•Magic • Part 2•

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Y/N = Your Name
M/N = Middle Name
L/N = Last Name
H/C = Hair Colour
H/L = Hair Length
E/C = Eye Colour
S/T = Skin Tone
POV = Point of View
F/F = Favorite Food
F/C = Favorite Colour
▪ or ●○● or ○●○ = a separator, not really an abriviation. Will be used in certain places.
Italics = Thoughts. Or an Onomatopoeia. (When a book imitates a sound). Or emphasising. Not really an abriviation, but thought I should put it here so no one becomes confused.
Parenthesis *these: ( )* = A small reminder or conversion of money or standard to metric system.



Y/N's POV▪

   It turns out that we all had to take a train to this cursed town. Unfortunately for Natsu, the all mighty salamander, his motion sickness kicked in. "Oi flame boy, take this," I offer him 2 pills for upset stomachs and a glass of water. He just looked at me. "Take it or I'll do this the hard way," I growled.

   "Just give it to him the hard way. He won't remember it very long," Erza pointed out. I nodded. Putting the pills away, and chugging the water after Gray refused to accept it, I punched Natsu in the gut, knocking him out.

   "Can we get more information on this town or are we just left in the dark?" Gray mumbles.

   "According to the paper, the town is called 'Tukisama,' the town is almost clear accross Mongolia. They say the curse has been affecting the colours of everything and the forms of ordinary objects, occasionally the townsfolk. Tukisama, or so I heard, is far out away from other big cities and towns in general, so we're lucky if this even is a curse, that it hasn't affected anywhere else." I briefly explain.

   "Okay... So that's it?" Lucy inquires, "It only affects objects with their color and shape? I don't see the big deal. Actually sounds pretty funny to me."

   "Think again, Lucy," Erza adds to the conversation, "Y/N said that it occasionally affects the townsfolk. I'm sure that probably hurts. Also, what if this job is almost old? The curse could have worsened," she points out.

   "You have a fair point," Gray says.

   "Shocking you even came, Fullbuster. It's even more shocking you're talking," I tease. He shrugs it off and looks out the window. "Sour one you are," I tease once more.

   "Okay... So how are we going to approach this? How are we going to figure out how to break this curse?" Lucy breaks the tension.

   "Simple. We analyze what's going on and everything around us, look for something suspicious if necessary. Temples, religious sacrifices, curse books, ect is mainly what I think would cause some of this," Erza calmly explains. I nod.

   Religious offerings, eh? Interesting. What maniac is stupid enough to get their dumbass cursed with something religious. Or even, why would anyone in a petite town have a curse book? Something smells fishy. I began to ponder.

   "What do you mean by religious sacrifices, Erza?" Happy asks, clearly clueless. "Oh wait! I get it! This fish is a religious sacrifice to my stomach!" He chomps on to his salmon.

   "Close enough, cat," I mumble, careful not to say anything to offend the thing.

▪Time Skip▪
Tukisama Train Station

   "Ugghhh..." Natsu groans, finally gaining consciousness after I had punched him in the gut. It's been almost 2 hours since we boarded. Luckily for us, we arrived around 6:20, giving us enough time to explore.

   "I got this," Erza reassures Happy as he was about to pick the hot head up. He simply nods.

   "This is it? This small town? Seems pretty normal to me," Lucy points out. She had a valid point, nothing seemed out of the ordinary.

   "They did mention it usually happened around 8 or 9 at night to early morning. At least, that's what I thought I read," Erza says. I nod.

   "Where's the food? I'm starving!" Happy whined, Natsu quickly perking up at the word 'food.'

   "Food does sound good. I'm starvinggggg," Natsu complains swiftly after Happy's remark.

   "Let's get a move on, we don't have much time before sundown," Gray urges with his hands in his pockets. Surprisingly, he still had clothing on.

   "Good with me. It also will get those two morons to shut up," I agree. For once, he nods like he was being friendly.

   We end up walking around the town, asking townsfolk for useful locations like: temporary sleeping quarters if needed, chief's home, and who can provide us some food to have for the time we're here. We ended up at the chief's house last, it was at the end of the cheery town. Erza ended up speaking with the chief, known as Nekosawa, about the details. The curse was worse than we initially thought. It has taken a painful toll on the townsfolk, the food resources, and sometimes it wiped out buildings completely according to Nekosawa.

   Despite all the pain Tukisama's folk are taking, they manage to keep a cheery aromas. I wonder how long it took to get through that. Pity that they have to go through this without any explanation.

   "Come now, we shall eat before we start. I'm sure everyone is at least a little hungry," Erza responsibly says.

   "FOOOOOOD! FOOD, FOOD, FOOD," Happy and Natsu chant. Gray scolds them and knocks Natsu over the head with his fist.

