Apocalyptic Ascension

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Accessing: Lancer's Miracle Database_


Access Granted_

Pixel: Damn this database really does have the most secure firewall in Miracle City. The password was even designed by the Seven Seals Organization. Makes sense though. This thing does hold the entire history of how Miracle City survived the first Ascension Event. Look at all these keywords. Even some on the first leader of Hyper Group.

Main File Closed_

Pixel: Why'd you close the file?

Deepdive: We don't have time to get distracted. Let's go over what we came here for before the database kicks us out.

Pixel: All right. Let's get to it.

Accessing: First Ascension Event History File_


Access Granted_

Deepdive: 70 years ago on the outskirts of Miracle City the famous Professor Cecilia Sunshade was overcome by an unreasonable amount of Divine Energy and transformed into a being known as Goddess of the Apocalypse and caused the first Ascension Event. With this first Ascension Event seven figures arose from the city wielding weapons connected to the first ever Attribute Inhibitors.

Deepdive: First, is Lord Malachi Break: The Guard

Pixel: Oh yeah! He was the first one to wield Flame and eye witness accounts say that with his greatsword he was as aggressive as the fire itself.

Deepdive: He alone was capable of sending the Goddess's Divini-beast army back 500 miles from the city's frontline.

Deepdive: Next, the most brilliant Divine Energy Researcher of her time Lady Xingzuo: The Mage.

Pixel: I remember reading about her in old datafiles of the Seven Seals. The first wielder of Frost and the inventor of the Transmitter weapon used in the modern day by Knights who want to use their elements directly rather than with swords and things like that.

Deepdive: Her research and mastery over her weapon and elemental abilities were what helped freeze and shatter Divini-beasts in order to remove waves from the battlefield and open up a path to Cecelia.

Deepdive: Next, Lady Seraph: The Archer.

Pixel: She was the first user of Force! Her Air-rows fired from her bow were capable of creating gusts of wind that destroyed the waves of Divini-beasts further from the frontline.

Deepdive: Indeed she did. I suppose you do read the pre-mission files I give you.

Pixel: I skimmed it~

Deepdive: Next, the best hitman from the assassin organization Black Rose, Matrix Lantern: The Lancer.

Pixel: Didn't he try to assassinate Cecilia just weeks before the beginning of the Ascension Event? But while trying he was arrested and started working for Miracle City's law enforcement taking on more undercover operations. And he was the first user of Flash and had those really cool pistols that looked like rapid-fire crossbows. He was also the youngest of these heroes but also one of the most deadly.

Deepdive: Eye witness accounts say he was as fast as the lightning he wielded and created the Styx Graveyard where shocked, dormant Divini-beasts are. According to gathered data it is only a matter of time before those Divini-beasts recover from the electricity and begin an attack near the city.

Deepdive: Next, is Lady Yokomono: The Brawler.

Pixel: She had those golden gauntlets didn't she? As well as the first Fracture Elemental Inhibitor.

Deepdive: She summoned stones and petrified Divini-beasts adding to the Lancer's Styx Graveyard. Never to become active again.

Deepdive: Next, there's Lord Huangong: The Swordmaster.

Pixel: He was the first wielder of Fluid. His sword seemed to be able to cut through anything.

Deepdive: His use of Fluid created the Ethereal Lake and accidentally also created Aquatic Divini-beasts.

Deepdive: Finally, the Seventh Hero of Miracle City, Professor Void: The Scientist.

Pixel: She was the first user of the element known as Forbidden right? And the only other person Lady Xingzuo trusted to use her patented Transmitter weapon technology.

Deepdive: She was the one who created the Void Prison that holds the Goddess of the Apocalypse to this very day.

Pixel: According to the file the Citadel above the city awarded these seven heroes with the mass production of Elemental Inhibitors and Inhibitor-Tech weapons for anyone that wished to protect the city with them. And they also went on to found the Seven Seals Organization which has seven factions dedicated to each hero.

Pixel: Wait. What's this? It says here that all seven heroes just disappeared one day and only the Lancer and the Scientist have any 'confirmed' fate. Matrix, the Lancer, created this database and left a physical file of information on his desk with a note saying 'Not to be opened unless I return' before disappearing as well. But it's been 70 years since then so nobody's opened it. And Professor Void went to explore that weird energy dome created by Cecelia's Divine Powers. Dead Space I think it was called. At the time this document was sealed she had yet to return. And once again it's been 70 years since then.

Deepdive: Upload our file here.

Pixel: What? But who'll look through all this just to find our file?

Deepdive: The database is about to kick us out. It's now or never.

Pixel: Okay! Uploading file.

Beginning Upload_

Upload Complete_


Unauthorized Users Detected!_

Beginning Force Log Out_

Force Log Out Complete_

Temporarily Shutting Down Database_

Checking For Changes In Database_

No Changes Found_

Database Shutting Down_


Apocalyptic Ascension would be a post-apocalypse, open world, RPG. Set in the beautiful metropolis of Miracle City. For years Miracle City has been plagued by a catastrophe caused by Divine Energy a mysterious energy that wishes to conquer humanity which has only ended in the death of humanity. 

The MC is called the Squire and was a genetic experiment part of something called the Squire Project. But nothing else is known about them. You leave the chamber you awoke in and find yourself in run down building. You walk through the building and find a sword that you pick up in case you need to defend yourself and you keep walking. While walking you find a strange monster. You take out your newly acquired sword and fight the creature. It's easily defeated. You continue walking and find the building's exit.

You emerge from the building and find yourself in a very dense forest. You look up and see a tall tower with a large blue crystal at the top. It seemed to be emitting a kind of energy. You began walking in the tower's direction and on the way you find a strange stone. The stone is Indigo in color and shaped like a four pointed star with a symbol shaped like a void in the center. Suddenly energy starts radiating from the stone and an indigo orb of light flies from the stone and into your chest. Some of your outfit turns indigo after this and you feel a slight cold but it quickly subsides. After this you can suddenly create voids at will. You continue on your way.

