Just because it's you! (Bhuvi-Virat)

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"Why isn't he picking my call??," Virat asked angrily as he paced to and fro and his room with TV switched on.

"He got injured few minutes back, sure you did see that, Virat?," Jinks explained from other side on call.

"He limped off the field on the first ball of last over and the game is over. Why isn't he picking now?," Virat shouted with disappointment.

"He must be with physio and other teammates, Vi," Jinks sighed.

"Who is more important to him, I or those teammates of his??," Virat asked indignantly, completely pissed off by Bhuvi who wasn't recieving his call for past half an hour.

Virat saw Bhuvi getting injured during the match and was furious and even concerned when Bhuvi decided to continue with bowling even after getting injured but however, had to leave midway due to pain. Since then, Virat has been trying to call him, but he wasn't answering.

And The Virat Kohli didn't like the idea of his friends not giving him attention or giving someone more than him at all. So he decided upon calling his best friend to have someone to listen to him.

Jinks, finally getting some sleep after two sleepless nights due to team gatherings, was very much refused the right to sleep by his best friend that very moment.

"Why did he need to bowl when he knew he got injured?," Virat asked exasperated.

"Why don't you ask this to Bhuvi himself, Virat?," Jinks said drily.

"Only if he answers my call!," Virat grunted.

"He will, you know that, wait for sometime." Said Jinks who, for once badly wanted to sleep.

"I can't wait, Jinksy." Virat said, calling Bhuvi again after he didn't get a call from him in last five minutes.

"It's been just five minutes since you last called him, Vi," Jinks said mildly.

"It's been five minutes already, Jinksy!," Virat said, "THERE HE IS!"

"WHERE WERE YOU?", Virat shouted as soon as he answered Bhuvi's call. "I've been calling you for past half an hour!"

"One and a half hour actually! You've been whining to me about that half hour for more than an hour now." Jinks mumbled hastily.

Bhuvi sighed.

I should have known, Bhuvi thought.

"I'm sorry, Virat, I didn't notice my phone.", Bhuvi said.

Virat's eyebrows twitched.

I know this tone of Bhuvi, Virat's mind was already jumping into action.

"What's wrong, Bhuvi?", Virat asked in serious voice.

"Virat, he got injured, didn't he?", Said Jinks who was silent. "How's your injury, Bhuvi?"

"It's fine.", Bhuvi said and Virat knew it wasn't.

"Good. You two talk, I'm going." Jinks said, sighing.

"How's your injury, Bhuvi?", Virat repeated the question.

"It's fine." Bhuvi repeated the answer.

"I got that but what physio said about your injury?" Virat asked drily, knowing if injury had something to do with Bhuvi getting upset, it can't be fine.

Bhuvi sighed, he couldn't fool Virat anyway.

"I've been ruled out of IPL." Bhuvi said slowly in other way round.

"Ruled out just of IPL, right?" Virat asked, not wanting to hear what he feared.

"No." Bhuvi mumbled.


"I can't play for another few months." Bhuvi said.

"WHAT? WHY?" Virat almost shouted over phone.

Expected. Bhuvi knew this would be Virat's reaction if he gets to know that he won't be joining them for next tour.

"Of course, because of my injury, Virat." Bhuvi said in obvious tone.

"Is it severe?" Virat asked, both concerned and disappointed. He didn't want Bhuvi to not be in the team. He was looking forward to be with everyone together once again.

"No." Bhvui said quickly.

Virat sighed. "Sure?"

"Yeah." Bhuvi smiled.

"I wanted you to be there." Virat said after a moment. "It's been so long since we all played together."

"It's okay, Virat, it isn't the last time, is it? And it's just about next few months." Said Bhuvi.

"Still-I wanted all of us together." Virat said whinily.

"We don't need to be physically at one place to be together, Virat." Bhuvi said sincerely.

At this, Virat was reminisced of the first day he met Bhuvi. That kid! This was the first impression of Bhuvi on Virat. That scared angelic kid! Virat chuckled to himself as he recalled how scared Bhuvi looked when he was standing there in middle of all of them.

