Stick together (RohiRat)

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"You're the best captain, Virat Bhaiya." Jassi said for the third time during the highlights they were watching.

Virat ruffled Jassi's hair, smiling as he was just sitting next to him.

There came the scene where Virat was playing with bracelet and he put it on Rishabh's ear.

"If anyone laughs for the next sixty overs, then see!" Everyone heard the same stern voice which Virat had used.

Everyone fell silent and turned to see Rohit standing with same expression as Virat and bursted out laughing.

Virat had been so busy rolling his eyes that he didn't even turned around as he knew this was coming.

Then there came the scene where Virat and Rohit hugged each other after they finally managed to take a successful DRS.

"Can I just mention how happy I'm that these two stopped their stupid, fake rift drama?" Rahul said delightfully.

"Exactly!" Both Jinks and Jassi quickly agreed in unison. These two were probably the most annoyed by their so called rift.

Virat looked at Rohit. We even managed to annoy Jinksy and Rahuliya!

Rohit looked at Virat. Let's not end it then?

Both of them turned their heads either sides and said in a cold voice, "We still have a rift."

Everyone stared at the two of them.

"AHAHAHAHA" Jaddu laughed maniacally and soon everyone joined in.

Virat and Rohit looked at them confusedly.

"What do you two think? That this is some Ekta Kapoor daily soap?" Mayank said while laughing.

"Where you two would plan through your eyes and none of us would even notice?" Rahul completed him earning a glare from Virat.

"Jokes apart, our team is at its best when these two stick together." Jinks said wisely as always.

"Yes!" Jassi said eagerly. "Virat Bhaiya and Rohit Bhaiya being together completes our team—completes our family."

"Knowing that they are together keeps our team in high spirits." Rahul joined in too.

"As we know that when they are together they will make us win, no matter what." Mayank continued.

"Virat Bhaiya and Rohit Bhaiya being there keeps the whole team united, as a family." Rishabh added, excitedly walking up to Virat and putting his bracelet on Virat's ear the same way Virat had done.

"When you two are together, we can fight anything in the world." Jinks, Jassi, Rahul, Mayank and everyone completed in unison, leaving Virat and Rohit speechless for a moment.

Virat and Rohit couldn't hide the fleeting mushy look on their faces.

"Are you two gonna cry?" Jaddu grinned.

"Shut up!" Virat said flatly which only made Jaddu grin harder.

Virat wondered what had he done to deserve this team—this family! Well—Virat would whole heartedly credit Mahi Bhai for making a family out of this team. It was his team, after all. His family! And it will always remain like that. Mahi Bhai! Virat suddenly missed Mahi Bhai so much.

"I'm sleepy." Mayank said suddenly. "Let's go now."

"Yeah, right, let's go to sleep." Virat said, switching off the projector they had set up. "And I'm sure you guys must be tired too."

Almost everyone nodded in agreement and called it a day. Jassi pressed himself against Virat for one last time before leaving. He was in no mood to let go of Virat Bhaiya today!

"You're the—"

"If he's the best captain, then what am I, Jassi?" Rohit asked gravely.

"You're the best too, Rohit Bhaiya!" Jassi said earnestly.

"How can we both be the best captain, Jass?" Rohit asked maintaining his seriousness.

"But for me you both are the best!" Jassi said innocently.

"Stop teasing him, Ro!" Virat ordered, averting his gaze which was quickly noticed by Rohit.

Rohit rolled his eyes and extended an arm towards Jassi with a grin. Jassi obliged happily.

"You both are the best captain and elder brothers!" Jassi said sweetly.

Virat and Rohit both squeezed Jassi from either sides finally making the kid full with pampering and love.

Virat and Rohit also walked to their room after Jassi left and found Jinks around the croner.

"You two didn't sleep?" Jinks asked.

"Just going to." Rohit replied, who had already started to yawn.

"No! Um, I wanna get some fresh air. I'll just go and sit on terrace for sometime." Virat said hastily as he walked past them.

"What's up with him?" Jinks asked to Rohit.

"He's missing, Mahi Bhai." Rohit said.

"Mahi Bhai?" Jinks frowned. "How do you know?"

"I—I just know!" Rohit mumbled.


"We are lucky that we don't need to give justification to anyone when we call Mahi Bhai the best captain and elder brother, right, Vi?" Rohit said, slipping beside Virat and passing a hot mug of coffee to him.

Virat looked at his best friend skeptically, as if making sure that this wasn't a clone of Rohit who had just chosen to have coffee instead of sleeping at night.

"Will you hold the mug or should I directly pour it into your mouth?" Rohit asked impatiently.

"Jerk!" Virat muttered while taking the mug from him.

It's not his fault. It's not everyday you see Rohit holding a mug of coffee which would of course take away his precious sleep. It wasn't normal. At least Virat won't call it normal. And he knew neither would Jinks or Jassi or anyone else.

"Yeah, I make coffee for you, come here instead of sleeping and even speak so nicely and I'm the one being jerk. Of course." Rohit said sarcastically.

"You made the coffee?" Virat asked, quite amused.

