Chapter 96

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2 weeks later...
V square productions...

'You know I miss you so much baby...' Vikrant says sweetly on the phone to his fiance, and Vansh plugs his earphones, to avoid the conversation..

'Nooo ! I miss you more...' Vikrant smiles and Vansh increases the volume of the music to its max, getting irritated

'Noooooo... You can't miss me more than I miss you...' Vikrant says in a cute tone and Vansh removes the earphones glaring at Vikrant

Stupid Iphone...! Vansh mutters

'Nuh uh, I can't live without you even for a minute...' Vikrant says and Vansh rolls his eyes

'You know what, after one year, none of you will be able to tolerate each other, even for a second...' Vansh says irritated and Vikrant glares at him

Keep your mouth shut...! Vikrant mouths to Vansh and he just huffs...

'No baby, ignore him, he is just getting crazy without a girlfriend here...' Vikrant taunts Vansh and he glares at him

'Yeah, even I suggested him to go out with Kaira, but he doesn't listen to me at all...' Vikrant says to his girlfriend on the phone, looking at Vansh

'Oh hang up the phone, Will you ! Talk to her after work...' Vansh says angrily and Vikrant glares at him

'Okay babe, I gotta go, or Mr. Crankypants here, will fire me...' Vikrant teases and Vansh narrows his eyes

'Yeah, Byeee... I love you...' Vikrant says smiling...

'Nooo... I love you more....' he says sweetly and Vansh slaps his head at this

'Noo... You hang up....' Vikrant smiles and Vansh huffs and gets up from his chair..

You've got to be kidding me...! He mutters

'Bro... Where are you...' Vikrant looks at him

'Please continue the talk... I'll see what is happening outside... And dare you hang up that phone...' Vansh says sarcastically and leaves the cabin...

Stupid ! Stupid couples...!

He walks towards the set up, where his staff were working...

'Dev, is everything set...?' He asks the person handling the camera

'Yes sir, you can check it yourself...' Dev said, clearing the way for him

'What happened to its focus...?' Vansh says looking into the camera, trying to focus it on some object..

He moves the huge camera around to check its focus, when he stops it on Khushi who was rehearsing the scene with the actors

'So this is how you hold her by the waist...' Vansh's first AD Karan, wraps his arms around Khushi's waist, and the actors copy that...

'Your grip is too tight Karan...' Khushi says and he leaves her muttering a quick sorry, and she smiles at him

'Alright, let's do it once again... Here is how you hold her by waist and lift her up and then turn around...' the director says, while Karan and Khushi demonstrate it to the actors and they observe it carefully

'Are my legs supposed to be like that...?' Actress asks Khushi and she nods

'Yes Ma'am, so that while turning around, your costume waves elegantly....' Khushi said and she nodded

'Okay moving on...' The director instructs and Khushi - Karan demonstrate the scene which was romantic, and Karan was holding Khushi very close the whole time...

Vansh who was seeing all this through camera frowned at this, not because Khushi was reharsing it with Karan, but with the fact that, why was he getting affected...

Vansh leaves the camera, as director called him towards them...
Khushi immediately leaves Karan, as she sees Vansh approaching...

'What do you think about the scene, Vansh...? Do you want to make any changes..?' the director asked

'It's your expertise sir, how can I comment, but from what I saw from there, everything seems to be perfect... We can take the shot now in 10 - 15 mins after Anusha gets ready...' Vansh said not looking at Khushi

'Don't they make a great pair Vansh...?' Anusha asks him and he looks at her confused

'Who you and Manik ?' He asks

'No silly, Khushi and Karan...' She says and Vansh fists his hands, keeping an even face

Khushi gulps at this and Vansh looks at them intently, at which they get uncomfortable...

'Yeah, Batra sir should cast them in his next movie, as a lead pair...' He said in a taunting way and then without hearing any reply walked away from there...

Khushi sighed at this and Karan frowned

'Someone is in a grumpy mood today...' Manik joked

'Yeah... Something is wrong with him these days...' Anusha says looking at Khushi, who smiled uncomfortably

'What does he think of himself...' Karan muttered to Khushi who frowns at this

'Sir, shall we begin with the shot...?' Vansh's assistant asked as he walked back towards the camera

'Ask Vicky to take charge today, I am leaving....' Vansh said irritated

'Sir.. Are you okay...?' his assistant asked concerned

'Do as you are instructed...' he snapped at him

'Yes... Yes Sir, sorry sir...' The assistant said scared and Vansh walked towards the elevator

As the door of the elevator closed, he leaned against the wall, and pinched the bridge of his nose..

'This Khushi is getting into my head, I have to do something about her after this film...' he said to himself

Ananya's office...

