Welcome Home Scarlett!

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Chapter One: Welcome Home Scarlett!

Today seemed like any other normal, in Carly Shay, her older brother Spencer Shay, her friends Sam Puckett, Freddie Benison, and Gibby's opinion, of a day.

Currently, Carly was doing her homework for school on her Pearbook in the living room on the couch with her feet propt on the other arm of the couch, she also had her music playing lightly in her ears from her PearPod.

After about reaching the halfway mark of her homework a light knocking was heard at the door. Carly placed her PearPod and PearBook on the coffee table along with her earbuds.

She got up and went to the door. "Who-" "NEW PHONE, WHO DIS?!" A female about exactly Carly's age yelled at the door. Carly opened the door showing a girl with dyed red hair wearing a black leather jacket, a red Linkin Park T-Shirt, black jeans, black leather combats, black fingerless gloves, wore black eyeliner, red matte lipstick, smokey eye affect eyeshadow, and was a bit shorter than Carly surprisingly.

"Scarlett?!" Carly yelled shocked, "What up Carls!" The girl who must've been named Scarlett yelled throwing her arms open for a hug, the two girls screamed and tackled each other in tight hugs as their screams dialed down slowly.

"I missed you so much!" Scarlett muttered happily, "Tell me about it." Carly said. Spencer then ran in the room from his own bedroom. "I HEARD SCREAMING!" He yelled.

Scarlett gasped then let go of Carly, "SPENCER!" She yelled happily, Spencer's eyes widened at the sight of the all to familiar girl, "SCARLETT!" He yelled the girls name. The two hugged which Spencer lifted the teen girl into the air for a short bit making Scarlett laugh loudly.

Spencer let go of her which Scarlet did as well. "How's it been, Short Stack." Spencer asked as he ruffled the red's hair,."Staaaap! It's not my fault I'm shorter than Carly!" Scarlett yelled as she swatted the grown man child's hand away from her hair. "Scarlett! I can NOT wait to introduce you to my friends." Carly said as she walked up to the two.

'That makes two of us. 'Scarlet thought to herself before she spoke, "Yeah, Sam, Freddie, and Gibby." Scarlett said making Carly confused a bit. "How-" "Easy silly goose. I watch your guys web show." Scarlett said interrupting Carly.

"No way, do you like it?" Carly asked the red head, "Like it? I fucking love it!" Scarlett yelled happily, "Especially now Messing with Lubert, cause now since I met the dude, rude as hell." She said as she crossed her arms over her chest. "Tell me about it." Carly and Spencer said in sync making the trio laugh at that.

"I have an idea." Carly said, gaining Scarlett's attention to her, "How bout you be a guest on the show tonight Scarlett?" she asked Scarlett, the red head's brown eyes widened at that as she quickly waved her hands around in front of her.

"Oh no no. This is your show Carls. I do not want to bombarde it." Scarlet told her. "Come on Scar',  you can handle it. You never ever had stage fright. You have to. Its a way to welcome you back home." Carly told Scarlett.

Scarlett sighed, knowing easily Carly wasn't going to take no for an answer after knowing her all of her life, "Alright fine, I'll do it." she said as she put her hands up in surrender, "Thank you so much! You'll be an amazing guest." Carly said happily. "Whatever you say Carls." Scarlett said half to herself.


It was nightish and Carly's friends Sam, Freddie and Gibby were at her apartment and here for their web show.

"I'm Carly!" "I'm Sam!" "And this is-" "ICARLY!" the two girls yelled doing their intro, Sam pressing the button of her remote which made a crowd cheering noise from the speakers of the studio.

"And today-" "Well Sam." Carly said interrupting Sam, making her blonde best friend and Freddie look at her in confusion. "I have a very special guest joining the show today." she said, Carly's smile brightening as she talked.

"We didn't plan a guest." Freddie said. "I did." Carly said cheeky, "Today a special guest is joining the show today." she said looking at the camera as Sam and Freddie looked at each other strugging their shoulders at another.

"My twin sister, SCARLETT SHAY!" Carly said as she pressed the button on the remote-having taking it from Sam-making the cheer sound again as Scarlett came from backstage as she waved with a shy smile on her face.

