answers

'All the best Princess, I know you will crush your opponent today...!' Jai says and Ananya's heart clenched

'Thank... Thank you Papa...' Ananya managed to say

'Where is Aayan...? I hope that duffer is with you right now...!' Jai asks

'Papa, he had work, so he dropped me to the court and left for his office...' Ananya replies and Jai huffs

'Gadhe ka Baccha...! He is going to get a huge lecture from me today...' Jai says and she hears Arjun laughing in the background, she too chuckled at this..

'What...? What's so funny...?' She hears Jai asking Arjun, who kept laughing

'Crazy old man...! Here beta, your mom wants to talk to you...' she hears shuffling of phones and Arjun's laughter in the background

'Tell me what's the joke, I wanna laugh too...!' she hears Jai's faint voice and then her mother's voice

'Hello Ananya...?' Naina answers the call

'Yes Maa...' Ananya answers

'All the best beta, Do your best, don't worry about the results okay...?' Naina says and Ananya smiled

'Maa, this case... It's very complicated...' She sighs

'There is no obstacle that my daughter cannot cross okay, I know you will find a way and do the right thing...' Naina said and Ananya takes a deep breath

'Okay Maa.... I will try my best....' She says

'Don't be nervous baby, you will be fine okay...?'

'Yes Maa...' Ananya smiled

'Good...Tell me everything what happened, in the evening alright...!' Naina exclaimed happily

'Yes Maa...I need to go now...' Ananya says

'Okay... All the best baby... I love you.. Byee....' Naina says

'Bye Maa... Love you too...' Ananya says and she hears Arjun and Jai's voices in the background..

'Stop fighting both of you, you are not  kids anymore...' she hears Naina scolding them and the line goes silent

Ananya walks towards her people and sees Ila and Varun approaching

'Which chamber did we get...?' Deepak asks and they look nervously towards them 

'We got Judge Rekha Sahay's chamber, Room number 21...' Ila said and Ananya looks at Deepak questioningly

'What's the matter sir...?' Ananya asks

'Nothing, it's just that Justice Sahay, doesn't believe in giving further dates, she gives judgement immediately, and yes she can be a bit scary, but no need to get nervous, we are well prepared...' Deepak replied and Bikram looks at him bewildered

'Sir, she will eat Ananya alive, if she makes any mistake ! Don't be scared with Aayan's hi fi lawyer Ananya, be scared of the devil sitting on the judge's chair...' He says and Deepak hits him

'Don't make her nervous, she already is...' Ila scolds him

'No it's okay, so many challenges in my very first case...' Ananya says and her colleagues chuckle

'Don't worry you will be fine...' Deepak assures her and they head towards the courtroom

Room 21

Ananya was about to get inside, when Alex sees spots her and calls

'Ananya !' he calls and she turns to look at him

'Hey Alex...!' she smiles

'Aayan told me you have your first case today, I wanted to wish all the best...' Alex said and Ananya gets nervous at this again

'Thanks... You have a case here too...?' She asks

'No, I mean yes, it's not my personal case... I am here to represent our firm here, we have today's date too...' Alex said and Ananya could feel her heart beating

'Aayan won't come...?' She asks nervously

'No, he never deals with these land related cases, it's all me and Kartik... Earlier I used to come here with Mr. Joshi, but now I am here with Rishi our new legal advisor, he was hired after your marriage, so I guess you never met....?' He asked and Ananya nods uncomfortably

She very well knows who Rishi is...

'I can't find him' *Looks around* 'I'll introduce you guys after our case, it's almost time...' Alex says looking at the watch

'Yeah, See you in the court room...' Ananya says and walks away, and Alex gets confused at this

Why will she see me in our case's court room...

10 minutes later..

Ananya was seated on the lawyer's chair, tapping her feet nervously, and Ila was breifing her about the opening statement, which she hardly heard

Rishi enters the room along with Alex, Kartik and their lawyer, the man was not very tall, he hardly reached Ananya's shoulders, but looked a very shrewd and a confident man, with all his lawyer's coat and way of walking 

And why not, as she heard from previous lawyer, he doesn't let you speak at all

So many challenges in the first time, why doesn't the earth swallow me right here, right now...! She thought pinching the bridge of her nose

Rishi approached Ananya and team, along with his lawyer and followed by Alex

'Already scared, Mrs. Thapar...?' Rishi said and Ananya looks up, while Alex looks at her bewildered

'You wish...' Varun mutters but Ananya sushes him

'Meet our lawyer, Mr. Virat singh, he never lost a single case in his life...' Rishi introduced and the lawyer smiled, Alex comes forward at this

'What are you...?' Alex began, but Ananya gives him a warning look

'She is the new prosecutor, You know her...?' Rishi asked and Alex looked at her shocked

'Uh she is... She..'  Alex stammered, but he was stopped by Ananya's boss, who took him to the other side...