'I think this case is crystal clear Ila...' Ananya says closing the file and massaging her temples

'You mean you can win this case...!' Ila said excitedly

'Absolutely Not ! It clearly shows Mr. Murthy is being unfair...! Why didn't he oppose when the construction began...?' she says irritated

'He said he was tricked by his associates...' Ila says

'And who is going to believe this, without any evidence...? They will counter this, by saying how can someone fool a 50 year old man...'  Ananya argues

'Mr. Murthy can't read Ananya, those cunning people would have definitely tricked him, or else why would he permit them to construct on his ancestral land ? Didn't you meet that Rishi, he looked like a brat by face....!' Ila says

'See, I did try to trick that Rishi, by deliberately saying that Mr. Murthy wants double the rent, so that he rejects the offer and atleast comes to the court, or else he wouldn't have even come to the hearing, like he is skipping from last 2 times !' Ananya says

'I must say that was really smart...' Ila comments

'I know...! But now we are doomed...' She says sighing

'See Ananya, we can readily prove that Mr. Murthy is illiterate...' Ila began

'Where was his son then...? This will be their counter...' Ananya cuts her off

'What if we prove that signature was taken by force..?' Ila suggests

'They will ask for proof again...' Ananya sighed

'What if they don't ?' Ila says hopefully

'You think their lawyer is a fool...? He will eat me alive Ila...' Ananya whines

'Man we are doomed...' Ila sighs

'Why would Deepak sir give me such a weak, one sided case...!' Ananya exclaims

'You can't back off now...' Ila says

'Very first case in my life, and I am losing it... Damn you Rishi...!' Ananya bangs her head lightly on the table

'Rishi ?' Ila asks

'Yeah the businessman...'

'It's Aayan... Rishi is his legal advisor...' Ila informs and Ananya looks up at her...

'Really...? AV tech's owner is some Aayan...?' She asks curiously, a Voice inside her said that something is wrong

'Yeah, Isn't your husband's name Aayan too...?' Ila asks out of nowhere

'Yeah...' Ananya replied

'And he owns a tech company too right...?' she asks further

'Yeah, but his company's name is AYSA, I guess....' Ananya says

'You guess...?' Ila asked surprised

'Umm, yeah...' Ananya says scratching her head

'You mean to say, you don't know what your husband does...? Wow, you are one of a kind Wife...' Ila says amused

From last 8 months, I am just fighting with him, never really got the chance to ask anything about his work... She thought

'We really don't talk about the work that much, like he doesn't know about this case...' Ananya says uncomfortably

'So what you guys talk about...?' Ila asked

Okay... Now you are getting personal...

'Uh we...' Ananya looks away

'Ahemmm....okay I understood... You guys don't talk at all...' Ila smirked

'Shut up....' Ananya throws file at her


Ananya was going through the case file again, trying to find some way to not look like an idiot in the court...

She stumbles upon the history of the businessman, against whom she was fighting the case...

Although, Ananya didn't think it was necessary to know the his background, but she needed the reason why the earlier lawyers backed off from the case..

If she proves that Aayan threatened them, it can be easily proved that he did the same with Mr. Murthy, so she decided to read his bio

'Dude, we have a lead ! We have a lead...' Varun enters Ananya's cabin literally jumping with happiness

'What lead...?' Ananya asks

'The previous lawyer, who was working in this case who abruptly backed off, he sent a recording in which clearly states that he was threatened by Aayan's officials...' He said excitedly

'Really...?' Ananya exclaimed happily

'Yes... Here...!' he hands her the pendrive and she quickly plugs it into her laptop...

They listen to recording where the person is threatning the lawyer, clearly stating that if he fights against them, his family will suffer...

'Yesss....! Atleast I have something to corroborate my case...! Thank you Varun...' She says happily

'I'll inform Deepak sir, that you are totally ready for tomorrow's case...!' Varun hi fies her and she grins

Varun leaves the cabin and she leans against her chair...

'Now you are gone Mr. Aayan, let me just see who you are...' She says and opens the file again

'Okay, Aayan Varma, Hails from Delhi, graduated from Dehradun college of engineering, owned a software startup firm with Samar Sahni, called AYSA...' She reads this and her hands turned cold

Is he my Aayan...? She thinks and then shrugs the thought and reads further

'Split with the partner, and then established AV Tech in Kormangala with a staff of 10 people, which now has rapidly expanded to 60 people within two years, recently married and has a adopted daughter...' Ananya reads further and sweatbead trickle down her forehead...

'This can't be true...' she mutters, tears forming in her eyes

My very first case is against my husband...!
This can't happen !
Everything was getting better, why is this happening...
He will hate me again after this...

Tears roll down her eyes, and she quickly types, on the google, AV tech, Bangalore, Aayan and the screen shows Aayan's photo...

Aayan Jai Varma, CEO AV tech it showed... And she gasped at this, how can she miss his surname...!