And today, how things have changed, Bhuvi, being one of the very few people who can manage a sulky Virat, angry Virat, mad Virat, and say any mood of Virat. Oh, he wanted Bhuvi to be with him! Virat thought vividly.

"Yeah, I know that but I want you to be there physically so desperately." Virat said more whinily.

"I'll be there physically when Viratee comes." Bhuvi grinned.

Virat raised his eyebrows.

"Will you?"

"Yes!" Bhuvi said firmly.

"I promise you alongwith Ro, Mahi Bhai, Rahuliya, Jinksy, Shikh, Jad, Kuliya, Jassi and handful of people more will be the first one to meet Viratee." Virat grinned back.

Bhuvi laughed hearing that.

"Are you sure you don't have to say alongwith half of the country?" Bhuvi asked while laughing.

"I doubt so." Virat laughed too.

"Bhuvi, what should Viratee call you?" Virat asked interestingly.

"Chachu, of course." Bhuvi said casually.

"You don't look like a Chachu!" Virat teased.

"Don't mess around, Virat." Bhuvi said.

Virat chuckled, "How about Bhuviiii like Sammy does?" He asked excitedly.

"I won't let you teach her call our names, Virat. My Viratee will decide what she wants to call me." Bhuvi said making a mental note of this.

"You guys are already favouring her even before she's born!" Virat said dramatically.

"Of course!" Bhuvi replied chuckling.

"When are you returning back then?" Virat asked recalling something.

"In a day or two I guess." Bhuvi replied.

"Uh okay.. I'll be coming to airport." Virat said, thinking of the ways he could sneak out.

"You don't need to, Virat." Bhuvi said amused.

"I know I don't need to but I want to!" Virat said shrugging.

"Well, I want to meet you too!" Bhuvi admitted.

"You think I didn't know that?" Virat asked with a smirk.

"Oh, yes!" Bhuvi laughed a little.

At airport, Bhuvi stood waiting for Virat as there were only ten minutes left for the flight.

"He might have been caught up with something." Bhuvi said to himself as he checked the time again.

"I should go in!" Bhuvi sighed in disappointment.

As he started to walk in, he heard his name being screamed at top of the voice.



"Virat?," Bhuvi was amused to see Virat running towards him.

"You didn't leave, right?" Virat asked, breathing rapidly, as he stopped taking Bhuvi's right arm.

"I'm standing right here, Virat." Bhuvi shook his head. " But why were you screaming? You've half of the airport's attention now."

"I thought you would leave." Virat said sheepishly. "Sorry, I got late as I slipped off the stairs and cramped my leg."

"What? How did you? Is it alright?" Bhuvi asked in horror.

"It's fine, Bhuvi. Just a bit, it is. It was there for just an hour. I don't even have pain now." Virat said as he slung an arm around horrified Bhuvi to calm him down.

"Oh, Virat, you didn't need to come here." Bhuvi said guiltily.

"I already told you," Virat said. "I didn't need to but I wanted to!"

"Moreover, I had to come." Virat said as he caught Bhuvi's doubtful eyes.


"Just because it's you! Isn't that simple?" Virat said shrugging.

"Virat, you.. " Bhuvi tried but failed to spell out what he wanted to making Virat smile.

"Sir, you need to get in now." The person beside Bhuvi spoke indicating towards the flight.

"Thanks for coming, Virat." Bhuvi said with a guilty smile.

"Take care." Said Virat hugging Bhuvi. "I don't want one of my key bowlers to miss any more tours, okay?"

"Yes, yes!" Bhuvi smiled at his captain.

Virat always knew to make him smile!

"I don't want you to go.", Virat sighed to which Bhuvi showed him the time gesturing he had to leave.

"Okay, I get that. Come back in the team soon." Virat stated.

Bhuvi nodded with a smile.

Virat gave him a side hug for last time before letting him go. Bhuvi waved at him as he walked away.

Both of them waited desperately for meeting again and as Virat said, being physically there together.


So, how was it?

I came across lots of Bhuvi and Virat's pics so wanted to write something on them. I love them so much! 💖

Hope you guys liked it! Do vote and comment!

Love ❤️

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