"Hi." Scarlet said shyly as she stood next to her sister Carly, easily showing she was shorter than her twin. "I didn't know you had a twin sister." Sam said in a dumbfound tone, "AND NEITHER DID I!" Freddie said or rather yelled, Sam then pinched Freddie's left arm making him yell an 'ow' as he jumped at it, Scarlett giggled lightly at that.

"What was that for?!" Freddie demanded to violent blonde girl, "Fun." Sam said monotone like, Scarlett laughed fully at that before attention was back to Carly.

"Okay for Scarlett to be here, I thought she would do one of her many talents, sing!" Carly said happily, Scarlett stiffened at that. "Um, Carls? I don't think they want to here my singing sis." Scarlett told her, not liking the idea at all.

"Come on Scar! Just for the show!" Carly said happily,

Scarlett sighed knowing she had no choice especially since it was Live online and Carly had already said so, "Alright, hand me a mic." Scarlett said to Freddie, as she had her left hand open and out for the microphone.

The brunette male tossed her a microphone which Scarlett caught rather professionally as Carly and Sam gave her some room. Scarlett sighed as she had song lyrics pop in her head.

"Freddie put on Riot by Hollywood Undead." Scarlett told him, Freddie nodded and pulled up the song to play it. "And were playing." Freddie told her, Scarlett nodded as she took a big breath as she began to sing.

Song: Riot by Hollywood Undead


{Scarlett Singing}

I've been searching for an answer, but I ain't found one
I've been known to tear shit up and go off like a gun
I've been drinking way too much, but now I think I'm done
Fuck that shit, let's start a riot

Carly and Sam began to jam along at the sidelines and Freddie kept the camera on Scarlett as she sung and rap to the song.

Let's start a riot
Tear shit up, fuck peace and quiet
Fuck that shit, let's start a riot
Tear shit up, fuck peace and quiet

I gotta get, I gotta get that feeling
Gotta get higher than the 20-foot ceiling
Just out of rehab, primed for a relapse
Had to do three dabs just so I could relax
Walk in the room and I check for bitches
Check my .44, check my ammunition
Got all my homies here, and that's fucking bitching
We got more pots than your fucking kitchen

Cook that shit up with the heat up high
With your middle fingers up like the cops drove by
No motherfucker here is drunker than I
And if we get drunk enough, we can set it on fire
Like fuck it, I don't wanna come down
I wanna get fucked up right about now
Gonna tear shit up, I don't wanna fight it
Who the fuck here wants to start a riot?

Scarlett got to the Pre-courus making the energy in the room more lively than it usually was.

I've been searching for an answer, but I ain't found one
I've been known to tear shit up and go off like a gun
I've been drinking way too much, but now I think I'm done

Fuck that shit, let's start a riot
Let's start a riot
Tear shit up, fuck peace and quiet
Fuck that shit, let's start a riot
Tear shit up, fuck peace and quiet

Roll up to the party in my grandma's Chrysler
Jump into your circle 'cause I'm dying to cipher
The older I get, I'm like wine, I get finer
And I can tell your girl wants Charlie inside her
I'm a ride-or-dier with that eye of the tiger
Cornrows banging out the side of my visor
I'm so damn tight, they should call me the Sheister
Hitting bud and Budweiser, shit, I couldn't get higher
You done turned me into the "Swan Song" Charlie
Peeling out on a Harley at a high school party
Got a frame like Bane, call me young Tom Hardy
I'm the fucker to blame for the Undead Army
Got the fire tonight 'cause my ass got laid
Now I'm high and tight like my flat top fade
Mixed some Molly and Xanax and Tanqueray
And I'm fucking bad bitches like every single day

I've been searching for an answer, but I ain't found one
I've been known to tear shit up and go off like a gun
I've been drinking way too much, but now I think I'm done

Fuck that shit, let's start a riot
Let's start a riot
Tear shit up, fuck peace and quiet
Fuck that shit, let's start a riot
Tear shit up, fuck peace and quiet
Tear it up, burn it down

Pour them drinks up until we drown
Cold night every day
And when you walk into the party, make sure you say
Fuck that shit, let's start a riot
Let's start a riot
Tear shit up, fuck peace and quiet
Fuck that shit, let's start a riot

Tear shit up, fuck peace and quiet

Scarlett let out a breath as she finished singing and rapping, catching her breath a bit as the music ended.

