Vice Versa! (HulRat)

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Rahul wasn't someone who gets angry easily and loses his head. He wasn't like Virat whom everything affected quite a lot unlike him who wasn't very much affected by a lot of things or at least he pretended to.

But right now Rahul sat in his room fuming about the recent happening, not even attempting to calm down.
How could he?!

"Rahuliya? Rahuliya.." Virat came hurtling towards him. He sighed in relief as he saw Rahul.

"You gave me heart attack there, Rahuliya. Never knew you can be so savage to media." Said Virat putting an arm around a protesting Rahul.

After Virat had successfully been able to drag Rahul along him to press meet, he realised it had not been very good idea. Well, everything was going quite smooth untill a press reporter decided to play with Rahul's nerve by bringing the KWK topic. However, Rahul answered the questions calmly but things became haywire when the reporter put finger on Hardik.

"Don't you think Hardik Pandya spoilt your career along his own?"

"Surely, you would have wanted him banned forever?"

"You must be maintaining distance from certain people after that?"

"So you think allowing people like Hardik Pandya play again will set wrong example for youngsters?"

Now, you can't expect anyone to answer such awful questions about his best friend, can you? Rahul had glanced sideways at Virat for support when he snapped back at the reporter but Virat, being too shocked at Rahul's sudden reaction remained silent which agitated Rahul even more. He left the press meet in between leaving everyone muttering things under their breath. Virat wrapped it up as soon as he could and rushed to Rahul's room.

"Though being a captain and as an elder brother, I must tell you, what you did is really not acceptable. You can't shout at media people like that, Rahuliya." Virat said being in his elder brother elements and Rahul refused to look at him at all. "I know they provoked you but still you can't go on shouting on every question they ask even if it is shit." Virat added quickly. as he saw Rahul opening his mouth to protest.

If Rahul wasn't this infuriated, he would have pointed out that how very unusual it was to have Virat saying all this to him but he was too busy being furious that his mind wasn't making sense in anything else.

For once, it was happening all vice versa. Virat handling a furious Rahul wasn't something you would get to witness on a normal day. Virat acting maturely was still less strange that Rahul being hot headed was.

"And look, Rahuliya, I understand that what happened at KWK was a mistake but media doesn't. Harry did say..." Said Virat in the best and the most calm way he could but this didn't go very well with Rahul.

"So you are also saying that Hardik should have been banned forever?? That his career should have ended just because of a damn talk show??" Rahul looked mad than ever before as he stood up violently accusing Virat. "You can't expect me to listen those things about Hardik and answer back politely. For god's sake, Virat, Hardik happens to be my best friend!"

How could Virat say he was wrong?

He expected Virat would understand but Virat was taking side of that brat who was trying to defame Hardik. Rahul felt even more enraged at Virat than he felt at the reporter.

"Look, Rahuliya, you're getting it wrong. I didn't mean.. " Virat tried to explain.

"Can you listen if anyone says such things about Ro in front of you?" Rahul turned on Virat. "Answer me, Virat, can you?"

"You can't. I know." Rahul said turning his back towards Virat without waiting for a reply. "Or may be you can but I can't, Virat. I'm not you. I don't enjoy fake rifts and rumors like you do. May be you don't care if they say awful things about your best friend to you but I do. You don't care if your best friend faces criticism because of you but I do. Did you ever know how badly they were trolling Ro? No, you didn't. Because you never asked Ro about it, did you? You never cared if Ro was upset about it. You never stood..."

Wait, did he just...


Rahul looked at Virat horrified as the realisation hit him what he had said in his rage. One look at Virat and he knew the harm had been done. Virat's face was expressionless.

"Virat, I'm sorry." Rahul said quickly, guilt ridden. "I'm really sorry."

Virat remained silent and took out his phone and called someone while Rahul desperately made futile attempts to say anything further but under Virat's silence and expression, he felt compelled to stay silent and obliged to wait to see what Virat was doing.

Was he calling Rahul's parents?

