▪Missing▪ Part 1▪

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Y/N = Your Name
M/N = Middle Name
L/N = Last Name
N/N = Nickname
H/C = Hair Colour
H/L = Hair Length
E/C = Eye Colour
S/T = Skin Tone
POV = Point of View
F/F = Favorite Food
F/C = Favorite Colour
A/N = Author's Note
▪ or ●○● or ○●○ = a separator, not really an abriviation. Will be used in certain places.
Italics = Thoughts, Onomatopoeia, Or emphasising.
Parenthesis = A small reminder or conversion of money or standard to metric system.



Gray's POV▪

I tapped my foot waiting for Natsu and Y/N. Last night, everyone had agreed that we'd go on a mission together. We had a plan to meet up at Lucy's place and everything. It had to be somewhat early morning because Lucy needs to pay rent in about a day or two. Lucy and Erza are already here and waiting, yet the other two were late.

Given, in about 5 minutes, Natsu ran his way over to us with Happy following behind him, both of them making up the excuse that Natsu slept late. Which, in all honesty, was most likely true. It's either that or they forgot the meeting place. Natsu is Flame Brain for a reason.

"Hey, has anyone went to check to see if Y/N was home? She hasn't arrived yet, let alone been seen by us at all," Erza quietly pondered. As I thought about it, I realized no one had. Unless Natsu has.

"Flame Brain have you-"

"Ran straight from the Guild Hall to here. Haven't visited her yet," he shrugged and interrupted. Happy nodded while eating his fish.

"Might as well check on her. She might've hurt herself or got sick or something," Lucy commented, slightly concerned. With that, we all walked over to Y/N's place in silence. In no time, we reached her doorstep. I knocked lightly.

No response. Lucy knocked a bit harder. "Hello? Anyone home?" Again, silence. I turned the doorknob, knowing that it would be locked, unable for us to barge in. And, to our surprise, it was locked! Hint the sarcasam in my voice.

My eyes wandered around until I saw a flowerpot out of place. I lightly picked it up and found a key. Bingo. Grabbing the key and inserting into the door, we walked inside Y/N's empty looking apartment. There wasn't any sign of her being her at all today; no smell of cooking, there was dirty dishes in the sink, no humming, her bed wasn't even done. The place was unusually deserted, almost as if this belonged to another person. Luckily I know for a fact this is Y/N's apartment. It's easy to spot all her favorited things.

"She's not here. Maybe she forgot?" Natsu mumbled. I shook my head.

"Y/N doesn't forget things easily. It seems as if she wasn't even here at all. Her bed isn't made, it doesn't smell like her cooking, almost as if she didn't live here at all." Lucy looked very worried, but I was even more worried. What if she got hurt? What if she's gone for good? It's not like her to ever just leave us like this without notice.

"What if she doesn't like us anymore!" Happy cried. Erza shook her head lightly.

"Perhaps she's already at the guild hall. Come along now, no time to lose," Erza almost pushed us all out the door. She seems so calm, but how? I put the key back where I found it after locking Y/N's apartment.

Erza seems too calm for this. Isn't she worried for the health of Y/N? It's not like she's an enemy or anything, she's apart of our team. Even Natsu seems concerned, even if it's a little bit. I just hope she's okay. I've been stuck in my own thoughts too long to notice we have reached the guild hall... or to notice the door I almost bumped into.

I was the first one inside. My eyes darted around the room, looking for our missing teammate. Lucy went to check the pool, Erza went to check the game room, Natsu and I checked the main room. Happy was doing whatever he normally does. There were no signs of Y/N being here. I sighed and walked up to Mirajane.

"Have you seen Y/N today? All of us were supposed to meet up for a job and yet she's the only one missing," I was somewhat hoping Mira had at least seen her. She shook her head with a sad smile.

"Haven't seen her today, I hardly even got to see her yesterday. Maybe she's on holiday?" Her words were gentle and meant well but I couldn't help but hurt.

"Why would she leave without telling us?"

"Maybe it was a family emergency," Mira was multitasking, trying to give some hope yet also trying to be real. I slightly winced, remembering what happened with Y/N's family and sighed.

"They're too distant to contact her. Thank you for helping, Mira," I spoke in an almost sad tone and left. Lucy had asked if there was any sign of her. I shook my head in defeat, walking over to the table we all normally sit at together.

"Should we just go on the job without her?" Natsu asks, sliding onto the bench across the table.

"What if she really was on holiday and she came back to us gone? Wouldn't that be a little damaging?" Lucy quietly countered Natsu. He shook his head and let out a puff of air. During their debate, I've been able to catch Juvia staring at us. Or is it just me she's staring at?

