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Everyone was silent...I rolled my eyes, "Its true, this isn't the first time. But we are greasers. We should get over it, we need to focus on what is happening now, got it?'' I said, I know it hurts, but we got to keep going.

"Yea...but what did Tabitha do?" Andy asked, andy was always worried for everyone, even if they were strangers, she went along with almost everything honestly, oh and she is in love with Finn Wolfhard, I can tell you that for sure. If he breaks up with her she would be gone, everyone was addicted to there boyfriend, spending a lot of time with them. I never wanted one, one reason was that sometimes you can't trust them, Tabitha trusted Denis but Denis  didn't really care for her.

"Why are we here again?" I say ignoring Andy's question.

"This is the new hangout." Elijah stated.

"Good place." Braden added, Lexi nodded. The guys and I always did the talking, the girls would just be there. I didn't have a boyfriend to make the decisions for me, which honesty i loved. I knew I kept this gang together---I didn't need a boy ruin that---so It was going to stay that way.

"Whats wrong with the old hangout?" Finn asks

"Socs." Elijah explained in one word, thats all it took.

"Ah of course." Taylor said.

"Those darn Socs have no place in our old hangout!" Lexi exclaimed.

"I know but they are Socs, they can do whatever they want. They probably have more money in their pockets than we make in a month." Elijah sighed.

"Want to get something to eat?" Braden suggested. Everyone agreed, but me.

"Y'all can go, Ill stay somewhere." I tell everyone.

"You sure?" Taylor asked.

"Yeah, there is always a fight going on at the place greasers go to eat. I aint going to be there when the cops come." 

"Understandable." Everyone nods.  Everyone walks away and Lexi stays and says, "You alright?"

"Yes, Im alright, now go, have fun." I said smiling.

"Thanks." Lexi walked away with Braden.

I started to drive home, turning up my Elvis presley music. I got home, my dad wasn't home, I didn't mind it. I walked into my room, took off my shoes, and sat on my bed. One reason I was poor was my mom died when I was three so from then on my dad had to buy everything I needed to food to clothes. He had two jobs, thats why he isn't home much. All I needed was the gang, I always needed to keep them together, you see when you're born poor you grow up and you're more grateful, I have no wishes of being rich. I look over at a picture of Tabitha and me I miss her. But I just turn around and look at the blank wall. I sigh, I needed sleep.

(The chapters are going to be short!)

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