The Morning After

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Chapter Two: The Morning After

Scarlett shot her eyes open from her sleep at, "I SMELL FOOD!" she yelled as she sat up. Spencer, who was in the kitchen cooking breakfast, laughed at that.

"Morning Scar'." Spencer greeted his sister, "Morning bro." Scarlett greeted him back as she got off the couch. "You exited for your first day of school with Carly again?" Spencer asked her. "Durh, I get to hang out with her again so of course." Scarlett told him as she sat at the island.

Spencer laughed at that, "True." he said. "I SMELL FOOD!" Carley yelled as she ran downstairs from her bedroom, "FUCK YEAH BOI!" Scarlett yelled throwing her hands in the air.

"Glad you two do cause it's almost done, you two just gotta get dressed first." Spencer told the two girls, "Got it." Carly and Scarlett said at the same time. Carly went upstairs to her room to change while Scarlett went to Spencer's bathroom to do so.

Scarlett got finished getting dressed and did her hair.

Scarlett smiled at her look and put her pajamas in the hamper and walked back into the main room, "Iiiii'm ready!" Scarlett said in a sing song tone as she jumped down the platform and walked to the island.

"Good, and here are your pancakes Scar." Spencer said, "Yaaaass! Pancakes are awesome!" Scarlett said happily as she then began to snarf down her food without even putting the syrup on them as she was sitting next to her sister.

Spencer laughed softly at that. After a minute of the three siblings eating and talking. A knocking was heard on the door, which the door then swung open.

"Momma smells food!" Sam said as she immediately walked to the kitchen from the front door, which Freddy closed the door immediately behind him.

"Sup!" Scarlett greeted the two as she did a peace sign at the two, "OooOoo, pancakes~" Sam said as she went to grab a said pancake off from Carly's plate, which the said brunette immediately smacked her hand back as she yelled a 'no' at her best friend.

"Don't worry Sam, got you food as well." Spencer told her as he pulled out a pan from the oven, "Yas! Bacon!" Sam exclaimed as she immediately went grab the bacon.

"Isn't she worried she might burn herself since it just came from the oven?" Scarlett asked Carly and Freddy. "Nah, she'll be fine." Carly told her sister, which made the dyed red head raise one of her brunette colored eyebrows at that.

"Explain?" Scarlett asked as her mouth was full with a fork of pancakes, "It's Sam." Freddy said simply, "Hey." Sam said gaining the three's attentions to her, "Momma is always ready for food." Sam told them, rubbing her stomach for emphasis, "And that's basically what I mean." Freddy said, making Scarlett nod with an 'ah'.

"Okay, so how did last nights webshow broadcast go?" Scarlett asked Freddy as she picked at her pancakes a bit, before shoving another forkful of them in her mouth. "That's why I came here with Sam this time." Freddy said as he pulled out his Pearbook out of his backpack, setting it on the island counter as he opened it up, and immediately began typing some keys.

"No joke, views on last nights broadcast have reached the highest we've ever gotten since we first aired the show when people saw Scarlett sing live! The views go over four million!" Freddy explained to the twins.

Scarlett immediately began to chock on her forkful of pancakes, alarming both Carly and Spencer, "SCARLETT!" Carly yelled as she immediately began to pat her twins back to help her. "O-OVER FOUR M-MILLION VIEWS FROM MY S-SINGING?!" Scarlett yelled in shock once she managed to get the chewed up forkful of pancakes down.

"Exactly." Freddy said, a little bit hesitantly from her first reaction at the news. "Dude, your pretty popular of your Singing apparently." Sam said with her mouth full of Bacon.."It's Scarlett, my twin we're talking about, I'm surprised she isn't a celebrity for her singing!" Carly told her two friends, a proud tone in her voice.

"Carly, you know I don't like my singing." Scarlett told the brunette with a sigh as she shook her head, "You know it's amazing!" Carly told her, in a sing-song tone. "Piss off, I rather be a nerd of our childhood game." Scarlett told her as she then took a sip of her glass of Orange Juice.

"Oh!" Spencer began suddenly making the four look at the grown man child,  "Speaking of which, I actually managed to find somethings that'll bring you two to nostalgia tears." Spencer told the two twin girls. "Be back in a flash!" Spencer said as he rushed off to his room, nearly tripping over his own two feet as he did so of the platform.

"Should I be concerned?" Scarlett asked Carly, as she looked at her twin from watching Spencer rush off. "Not sure myself." Carly said as she was about to continue eating.

"Guess who I found!" Spencer said, or rather yelled excitedly as he was now standing behind the two twin girls as he held plushies in their faces, which the two sisters immediately recognized the two plushies.


Scarlett immediately grabbed the plushie of Jackle as Carly did the same with the plushie of Reala in her arms. "Oh my god where did you find them? I thought they were donated or something!" Carly asked Spencer as she hugged her plush of Reala close to her as Scarlett did the same with her old plush of Jackle, as her face was buried in the top of its head, snug between the two curled forward horns of his bright orange jester hat.

"I found them in the storage area and apparently not, since they do have like a crab ton of Sentimental Value to the two of you since mom made them for you when you both fell in love with the game." Spencer told the two girls as he was back in the kitchen now, Freddie looking at the plushies from the two sister's arms trying to figure what game they were from and the characters are.

"I could just kiss this plushie right now." Scarlett mumbled in happiness as she continued to cling to her plushie of Jackle, as if she did so, it would be like kissing the real Jackle. "Dude, your still into Jackle?" Carly asked her sister with a brow raised as she still held her plush of Reala in one arm as she took a sip of her orange juice. "Your most probably the same with Reala, so don't even go there Carly!" Scarlett told her sister as she poked at her shoulder.

"Shots fired." Sam said as she chugged down a large glass of orange juice after, surprisingly quickly managed to snarf down her bacon she was eating.
"Oh yeah." Freddy said in agreement.

"Okay you guys, you gotta get to school so you four better skiddal." Spencer told the four teens, "Ay aye Captain Spenc'!" Scarlett told him as she did a two finger mock salute to her brother, as she then immediately jumped out of her seat at the island along with Carly as the two grabbed their backpacks.

"Later bro!" Scarlett told him as she hugged him goodbye as Carly did so too, "Later!" Spencer told the two as the four teens walked into the elevator that was in the apartment and went down. "We taken a cab to school or the subway?" Scarlett asked her sister and the others.

"Cab, I know your anxiety won't be able to handle the Subways." Carly told her sister, making her nod as the elevator doors opened in the lobby and the four left for school.


Chapter Two: The Morning After

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