▪Found▪ Part 2▪

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Y/N = Your Name
M/N = Middle Name
L/N = Last Name
N/N = Nickname
H/C = Hair Colour
H/L = Hair Length
E/C = Eye Colour
S/T = Skin Tone
POV = Point of View
F/F = Favorite Food
F/C = Favorite Colour
A/N = Author's Note
▪ or ●○● or ○●○ = a separator, not really an abriviation. Will be used in certain places.
Italics = Thoughts, Onomatopoeia, Or emphasising.
Parenthesis = A small reminder or conversion of money or standard to metric system.



▪Gray's POV

Alexandre was cooking accompanied by his black cat who weaved in between his legs. The rest of us were sitting in the living room, resting for our next time we leave. Juvia seemed to be thinking about something. She still seems irritated about Alexandre. I put a hand on her shoulder, trying to get her to relax. She flinches at the sudden contact and blushes.

"You okay, Juvia?" I ask in a quiet voice. Juvia shook her head with a stern look.

"I feel like Alexandre isn't who he seems. I've heard about an Alexandre before, but I don't know if this is the same one as the one told of in dark guilds," she confessed quietly to us.

"Do you know the full name of the Alexandre you've heard of?" Lucy whispered.

"Alexandre L/N, the man who mass massacred innocents. A man who mastered shadow magic, the co-leader of one of the dark guilds," She answered. I felt a chill go down my spine as Juvia said the last name L/N.

"That's," I stuttered, trying to comprehend the situation we're in, "That's Y/N's last name..." Lucy nodded sadly as Natsu's, Happy's, and Erza's eyes widened. Juvia just calmly thought to herself.

"Y/N comes from a mass killing family?" Happy asked in a panicked whisper.

"I'm actually somewhat not surprised," Erza remarked.

"Suits her a little too well, doesn't it?" I smiled.

"Anyways, do you all think Y/N went off on her own to join her family?" Natsu asked. I shook my head.

"She never had much connection with her family after the age of 9. I don't know much about her aunt and uncle or anything farther than that, but I do know some." Lucy nodded her head, understanding what I meant.

"How about let's stay here and rest, find Y/N, and then ask her about this Alexandre guy?" Natsu suggests.

"That's probably the only thing we can do at the moment," Erza agreed. And it was settled, we're staying until we try and find Y/N again. I can not believe it's only been 3 days and I already lost my girlfriend who's wandered off. I feel like a failure for not keeping an eye on her.

"Juvia said this Alexandre mass murdered innocents, right? That could also mean wizards. What if the food and drinks are poisoned?"  Happy panicked slightly. I thought about it.

"I volunteer Natsu to eat first then," I snickered.

"HEY! WHAT'S THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN?" Natsu shouted angrily. I shushed him, chuckling. I heard Alexandre chuckle lightly from the kitchen.

"If someone were to die first, I say you're first one to go, Flame Brain."

"I will fight you, Ice Princess," Natsu mumbled, crossing his arms.

"Actually, none of you have to die," Lucy whispered, smiling. "One of my celestial spirits can detect poison!"

"That's great and all, but how are we going to get them to detect poison without getting caught?" Happy countered sassily.

"I'll summon them right now and just call them my pet I guess?" She shrugged.

"That's probably our best bet in this ," Erza said quietly. Lucy nodded and quietly summoned... Plu? He wobbled around Lucy.

"Hey Plu, I need you to detect if there's any poison in the food Alexandre's cooking, can you do that for me?" Lucy asked Plu in what she called her sweet voice. Plu nodded and wobbled over to Alexandre, climbing on the counter to see what was happening.

"My my, aren't you cute? But where did you come from?" He chuckled.

"Sorry!" Lucy apologized while standing up to get Plu. "He's my celestial spirit, I keep him as a pet. He's just curious." She smiled and brought back Plu. "Did you detect anything?" She whispered quietly. He shook his head.

"Looks like it's safe, then," Natsu said happily. I shrugged.

