Rekindling the inner child

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Firstly Happy happy birthday siri_reddy akka❤️❤️.All the hugs and wishes from my side🤗🤗....have the best day even during this quarantine. I promised you a mahiro anyway so this is for you.

It could be said that it was a normal bright sunny day but with the ICT around no day was anywhere near normal.

However , the situation did seem slightly off nothing crazy had happened just yet.

Some kind of mishap just had to happen, it wasn't the same otherwise.

And just as normal a loud voice boomed, echoing across the empty hallways of the 5 star hotel they were staying in.

"Ro don't you even dare!" Hardik screamed chasing Rohit down the elegantly decorated hallways.

"What you going to do Harry? It's too late, I videoed it all and sent it on the group chat too," Rohit said while clutching his knees, catching his breath. "Now all that's left is to send it to Krunal!"

"NOOOOOO!!" Harry screamed on the top of his lungs which had caused Bhuvi to step out of his room and glare at the two.

It had turned out that the part of the team had decided to play a rowdy version of truth or dare (no points for guessing who suggested it) and Hardik happened to be the victim.

They had just managed to make Harry spill the truth on the many ridiculous things he's done and had managed to take one particular video which could very well make Natasa not talk to him ever again.

"Will you two please stop acting like kids!" Bhuvi cried exasperated. "What happened to you Ro?" Why are you acting so childish too?"

"Well...well..." Rohit stumbled he couldn't exactly tell Bhuvi that he was just playing around.

He was supposed to set an example after all. Virat was injured and had  been sent back to India nearing 10 days ago while the rest of the team finished the test series against Afghanistan.

"Ok ok, now calm down the two of you and we'll go back to Jassi's room." Bhuvi continued throwing one arm around Harry who looked genuinely upset and then sending a glance at Ro while walking back to the room the team was gathered in.

They decided to end the game there before anyone throws anymore tantrums.

And as if on cue MS walked into the room shaking his head.

"Seriously Ro, what's up with you! There was no need to blackmail Harry with that and now the whole team has the video," MS said sternly, that video really could cause problems. "Everyone delete it right now!" Which everyone obeyed too.

"But Bhai it was just a joke..." Ro said quietly with his head hung low which made MS shake his head slightly in disappointment.

"I didn't expect this from you Ro," MS said sternly.

Sensing the discomfort and the unusual awkward silence, Jaddu put in his idea of calling Virat.

Obviously the call was rowdy and loud.

"HELLOOOO!" The entire team boomed at once making Virat close his ears dramatically.

"You guys planning to make me go deaf now?" Virat teased.

"Virat,for your information, it's much quieter with you not around," Shikhar teased back.

"What's up? Why does Ro look a bit gloomy? Missing me?" Virat questioned. No matter how far away he was, he could always sense the discomfort on Ro's face.

"Oh shut up! I wasn't missing you! I was just... just... you know..." Ro said blatantly lying causing some to roll their eyes.

"See Mahi Bhai, Ro doesn't miss me! He doesn't love me!" Virat complained childishly.

"Mahi Bhai tell him that he's wrong! I do--" Rohit retorted, when halfway through the sentence realised what he was about to say.

"So you do miss me?" Virat questioned again.

"No I don't!' Rohit responded back.





"Cheeku, Ro stop right now." Mahi Bhai warned "Cheeku Ro misses you ok and Ro there's no point denying it!"

Virat just passed Ro a victory smirk while Ro sulked.

The team continued their rowdy phone call before they had to leave for dinner. But not before Virat managed to get himself a whole lecture from Mahi Bhai, Ro and Jinks all at once because he tried to do stupid something while injured.

The team left for dinner and honestly Ro and most of the team had forgotten about the earlier incident. But Mahi Bhai hadn't.

The team continued their usual mischief throughout dinner and nothing really seemed off then. And just to pour more fuel into the fire, Rohit managed to get himself into trouble again.

"Seriously Ro, leave Harry alone. Stop annoying him. Why are you being so childish today. Honestly what's up with you today?" Mahi Bhai said in a superior voice making Ro sulk just a bit more.

"Sorry..." He whispered in a small voice and started playing with his food which didn't go unnoticed by a pair of extremely observant eyes.

After dinner, the rest retired to sleep because for some reason the day had been usually exhausting even without Rohirat fighting.

The atmosphere naturally was bit quieter without Virat anyway and Ro unusually got himself told off twice in a day.

Ro stared up at the ceiling of his hotel room, unable to sleep.

It wasn't that late but still a big deal for him to not be asleep already.

It wasn't something new - Mahi Bhai telling them off was a daily but today it felt bad. Very very bad.

Firstly, no matter how much he denied it, it was an obvious fact that he was missing Virat. And secondly, he got told off by Mahi Bhai twice.

"I was only joking, watch I won't talk to him. Never ever again!" Rohit said to himself stubbornly and sulked.

While contemplating between calling Virat and just waking into someone's room to talk, he made up his mind to go to the terrace-his second favourite place after his bed- for some fresh air.

He sat by himself, letting the cool air hit against his face, letting his thoughts fly away with the wind.

