The unsuspected pranksters

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It was one boring afternoon in the Indian cricket team. They had a day off and the team had nothing better to do than play games all day, and were doing exactly that. As usual all squished into one single room.

But for some reason, the same two people who never seemed to get bored of video games got up wailing they were bored.

"I'm boooooreeeeeeeedddd!" One of them wailed to nobody in particular.

"Shush, you leave then! Let us play!" Another shooed him swatting his hand around as if he were a fly.

"But Virat Bhaiya, we're getting bored. All we've been doing all day is playing video games," The second one spoke coming into defense of his extremely skinny friend.

"Kuliya, what happened to you today? I thought you loved video games? Usually you and Yuzi are the ones who drag us for game nights." Virat spoke tenderly -looking at the face the skinny guy was making- for this was his Kuliya. His kid.

"I agree with them Vi, it is getting a bit repetitive," another spoke up seeming eager to finish the game.

"Dear Ro that's because you always lose!" Virat taunted earning some chuckles from around the room and a certain best friend glaring at him.

They all did moan about how it was getting boring plenty of times earlier that day but still carried on playing because that was just the way the team functioned.

But the skinny guy dragged out his innocent looking best friend out of the room into his own.

"What happened Yuzi? Why'd you drag me out like that in full speed!" Kul said calmly to his best friend. Sometimes his strength surprised him.

"Well, you know I'm bored! Can we do something else?" Yuzi asked his eyes twinkling.

"No don't even think I'm going to make any more tik toks with you!" Kul exclaimed hastily slightly terrified.

"No not tik toks... something else. Something more fun...." Yuzi whispered his eyes twinkling even more now.

"Like what?" Kuliya asked oblivious to the crazy scheme his best friend was plotting.

Yuzi leaned up to his best friend and whispered his plan earning himself a horrified expression.

"Noooo!" Kul wailed "Everyone is going to be so worried. And I can't lie to Virat Bhaiya."

"Pleaaaasee, pretty please. For me Kul." Yuzi pleaded sweetly and it was almost impossible for Kuliya to refuse Yuzi.

"But they're going to be mad," Kul said meekly "I don't want them to mad at me."

"Chill don't worry, I'll handle it. It'll be a perfect way to make our day better." Yuzi coaxed his younger brother.

Kuliya sighed lightly in approval making Yuzi squeal with delight as he continued to explain the plan in a hushed tone.


A while later, Yuzi came back into the room where the team was.

"Oh so you came back. It was quicker than we expected. Where's Kuliya?" Virat spoke in a sarcastic tone.

"He went out to talk to his mother, she called him and then he texted me saying that he was going into town to buy a couple of things. Oh and he's going to visit his friend here too" Yuzi spoke in a calm non Yuzi like tone.

"Wait he went alone!" Virat shot up

"Yeah, what's the big deal?" Yuzi mumbled mildly. He managed to surprise everyone in the room, even the half sleeping ones.

"It's working," Yuzi thought to himself and chuckled slightly.


"Oh come on Virat Bhaiya he's not a baby," Yuzi muttered causing many different reactions. Jassi had choked on his water and now Jaddu was violently patting his back trying.

"Jad stop hitting Jassi now and Yuzi explain." Bhuvi spoke up taking control seeing that Virat was currently fuming.

"Explain what? He can take care himself Bhaiya," Yuzi spoke again shocking the entire room. And this time Harry walked up to him and started shaking him vigorously.

"Aaaaaaaaahhhh, HARRY leave me!" Yuzi cried to which Harry surprisingly obeyed.

"Yuzi are you sure you haven't hit your head somewhere? You baby Kul and don't let him go anywhere alone then what happened today?" Rohit questioned concerned for both Kul and Yuzi.

"Rohitaaa Bhaiya I'm fine. What's wrong with me?" Yuzi questioned giggling to himself to which Rohit responded.

"No nothing, don't worry."

On the other hand, Kul did go out to meet his friend and was feeling extremely guilty for not telling anyone.