"I don't see why it wouldn't be." Just then, Alexandre called us over for our meal. As he served us, he gave us glasses of water, which somehow included Happy getting one of those tiny waterbottles and some pieces of salmon.

Natsu was the first one to take a bite. His eyes lit up as he ate more. "This is really good!" He spoke with his mouth full.

"Don't talk with your mouth full, Moron," I rolled my eyes and ate. It was decent and I'm not dying, so there's no room for complaints.

As we all finished chatting and eating, Alexandre recommended that we slept. I thankfully declined and went to just sit down and think. I swear I saw his eyes flicker with anger when I declined. Natsu and Happy took up the offer and told us in private that they'll be alright if he attacks them and went on to their room. Of course, I don't believe them, but whatever. It's Natsu and Happy, they always get out of those situations.

As we were all just resting and talking, the door was kicked down. It fell with a large thud against the hard wood. I saw Alexandre's eye twitch in anger. "THE HELL WAS THAT FOR?" I yelled to whoever kicked down the door. A woman appeared through the door. Her hair was H/L and H/C, her eyes sparkled with anger in this mysterious E/C glow. I knew those features.

"Y/N?" Lucy, Erza, and I all said shocked. She turned to us with wide eyes and shook her head.

"It's dangerous here. Leave instantly!" Y/N commanded.

"What are you doing here?" I asked her, relieved that she found us.

"I'm simply here to something I've been wanting to do for awhile; a side mission of sorts," her eyes darted over to Alexandre who now had a very angered face, "Alexandre L/N, my uncle, I challenge you to a fight to the death. You have ruined the L/N's name by killed numerous innocents and wizards with your dark guild you own."

"My my, such a clever little girl you've become, my dearest Y/N," he stood up and spoke with a creepy smile that sent shivers down my spine. "But why did you come now? When all your friends are here to witness you die?"

"That's not going to happen. Even if it does, I will not die in vain, unlike my aunt Willow who you killed cold blooded. She only wanted you to take the right path, you sad excuse for a family member," she hissed in a calm tone of voice. My eyes widened. Unless she has a cousin, this is her only family member alive. Is she really going to kill her only family?

"She didn't love me! Willow never did! She only wanted to stop me, even when I told her to join me! That bitch left me with nothing when I wanted her to join me the most!" Alexandre cried in anger.

"My aunt only wanted you not to kill innocents, and you're blaming this on her? You asshole!" Y/N was shouting by this point. I could hear how hurt she was by this, by all the damage her uncle had done. "I will kill you! If it's the last thing I do! It'll serve you right for killing everyone! I swear you will pay, even if it costs me my own life!"

Y/N pulled out her katana and started to run at her uncle. Quickly, all of us in the room backed up to the wall. She took a stab at him. He dodged as it missed barely. She kept sending her katana towards him as he dodged. It's incredible on how much speed he has, it almost matched Y/N's. Maybe they trained together at one point.

"See, you may be fast, but you can't match my speed, can you?" The lost magic mage growled in her response.

"You're as cocky as ever, aren't you?" She retorted, still trying to slice her uncle. She managed to get a hit... but not on him. I slightly winced in pain as I held my arm. This caught her attention. "Shit!" She yelled in anger.

"Looks like you hurt your friend," he shrugged and smirked evilly, "Maybe you'll turn out just like me." This made Y/N furious as she kicked him in the side. It was so quick you could barely see she did so. It managed to land as he winced.

"Shouldn't we help her?" Lucy asked in a panic.

"She's got this. Look how determined she is," I said calmly, "If she gets too hurt we'll step in if that makes you feel better." Lucy shook her head and sighed. I didn't like the sound of Y/N getting hurt either, but I trust her enough.

Their dance went on forever, none of them using their magic in fear of the house being destroyed. As Y/N and her uncle fought, the rest of us nervously stood on the sidelines. I held my arm as it bled a shining red. I watched as Alexandre kicked, almost missing Y/N. Unluckily, it hit her shin just slightly. She threw a punch, again barely missing his arm. She growled.