   "Knock it off. They're just hungry and have an unhealthy obsession with food. If they're annoying, block them out," I shun Gray. He mumbles something inaudible. "What was that?" He shakes his head. "A'ight."

   The townsfolk are rather kind in my eyes. They fed us all well, including Natsu who eats 5 tons of food and fire. I quite enjoyed the lovely feast, it celebrates our arrival and our help we are here to provide. By the time we finish completely, it's 7:54 P.M.

   "Hey Erza, before we exactly jump to conclusions on what this curse might be, how about we take a small look. In 6 minutes or so, the civilians and other objects should be talking a different form, possibly different colours, this could be our early chance," I suggest to her, Erza seems to be conflicted.

   "I do want to say that would be the right thing to do, but what if the people of this town get hurt the process?"

   "I see your concern," I reassure, "But there's no way we're going to do this without them changing tonight no matter if we like it or not," Erza shakes her head, knowing there's no way to avoid it. "Plus, on the bright side we'll know what's going on and we'll have time to ask the folks on how they feel or we can roam around."

   "Alright," she sighs, "Let's tell the others." I fake a smile, knowing this could go downhill fast.

   "Listen up Fairy Tail," Erza calls out to the others. They shut up to listen. "Tonight we will split up. We will split into groups for observation. Y/N and Lucy will be one group, Happy, Natsu and Gray are the other. I'll be traveling alone," she briefly explains, "Now make sure you guys are together at all times, we do not know what is out here."

   "Lucy and I will roam around the places you don't end up at, Erza," I suggest. She solemnly nods. "Hot Head, Happy, and Icy Cold over there can take notes on how objects change and if it hurts the civilians. Happy," I look in the tiny cat's direction, "Please come find me or Erza I'd anything major attacks or happens that puts the folk in any form of harm. Got it?

   "Aye!" He salutes.

▪Time Skip▪
▪Split up▪

   "So what are we looking for exactly?" Inquires Lucy after we had wondered along a rickety bridge, rushing water splashing mist below.

   "For anything suspicious; such as: humans, temples, monsters, religious looking artifacts, ect. And-" My ears perk. I look at Lucy, putting my gloved finger to my lips, "Shh..." I quietly hush. She nods silently.

   Listening closer behind, or somewhere relatively close, to us. Then the closer it comes, I realize there's an arrow. Quickly, I protectively tackle Lucy to the ground, across the bridge. I cover her mouth just in case. Slowly, I get off, offering my hand to the laying blonde in front of me. She gratefully takes it.

   "Who's there?" I demand. Childish giggling echoes through the tall, blossoming trees. I growl. "This isn't a game! Come out before I snap your arms!"

   A slim figure appears. The slim figure was a black-haired and tan skinned female. She had heavy, heavy, make-up. She wore black thigh-high heeled boots, a black crop top, her lips a popping red, gold hoops in her ears, and her black hair tightly in a neat bun. Quite honestly, she was a pretty ugly. I'm sure if she had a different fashion sense she would be much friendlier and prettier looking.

   "Hello, younglings," kackled the high pitched woman.

   "Oh my god not a non-hitting puberty bitch again," I complained, rolling my eyes. Lucy snorts with laughter.

   "Shush you!" She scolded and continued, "I see you've stumble upon my woods and my town from earlier. You should know not to mess with my stuff!" Cried she, "The name's Dianne, don't forget when you die," now known as Dianne winked.

   "Lucy," I whispered to the mocking blonde next to me, "Show her a taste of your zodiacs. I'm curious on how strong you are," I wink. Lucy fumbles with her keys, eventually picking out Taurus.

   "Open the gate of the golden bull," Lucy performs, "Taurus!" (Please correct me if this line is wrong)

   "Moooo! At your service Lu-" The zodiac eyes me. "Woahhh, Lucy, who's the chick?"

   "Shut it before I kill you faster than I did my first cow," I hiss. He backs up. Lucy laughs and rolls her eyes.

   "My, my! What a darling bull! What fun!" Clapped Dianne, "But I also have my dolls, dear youngling." As if strings were attached to her fingers, Dianne danced her fingers around, mumbling something inaudible, it just sounded like gibberish. Taurus twitches, holding his axe.

   I suddenly realize what's going on. "You motherf-" Taurus tackles Lucy to the ground, Dianne kackling like a mad scientist. I was too late. "Marionette magic? Fancy," I taunt, "Lucy close the gate so no harm can come your way."

   "I would if I could," Lucy spudders, "But it has to be on my behalf and also the Zodiac's behalf." Taurus shakes his head, yelling how he wants to close the gate but he can't due to the strong wizard and how he's done something like this before.

   "I bet the gods are worshiping me right know!" The lady squeaks. That annoying ass voice.

