•"Puzzling" Challenge•

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Y/N = Your Name
M/N = Middle Name
L/N = Last Name
H/C = Hair Colour
H/L = Hair Length
E/C = Eye Colour
S/T = Skin Tone
POV = Point of View
F/F = Favorite Food
F/C = Favorite Colour
▪ or ●○● or ○●○ = a separator, not really an abriviation. Will be used in certain places.
Italics = Thoughts, Onomatopoeia, Or emphasising.
Parenthesis = A small reminder or conversion of money or standard to metric system.



▪Y/N's Pov▪

A chair is thrown across the room, just above my head. Another one is thrown, this time from the other side of the room, and shocker, it hits my head. Things have stopped being thrown. I slam down my glass of ice tea, some of it dribbling down the cup and my gloves. The glass almost breaks.

"naTSU I SWEAR TO WHATEVER DAMN GOD THERE IS," My volume is low at first unti I furiously yell at the pink headed fire mage. Gray taunts from the other side. "GRAY YOU BETTER SHUT YOUR TRAP OR I WILL PUNCH YOUR PRETTY LITTLE FACE TOO."

"OH YEAH? COME AND FIGHT ME AND PROVE IT!" Gray shouts back in return. I stood up quickly, knowing I'm going to punch him into the void. His clothes were off and on the floor. "HAVE SOME DECENCY YOU FUCKIN POPSICLE!" I point at the tossed clothing. He gets even more mad, I hold back a snicker.

Gray and I were just about to punch each other until Erza stood up. "Enough, you two. I'll let Natsu and Gray fighting slide, but we don't want to destroy the guild hall, do we?" I shake my head and sit down, my face flushed red from being angry.

Damn you, Erza. It was just getting fun, too. I glance at Gray. For the first time I notice his abs. Huh, not bad for a stripper who kills people. I walk over to where he's chatting with Mirajane and take a seat next to his.

"So, the fights over. What do you want to do now?" I question Gray. The man doesn't even have decency to look at me. "Come on, stop being so cold."

"You know, Y/N," Mirajane chimes in. I look at the waitress behind the counter, "You and Gray would make a good couple." I snort.

"You really think he like would even like me? Damn, high hopes, Mira," I laugh even more. Gray does not approve. His cheeks reden from what I assume was anger. Mira pouts.

"No way! She cheats at fighting and she's dumb."

"Are you seriously-" Before I could finish asking him my question, the doors of the guild blast open. I look behind me, shielding my eyes from the sun. My eyes adjust and I can see several figures in the doorway. It was in the moment we were blinding was the moment we had chains around our hands, preventing us from using magic, and possibly moving.

"Listen up, Fairies," what I'm assuming to be the leader of some sort barked at us, we all went silent, well except me.

"Oi, that's my name for this guild stop stealing my shit," I grumble. One of them signals for me to shut up. I flip them off with my tongue sticking out, but let them speak. Gray whispers, "child," to me and in return I stick my tounge out at him too. He scowls and faces the front again.

"We're here to test your strength, smarts, and bravery. Every one of you, excluding if you're under 13, will be put in a chamber with a timed puzzle to figure out. If you fail, you lose. Losing results in punishment. Each puzzle is different and can vary from each category. If you suceed, you have to fight one of us. Winning against this battle with help you progress onto the next puzzle. If you lose, good night, fairy. The goal is to defeat me at the end of your quest, and then rescue your captive master."

"..." Silence among the guild.

"Horseshit." Is all I can say. I recognize this guild, too. Sabertooth had a secret alliance at one point with them; they call themselves "The Shinigami Guild." Their guild crest is some sort of red scythe with black magic surrounding it. It's also a dark guild, a very weak dark guild. Dumb, I know.

"One more thing, Fairies," the man explains once more, "You can't bail out. There's no way you can't participate unless, again, you're under 13."

We all groan, but some have agreed to the challenge. And thus, all of us, or well what the portion of the guild that was there, were transported off to some sort of magic arena. Our chains were not broken, but loosened. Teams were chosen by the leader and other dark guild members.