'OH GOD ! WHY !! WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS TO ME...' she yells and starts sobbing...

She was scared now, really scared that if Aayan loses this case, she will be responsible for it, and his belief that she always gets him into trouble will finally turn out to be true...

Her marriage which was slowly going back on track, will now again be in trouble..

Why does this happen to me...!
I can't do this...
I won't do this case...!

She quickly wipes her tears and takes the file and dashes out of her cabin, she swiftly walks towards her boss's cabin ignorning other's calls

She enters her boss's cabin, without knocking and finds her boss Deepak talking to her client Mr. Murthy..

They look at her bewildered and Ananya was about to open her mouth, when her boss says

'Ananya... I was about to call you, Mr. Murthy is here to see you...' He informs and she looks at the client

He was a skinny, slouching old man, who looked sick and vulnerable, he wore a simple loin cloth, paired with white kurta, he gets up from his chair and folds his hands in front of Ananya and she didn't know what to say

'Thank you madam, I owe you my life for doing this...' he said, his voice shaky

'He is Mr. Murthy...?' She asks her boss and He nods

'But he, didn't he receive like, 4 lakh rent from Aayan...?' she asks bewildered looking at his condition

'All of them are utilised for my wife's cancer treatment... And my son's studies abroad...' he smiles and Ananya still couldn't believe that he could be a man who received approx 32 lakh rupees of money, in a span of 8 months, and be still this vulnerable

'But sir...' Ananya says to her boss

'Mr. Murthy wished to set up a small weaving house, in his land and requested Aayan Varma to vacate the land... But his men tricked him and took his signature, when his son was not here, and began constructing, he is opposing them since then, no one paid any heed, he was beaten up by the goons as well, we have witnesses to prove that, the case is totally yours...' Her boss smiled

Ananya was in a ethical dilemma now, on one side there was this man, whose ancestoral asset was at stake, and on the other side, her husband who was being unfair to this man...

What to do, she had no idea...

I can't back off now...

'Sir I need to talk to you, Alone...' she says to her boss and Mr. Murthy leaves the room

'What is it Ananya...?' Mr. Deepak asked

'Sir, I can't do this case...' Ananya said and Her boss looked at her bewildered

'Why...? I mean you were very excited for this case, and now you have all the evidence against the opposite party, why are you backing off...'

'Sir, you don't understand, the case has become complicated on a personal level for me...' she says helplessly

'Ananya, I understand that you are nervous, it happens, you will be fine don't worry...' Her boss assured her and she lost her calm now...

'Sir ! The businessman is my husband ! Aayan Varma is my husband, you tell me how can I fight a case against my own husband and make him lose...' Ananya exclaimed and tears began rolling down her eyes and Mr. Deepak was shocked..

'Your husband...? why didn't you tell me before...' He asked

'Because I assumed that since there are 3 AV techs, so it can't be him, and I thought Rishi was the owner.... It was totally stupid, I agree... But sir, I just came to know, please please let me back off from this case...! I can't do this...' she cried and her boss leaned back against his chair massaging his forehead

They did not say anything for a while, only Ananya's sobs could be heard in the room

Her boss sighs and looks at her, and her eyes-nose were red and she was crying continously

'Ananya please take a seat...' he says softly and she does as instructed, wiping her tears

'Listen to me very carefully, before saying anything alright ?' he says and she nods

'Ananya, we lawyers face difficulties like these most of the time... But we must always do what is right, no matter what, because this is our job...!' he says, she was about to say something, but he gestured her not to interrupt..

'That man sitting outside, has no means of livelihood, his family of 8 people depends solely on him, plus his wife has terminal cancer, who needs treatment worth rupees 3 lakhs in every 2 months, and he has to send money to his son who studies in France as well...! You tell me, is 4 lakh sufficient for that man ? And if he wishes to earn for his family by doing some work, is it wrong...? Plus it is his land, your husband has no right to do anything on it without his permission...!' Mr. Deepak said patiently and Ananya had no answer to this

'Using muscle power for personal gain cannot be justified Ananya, whatever may be the reason...' He said further and she took a deep breath

'Your husband may think that he is paying him 4 lakhs, that would be enough, well in reality he doesn't know that the amount is not really helping him... Aayan is being unfair, he must understand that...' Mr. Deepak said further

'You must behave professionally Ananya, if you back off, he wont be able to afford another lawyers fees... Plus AV tech people will not entertain him ever again, how will he survive...?' Deepak asks him and she looks away

'Do the right thing, you have given commitment to this man, do what a dedicated lawyer must do ! Fight for his justice...' He said and she sniffed

'But Sir, Aayan...' she began

'If he truly loves you, he will understand...' Her boss smiled and she sighed

'Plus, if you back off from your very first case, it can affect your career, I don't think Mr. Joshi will let you work in any other case... Think about it...' He said

'Sir...' She looks at him helplessly

'Everything will be fine Ananya...' he assures her and she nods

'Now go home and sleep, you have a big day tomorrow...' Mr. Deepak encourages her and she nods

She gets up from the chair and turns to leave...