   "Enough fun, Dianne. Mind if I help, Luce?" She shakes her head frantically, still fighting Taurus. I bow, my hand over my chest. "Forgive me, Taurus, Lucy, only must I hurt Taurus if necessary." I first kick Tarurs off of Lucy. I then swiftly move my pointer finger and my middle finger with my dominant hand, making a ball made of dirt and splash it in Dianne's face, sticking my tounge out.

   "You!" Screeched the beast in black. I simply recreated my dirt ball and plummeted it in the lady's face multiple times, chuckling.

   "Enough playing around, Dianne." I dash up to her, dropping the now broken up dirt, dodging her attacks smoothly while taking my katana out of it's place, slashing her arm. She screams in pain. "Fine fine, I'll use my magic again."

   Scanning my environment, I found a nice, sturdy boulder. It was sharp, but not sharp enough to cut anyone badly. Dianne slashes through it, using Taurus, who eventually was able to close the gate after that, leaving Lucy on the ground frightened and amazed.

   "Say bye bye, Dianne. Time for you to go back to fashion planet, ugly ass," in a swift hand movement, and with a flick, Dianne was on the rock and flying off some where. I laugh, it's fun playing with my prey.

   "Th-" Lucy stutters, "That was Arc of Time magic! An ancient lost magic! How did you learn it? How, how!?"

   Smiling, I put my finger to my lips, which, was still gloved. "Its a secret. If you want to see real powerful magic, maybe I can show you what it's like without my gloves," I wink, "Now, she said something about gods. Lucy, did you see any statues, or rather, relics?"

   She puts her hand to her chin, thinking. "I did see something made from clay, leaves, and sticks... I thought it wasn't important-" I bolt over, gripping her shoulders.


Time Skip▪
▪Mission: Sucessful▪

   "So where did you say you found that relic? And how did you know it would break the curse?" Natsu dumbfoundedly asks while we were walking to the Train Station once more. I point to Lucy.

   "The best teammate over there found the relic, but one of the henchmen of these 'gods' was dumb enough to say something," I explain slowly, "Therefore I knew if it was broken, it would lift at least some, if not all, of the curse. It worked wonderfully! Luckily enough, we were able to find some more and destroy the curse completely."

   "Man you guys had it easy! You only had to fight one person when we had to fight millions! You guys suck!" Natsu whines at first, but then smirks. "Lucy refreshed my memory on what your magic is, Y/N," he stands in a fighting position, "I challenge you to a duel! Magic and all!" Erza stops, shocked. 

   "You're in for it now, Natsu," Gray, who seemed like the only smart one at that moment, points out.

   "Fine, I accept, childish moron. But on one condition. We can not destroy the forest. Not even burn it, got it?" I enforce our rules. He blabs on until I hold out my hand for him to shake. He firmly grasps my hand at last, "May the best one win," we say in unison.

   "I'd advice you all to step back, this could get messy," Erza advises. Everyone backs away a good distance. I give a thumbs up to Erza.

   Happy counts down from 5, on 3 I rip my gloves off and throw them to what I hope was close to Lucy, showing my S/T doll like hands. "Fight!" Gray snatches the gloves off the ground, examining them. Weirdo.

   Natsu charges at me, smiling. I smile back sarcastically, jumping high in the air before he can reach me, dodging mid air his flames. "Time fast forward: Tree," I mumble almost silently, eyeing a sapling while using my pointer and middle finger to swipe up. The ground rumbles and shakes, a tall, tall tree emerging from the ground beneath Natsu, sending him flying.

   He flips mid air, zooming towards my stationary body, that was seemingly defenseless, his fists engulfed in Dragon flames. He finally gets close enough. I stop his fist before he punches my face. "Bye bye, Salamander," I gently whisper in his ear, his body goes up, up, and up, him screeching like a 5 year old. I laugh.

   "Time reverse to what you once were: Tree." I do the same handmotion to the tree from earlier. It goes back into the ground, the sapling only 2 inches tall once more. Unfortunately, Natsu made a giant hole in the ground. So much for trying to not wreck something.

   Erza and Gray were laughing at Natsu, who lays unconscious on the mix of prickly grass and grainy dirt. Happy was frantically trying to wake him up, Lucy fangirling over the magic she has not seen before in action. Gray hands me my gloves, I slip them back on, my hands and power are contained once more.

   "Refreshing. Only if I had an actual opponent I could beat up without feeling bad that was challenging would be fantastic." I dust and smooth my attire. Man, I wish I could've got a challenge. Maybe next mission.

   "Let's go home," Erza speaks up, carrying Natsu and the reward. I restored the ground to where there was no more hole from Natsu.

   I'll remember this for forever.


I know this isn't how Arc of Time magic exactly works, but I'm making a small change because I'm not too familiar with the magic itself. I hope you enjoyed anyways. :) ~Xoxo

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