"Idiot" Rohit muttered and prioritised having his coffee over answering Virat's stupid question.

Virat smiled meekly and shifted towards Rohit, filling the space between them.

Rohit didn't protest at all.

"You're missing Mahi Bhai." Rohit said simply. It was a statement rather than a question.

"I suddenly miss him so much, Ro!" Virat said weakly.

"So do I." Rohit agreed.

"You know when I was making Rishabh understand that why I took the review, he asked me if I miss Mahi Bhai and—" Virat began.

Rohit sipped his coffee.

"—and I told him that I miss Bhai specially when we lose. He said he misses Mahi Bhai while taking reviews. But, Ro, I—" Virat stopped.

Rohit looked at him promptly.

"—I miss him everytime!" Virat said, looking at the stars. "You know, Ro, I feel he should have been here so that he-he could see for himself that the family he built is so strong today. I want to tell him that no matter what, this team will be his. This family will always remain his."

"Bhai would have been so proud of he was here. The previous win we had at Lord's under Mahi Bhai's captaincy was so special and today when we've again won here—this time under me, I still want him to be here. I want to tell him how happy I am and I want to listen that he's proud of me."

"You've no idea how greatly I'm proud of you, Cheeku!"

Virat looked around startled.

"Mahi Bhai?"

"Even if I'm not there, it can't lessen my pride of watching my little brother's success even a bit, kiddo!" Mahi Bhai spoke on the video call.

"Now, it feels like a complete win!" Virat said softly.

Virat had been so engrossed in talking to stars that he didn't notice when Rohit video called Mahi Bhai.

If it was someone else, Virat would have been highly embarrassed of being caught talking his heart out. But this was Mahi Bhai. Another person other than Ro who read his heart better than he did himself.

Virat grabbed the phone like he had been waiting to say this to Mahi Bhai for eternity now, "I miss you, Bhai."

Mahi smiled at his kid who had probably given India one of the most special wins to cherish but was whining in front of him that he missed his Mahi Bhai.

"I miss you too, kiddo." Mahi Bhai said contently. "But I'm so happy to see that my Cheeku has grown up so much. Didn't I always tell you that you're the best captain India can get? I'm so proud that I left team in your hands, Cheeku."

"You are the best captain we ever had, Mahi Bhai!" Virat said seriously. "And this team is still yours. It will always be."

"Just for the sake of today's win, I completely agree with him, Mahi Bhai." Rohit finally spoke, coming into the frame. "And you can thank me later." He said, turning to Virat.

"I'm glad you two ended your rift, by the way." Mahi Bhai said looking at them fondly. "When you two stays together, I know you guys will be alright."

Virat and Rohit eyes each other and caught each other smiling unexpectedly.

"Aren't you two tired to be awake whole night, Cheeku? Ro?" Mahi Bhai asked. "Why don't you go and sleep for a while? I'm sure Ro is more than willing to do that?" He added teasingly.

"Haan na, Mahi Bhai, this idiot was sulking alone here so—" Rohit began and stopped midway as he saw Virat's grin.

"I love you, Bhai! And I miss you so much!" Virat said turning towards Mahi Bhai before disconnecting the call.

None of them spoke anything for a while. It felt nice just sitting with each other, sipping coffee and enjoying the cool breeze and silence.

"You were right, Ro. We're lucky that we can proudly say Mahi Bhai is the best captain and elder brother we have!" Virat said, suddenly remembering what Rohit had said.

"No doubt he's the best!" Rohit agreed.

"We're having this coffee night after quite long." Virat said, having the last sip of his coffee.

"So you do remember that this wasn't the first time that we're having coffee at night?" Rohit asked.

It was a well kept secret between them that both of them had their special coffee nights, where they used to sit on terrace with their favourite coffee mugs, filled with coffee made by them and stay there till the sunrise.

The first one they had was on the night of 2013 champions trophy where they decided to call it their coffee night and since then it had been a part of them.

"Of course." Virat chuckled recalling the previous ones. "But it is the first time that you made the coffee"

It always used to be Virat making the coffee and Rohit cleaning the cups. Anushka still doesn't know where he learnt to make coffee and how his coffee improved after every series. This was supposed to be a secret.

"Yeah!" Rohit admitted. "Special ocassion!"



"It does feel good, doesn't it?"

"Winning at Lord's again? Yeah, it does!"

"No, not that. I mean yeah, of course, that feels awesome but—our rift—ending it—doesn't this feel great too?" Virat said with his face almost flushing.

"Oh, that—" Rohit was taken aback. "-yeah, it does. Even better, actually!" He admitted.

Virat looked up at Rohit and found him staring at the stars, smiling. He smiled too.

"It's beautiful." Virat said, joining Rohit in stargazing and slinging an arm around him.

Somehow they knew that even if the whole world goes against them, they can still win the world by sticking together.


Okay, it's a RohiRat with a bit of MahiRat. I just can't help it. (:

Isn't it awesome that we see RohiRat hugging each other more frequently now? I would give literally anything to see them like this on camera always.

Hope you guys liked it?

Do vote and comment, please!

Love ❤️

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