Out of all of the Aayan's staff present there, only Alex had seen her during the wedding, so they couldn't recognise her...

'Mishra are you crazy ! Out of every lawyer in the firm, you got her !' Alex said

'See, she is the smartest one we have, and I want this silly case to get over ASAP, I mean it's almost a year that you guys are dodging us, and I know very well that, we are pain in your head as well, like you are in ours...' Deepak said and Alex glared at him

'You have no idea what can be the consequences of this case...' Alex said

'I have faith in my lawyer's honesty, I am sure that she wouldn't have even told her husband, that she is the one fighting against him... She has a sense of responsibility...' Deepak says

'That's true, he doesn't know, Oh my god.. Aayan doesn't have any idea about this...!' Alex exclaims and Deepak nods

'You cannot say this to anybody, if judge comes to know about Ananya's relation with Aayan, she can land into trouble, technically Ananya should not be in this case as her personal kin is involved...' Deepak explains to him

'Then send some other lawyer in her place ! If legally, she shouldn't be involved in this case...' Alex said

'I can't do that, I have no new lawyer, and if this date goes away, we may not get it soon, and I just want to get over with this case alright...! And I know you want that too...' Deepak said

'Mishra have you lost it ! If you guys get caught, Ananya will lose her license...' Alex says to Deepak

'It won't happen...!' Deepak says

'You take pride in her honesty and your yourself are involving her into this mess... Awesome ! See if her career is affected by this...? Aayan will destroy you and Joshi... You know that right...?' Alex threatened him

'I know that, don't worry, I have already taken care of that, and also technically Ananya is not a Varma yet, I digged into this, since she told me that Aayan is her husband, and came to know that their marriage certificate is not ready, so she won't land into any legal trouble, and if she does,I will make sure she is saved... You have my word... But for now, Just keep your mouth shut...' Deepak instructs him

'If anything happens to Ananya... Aayan will kill you Mishra, be assured of that, because you are responsible for all of this...' Alex warned him

'I take full responsibility of that, I had to make a lot of arrangement to get Judge Rekha's chamber alright, so that we get done with this case ASAP, now by revealing Ananya's identity and her relation with Aayan, don't ruin everything please...' Deepak said and Alex nodded

'Won't your employees open their mouth ?' Alex asked

'They know everything, they will keep their mouth shut... You ask your advisor and lawyer to stay mum...' Deepak said

'They never saw her, and after the case Aayan will make sure that they never see her....' Alex chuckled

'Okay... Let's go...' Deepak said

'Good luck Ms. Thapar...' Alex wishes her and they pretend that they don't know each other..

'All rise, Judge Rekha Sahay is in the court room...' The clerk announced and everyone rose from their seat.

Alex walked away from Ananya, and he took his seat massaging his head

'Please take your seats...' Judge Rekha says taking her seat and everyone take their seat

She was plump women, with a long face and she wore round spectacles, and carried a serious expression on her face, she reminds Ananya of Professor McGonagall from the Harry Potter movie, just a healthier version of her...

Ananya's palms were sweaty, and her heart was beating rapidly, a lot of things were going into her mind, she was getting a feeling that she will faint anytime...

'Aayan Varma v/s Narayan Murthy, over plot no S/No 477-32-105, 2015... Who is the petitioner...?' she says looking up from the file

Ananya rises from her seat and forwards the file to the clerk who gives it to the judge..

'Good morning, your honour, I am Ananya Thapar, and this petition is filed by Mr. Krishna Joshi's firm, on behalf of my client, Mr. Narayan Murthy and I am their representative...' She answers confidently, pointing at Mr. Murthy who stood up too...