On the other hand, Mahi Bhai never slept before consoling the one be told off. And the same way went to Rohit's room.

As far as he knew Rohit, he knew very well that Rohit was not asleep. Certainly not after he had told him off twice in a day.

When he opened the door to Ro's room he surprisingly found it empty and a small worry started to form. 

"Now where did Ro go this late at night?" MS thought to himself slightly concerned.

It suddenly struck him that Ro particularly liked staying alone on the terrace when he's upset and set off to look for this 32 year old child.

Never having the wrong judgement, he found Rohit sitting there staring at the pitch black sky counting the stars looking so lost that he didn't even realise a second person on the terrace.

He took a deep sigh and plopped beside Rohit to make his presence known.

"Hey Ro!" Mahi Bhai chirped.

"Oh hi..." Ro said acknowledging his presence.

"What's up with you today?" Mahi Bhai said warmly placing a hand on his shoulder.

"Great so he doesn't even know why I'm upset." Ro thought to himself even more disappointed.

"Nothing! I'm just being childish like you said," Ro scowled darkly shaking off MS' hand making MS sigh.

"He really is mad," he whispered to himself underneath his breath.

"Seriously Ro what's up with you?" Mahi Bhai continued ignoring Rohit's scowls.

"What wrong with me! What's wrong with me! You should know that!" Rohit cried astounded that he's being asked this.

"But I don't," MS lied effectively while attempting to pull the 32 year old kid he's dealing with closer.

Rohit just scowled more darkly making Mahi Bhai realise Rohit isn't going to budge.

"Ok ok, I don't know and I don't want to either," he consoled and changed the topic.

"Waise you know Ro, they say that couples and best friends subconsciously copy each others actions." MS said casually.

"And?... Why do I need to know that?" Rohit questioned deadpanned.

"Well I was just thinking that you sound awfully lot like Cheeku and right now you're acting like him too," MS said laying his plan..

"What's that meant to mean?" Rohit asked angrily. "You're telling me I act like Virat?"

"Yes of course," MS said grinning, his plan worked.

"I'm not Virat at all, he's an idiot and I'm no where near an idiot!" Rohit retorted aghast at the accusation thrown at him.

"I'll believe you on one condition. You have to answer any question I give you," Mahi Bhai said cleverly tricking Rohit into his trap.

In his haste to prove that he's not an idiot, Rohit agreed.

"Well in that case, why were you being so childish today?" Mahi Bhai questioned calmly.

"That.... yeah....i..." Rohit stammered.

"Ro, I know you're upset because I scolded you more than usual today when you were just having fun. You kinda just weren't being you and I scolded you for a reason and you know very well I don't do anything without a reason. So now tell me," MS said lovingly successfully calming an abnormally firey Rohit.

"After Virat left, I felt a bit low. I wanted it to be both of us snuggling into you fighting over who you love more. But when Virat leaves I get forced to grow up. I don't like growing up,not to you atleast" Ro said innocently while unknowingly leaning into Mahi Bhai's shoulder while the latter caressed his hair.

"Ro you know very well that'll never happen, and I'm sorry." Mahi Bhai said pulling Ro into a bear hug while Rohit just sniffled.

"I had to tell you off kiddo, you had to grow up for a while atleast. The newcomers were shocked to see you like that. If you're like that always, then they won't be as free with you, they'll just think you're jokey and won't be able to open up to you. No I couldn't have that could I?" MS explained gently with Rohit listening like an obedient child.

"I'm sorry too Bhai, I shouldn't have behaved so stupidly today. I guess I just missed being a kid. Your kid. Your first kid." Rohit apologised genuinely and Mahi Bhai ruffled his hair as a response.

"Next time you want to be a kid, just come and lie in my lap. There's no need to pull of such Virat like pranks,"  Mahi Bhai teased and Rohit laughed heartily.

"Don't tell Virat that," Rohit laughed.  "And what did you mean by I act like Virat?" He questioned inquisitively.

"Well you seem to be missing Cheeku so much that you started acting like him," Mahi Bhai teased making Ro flush a bit.

"Bhaaaiii that's not fair! I'm not Vi! You said you believed me!" Rohit whined sounding more Virat and less Rohit just then.

"Stop proving my point Ro," MS chuckled. "Also, leave a message or something the next time you leave your room. I was worried."

"Oh come on Bhai, I'm not that irresponsible," he whined again.

"Ok ok!" Mahi Bhai laughed " just don't let Virat hear that," he whispered.

"Ok I think we should go back down and sleep now," MS said realising the time.

"Please let's stay here na Bhai. Pleeaasee," Rohit said childishly snuggling more into Mahi Bhai seeming like he was in no mood to let go of him.

"Ok, ok I'll just go get a blanket or something and we can sleep here," Mahi Bhai agreed. It was rare that Rohit asked for something like this and when he did he never had the heart to deny him.

He was his first kid afterall!

HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY again Akka 💙💙. I know how much Mahiro means to you and I hope you liked this.

Loads of hugs and wishes from my side again ❤️❤️🤗🤗

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