You make it out of the forest and into an open field. You continue walking until you happen upon an area of dead grass. Out of nowhere a large monster appeared and it began charging at you. You raise your sword but a girl in pigtails hits the monster in a heap of fire. So the two of you fight together.

After a tough fight you two start talking. The girl introduces herself as Erina a Guard from Miracle City. The last known human civilization on the continent. Erina explains that the monster they just fought was a Divini-beast called Hephaestus and they were in a Heavenly Field which spawns Divini-beasts like Hephaestus. You didn't have to ask what Divini-beasts are because out of the blue you knew they were monsters created by the Divine Energy phenomenon which caused the destruction of humanity. You tell Erina your name and the two of you decide to head back to Miracle City to ask around about your past from before you woke up.

Erina joins your team and you make your way to Miracle City. Erina helps you gets past security checks and you enter the city.

While walking through the city Erina introduces you to different places and businesses. On your way you meet Erina's friends Song and Shumi. Who introduce themselves as the Seven Seals Organization's Number 1 Dead Space Investigator Song and the youngest Investigator to be accepted into the Scientist faction of the Seven Seals Organization, and Swordmaster Shumi. Even though Shumi doesn't actually wield a sword in combat. Swordmaster is just the name of her faction. You ask what the Seven Seals Organization is and what the factions are. Erina, Song, and Shumi are surprised you don't know. They explain that 70 years ago during a disaster known as the Ascension Event a brilliant researcher was transformed into an evil goddess hellbent on destroying humanity but seven brave heroes, the Guard, the Mage, the Archer, the Lancer, the Brawler, The Swordmaster, and the Scientist, appeared from the city and defeated the goddess by trapping her in a Void Prison made of the element known as Forbidden. After the seven heroes defeated the goddess they founded the Seven Seals Organization who's mission is to protect Miracle City from destruction before six of them disappeared and the Scientist went into Dead Space looking for answers about Divine Energy. You asked about Dead Space but the three said it would take an actual professional Investigator to explain that.

Shumi's watch begins to beep and she says she has to go because of Swordmaster training. Shumi left and you, Erina, and Song decide to go get a bite to eat.

The three of you start walking to a popular restaurant called Xingyi and Family. As you begin walking in that direction you begin to feel dizzy. You see flashes of memories you didn't know you had. As the dizziness faded you hear a voice in your head say 'Squire I knight thee our successor'. Song looks back and asks if you're okay. You tell him that you are and catch up with him and Erina.

As the camera pans away from the Squire you as the player would see a girl with pink hair watching you from atop a building. She smirks before she says 'I guess my master was right. Soon the Divinities will come together and summon anew the Knights of the End. I must be careful with our beloved Squire or the Miracle will die like the rest'.

And that's all I've got for the main story so far.

Characters in Apocalyptic Ascension are called Knights. Now Knights' kits consist of three main combat skills. Their Normal Attack, Knightly Skill, and Knightly Ascension. But there is a fourth skill called the Stellar Knight Skill which summons the spirit of a constellation and boosts Knights' attacks in a way fitting the constellation and upon casting this skill the Knight does a unique attack that deals AOE DMG of their element.

Not the characters:

Erina is a 4 star, gauntlet wielding, Flame Knight. Her Normal Attack deals five instances of Physical DMG. Holding the attack button will release a Charged Attack dealing Physical DMG. Her Knightly Skill lets her jump up a bit and stomp on the enemy dealing Flame DMG. Erina's Knightly Ascension lets her charge forward with a very strong punch dealing Flame DMG. Her Stellar Knight Skill attack lets her summon a comet that deals AOE Flame DMG.

Song is a 4 star, transmitter wielding, Fluid Knight. His Normal Attack summons a lantern themed staff and deals four instances of Fluid DMG. Hold the attack button and he releases a charged attack dealing Fluid DMG. Song's Knightly Skill lets him summon a school of fish-shaped lanterns that attack enemies dealing AOE Fluid DMG. His Knightly Ascension lets him open a sliding curtain with his staff, raise said staff, and deal AOE Fluid DMG with a raising beacon of water. His Stellar Knight Skill attack lets him summon a giant fish-lantern to deal AOE Fluid DMG.

Shumi is a 4 star, transmitter wielding, Frost Knight. Her Normal Attack deals four instances of Frost DMG. Hold the attack button to release a Charged Attack dealing Frost DMG. Her Knightly Skill summons a sword made of ice that slashes an enemy dealing Frost DMG. Shumi's Knightly Ascension lets her summon a ring of swords that heals the active Knight depending on her max HP. Her Stellar Knight Skill attack lets her summon a greatsword made of ice to deal AOE Frost DMG.

(Now this last character wouldn't be released until around the later parts of the main story where the player would get closer to the final final boss fight of the main story)

Matrix Lantern is a 5 star, pistol wielding, Flash Knight. His Normal Attack deals five instances of Physical DMG. Hold the attack button to release an aimed shot that has two stages of charge. Charge stage 1 deals a standard aimed shot of Flash DMG. Charge stage 2 lets him switch his pistols out for a shotgun and release an aimed shot that deals a stronger instance of Flash DMG. Matrix's Knightly Skill lets him throw a special grenade that deals AOE Flash DMG. His Knightly Ascension summons holographic versions of himself and all of them fire a shot that comes together and deal Flash DMG. Matrix's Stellar Knight Skill attack lets him bring out his shotgun and fires a shot that deals AOE Flash DMG. Also when Matrix is in combat his hair grows and begins to glow.

So that's Apocalyptic Ascension.

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