Though she appeared confident outside, but inside she was shaking as the judge looked at her from top to bottom, which intimidated her

'Hmm, A newbie...' Judge mutters and then looks at the opponents side

'So you are the respondants....' She says and Virat rises from his seat, forwarding his file to the judge

'Yes Your honour, I an Virat singh, and I am responding on the behalf of Mr. Aayan Varma, CEO AV Tech...' he says and judge looks at Alex

'So you are Aayan Varma...' She says and he rises from his seat

'No your honour, I am his Employee Alex Dsouza, I am representing the firm here...' He answered

'Was the land deal, signed under your name..?' Judge Rekha asks

'No your honour, it was under my boss's name...' Alex replied

'So he should be here, not you...' She sneered and Alex looks at his lawyer

'Ma'am, Aayan sir is a busy man, he sent his written note...' Virat began but the judge cuts him off in between

'Oh, so we all don't have any work here ? Is your sir so busy that he wont showup to the court for the 3rd time...? You know what, lets do this courtroom proceeding at his office itself, that way we would be lucky enough to see him and he won't be disturbed at his work as well...' Judge Rekha says sarcastically and the court room was silent now

'Your honor but he...' Virat began

'Call your boss here within 30 minutes or I will give the judgement without any hearing after that...' She orders him and Virat nodded

'We'll continue after a short break of 30 minutes...' The judge said and rose from her seat and everyone got up from their seats too..

Alex hurriedly walked out of the courtroom dialling Aayan's number, followed by Rishi and Ananya plumped on her seat

'Well, everything is going well by now...' Bikram commented and she sighed

Her heart was hammering inside her chest, she was horrified from within that Aayan would be here in few minutes, how will he react, he will surely lose his temper, how will she face him after the hearing...

Deepak gestures her to come out of the court room, and she does as instructed

'Ananya, don't worry, nothing will happen...' Deepak says

'Sir, he will divorce me after this...' Ananya sighs

'He won't... But you have to make sure that no one suspects that you know each other...' He instructs her and she nods

'But will he...' She began, but then they see Aayan entering the courtroom with an angered expression

He swiftly walks towards Virat and they start talking about something, Aayan looking pissed all the time...

Ananya looked at him nervously and her heart dropped to her stomach, when his hazel eyes dart towards her...

As he looks at her, his expression turns into a shocked one, then Virat says something to him and he looks at him and then at her, with the same shocked expression

Alex says something to Aayan, and he glares at Deepak...

He slowly walks towards her carrying the same angered expression, and she couldn't move from her place

'Deepak Mishra, if she lands into trouble because of you....' Aayan began in a threatning tone, and Ananya looks at him shocked

He is more worried about my career than his own... Tears form in her eyes

'I assure you Mr. Varma, her practice won't be affected...' Deepak says confidently and Ananya wipes her tears

'You better not land her in any trouble because of our relation, or else you know the consequences....' Aayan warned him

'Sir, I don't want to....' Ananya says almost in the verge of crying and Aayan sighed

'Ananya please...' Deepak panics looking around

'I am not losing anything here, either I get the land, or I get your victory, it's a win win situation for me... Do your job, I will keep my yesterday's promise...' Aayan said, pretending to be talking to Deepak, but was saying it to her and she looked at him surprised

She couldn't believe his words, how can he be so understanding, he was not like this before...!

'All the best...' he gives her and Deepak a professional nod and walks away..

Is he for real...?

'Told you...' Deepak says and Ananya smiles

After sometimes, The courtroom was again filled with people and the respective lawyers were on their seat, Ananya was feeling better now..

She looks at his direction and he pretends that he didn't see her and smiled at his acting...

Judge Rekha enters the room and everyone rises from the seat..

'Is your boss here...?' She asks Viratafter everyone take their seats back and she nods and turns to Aayan, who stands up

'Thank you for gracing us with your presence Mr. Varma, I hope your ride from your palace till here was pleasent...'  Judge Rekha said sarcastically and he looked down smiling

'Nice to see you too, your honor...' Aayan replied politely and she narrows her eyes at him

'Please come and stand here...' She points at the stand to her left and Aayan does as instructed

'You may begin, prosecutor...' She says to Ananya and she rises from her seat

'Your Honor, my client owns his ancestoral land, in the outskirts, which he rented to Mr. Aayan, when he wished to make a office, but after 8 months, when he showed no intentions to construct anything there, Mr. Murthy decided that he wants to open a weaving handloom in his own land, as the rent paid by them was not sufficent for his family, so he sends notice to Mr. Aayan, asking him to end the contract and vacate the land, but now suddenly Mr. Aayan thinks, Oh ! I want to construct my office there, so his associates trick Mr. Murthy stating that they are signing the termination contract, but take his signatures to NOC and starts the construction, after My client come to know about their con, he requests them to stop construction, he gets beaten up by them...' Ananya finished

Aayan who was impressed by Ananya's speech, now starts laughing thinking that, this is how she fights with him as well and everyone looks at him bewildered

'What is so funny Mr. Varma...?' Judge Rekha asks

Aayan stops laughing and sees everyone looking at him like he is some crazy man and he coughs...