"Lets take this outside, unless you're too scared to fight me with magic," she ran outside Alexandre and the rest of us chased after her. Natsu and Happy were even here by this point. I watched to see the twisted uncle's magic. To my surprise, it was shadow magic.

His shadows fought with objects she twisted to try and kill her uncle with. The shadows were broken, but not easily. Y/N's magic was much more powerful and could be used to more advantage. I could tell Alexandre was getting really angry, his shadows became faster and looked like they were attacking harder. His niece was struggling to dodge them, her Arc of Time magic just barely keeping up. They were getting out of breath, yet Y/N was ahead by a hair. She's smart enough to stop using her magic to rest up, resulting in her using her Katana.

"Haven't you learned," sneered Alexandre, "You're too slow to fight me without your magic, weakling!" As his opponent kept slashing at him, Alexandre dodged with only the slightest of difficulty. I noticed what he was doing by his hand movements.

"Y/N! DON'T USE YOUR KATANA, HE'S STEALING PHYSICAL ENERGY!" I shouted, watching as she stumbles, her knees getting weak. "Shit..." I mumble.

"See? Do you want to know why I always win, dearest?" Alexandre snagged her katana and held it above her head. "Their energy becomes my own and makes me stronger, resulting in death for my opponent! Say bye bye, niece." He laughed as he swiftly moved the katana down. I flinched, waiting for Y/N to scream, but it didn't happen. She had rolled to her right just in time to dodge. To show off as her uncle was recovering, she did somewhat of a backflip to stand again.

"I see," Y/N spoke in a quiet tone as Alexandre kept attacking her, just managing to barely dodge. A few cuts found their way through her skin on her legs. "You can only use one magic as a time for one who has studied at least 2 different magic types. You're impressively weak, to be blunt. If you're attacking me while sucking out my physical energy," she observed, struggling to stand and dodge, "It renders you absolutely defenseless to magical attacks." Her tone became menacing as she twisted a tree that sent Alexandre flying into the air, landing with a groundbreaking thud. She stood over his motionless body.

"Goodnight forever, Alexandre L/N." The katana once used against its rightful owner pierced through Alexandre's heart and then slid back into it's sheath. Y/N fell to her knees, even then barely able to keep herself up.

"Y/N!" All of us yelled, rushing over. She smiled and shook her head.

"Don't... Don't worry about me. I," she stuttered, "I'll be fine. Promise! I just m-might have been drained of too much energy." A smile graced my lips as I let her lay down in my lap.

"Are you sure killing your only family was a good idea?" I asked, slightly expecting to be yelled at. Her face was now more serious that before.

"Why wouldn't it be? He killed his wife, which was my aunt, runned a dark guild that harassed many small official guilds, killed too many innocents to count... I don't see why it wasn't," Y/N shrugged.

"But he was family! Don't you have remorse?" Erza barked slightly. I looked at her sympathetically, knowing she was taken away from them even sooner than Y/N's were.

"Of course not. I've lost almost all emotion to my family. I've almost lost all emotion, I could barely feel anything before I stumbled across Fairy Tail," she answered plainly.

"I think it's about time we go home, Mira and the others are worried about Y/N. They might be worried about us by now, too," Lucy suggested. I nodded and picked up the damaged woman in my lap. She was on my back like a child getting a piggyback ride.

"What are you doing? I can't walk on my own." Y/N's words were sharp and her mood stubborn. I smiled at her independence.

"I'm doing my job as your guildmate. Taking you back to the guild when injured. Even if you rebel, one of us are taking you home and that's final." She sighed in response and rested her head on my shoulder.

"Fine," she mumbled closing her eyes, "Now don't mind me, I'm going to sleep." I chuckled and Lucy smiled while shaking her head.

"Stubborn little Y/N. She acts independent until she can sleep," Lucy jokes. We all laugh and continue on our way.

Don't go running off like that, scares the hell out of me, Y/N.


Sorry this was a really longer chapter, I didn't mean for it to be this was. 2327 words in total, excluding my reminder of abreaviations and this author's note. I hope you enjoyed!


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