"Y/N's doing that to us right now. She just left without a word to us. Wouldn't be different if we did it to her." I noticed a small carving in the wood. It wad hard to make out, but it almost looked like Y/N's hand writing. My eyes widened.

"What if she didn't leave without a word?" I saw Lucy's eyes lighten up as Erza's widened slightly. I squinted, trying to make out the words written into the wood. "'North, fairies?' What's that have to do with anything?"

"She went north!" Lucy exclaimed.

"Alright. It's settled, we're going north to look for Y/N," Erza stated confidently.

"Wait! Gray-Sama, can Juvia come along?" Juvia rushes over and quickly grabbed my sleeve with a desperate look on her face. I gave a soft smile.

"The more the merrier, Juvia." With that, we all went to go north.

▪Y/N's POV▪

I'm sorry, Fairy Tail. I just have to find him.

▪Gray's POV▪
▪Time Skip▪

We've been heading north for what feels like hours, no sign of Y/N at all. All of us were starting to get tired of walking and we're starting to give up hope. Juvia has been complaining for the last 3 miles about being tired or that we should turn back and give up on trying to find Y/N, Lucy has been silently complaining, and Natsu has been complaining about being hungry ever since we left the guild hall. Hell, we got food just before we went north and he still is complaining. It's all just so annoying, the complaining, the constantly worrying, just everything.

"Hey! In the distance! A small house!" Lucy almost shouted, pointing into a direction a little off the trail we were following. Sure enough, following Lucy's pointer finger, was a petite house surrounded by the calm forest. There was a small flight of stairs leading up to the house. It's made of a tan wood, the roof a nice dark tile to counter it. The door was the same colour as the roof, windows on either side of the door. A brick chimney was emitting smoke as the house glowed a warm yellow.

"Maybe we can rest there for a little while and then look for Y/N again?" My voice broke the silence that was held between the six of us. Everyone nodded their heads in agreement, making our way to the door. Erza knocked. From inside we could hear heavy footsteps hitting against wood flooring. The door opens to reveal a man who looks to be in his 40s, possibly a little older. His eyes were a soft amber and his hair was dirty blonde. He wore a pair of jeans with some brown shoes and a long sleeved chocolate brown shirt.

"Ah, hello travelers!" He greeted with a small smile. "What brings you here this evening?"

"We're looking for someone apart of our guild, she seems to be missing," I explain briefly, "We were hoping to get a bit of rest while we were here if that's alright." His eyes showed no emotion as he thought about his decision.

"What guild are you apart of? Is it a magical guild?" He inquired.

"Fairy Tail, sir. We are one of the top guilds out of every magical guild out there," Erza spoke proudly, showing her mark. All of us did the same, all though it was a bit embarrassing having to lift my shirt to show an older man my mark, despite Juvia having a light blush on her cheeks from me doing so.

"Come right on in! Would you like some tea?" His eyes lit up with excitement as he ushered us inside.

"Mind if I ask you your name?" Lucy asked him. He turned around and apologized.

"Forgive me, where are my manners? I'm Alexandre, an ex magic user. I don't use magic anymore because I feel as if I'm too old," the man now known as Alexandre explains. I saw Juvia's eyes narrow at the mention of his name.

"What kind of magic do you use?" She asks, obviously suspicious. Why is she suspicious? He hasn't done anything, right?

His eyes slightly narrow then go back to normal as he rubs his neck. "Gee, it's been about 10 years since I gave up magic, I don't even know if I remember." Alexandre swiftly walks over to his small kitchen and prepares to make tea.

"Interesting," Lucy comments.

"Hey do you have any food? I'm starving!" Natsu whines. I knock him over the head.

"Stop being rude, Natsu! This man is kind enough to let us rest here," I hiss.

"My my," Alexandre chuckles, "Fiesty ones are you? I'll be glad to cook up a meal for you all. It's a grace to be in your presence. Does cooked salmon and salad sound fine?" Happy instantly agreed with sparkling eyes.

"We're very thankful for your hospitality, Alexandre," Erza thanks quickly.

"My pleasure, fairies!" I felt my heart stop for a second. That's exactly what Y/N calls us. And exactly what opposing guilds would, as well.

▪Y/N's POV▪

I knew the house I walked by a mile ago was my uncle's. I never bothered to knock. I need to save up my energy before I fight Alexandre L/N. His magic could be equal to mine, he seemed to already have killed innocents with his shadow magic. He has die for how many people he killed. And if he dies, it will be by my hands.

To Be Continued...


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