But he wasn't a school kid that the principal would call his parents when does a mistake!

But he was a player who had just shouted not only on a media reporter but on his elder brother who was his captain too!

"Ro?" Said Virat as Rohit picked the call and put it on speaker. "Were you upset about our rift rumors?"

"Why do you call at the every damn time I'm sleeping, Vi?" Said Rohit sounding still half asleep.

"Were you upset about our rift rumors, Ro?" Virat asked again while Rahul looked from Virat to the phone in his hands.

"We planned it together, didn't we?" Rohit frowned. "Why would I be upset?"

"Did you know that people were trolling you because of that rift of ours?" Virat asked maintaining his dead calm tone.

"If you don't remember, Vi, you were furious about it and you came to me saying that we should end this fake rift." Rohit said perplexed. "But why are you asking this?"

"Bye, Ro!" Virat disconnected the call ignoring Rohit's curses.

"I hope your misunderstandings are clear, Rahul." Virat said gravely looking at Rahul who was visibly scared at the sudden turn if events.

And, wait, did Virat just call him Rahul?

He must be really hurt if he is calling me Rahul. Rahul thought miserably.

Virat didn't wait for a reply and left the room leaving a remorseful Rahul behind. Rahul wanted with all his heart to stop Virat but he couldn't muster the courage to look into Virat's eyes right now. He desperately wished in his heart that Virat would come back laughing and say he wasn't angry but his wish was mercilessly crushed when the faint footsteps of Virat died away. He knew Virat had left.

Why didn't Virat shout at him?

Why didn't he throw sarcasm or taunt?

Why didn't he snap back?

Rahul thought miserably. What Virat did was worse than any of these. Though, he knew he was one of the people Virat usually doesn't get upset with but today, he managed to do that too. He, definitely, has pissed him off.

Mayank entered the room after around an hour and found Rahul fidgeting with his phone sitting in a corner.

"What happened?" asked Mayank sitting beside him.

"Virat is angry on me." Rahul said awfully. He was still not able to make up himself to go and apologize to Virat.

"Come on, K, we all know if there is anyone Virat can't be upset with then it's you." Said Mayank trying to cheer up Rahul.

"You know what happened at the press meet?" Asked Rahul, still fidgeting with his phone.

"Yes, I do!" Said Mayank but he didn't sound like he disagreed with what Rahul did.

"I shouted.. awful things at Virat." Said Rahul slowly. He didn't want to discuss or justify what happened at press meet anymore.

"You? You shouted awful things at Virat??" Asked Mayank unbelievably making Rahul feel more guilty.

"Yeah, I did." Rahul sighed.

"So you apologized but Virat is still angry?" Mayank asked not pressing on what he said.

"I couldn't apologize!" Rahul said looking down in low tone.

"Ah.. Why?" Mayank prompted.

"I–I just couldn't!" Rahul whispered audibly.

"You know, K, just go and talk to him. I know–even you know that Virat can't be angry at you. You're just overthinking." Said Mayank confidently.

"What will I say to him? How will i convince him?" Asked Rahul miserably.

"You already know that." Mayank smiled. "You can melt his heart in a second– just the same way he can melt Mahi Bhai's."

"Virat?" Rahul said hesitantly, entering Virat's room.

Virat looked up from where he was sitting but didn't reply. Rahul walked up to him and sat before him.

"I'm sorry, Virat." Rahul said nervously. "I'm really sorry about what I said. I know I shouldn't have said those. Dunno why I got so angry at you when the fault was all mine."

"Vi.. Virat, say something. Shout if you want to!" Said Rahul helplessly. Virat was still silent, showing no desire of having a talk. "Virat, please say something."

"Leave, Rahul." Said Virat finally.

"I won't." Rahul said firmly.

"Please leave, Rahul." Virat said again, still coldly.

"I won't leave unless you talk to me." Rahul said being stubborn.

"Okay then I will leave." Virat snapped and got up.