Fortunately, I was put with Gray. He's a pretty good fighter. Unfortunately, Erza was set with Natsu. This will be a problem, and knowing Shinigamis, we will have to fight it out if they don't slip up. I glance at Erza with a blank expression as she does the same. She already knows what's going to happen.

"May the best ones win, Fairies." With that, we were set into our sections of our puzzles with our group. Our chains broke.

"Gray, I know you probably hate me but we're going to have to communicate. Let me get one thing clear," I explain while exploring for a riddle or something that will lead to an answer of a kind to this puzzle, "You do know we might have to fight Natsu and Erza, correct?"

"Unfortunately. If it ever comes to that," his gruff voice hesitantly speaks, "I'll take care of flame brain but you have to take out Erza, got it?"

"Gotcha." While searching, Gray finds pieces to a riddle. "'I need food to live but water kills me. What am I?' Well ain't that easy. Kindergarten, even." I scoff. Idiots.

"Fire," we say in unison. From behind, doors slide open. It reveals a small arena with a rather tall opponent. His eyes were a deep brown with slicked back white hair. There was a bandana of some sort covering his mouth. He wore an open, scuffed, black coat with no shirt underneath that matched his shoes. His pants were a medium brown.

He lowers the bandana covering his mouth to speak. "Congratulations, Fairies! Was that a bit too easy?" He muses. I don't bother to answer, and it seems like Gray doesn't either. "Well, good, because they only get harder from here! Time to face your doom, little ones."

I give him my poker face. If he's the first enemy, he's surely easy, right? I walk up to him, having to look up to meet his eyes. Surprisingly he hasn't done anything. Gray doesn't move.

"Coming to shake han-"

"Move." I punch him in the gut. He falls to the floor. I hear Gray applaud, sarcastically. Another door opens to another puzzle. I sigh and wait for Gray to come over to the room with me.

We walk in and the doors close behind us. We were placed in a neat looking room that looked like an office; there were filing cabinets scattered around. There was a small, round, wooden table in the center of the room with a note. The note read in sloppy handwriting, "Welcome to your second puzzle, fairies! Maybe you aren't as dumb as we thought! I'm sure as time goes on opponents and puzzles shall get harder. Best of luck.

-Rocko, the KING of puzzles

P.s: If you reach the end, you'll fight our guild's strongest member. Maybe some other fairies if they survive the beating."

On the back of the note there was a hint about the filing cabinets. It basically told us don't be idiots and look for actual puzzle pieces via their position. There was only 4 pieces needed and only 4 filing cabinets out of the about 20 around us had a puzzle piece.

(Ex: In one of the cabinets there would be the top left piece of the puzzle under "t." Sorry if I sound stupid explaining it).

"Sounds cocky. What an asshole," Gray mumbles. I nod in agreement.

It took us only 8 minutes to find the puzzle pieces. I look around to find where exactly we're supposed to put these. In the wall, next to a medieval door an alcove had a designated place for each piece. As simple as that, we put the pieces in. The door creeks open to reveal a castle themed arena.

Gray and I walk through the door as it creeks back closed behind us. In front of us stood a woman who looked way too dressed up to be fighting. She looked like a queen. Purplr robe, golden crown, matching purple heels and everything. I snorted.

She blabbed on and on until she squeaked, "I WILL ROYALLY KICK YOUR ASS!" I just about lost it.

"Gray," I whispered between fits of giggles, "can you fight this queen for me?" He smacks me on the back as if to tell me off for laughing, but I swear I could see a slight smile tug at his icey lips. I stopped laughing and smiled just a little bit too.

▪Time Skip▪

Long story short, we got to the end. Gray and I switched each opponent. Some were actually talented and required at least a tiny bit of skill. I mostly liked to see Gray challenged, it amused me. It was almost, how do I say it, admirable? Anyways, these bullshit puzzles were too easy and it didn't take long for Erza and Natsu to show up in this room with us.

The room we were set in was like an actual arena, which was nice. I sighed and waited for something to happen other than Gray and Natsu just about to kill each other.

I nudge Gray. "Cut it out," I demand in a whisper. He scowls and nods, looking away. Erza does the same to Natsu, instead he whines. Unamannered t-

My thoughts were cut off by a large door opening revealing a muscular looking man. The door closes quickly. The man wore a white suit with a red tie that matched the colour of his eyes. His hair was a dusty blonde. The man's facial features were rather sharp and otherwise good looking. Normally I'd compliment the fellow if he wasn't trying to make the guild do this damned puzzle.

