Midnight wondering

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Hardik thinks a lot. So does Jadd. So do the others. But not at 2:30 AM. That's the time of the day where every sane and normal person was expected to be asleep. But was Harry normal? Was he sane? The answer was still under consideration for Natasha while Jass, Ro, Vi, Rahul, Jinks, Bhuvi and Mahi bhai had already declared Harry to be mentally unstable.

Moreover thinking was a process for people with brains which Harry seemed to have been born without. So what was Harry thinking? Another question being why was he even thinking anything. Since it was Harry he couldn't be thinking about the Big bang theory or about why Pluto was declared as a dwarf planet, neither was trying to find the cure for corona, for sure.

He had been tossing and turning around his bed thinking of a possible explanation to the question that was not letting him sleep peacefully. Having enough with the frustrating question he decided to call his very own captain but his phone was switched off. He then proceeded to call his another captain but no one picked the call. He wanted to call his Mahi bhai but stopped when he looked at the time, wanting not to get lectured at 2:40 AM in the morning. One by one he tried calling everyone but got no response. Only one number was left. The number was owned the person who he was scared of the most in his whole team. "I'm gonna get lectured if I call him now" Harry thought to himself. 

"Should I call him" He asked out loud looking at his phone's screen. He opened the dial pad and punched the number of his intellectual of a best friend. He kept staring at the number for a few minutes pondering whether it was a good idea to call him. 

"But this question is bothering me so much" He whined to himself. This question came to his mind while making a card for Natasha and Agastya, even though the latter was too young to even know a thing or two about reading but Harry still insisted on making a WELCOME TO THE WORLD MY CHAMP card for his little one. 

'His little one' these simple three words made Harry feel warm inside his chest. He felt like a grown up. The others had a hard time accepting the second line though. Like seriously who would believe the fact that Harry had become mature and was ready to take care of a child and his wife and start a new family?. But guess time changes everything. Although Jass felt really bad for Natasha as she now had two kids to look after"It must be hard for Nat to take care of two toddlers"  Jass had sympathetically told Rah who wholeheartedly agreed to his friend's statement. "Yeah and I'm sure Nat's gonna develop extreme level of patience after sometime" Rah had added to Jass's statement and both had high fived to annoy Harry a little more.

Back to where Harry was thinking about the tough question that had come to his mind all of a sudden. This question wasn't tough like "What is the cure for cancer" neither "Can we travel through time?" nor "What was there before big bang?". No! It was even tougher question and the thing was no scientist had ever thought about this question, no one had ever asked this question.

As Harry was having the long internal monologue in his mind his phone, which he had been holding since the start slipped from his hand and fell down straight at his face hurting his nose. Harry winced at the pain and rubbed his nose "F**k" He cursed out loud 

"Did you really call me at midnight just to cuss?" A voice came from the phone startling Harry up. It was Jass's voice.

*It was at this moment he knew that he ******* up*


"Boom Boom meri Jaan!!" 

"You know what time it is, right?" Jass asked in a sleepy voice

"About..about that well..actually you see I called you by mistake"

"So you possibly sleepwalked and dialed my number and called me, totally understandable"

"Erm...I'm extremely sorry about that Jazz! Did I disturb your sleep?" 

"Nah, I was skydiving at 2 AM in the morning! Wide awake!"

"Don't be a meanie! I apologized to you right?"

"Leave that..Why did you call by the way?"

Jass sounded tired but still managed to keep his cool and to be honest with Harry was more scared of this Jass than the one who scolded him whenever he did something weird. Little did he know that Jass was on the verge of murdering his Idiot of a best friend whose only motto in his whole life was to irritate the latter. 

"Why do I know you again?" Jass had asked Harry after the latter had pretended to be a Jedi when walking through an automatic sliding door. Harry had cheekily grinned at the statement and had answered with a "cuz your life would have been boring without me" 

"You there?" Jass's voice came again from the phone bringing Harry back to the present.

"Yeah I'm here only"

"Great, Could you care to tell me the reason for calling me when I was skydiving?"

"Oh yeah.."


"Why doesn't the glue stick on the inner walls of the container"

The other line remained silent, Harry waited patiently for the answer when he heard some shuffling and then he heard Jass shouting "Are you freaking kidding me!!!!! You super-stupid Superman from mentally retarded future."

"J..Jass listen.."

"No you listen you obtuse, nitwit, halfwit nincompoop!!!"


"You are proof that evolution CAN go in reverse"

"I'm sorry!!"

"If I had a penny for every brain cell you have, I'd have nothing"

"Look I'm sorry"


Harry cut the call hastily not wanting to get more scolding from Jass. He turned off his phone scared that he might call again, lied down on the bed and closed his eyes to sleep. Jass on the other hand was huffing with anger "That idiot! He cut the call" mumbling to himself he lied on the bed again but he wasn't able to sleep ."Was it too much?" He asked to no one in particular, he picked his phone from the bedside and dialed Harry's number only to find It switched off "Is he mad at me?" That question didn't let him sleep the whole night.


What do you think? Would Harry be mad at Jass?

I'll try to update whenever I'm free

Love Manu<3

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