'Ananya, just because the accused is your husband, I don't expect you to be lenient with him, an old man's assets are at the stake...' he says in a warning tone and she nods

'And If I were you, I would have kept my personal and professional life aside... And my partner would've understood that...' Mr. Deepak said

'He will understand...' Ananya said meekly, not even sure whether he will really understand or not..

'Great ! Don't disappoint us young lady...' he says and Ananya turns to look at him

'I won't sir...' she said and left the cabin

I have to do this...
I am really sorry Aayan...

Aayan's house...

Aayan and Mrs. Kumar were talking in the kitchen, and Amayraa was sitting on Aayan's lap playing with her toy

'Did Ananya do all the necessary paper work for Amayraa's adoption baba...?' Mrs. Kumar asks, while chopping the vegetable..

'No Pappy, they need our marriage certificate for that, once we get it, then the proposal can be sent to the authorities, now so our little Amayraa becomes Amayraa Varma...' He says pulling Amayraa's cheeks who grins at him

'That is really great...! She will finally be part of the family...' Mrs. Kumar smiled

'She was always family pappy, but soon she will officially be one...' Aayan said smiling

'I am glad Ananya came to your life Baba, look how happy you have become...' Mrs. Kumar said

'Well no denying in that... She did change something....' He said and Mrs. Kumar narrows her eyes at him

Just then the door opens and Ananya walks inside holding her file...

'Hey ! you will live for 100 years, we were just bitching about you...' Aayan said and Mrs. Kumar hits him

Ananya doesn't reply at this, she just faintly smiles at them and walks towards her room

'What's up with her ?' Aayan asks frowning

'Maybe she is nervous, afterall it's her first hearing tomorrow..' Mrs. Kumar said

'Well, she must have faith in her arguing skills Pappy, No one can stop her once she starts speaking... Ask me...' He said wiping a fake tear

'So Dramatic Baba...' Mrs. Kumar hits him and he chuckles

'I'll see what's wrong with her...' He says getting up and then placed Amayraa on her chair...

'I'll call when dinner is ready...' Mrs. Kumar says and he nods

He walks inside his room, and sees Ananya standing near the closet, holding it's door, but not really opening it...
She seemed to be lost in a deep thought...

Aayan walks towards her and wraps his arms around her waist, from behind, engulfing her in his embrace and kissed her cheeks..

This broke her reverie and she quickly wiped the tear that was threatning to fall down...

'What's wrong with you today, you don't look like my Ananya...' He says kissing her head

Ananya didn't have the courage to face him, though she was not doing anything wrong, but she was really scared for their future...

Aayan may be trying to make this marriage work, but he hates when someone messes with his profession, afterall he married her to ruin her life because of that...

'No it's nothing, I am just scared for tomorrow...' She says trying to get out of his hold

'You will do great tomorrow baby, I know, who ever your opponent is, he is doomed....' Aayan said, not leaving her and she closed her eyes in pain preventing her tears to fall down

'I don't think I am winning this case...' She said her voice cracking..

He got alarmed at this and turned her around to face him

'Heyy... Don't cry... It will be okay...' he said wiping her tears

'I am not being fair to the other person Aayan, I want to get out of this case... But Deepak sir is not letting me do that, I don't want to do this case...' She sobbed hugging him tightly

Aayan got scared at this, he hugged her back and kissed her head

'This is your job Ananya, you must do the work assigned to you... Your personal opinion doesn't matter, your commitment to the client is important..' Aayan said caressing her hair and she sobbed more

'There is a huge personal loss of me in this Aayan, you don't understand...' She cried

'Baby, don't back off, you are the one who even after knowing my intentions jumped into this marriage to teach me a lesson... You are the bravest girl I have ever met, don't get scared... You must do what is right...' Aayan says, wiping her tears and she sniffed

'Please don't hate me...' She pleads looking at him and he looks at her bewildered

'Why will I hate you...?' he asked

'Just promise me please...' she says forwarding her hands to her and he chuckles

He holds her hand and brings him near his chest, and wipes her tears..
'Cross my heart...' he smiles and she sighs

'I have promised myself, that I won't let you cry ever...' he smiled kissing her head

She hugs him again and he hugs her back

'Don't worry, you will do great tomorrow... And no matter what the result is... I am proud of you... Always remember that...' Aayan said and she nods

I hope nothing changes after tomorrow...
God please help me...

We hope that too Ananya, we hope that too...


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