'These newbies your honor, their speech is always fascinating to hear, isn't it...?' He asks Judge Rekha who gives him 'are you crazy look' and Ananya huffs at this..

He composes himself and mutters a quick sorry

'Defense... Your statement...' The judge looks at Virat, who gets up from his seat..

'Thank you your honor, I see that my young newbie friend here....' he began, and Ananya huffs

'Your honor...' Ananya says irritated

'Defense ! Is this how you address your fellow lawyer...! Did you forget to revise the conduct of the court...'  Judge Rekha scolds him and he says sorry to both of them

'Okay, so your honor, My learned friend here, I think she doesn't know that contracts can't be terminated before one year, so technically My client here didn't do anything illegal... And as far as the case of beating up Mr. Murthy is concerned, It's a plain white lie, infact, Mr. Murthy's brother tried to attack my client's legal advisor...' Virat said

'I object, your honor, Mr. Rishi was the one to provoke him by saying ill things about his brother... It was a provocative incident, and Mr. Kanan Murthy apologised to him later as well...' Ananya says

'But my point is proven here, your honor, violence began from their side...' Virat says and Ananya had no answer to this

'As far as the taking the sign by tricking him is concerned, this is an absurd allegation by My able friend here, we have Mr. Murthy's sign here, it was no way taken by force... And no threatning happened...' Virat stated

'Prosecutor, do you have any proof for that...?' Judge Rekha asks

'Yes your honor, I would like to call my client Mr. Murthy on the witness box...' She says and Mr. Murthy comes to the place

'Please tell us what happened that day, when you asked them to stop the construction...' Ananya says

'Madam, I am illiterate man, I was being said that these are the termination papers, and they are ready to vacate the land, Mr. Rishi was there too, so I readily gave my thumb impressions to them... But later I come to know that it was a NOC, and they have started constructing in my land, when I went to stop them, their guards beat me up...' Mr. Murthy said

'We have the CCTV recording from Mr. Aayan's new office site which clearly shows that guards beat Mr. Murthy and his son...' Ananya says and forwards a pen drive to judge who plays the video...

The video shows that the old man was indeed beaten up and Aayan sighs in frustration and Alex glares at Rishi and Kartik too...

'Your honor my client was beaten up in his own land by Mr. Aayan's goons...' Ananya says and looks at Aayan who looked pissed and she gulps

'Security personnels Ms. Thapar, they were not goons....' Virat countered

'Do you wish to ask him something...?' Judge Rekha asks Virat and he rises from his seat

'Yes Your honor... Thank you... *turns to Mr. Murthy* please tell me, which acting class do you take to lie so effortlessly...' he says to Mr. Murthy

'Your honor...' Ananya interrupts

'Defense...!' Judge warns him again

'Sorry your honor, but this man here wants to say that he was tricked because he is illiterate ! okay agreed, but why would he visit the site and misbehave with the security persons, I agree there was violence, but this was because Mr. Murthy's mannerless son, said something provocative... Like Mr. Rishi said that day...' he smirked at Ananya and she glared at him

'We didn't say anything provocative Madam...' Mr. Murthy said in his defense

'If you guys are so sure about the legitimacy of your claim, why would you threaten our firm's lawyer...!' Ananya said and Virat looks at her bewildered

Aayan looks at Rishi and Kartik shocked and they look away...

'Your honor I have a recording in which Mr. Kartik is threatning the previous lawyer of this case Mr. Bharadwaj, to leave the case...' she says and forwards the evidence to the judge..

Aayan massaged his temple at this and Ananya got uncomfortable, thinking that he is pissed at her..

The judge plays the recording and they all listen to it, while Aayan was irritated that his employees went to this extent to get the land, yeah knew about the tricking part, but beating him up and threatning was something Aayan was unaware of...