"Wow." Freddie said in amazement, "What? Was it bad?" Scarlett asked worried. "I think that deserves a." Sam said before pressing the cheer button on the remote, which Scarlett blushed lightly at that before smiling, "Awe thank you." Scarlett said as she smiled.

"That was awesome." Gibby was suddenly heard as he peeked from backstage wearing a snowman costume. The four looked at him as Scarlett turned confused as to why he was wearing a snowman costume, Freddie also panning the camera for the viewers to see.

"GIBBY WE'RE NOT DOING THAT BIT!" Sam yelled at the boy, "Come on!" Gibby yelled as he then huffed and went backstage again, Scarlett was in hysteria at this.



t was late at night and Scarlett was staring at the dark ceiling of the living room as she slept on the couch for the time being, despite being the only person awake.

She sighed as she rubbed her tired chocolate brown eyes eyes of their sleep, she looked out the large window of the main room seeing one of her friends she made in her nights in Yackam.

She smiled brightly as with her newfound energy, she ran upstairs to the recording studio-trying to sleep quiet with her still sleeping siblings-and opened the window.

"Jackle!" Scarlett whisper shouted, but was only greeted by the silence you could get with late night Seattle, she sighed as she strained her eyes to look around for her friend, "Where you at Mad Mantle?" Scarlett muttered half to herself.

"Right here Scar'." A males voice was heard as a sorta invisible face appeared in front of hers upside down, the person was like a jester in orange with orange boots, gloves, an orange jester hat that curled forward of the horns, a mantle cloak around his neck attached to his collar. He only features of his body were a pair of baby blue eyes with a darker blue dragon shaped pupil that glowed slightly and razor sharp shark like teeth as his body was practically invisible or non-existent.

Scarlett giggled at him for that and his familiar Spider Man like pose, "Hey Jackie." Scarlett greeted him with a small smile on her face, Jackle smiled as he floated normally in front of her, "Sup Red." He greeted her, ruffling her hair slightly which Scarlett swatted his hand away.

"Everyone in Nightmare saw you on Carly's webshow. You were awesome with your singing as per usual" Jackle told her, his smile still prominent on his invisible face. "Awe, thanks Jackie." Scarlett said with a warm smile as she looked like she was daydreaming a bit, Jackle turned confused at her daydreaming.

"What's up?" he asked her, Scarlett shook her head, snapping out of her daydreaming. "Nothing, just thinking." she said still smiling at him. "So, how's NiGHTS and Reala? The two siblings still arguing?" Scarlett asked him to change to topic, "What else is new with those two?" he asked her in a rather joking manner, the two began to laugh at that knowing the two siblings.

"You should go to bed, you got your first day of school back here tomorrow." Jackle told her once they calmed down their laughs. "But I wanna keep talking to you man." Scarlett said/wined, Jackle chuckled lightly at that.

"I'm flattered at that, but you gotta be well rested for school." he said as he ruffled her dyed red hair again, Scarlett sighed knowing he was right, "Fiiiiine." Scarlett wined. "Don't worry. I'll come back tomorrow night, since tomorrow is Friday." Jackle promised her.

"Yay!" Scarlet said happily, which made Jackle laugh at that. "You know, I'm gonna have to introduce you guys to Carly." Scarlett told him, "I don't know how she's gonna react to that when we're supposed to be from you and Carly's childhood game." Jackle told her.

Scarlet sighed at that reason, "Yeah, but she's gonna have to know someday." she said to him, Jackle sighed at that, "True." he said.

Scarlet then kissed his cheek, making the insane Nightmaren snap back into reality again, "Night Jackie." she told him. Jackle smiled as he kissed her forehead, "Night Scar'." he said, "Tell the others I said hi." she told him, "Roger that captain." Jackle said with a mock two finger salute, which Scarlett giggled at that.

Jackle waved bye as he flew off into the night sky, Scarlett sighed as she watched him leave, "If only I had the fucking guts to admit my feelings for him." she said with another sigh, she closed the window and went back to the main room as she flipped on the couch staring at the ceiling again.

As if nothing ever happened, she sighed again as she closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep.


Chapter One: Welcome Home Scarlett!


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