▪We're In For It Now▪

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Y/N = Your Name
M/N = Middle Name
L/N = Last Name
N/N = Nickname
H/C = Hair Colour
H/L = Hair Length
E/C = Eye Colour
S/T = Skin Tone
POV = Point of View
F/F = Favorite Food
F/C = Favorite Colour
A/N = Author's Note
▪ or ●○● or ○●○ = a separator, not really an abriviation. Will be used in certain places.
Italics = Thoughts, Onomatopoeia, Or emphasising.
Parenthesis = A small reminder or conversion of money or standard to metric system.



▪Y/N's POV▪

I woke up the next morning in a good mood. Memories of last night flood my mind as I go through my morning routine. Which reminds me, I have to give Gray his coat back. I grabbed my things, including Gray's coat, and headed to the guild, skipping breakfast. I wasn't terribly hungry. I walked on the edge of the street and the river, holding out my arms so I wouldn't fall, just as Lucy would do.

I finally reach the guild and open the doors. I'm welcome by almost every female in our guild. They were basically jumping on me, asking me questions. I frantically looked for Gray, only to find out he was being interrogated by Natsu. I sighed and smiled.

"Who did you go out with?"

"Did you kiss?"

"Were they cute?"

"Are you together now?"

"Who was it?"

The questions flew around me like bullets. I desperately tried avoiding those bullets. This meant dodging every question asked. I'd either respond "Maybe," or "I dunno," or "I don't know what you're talking about." This left them unsatisfied, leading to more questions, even more nosey than the last. Some got uncomfortably personal.

I sat at a table with Lucy and Erza, sighing. Lucy smiled widely, I guess Mira told her who I was going on a date with already. I layed my head on the table, tracking down everything that was happening. Looks like Gray managed to get away from Natsu, but now is getting pummeled with questions from Mira. I overheard one, which sounded like: "Were you satisfied with your blind date?" His only response was telling her to shut her trap. I chuckled silently.

"Y/N, would you please follow me?" Juvia asked from behind me. I looked at her confused.

"I mean, sure, why?" She led me to where Gray and Mira are. I looked at her even more confused until she whispered something.

"I saw everything that happened last night." I went pale. She silences Mira, telling her she knows what happened. Mira's face lit up as Gray's and mine went even more pale. I looked at him and mouthed, "We're in for it now."

Juvia went on and on about our whole date. She even added some untrue parts, or exaggerated some scenes like the whole scaring Gray from the tree thing. Juvia continued, adding in something along the lines of us basically making out during dinner. Which, is in fact, not fucking true. At the end she even said Gray slept over the night.

"Juvia you fucking creep," I look at her, obviously aggravated at the lies she told. And the truths! Like can you not spoil my good mood I haven't in forever?

"I want to die," Gray grumbled. I then remembered I still had his jacket.

"Hey, mochi- I mean popsicle," I quickly tried to cover up the new nickname he was given, but Mira heard anyways, "Take your damn jacket back. You... dropped it." He looked at me confused at first, then went along with it.

"Thank you," he thanked quietly.

"That was a lie, Y/N," Juvia stated plainly. My eye twitched.

"Half of your story was a lie, stalker," I glared until I realized Mira was gone. I looked around the room to find the same group of girls, which now included Lucy, Erza, and Levy, on the opposite side of the room with Mira in the middle. Just from her face I could tell she was telling them about the date.

As soon as Mira's mouth shut, the girls zoomed over, sparkles in their eyes. They went on and on to Gray about asking me out, I laughed and simply told them it wasn't happening. I noticed Wendy looked at me, heartbroken. I looked away, trying not to give into the look. Gray on the other hand was overwhelmed, blushing like mad. I laughed at his appearance.

"Well aren't you just cute, blushing like that," I winked at Gray. His face flushed with even more colour. I could feel Juvia's intense stare.

"Sh-Shut it you!" He yelled flustered. I giggled once more.

▪Later That Day▪

I sat on the couch, talking to Gray. I invited him over just to escape that madness we call Fairy Tail; our insane home. We mostly talked about today's events and how crazy it was. It was plainly just a good time. I noticed his face held a small blush as he looked away.

"You okay, Mochi?" I ever so slightly teased.

"Just... Just thinking," he replied, stuttering. I pressed harder.

"Aboouttttt?" I dragged on the word "About" and poked his cheek. I watched it turn even more red, resulting in a small smile from me.

"I was thinking about us," he started. I stopped poking his cheek. "And I thought about it for awhile, and I just can't hold back from asking anymore," he turns to me. It's my turn to blush now. "Y/N, will you be mine?" In his palm floated a beautiful rose sculpted of ice. My light blushed quickly turned into possibly the most red my face has been in awhile. My mind couldn't comprehend what was happening, I couldn't speak.

Did he really just ask that or am I dreaming? Is this real? I swear to god if it is and Mira figures out- I stopped freaking out mentally and grinned.

"Of course, Gray!" I attacked him with a hug, laughing. He smiled and hugged back, lightly kissing me on the nose.

"I love you, Y/N," he whispered almost silently.

"I love you more, Gray."


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