He knew that Yuzi would as it was part of the prank. To see everyone scared and distressed.

Kul didn't understand what was that fun in this prank. To him he was hurting his Virat Bhaiya nothing else.

But then again he couldn't refuse Yuzi.

It had been over 4 hours that he went out. He knew that naturally his phone would be ringing non stop but he ignored it as part of their plan.

"Why isn't he picking up his calls! He never usually does this. I hope he's ok!" Virat ranted pacing back and forth throughout the room.

"Calm down Vi, he'll be back soon. There's probably a logical reason to why he isn't picking up his phone." Jinks whispered calming Virat down a bit.

"I hope so!" Virat said in a concerned tone and then glared at Yuzi. "Why are you not freaking out! You'd usually be the first too!"

"Virat Bhaiya he's not a baby. I've said that for the fifth time today." Yuzi faked mild irritation.

"He's officially lost his mind!" Harry declared goofing around.

"Harry.." Bhuvi said sternly glaring successfully shutting the former up.

Eventually, Kul returned to the hotel and snuck into his room. He quickly dropped off his shopping in his room and half jogged half sprinted to Rahul's room where everyone was.

Seeing Kul enter the whole room let out a sigh of relief and Virat ran up to his kid embracing him tight.

"Where were you kiddo? We were a so scared. You never go out alone, and that too in an unknown country. And Yuzi was acting so weird." Virat rambled on until he realised that Kul wasn't speaking.

"Answer me then," he questioned in an authoritative voice.

"Give him a chance atleast," Jinks said peacefully while Virat nodded and raised his eyebrows at Kul.

"Virat Bhaiya....I..." Kul started but then trailed off seeing Virat's red eyes.

Virat had teared up and tears threatened to drop but he held them back with great difficulty.

Seeing Kul trail off Yuzi completed.
"It was a prank Bhaiya," he muttered mustering up the courage to face an  angry yet concerned elder brother.

"A PRANK! I WAS TERRIFIED!" Virat cried embracing Kuliya again tight as if he was scared he was going to lose him.

Although he knew his Kuliya would be back, he was his kid and he was terrified for his naïve kiddo.

"We're sorry Virat Bhaiya...." The spin twins replied simultaneously.

"No I'm angry at both of you! That was not a good prank!" Virat wailed and stomped out of the room.

Rohit looked at Kuliya and Yuzi's crestfallen face and said "He'll come around sooner than you know,"

Kul simply nodded before rushing back to his own room.

He felt awfully guilty that he had made Virat Bhaiya cry.

"I made Virat Bhaiya cry," Kul wailed and broke down into Yuzi's arms.

It hurt Yuzi to see Kul like that and he felt guilty too.

"No Kul it's not your fault. It's mine. I made you do this even when you didn't want to." Yuzi spoke quietly and the guilt in his voice could easily be made out.

"I'm going to fetch Virat Bhaiya here right now and we can apologise together." Yuzi cried determinedly.

Luckily for him, Virat had calmed down and made his way to their room already.

He sat beside Kul and took him into his embrace.

"I'm sorry Bhaiya! I didn't want you to be sad. I'm sorry I'll never do it again," Kul said in a small voice.

"Hey hey, Kuliya I'm not angry. I was just worried about you. You know you mean the world to me right." Virat spoke in calm elder brotherly tone and then quickly changed " And that was a damn good prank. Yuzi's idea I guess"

Virat winked at Yuzi and the three of them burst out into laughters. The rest of the team slowly flocked into the room too some scolding them lightly and some laughing it off.

The most unexpected one had pulled a prank on the team after being pushed into it and successfully managing to scare the captain out of his wits. And this may just be the start of many more......

Happy Birthday bleedblue2011 dii ❤️❤️. All the love and hugs from me 🤗🤗. Have a great day and stay cheerful! I know this wasn't as great but still hope you liked this tiny gift from my side.

Your Kuliya ❤️

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