"Please don't go," said Rahul tearfully, holding Virat's hand. "Virat Bhaiya!"

Virat's features softened immediately.

Did he actually hear Virat Bhaiya?!

Virat's heart melted faster than ice melts on heat.

"I'm sorry, Virat Bhaiya. I didn't mean it. I really didn't. I know I shouldn't have shouted those things. I–I was stupid, Virat Bhaiya. I really was. You were right. You are always right. I shouldn't have behaved that way in press meet too. I was too angry to listen and understand what you were saying. I'm so sorry, Virat Bhaiya."

"Please, don't be angry at me, Virat Bhaiya. I hate you being silent with me. I don't like you being like this. You always say you're elder to me then scold me, Virat Bhaiya, but don't be like this. Did I ever tell you I love being called Rahuliya, Virat Bhaiya, but only if it's you?! I'm sorry, please behave like.. like you again, Virat Bhaiya." Rahul said in what sounded like Kuliya-like voice to Virat.

"Are you– are you still angry?" Rahul asked in choking voice after a whole minute.

"Rahuliya," Virat said hugging Rahul, "how can I ever be angry at you?"

Rahul didn't reply but hugged back Virat even more tightly, not wanting to let him go. Virat held him for as long as he wanted.

How often does he see his Rahuliya hugging and expressing himself like this?

How often does Rahuliya call him Virat Bhaiya like this?

How often does Rahuliya admit that he loves being called Rahuliya by only and only him?

Rahuliya, actually behaving like a kiddo and clinging to him like his life depended on him was something he would cherish forever now.

"Kiddo," Virat called lovingly after some time, "I'm not going anywhere. I'm here only."

"I hate it when you're silent with me." Rahul said still not breaking the hug.

Virat's heart was overwhelmed by now that he, himself started feeling guilty for being silent with his Rahuliya for whole day.

"I'm sorry, kiddo, you were so upset because of me." Virat said stroking his hair gently.

"No." Rahul broke the hug and shook his head vehemently. "It was all my fault. I shouldn't have.."

"Forget it, Rahuliya. How much will you apologize now? Let's forget all this, kiddo." Virat said cutting off Rahul and sitting beside him. Rahul leaned on him keeping his head on Virat's shoulder.

"Now, see, Rahuliya, I'm being myself. You too start behaving like you or else I'll make you shout on me everyday so that you behave like this little brother to me everyday, kiddo." Virat said gently and lovingly with a little laugh.

After muttering a lot of sweet nothings, Virat managed to bring a smile on Rahul's face which lit up Virat's face as well.

"Are you feeling okay, Rahuliya?" Virat asked.

"Yes, I'm okay, Virat." Rahul said sounding normal but still not lifting his head. "And don't call me Rahuliya."

"I liked you calling me Virat Bhaiya better, Rahuliya, but now that you are feeling sensible again you won't do that." Virat teased.

Rahul calling him Virat and protesting on being called Rahuliya was normal.

Absolutely normal.

"Did you eat anything, Virat?" Asked Rahul suddenly realising that whenever Virat is angry, the first thing he does is to stop eating his meals.

"Um.. No." Virat said meekly and Rahul shook his head giving I-knew-it sort of expression.

"Let's order something in room only." Rahul said while picking the phone.

Was it Virat's imagination or Rahul really reluctantly lifted his head from Virat's shoulder?

"Wait, did you too eat nothing, Rahuliya?" Virat asked raising his eyebrows while Rahul shook his head. "I didn't feel like eating. I knew you wouldn't have eaten anything." Rahul said looking quite embarrassed.

"I love you too, kiddo, but you didn't need to stay hungry." Virat grinned listening to him.

"Can we order something now?" Rahul said trying to divert the topic.

"Suuuree, Rahuliya." Virat said teasingly.

"Don't call me Rahuliya." Rahul said looking away, trying to hide his smile which was already caught by Virat.



So, I finally wrote a HulRat! Really wanted to write one since so long! Though I don't know how it is!

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Love ❤️

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