▪ Gloves▪

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Y/N = Your Name
M/N = Middle Name
L/N = Last Name
N/N = Nickname
H/C = Hair Colour
H/L = Hair Length
E/C = Eye Colour
S/T = Skin Tone
POV = Point of View
F/F = Favorite Food
F/C = Favorite Colour
A/N = Author's Note
▪ or ●○● or ○●○ = a separator, not really an abriviation. Will be used in certain places.
Italics = Thoughts, Onomatopoeia, Or emphasising.
Parenthesis = A small reminder or conversion of money or standard to metric system.



▪Y/N's POV▪

It's been about two weeks since the whole Uncle incident and now no one will leave me alone. I'm constantly getting told to either "Not run off like that again" or "bring someone with you next time." It's just annoying as hell. Gray won't leave me alone for more than 5 minutes either. I get we're a couple now but he's being super clingy. I even tried just going to the roof top for some space away from him, no wait, from everyone really. It just hasn't worked. It's about time I've had enough. I stand up from where I was sitting.

"Shut up! All of you!" I shout, frustrated. That got some of the guilds attention. I continued, "I get it! You all were worried! Just fuck off for a minute! I'm not a child, I don't need to be told more than once to not run off!" I sat down angrily and sighed.

"That was quite an outburst," Gray teased. I fidgeted with the edge of my gloves as to not punch him.

"Shut it, iceberg. You've been following me like a lost puppy, too. Now get off my dick for a moment because I need some alone time," I hiss. He looks as me with a concerned look. I start fidgeting with my gloves more. "Leave, now."

"And why should I?"

"So I don't accidently punch you in the face, you moron."

"Your punches probably feel like a baby punching anyways," he shrugs and starts walking off. That motherfucker.

"And I'm sure your powers are none existent compared to mine. Now you better leave before you get seriously hurt," my eyes darted to Gray as my glare intensified. My fidgeting with my gloves became worse. He takes this time to focus on them.

"Say, what's with you fidgeting with your gloves? You never do that," he remarks cooly.

"Look, you don't annoy me this much either, it's just a stressed out thing I do. Do you even remember what happens when I take off my gloves, ice box?" He shakes his head as he sits across from me, his elbows on the table as his hands hold his adorable face. I sigh deeply in attempt to calm myself down. Mira notices my constant stress fidgeting and is very kind to give me an ice tea. Apparently tea is supposed to help your body relieve stress.

"I've kind of forgot. I think everyone else just hasn't known," Gray shrugged and continued to stare at me.

"Well, this is kind of a throw back for me," I started.

Magic: Reverse Time
Just after getting into Sabertooth▪

A guild member of Sabertooth, who's name I don't quite know yet, and I got in a nasty fight. I'm only young and he's definitely an adult, but that didn't stop him from using his magic. I dodged his magical attacks with ease. My E/C eyes flickered a mysterious glow as my doll like hands send chairs and tables flying to his way. He dodged with an exception of a chair as the items landed with a loud crash. Some of the guild hall was damaged slightly.

"Nice going, you almost destroyed the whole left side of the guild hall you damned child!" The man I was fighting yelled. I laughed, shrugging it off. It was just a joke... right?

"I can be stronger if you'd like!" My voice pipped up in its childish tone as I held out my right arm with my pointer and middle finger pointing out. My left arm laid idle. A magic circle that had a sun like figure in the middle, ancient writings written around it beamed a navy blue below my feet.  "With my magic, I demand chaos," the familiar tone of my aunt Willow rung through my ears as my voice echoed off the walls. I watched as a great light shined and blinded me and possibly others. When I opened my eyes I could simply see my opponent and some other spectators on the ground passed out... and the whole left side of the guild demolished.


A pain shot through me, not from her words, but like the shocks I used to receive from shock therapy. It kept happening, a radiating shock throughout my body over and over again. I held my head in my hands, crying for my family, crying for anyone, screaming like bloody hell. I layed on the floor as the shocking began to cease.  The guild master was not pleased with the sight he was seeing. Someone snitched on me or he'd just heard the crashes.

"Y/N L/N, MY OFFICE, NOW!" His voice boomed through the guild as I heard whispers from my guildmates. The master's loud voice gave me a headache, but I did as asked, not daring to disobey. I got up, stumbling and falling multiple times, making the master even more annoyed. It's not my fault, my everything has gone numb. I finally managed to get to his office. My eyes brimmed with tears as I sat pitifully on the floor.

"I'm... I'm sorry," my voice whimpered. It was scratched and damaged from all the screaming and crying. Master's eyes pierced through me.

"Sorry? You're sorry?" It felt like I was tiny like a mouse getting barked at by  a menacing dog. I was shaking. "That won't cut it! You destroy half of the guild and you're saying sorry while crying and screaming?!" His voice was loud and rough. My crying started up again, more intense then before. "I'll let it slide just this once, but we need to get you under control, do we understand?" When I didn't respond he became really cross. "I SAID, DO YOU UNDERSTAND?" I let out a squeak, nodding my head while sobbing.

▪Magic: Fast Forward▪

"And, viola, I got my gloves. They helped me contain magic. Apparently I've had like S class times two magic since I was little," I was too busy explaining to notice a tear falling down my smooth cheek. "I was so forgiving and decievable back then to realize they only cared about their safety, not mine," I looked up and stopped fidgeting with my gloves to see a shocked and concerned Gray. "Funny, isn't it?"

"No... It's really not," his voice was gentle and caring, unlike all this other voices from the past. "It's awful they did that to you, N/N," he got up and sat next to me, wiping the lone tear from my cheek. I smiled.

"It's the past now, isn't it? The gloves are just a harsh reminder and a set back. I barely remember any of those really powerful spells anyways," I pat Gray on his head. "No need to worry." He smiled in return. I whisper so no one else could hear. "Thank you for caring. This is why I love you."

With that, I got up and went home for the day.


I lazily sat on the couch in sweats and a t-shirt I stole- I mean borrowed- from Gray. Gray sprawled across the floor trying to think of something to do. I told him to come over because I was bored, to which he agreed, now we're bored together. I wanted some alone time earlier, but now I want to hang out with someone.

An idea popped into my head. "Gray," I spoke lightly. He replied with a slight hum. "Do you know why your nickname is Mochi?"

"No... Why?"

"Because on the outside, you look cold and almost like you aren't friendly," he was going to protest until I continued, "But on the inside you're sweet, mushy, and you have a soft core. Don't forget you're also cute." I look over after I was done speaking to see Gray blushing like mad, his face like a cherry. He attempted to hide it with his hands. I giggled and got up to attack him with a hug. He gladly accepted and laughed with me while he hugged back.

"You know I love you, right?" He spoke, his voice muffled by my hair. I smiled into his chest, hugging him harder.

"Yeah, but I love you more."



Quick update: Next Friday and Saturday I'll only be posting 1 chapter since I want the last two chapters to come as a pair. I also apologize for not posting my chapters sooner today, I haven't been feeling well.


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