The Birthday Planning

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4th November 2020 - 7:00 pm

The birthday eve of a very certain someone. The Indian Team's captain, the pride of India and most importantly a certain Indian Cricket Team's brother.

It was an odd birthday this year for the captain - usually celebrated amongst his soul brothers, felt a bit weird this time. Yes, he did have his beloved RCB team but it just wasn't the same to him.

He wanted his friends. His best friends. His brothers.

His thought process was broken with a loud shriek of "Viraaaaattt Bhaaaiyyyaaaaa!"

"Yes Dev, you need something?" Virat replied in a tone flowing with love and care.

"Yes the chocolates you promised me," Dev demanded in a childish voice putting up his best pouty face. Virat chuckled to himself and tossed a bag at Dev.

"Don't eat too many, or I'll make you run more on the treadmill," he threatened playfully while Dev could just nod vigorously before putting his entire attention on the chocolates.

Virat was about to go back to his "I'm trying to be grumpy" mode, when Dev saw his more than usual solemn face. Not able to take his Virat Bhaiya's sadness he dropped the chocolates and took Virat into a massive bear hug.

Virat stumbled back before gaining balance and then stared at Dev confused. What was up now?

"What happened kiddo?" he asked softly.

"Virat bhaiya you're sad, I don't like you being sad." Dev blurted out adorably.

"No Dev, I'm not sad. I'm just ... uh yeah.. disappointed." Virat fumbled trying not to build suspicion.

"Bhaiya you do realise that disappointed is a synonym for sad right?" Dev retorted with a unbelievable expression. "Tell me, why are you upset."

"I'm not upset kiddo," Virat said blatantly lying, oblivious that a brain was cooking up the worst possible situations.

"Bhaiya, forget all that. It's your birthday tomorrow! You should be happy and excited not moping around," Dev squealed hopping around like a 5 year old on a sugar rush.

Virat couldn't help but let out a hearty laugh at his excitement. How does he tell him that he wants to be with his team after not seeing them for almost a period of 7 months.

Dev continued babbling with his beloved Virat bhaiya poking a finger at him here and there. Initially, he used to feel awkward around Virat Bhaiya but now was a completely different story.

Much to Dev's dismay, his phone rang obnoxiously loud. He groaned at the fact that he had to give up his comfy spot (Virat's lap) and take the call.

As soon as he stepped outside, a familiar arm grabbed him tight and dragged him away.

"Yuzi Bhaiya where are you dragging me?" Dev questioned hastily.

"No time for questions, just come with me," Yuzi said continuing to drag him along.

Dev seriously wondered how Yuzi, the one who could literally be carried away with the wind, drag him with so much power.

After a lot of dragging and many "Yuzi Bhaiya why"s, Yuzi sat Dev down onto a bed with precisely 4 other people. Namely Nav, Shiv, and surprisingly Rahul and Mayank.

Hadn't the two returned back to India?

"Right! Now we have enough people." Yuzi exclaimed rubbing his hands mischievously.

"For exactly what?" Nav questioned.

"Oh Nav, it's Virat Bhaiya's birthday tomorrow and we absolutely need to do something. And I've got the perfect idea," Yuzi announced gleefully.

"Urm sorry to interrupt Yuzi but this was our idea," Rahul piped in causing Yuzi to frown and mumble something about credit stealers.

"Urrmm... Bhaiya can we discuss the idea then," Shivam interrupted before they 'seniors' drifted off into something else.

"Right, yes. Where was I?" Yuzi continued gladly.

"THE PLAN!" Mayank exclaimed slightly exasperated.

As if sneaking into the RCB hotel wasn't enough, Yuzi just had to make it worse.

"Aaah yes, so you kids know the best hiding spots in the hotel because you've played hide and seek here so we need your help." Yuzi said all in one breath.

Mayank and Rahul shared a confused look. Hide and seek?

Whereas Shiv, Nav and Dev wanted to sink through the ground. How embarrassing!

"Bhaaiyaaaa!" the three kids whined.

"Back to the point. We're sending Virat on a scavenger hunt." Rahul exclaimed equally excited.

This time it was the younger members in the room to share confused looks.

"Oh for God sake, neither of you can explain anything properly!" Mayank cried out tired.

"Then you say it Monkus!" Rahul exclaimed clearly bursting with happiness.

Mayank rolled his eyes at the name and carried on
"So as you know every year Virat celebrates his birthday with the Indian team and this year he's not. And with Corona they haven't been able to meet but they didn't forget to pass on gifts for him." Mayank finished earning the "oh I understand face" times 3.

He continued, "speaking off, Rah go fetch the bag!"

"Why me!" Rahul grumbled quite annoyed as he'd been comfortably stretched out onto Yuzi's bed.

"Because I said so! And I'm older than you," Mayank ordered.

What is it with the "I'm older"!
Dev couldn't help but stifle a laugh at his Karnataka seniors earning a glare from a certain Virat's Rahuliyaaa.

Groaning about he got the most uncaring, annoying best friend Rahul got up walked precisely 4 steps to the corner of the room and lugged out a large bag.

"So, you kids each take a a few gifts and hide them around the hotel. We'll manage Virat bhaiya! Off you go now! Shoo!" Yuzi proclaimed and continued to shoo the three kids out of the room.

The three of them looked at each other and sighed. If this was anyone else they'd probably say no, but this was their Virat bhaiya.

Their Virat bhaiya, the one who protected them, the one who cared for them, the one who pampered them. They'd do anything for him.

On the other hand, Virat was still wearing his solemn face when his Rahuliyaaa burst through the door. He'd managed to somehow convince the KXIP management to let Rahul and Mayank stay.

Rahul was given the task of making sure Virat doesn't step out of his room. So currently his acting skills were being put to test. Not that Rahul didn't want to hog Virat for himself.

"Hi Rahuliyaaa!" Virat boomed at the top of his voice.

Talk about mood swings

Rolling his eyes at the name he kicked of his shoes and went and put his head in Virat's lap taking Virat completely by surprise.

Rahul wasn't the one who would openly whine for affection, he had to do it himself.

"I-urm... Rahuliyaaa you ok?" Virat felt compelled to ask no matter how nice it felt.

"I have a spitting headache and Monku is just making it worse!" Rahul whined.

Virat chuckled. Rahul frowned. Virat burst out into laughter. Rahul scowled.

"Ok ok sorry, I'll press your head. Don't become Scowliya now," Virat teased playfully causing Rahul to scowl even more.

Virat did press Rahul's head while having their own little banter when Rahul's phone lit up with a call from Mayank.

It was an indication for the second part of their plan.

"Viratttt....." Rahul dragged out.

"Rahuliyaaaaaaa...." Virat imitated.

"Virat can we go to mine and Mayank's room now?" Rahul pleaded.

"I thought you were annoyed at him," Virat laughed. "Ok let's go."

The two of them set out to Mayank and Rahul's assigned room. While Rahul sent a knowing glance at Dev, Nav and Shivam.

Half way through walking down, they were met with a very annoyed Anushka who demanded that Virat spends time with her till whenever she says so.

Fearing her anger, Virat threw Rahul an apologetic look while Anushka winked at him.

Rahul waited till they were out of sight, to let out his massive burst of laughter.

The plan had only just begun...

To one of my favourite players of the game ever, wishing you the happiest birthday ever 🥳❤️

Virat's birthday has always been a special day for me, especially because it was this time last year that I started writing ICT fictions.So I guess happy one year to me!

Also apologies if this was terrible, I've definitely lost my touch.

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