"Ah, what do we have here?" He inquires in a low voice. "Two teams made it out alive? I was really only hoping for one of you to show up." He flambotently walks around the room as he talks.

"It was too easy. Only fools would ge t defeated in this 'puzzle,'" I make air quotes around the word puzzle. "Say, now that all 4 of us are here, mind introducing yourself, you overly gay looking garbage can?" The man goes pale and shakes with anger. I stifle back a laugh.

"Well, you," he searches all over me for an insult. He eyes my katana, "You fucking weeb, my name is Charlie, and I'm here to watch as you all fight it out. Last two standing get to fight muah," he dramatically points to himself.

"One second, all mighty Charlie," I sarcastically address him. I walk my way over to Erza and cup my hands around her ear so that gaylord doesn't hear. "Gray and I will play dead for this then come back to help kick his ass later," I whisper. "Explain to Natsu that he will have to fake punch me as you fake punch Gray. I tell Gray to fall on the ground and pretend to pass out as I'll do the same. Got it?" She nods and whispers to Natsu.

I walk back over to Gray and explain again to him our plan. He nods, but I can see the protest in his eyes. Charlie is looking at his nails, obviously bored. "Done yet, fairies?"

"Yes. May the best ones win," Erza's voice booms. I bow with a hand over my heart, smirking. We charge at each other full speed, Natsu and Erza faking punches. Gray and I do an excellent job acting... hint sarcasam. We basically just fake shock, cough like twice, fall dramatically, and close out eyes.

This dumbass believes it and literally fucking carries Gray and me into a corner so he can fight Erza. Once safely put in our corner, I open my eyes and nudge Gray a tiny bit, signalling for him to open his eyes as well. He opens them and watches to see if any difficulty is shown.

I look for anything to annoy this gay muscular man with. I settle with a rock. Erza, Natsu, and flamboyant Charlie are fighting it out. Natsu is struggling against his water powers as Erza almost slashes through his skin. For funsies, I throw the back of the rock at this guy's head, knocking him over. Natsu plays along and stages it was him. I let out a soft snicker.

This man is thrashed and is about to fall over. I sit up and raise my hand st Natsu and Erza. I bring Gray up with me. We silently walk to Charlie's still figure. I count down from three on my fingers. At the same time, we kick him. He's done for and on the ground.

"Thats bullshit!" He cries, clearly upset he was beaten, "You guys should be be dead!"

"Thats showbiz, baby," I wink. A set of doors open revealing Makarov sitting and waiting. "Okay but excuse me, aren't you supposed to be captured or something?" He points with his stick to 4 "guards" on the ground. Each have a bump in their head. I nod slowly.

▪Time skip

No one was badly injured, just roughed up. Erza and Mira had told the magic council and the Shinigamis were taken care of. Right now I was sitting at a table with Natsu and Lucy resting my head on my hand with my eyes shut.

"Man, that really blows. I was hoping for a challenge," I mumble.

"Want a challenge? Come fight me!" Natsu confidently says. I sigh.

"On second thought, maybe some rest is good."

"Too chicken?" He provokes. With my free hand, I ball my fist up. And open my eyes.

"N-Natsu I wouldn't do that if I were you," Lucy stumbles on her words. I assume she noticed my fist.

"Remember what happened last time? I said I want rest, salamander." He pokes at me and sighs.

"You're boring."

"I'm aware. I may be boring but I'm not an idiot." I mumble again.

"Oh yeah ye- HEY WHAT'S THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN?" Natsu frantically yells.

I shut my eyes once more and shrug.

▪Third Person POV▪

It was past 8:00 PM and most of the guild had left. Y/N had fallen asleep on the table she was sitting at. Gray knew she was still there, and without a second thought, the ice mage grabbed a spare blanket from inside the medical room and draped it over the sleeping woman.

"Maybe you're not as bad as I thought." He smiles to himself as he walks out of the guild.

Y/N's lips held a small smile from his words.


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