'These are the audio reports, which shows that Mr. Kartik and the person in the recording have 100 % similarity...' Ananya said and Judge nods

'How does it imply anything here...!' Virat says

'Ma'am, if a person can threaten a lawyer to leave the case, he can definitely threaten the witness and the owner to do what they want... This proves that Mr. Varma's employees went beyond their ethical limits to fool Mr. Murthy and then threaten him too... My client doesn't understand these corporate tricks your honor, he just wishes to have is land back, so that he can support his family of 8 people and treat his ailing wife...' Ananya said and Virat huffed

Aayan felt proud of Ananya at this moment, but unfortunately he couldn't show his happiness here...

'That doesn't prove anything, we still have Mr. Murthy's sign on the NOC, this means my client is not doing anything illegal...' Virat countered

'Ofcourse it proves that, the one who cam threaten, can easily trick...!' Ananya argued back

'Really...? We need the proof of tricking...!' Virat says and Ananya had no answer to this

'Your honor...' Ananya said

'He has a point prosecutor, we need solid proof to corroborate your claim, do you have that...?' she asks and Ananya gets disheartened

She looks at Deepak, Mr. Murthy, helplessly who looked worried too, Aayan noticed all this....

'No your honor...' she said meekly and Virat smiled victoriously at Aayan who didn't look pleased at all

'So no matter how genuine your points are ! Without proof they are just mere arguements... This doesn't prove that AV Tech is doing anything illegal there...!' Judge Rekha said and Ananya nodded looking down and Aayan felt bad seeing her almost on the verge of crying...

'So considering the facts and proofs, I declare...' Judge Rekha said but Aayan interrupted her

'Your honor, I want to confess something...' he said, and his staff looks at him bewildered

'Whatever you want to say, say in the witness box...' she points at the box, and Aayan walks towards the box, and Ananya looks at him bewildered

'Ma'am I want to say that whatever Mr. Murthy said was true...' Aayan said and everyone gasped

'Aayan are you crazy...' Virat exclaims

'Defense ! One more mistake and I will suspend you...' Judge threatens him and he backs off

'Madam, I was not aware of the threatning and beating up part, yes I want to expand my business, but not my ruining someone's life, I apologise on behalf of my staff to Mr. Murthy, and I will vacate the land and compensate for the loss...' Aayan said and Ananya looks at him shocked

'Are you sure Mr. Varma...?' Judge Rekha asks

'Yes Ma'am...' Aayan smiles and Ananya felt a lump on her throat, while judge wrote something in her diary...

'Okay, so considering Mr. Aayan's confession, I direct AV Tech, to vacate Mr. Narayan Murthy's land in 15 days and give him the sum of 5 lakhs as compensation of damage control anf mental strain... The court is adjourned...' She says and everyone rises from their seat as Judge leaves the room

'Congratulations Madam Thapar...' Varun hi fies her

'Thank you beta...' Mr. Murthy said holding her hands and she smiled at him faintly

'Well done Ananya...' Ila congratulates her, but Ananya was overwhelmed right now...

She looks at Aayan who smiled at her and mouths 'I love you' to her, which no one saw, except her...

Tears roll down her eyes and Ila hugs her, while Aayan and his team leave the room...

'Awww, tears of joy....' Ila says as she wipes them

'Congratulations Ananya, you are a very talented lawyer, but I think you are a better wife, that is why your husband sacrificed half of his assets for you...' he said and a pang of guilt rang inside her

'No sir, I am very lucky to have him...' she smiled, wiping her tears

You really changed Aayan, for good...
My respect for you increased...

New Delhi...

'What do you mean Aayan is cheating on my daughter...!' Arjun exclaimed angrily on phone...

'I have the proofs sir, and he plans to kill your daughter as well...!' The other person said

'What nonsense ! Who are you...? How dare you speak ill things about my son in law... If I find you, I will destroy you...! Understand ?' Arjun growled

'In few minutes you will thank me sir...' The man said and hung up

Angrily Arjun tossed the phone on the table..

Aayan can't hurt my daughter ! He promised me...

His phone pings and he recieves the same video Naina saw and clutched his phone...

'This can't be true...' he muttered

Then he received another pics of him and Ritika,and his anger knew no bounds after this....

He angrily smashed his phone on the floor...


I know that I am very bad in writing court scenes, kindly pardon me for the technical errors, I am not a lawyer 😅
And there is no way I am trying to imply that our Judiciary is biased or corrupt, if someone feels that, then you are wrong...
This is an entirely fictional courtroom scene, based on my observations from bollywood movies 😂😂
Kindly don't get Overwhelmed if you find errors....

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