This isn't the first

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(Ok each chapter is about one character. Each chapter is pretty short too by the way, its on purpose. Allllsssoooooo this story takes place in the 1960s REMEMBER THAT)

"Im going to hangout with some friends, no there won't be drugs or anything like that mom." I said.

"Ok, by home on time Andy." My mom said glaring at me.

"I can't promise that." I said and walked out the door. I am grateful i have a mom like that, not like other teenagers where their mom doesn't worry for them. I walk down the steps of the apartments. It was pretty cold, I could see me breath as I took one because of the weather. I saw my boyfriend's car waiting for me, he was in it, I smiled. 

"Hey Finn." I said getting into the seat next to him.

"Hey, your mom actually let you come this time?"

"I said I was going to hang out with friends. Honestly I don't fucking care." I said, it was kind of a lie...but I just went with it.

"Thats why I like you, Andrea."

"I told you to call me Andy."

"I like Andrea more, plus no one else calls you Andrea, so I like calling you that." Finn said smiling while driving.

"So where are we going?" I ask.

"Going to meet with the rest."

"Oh okay." I said. It was silent for a moment.

"We are here.''  Finn said, glaring at me. I look around, it was a dark random place.

"Where are we?" Finn ignores my question. He always does that. I look at him and get out of the car, i looked at his perfect greasy hair, he was a greaser like me, people that dressed more tough like. Greasers were poor, poorer than the middle class, the Socs( pronounced "sohshiz" )were the rich, nice dressed people that always liked to jump us. One time a Socs jumped Finn, they left him all cut up, thats why we always walk together, or at least carry a blade. But I can't always carry a blade because my parents would get mad. I always wondered why the Socs hated the greasers...

I follow Finn as he held me by the hand and then I I saw the rest of the gang. "Hey guys." I greet them.

"Hey." Taylor said wrapping her arm around Elijah. Taylor was always too caring to do anything bad, and when she did do anything bad she always carried the guilt for weeks, she was the most innocent of the group honestly, but she got smarts in her brain, smartest out of all of us for sure. Then her boyfriend, Elijah, was completely different, he stole a car, stole from people, he says thats the only way to survive when you are a greaser, but I don't believe that. Taylor, being the smartest her boyfriend always depended on her when he got in trouble. And some how Taylor always had his back.

"Good! You made it." Braden said while Lexi was sitting on his lap. Lexi, taylor's best friend since elementary. Lexi was in the middle of bad and good. She wouldn't mind doing bad things, she just didn't do anything bad much, but in her past she had done very bad things she some how got away with...Taylor and I only knew what she has done, but we never talk about it. Lexi always disappeared randomly sometimes...she would never tell us why. Braden, her boyfriend, is smart---but takes it to waste, he does bad things, but he has the chance to be really great. I know why though, his parents never really cared for him. They let him do whatever, he missed a great childhood.

"Yea." Finn said. I looked over at Clare, she was smoking not giving any shits, like she always does. She is a great person though, she is sassy, confident, just a badass good friend- but always got in trouble. But some how, after all the trouble she has done, she keeps this gang together. Maybe the pressure is what causes her to do bad things, Ill never know.

"Hi Clare." I say.

"Call me China."

"What? New nickname?"

"Yea, got a problem with that?" China barked, I laughed. Clare wasn't mean, she is a big softie on the inside.

"Oh no ma'am." I teased, China laughed.

"Ok down to business-" Elijah began to say but I cut him off.

"Wheres Tabitha and Denis?" I ask. Everyone stays silent. "Whats wrong?"

"You haven't heard..." Braden says looking down.

"Since y'all too chicken to say it, Ill say it, Tabitha got arrested, Denis ditched Tabitha leaving her to the cops." China said not being effected by it, I was surprised China is Tabitha's best friend...without Tabitha China wouldn't be here. 

"W-what?!" I said.

"Get over it." China said, she was mean today.

"This isn't the first time we lost someone in the group..." Lexi said. My throat clogged up.

"...kendra...I still remember her..." Taylor whispered. Everyone went silent. Lexi was right...this wasn't our first time we lost someone in the gang.

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