Watching Kdramas???

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*In a Corona free world*

One fine day our ICT was sitting and getting bored as they had nothing to do, no words were exchanged and silence surrounded the atmosphere.

Not a good thing right?

Anyways, our dear Ro was trying to catch his beauty sleep but a certain someone was not allowing it, you guessed it right, it was our very own Vi. "That's usual" you must be thinking, and I agree with you completely.

"When are they gonna fight" whined a pouting harry pointing at rohirat

"Yah seriously I am bored, can't you people just fight already" whined jadd wanting to see some drama

"What are we to you? Some Mobile entertainment shop?" Asked a very irritated Vi, who was having a hard time waking his bestfriend up.

"He's right guys, their fight is not a mode of entertainment for god's sake" sighed Jinks "I miss bhai" complained harry

Hearing that everyone's mood turned more gloomy,

".....erm.....I guess we all do" said Jadd trying not to show his emotions

"I wonder what he must be doing" said jass smiling sadly

"Playing with Zivu, maybe" kul answered smiling

"Yeah, I guess so" Grinned Jass

Virat's POV

Looking at Jass and Kul, I realised that they were doing well, holding their emotions together. It was a relief,

"They are doing great, you know" whispered Ro,looking at them.

"They are" I smiled at him

"Bhai would be proud" he smiled thinking to himself.

"Yeah..." I sighed

"WHY SO SAD" yelled a voice startling us

It was none other than Mr. Reporter


Well, that was new😕

"May god bless this poor soul...." yuz started looking at harry with a pitiful look "I, The Great Yuzvendra Chahal, am here to bless you people with some entertainment, so be thankful, will you?" Yuzi said in a dramatic way.

"What's it" exclaimed rah, well seems like yuz gained some attention due to his offer😂

"Wow, atleast an intelligent person is there, come child I will show you" Yuz said keeping his dramatic affects on

"This guy I swear..." Ro said shaking his head fondly at him

"Is Too much" I completed his sentence and hifived him

"Enough with your bromance....come here now bhais" said Harry excitedly

"I won't" Me and Ro said at the same time

"Bhai please come naaa" kul said and took my arm, I sighed and got up

"I am not coming, I'll rather sleep for sometime" Ro said and closed his eyes to get some sleep

Third Person's POV

"Go and wake him up!!" Jinks pleaded Vi

"Fine....where's the bucke......." Vi started

"No!! Not again!!" Sighed Kul

"There's no other way" jadd said patting kul's shoulder, giving him a look of sympathy.

"Will he be able to wake him up" Yuzi whispered to harry

"I dunno yuz" harry said thinking of all the possibilities

"What are they talking about" asked jadd loudly pointing at Yuz and harry

"Let's find out" said shikh rubbing his hands

"What are you two doing" asked Vi narrowing his eyes at Harry and Yuz

"SHHH...." yuz shushed them

"Why" asked kul

"There" whispered harry pointing where Ro was sleeping

"What's with that?" Asked rah

"Shut up and look will you" harry complained

"Oh..okay" Rah said giving harry a judgemental look

They saw Jass walking towards Ro, "wait!! Is he trying to wake him up" Jadd asked

"Hush...shut up jadd" Jinks said covering jadd's mouth.

With RoJass:

"Bhaiya....please wake up naaa" Jass said shaking Ro, Ro first whined, but when he realised who it was, he opened his eyes.

"Hmmm....okay okay....I am up kiddo" Ro got up without complaining

"Happy?" Asked Ro and Jass grinned and hugged Ro"very"

And two of them walked towards the others who had their mouths hung low,

"What's with you people" asked Jass innocently tilting his head sideways

" mind" Harry shook his head

Jass shrugged his shoulders, "how!!" Yelled Jadd coming out of his shocked state "Yah, shut up Jadd, you'll make us deaf one day" complained Ro while covering his ears.

"Let....Let's about that later....I guess" Jinks said not believing what he just saw

"Yeah...." Yuz said

"Yeah......Yuz...what were you telling us" asked Rah trying to process the scene which just unfolded in front of him.

"Well...Why did you call us here, Tili" asked Ro looking at Yuz

"Oh...oh, It's a Kdrama!!!" Yuzi exclaimed

"What's that" asked kul confused

"What?? You dunno about Kdramas??" Asked Harry with an unimpressed look.

"Oh!! You know about kdrama Harry!!"

"Yeah......Nat loves to watch those"

"Same!! Even Dhana loves to watch them"

"Oh really!!"


"Guys?" A very tired Ro intterupted them

"Oh sorry....sorry"

"Now, care to explain what is this kdrama??" Asked a confused Jass

"So basically, like we have hindi serials or dramas here, in korea They have Kdramas..."

"And what?? You want us to watch some stupid saas bahu aur beti kind of stuff?" Asked Shikh annoyed at the two

"No bhai!!!...It's different"

"How come" Ro raised a brow at Yuz

"You have to watch to find out"

"And what if we say no" asked Ro and looked at Vi who still was looking at the direction from where Ro and Jass came, Ro pinched Vi's shoulder "ouch"

"What" asked Vi when Ro gave him a look of disappointment

Ro signaled Vi through eyes and Vi understood what he meant,

"Yeah he is....Right" Vi agreed with Ro, Jinks, Shikh and Rah too nodded

"Please naa broooossss" whined harry

"Stop making that face" Jass groaned and gave a light smack at Harry's head

"Guysss!! As you see...we don't have anything else to do, and you people seem why not watch it" Yuzi suggested with a grin

"Fine...I guess" Shikh and Jinks agreed, having nothing to do.

"I'll watch too" said kul and yuz smiled at him

While Rohirat and RahJass stared at them weirdly

"Come on guys!!!! It's not like we have some urgent work to do count me in" Jadd said

"Pweaseeeeee" whined Harry

"Aurghh!! Will you stop with that face......Fine!!" Rah agreed too

"What about you three" asked Jadd


'What do you think' Vi asked Ro through his eyes

'Not a good idea I guess' Ro signed back

'But, they'll annoy us more'

'Then we have no choice'

"Are you people talking through eyes!!!" Asked Yuzi dramatically

"Aww.....This bromance is amazing" Harry said placing a hand at his heart

"What's with you two"

"Okay okay...fine...I am in" Vi said defeatedly

"Count me in too" Ro sighed

"Then me too!!" Jass agreed

"Okay so people!! Grab the seats you wany to sit at and some snacks too!!!" Yuzi said getting excited

"Isn't it too much" asked Harry suspicious of Yuz's intentions

"Oh please Man, it's just the start"Yuz said looking at his nails for a dramatuc effect

"Why did I agree to this" Ro muttered to himself

"I don't know why" Vi said

"Harry you idiot, that's my seat" yelled Rah at Harry who was trying to sit at Rah's cushion

"No way!!!" Harry yelled

"Stop stealing my popcorns jadd bhai" complained Kul

"Why did I agree to this again" Ro asked for the nth time

Finally, they sat after a lot of chaos. Which included a pillow fight between harry and Rah, a popcorn eating contest between jadd and kul, the why am i here looks between JiViRo, the only people who managed to look normal were Jass and shikh.

"Okay so people!! Get ready for your first show!!"
Yuzi said and turned on the drama.

"Why do I feel that...." Ro started

"......It's a bad idea..." Vi said

" me you are not alone..." Jinks agreed to them


That's it for today!!
Do you people want a part 2 maybe??
And if you want!! Which kdrama do you want them to watch??

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