lexi pov

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As everyone leaves I stay with Braden, shaking in fear, what if denis came back? I had problems with him. . .I try to get my mind off of it.

I hate keeping secrets from my friends, we aren't suppose to keep secrets. . .I'm probably making this secret a bigger deal than it is. The more I keep it, the more it gets harder, and I'm slowly breaking, even when two of my friends think they know the secret, they don't know the full story. I feel so bad, it's like I'm trapped in my own body, and as time passes it drives me insane and the only way to get out is the explode, but I don't want to explode...

"Hey Braden, I need to go to the bathroom real quick." I inform him, he nods and turns around to talk to one of his ''friends'' I say "friends" since they just see each other around and talk, they aren't buddies like he is with the gang. 

I Head toward the back door, not the bathroom, I just needed fresh air. It was getting late, but the sky was beautiful. Stars filled the sky, I sigh, I knew my brother was one of those stars, looking down at me, protecting me. . .

-Flash back-

Everything was was blurry, I just had way too much to drink, not something un-usaul...

"Lexi, stop the car." My brother Warner told me, "You are going to fast."

"Nawwww, I'm okay. I can drive." I knew I couldn't, but I kept driving, nothing wrong could happen. There wasn't any other cars around.

"Please Lexi, stop the car."

"No no no no, I'm okay, I got this.'' I say, I looked  at him, he looked worried--I frown, I just want him to be proud of me. I want to be better, I wanted to become more than a greaser, because I knew my brother couldn't. He was growing up maybe faster than he should have, not in a good way.

"Lexi!" Warner yelled, I looked at the road ahead of me I just saw a big flash of light--was it a train? What?! I couldn't think straight, damn it I shouldn't have drank, I'm so stupid. The car crashes, glass breaks, I catch a glance at my brother, he already passed out. And that's when I didn't understand why people say their life flashes before their eyes because at this point I felt hatred towards myself, and I felt pain, so much pain. It stung all around my body, but Warner looked even worse.

Beep beep beep

I flash my eyes open, what was going on?! Then I get a short flashback of a car accident--how am I still alive? How?!  I hit a train, the impact was hard. I tried to move my arm, but it hurt.  I moved my other arm and touched my forehead, their was a bandaid on it, or something like that.

My heart skipped a beat.

My brother.

Was he okay?! I try to get up but I can't. A nurse comes in, "Looks like you woke up."


"You got into a car accident, you passed out. You're are lucky you are still alive. Most people don't survive this kind of crash, jeez the worst thing that happened is that you hurt your arm but we can fix that. You must be a special person, God decided not to let you die. And that's the best gift he can give you."

". . .I-I. . ." I pause.

"Don't worry, get some rest.

"Wait!" I call, "My brother, his name is Warner, is he okay?"

The nurse pauses for a second, "Im sorry for what I'm about to say but he didn't make it. We tried our best to save him. He lost of blood-"

"wh-what?! N-no..." I try to get up.

''No don't try to get up, you need rest. Try to sleep, get your mind off of it."

"But I need to-"

"Please, I bet he wanted you to be safe so stay here till you feel better." She says, I lay back down, she walks out the room.


Warner can't be dead. He's not. He can't just be gone. . .

I told myself he wasn't dead but I knew he was. You can't just accept someone is dead just like that.

I feel the tears run down my face, this is all my fault. If I didn't drink he wouldn't be dead. If I just listened he wouldn't be dead.

I set a rose on his grave, I walked back to my mom. We stood next to each other just standing there in front of his grave. My mom starts crying on my shoulder, I hug her tight trying not to cry. It's awful we only showed up at his funeral. We didn't have enough money to afford a big ceremony. But still, this side of town has no heart. Well, it seems like that.

We got back home, and didn't say a word. I started bawling my eyes out, I ran to my moms room and stole a gun she had for an emergency. I ran outside and went to the nearest liquor store, still crying I went up to the cashier and smacked my hands on the counter, my heart pounding.

I can't believe what I was doing.

The cashier looked shocked and said, "Put that gun down if you know whats best for you." He says, I start to cry more, not putting my gun down.

"This is your second chance, kid. I have been you before." The cashier continued , my hands get sweater, lowering my gun I start to cry more.

"There you go." The cashier backed away slowly, then quickly grabbed the phone and started calling the police.

I didn't care anymore.

I was just so broken.

I look at the cashier, we make eye contact, his eyes where saying that I should run before the cops come. I bolt out the store, running and running.

Third person POV

Tabitha and Denis walking to the store, they enter, they were planning to pick pocket something, nothing too big though. They just did that for fun. Then suddenly the police came.

"T-they tried to rob me." The cashier knew it wasn't them, it was Lexi. But something told him Lexi deserved a second chance, and the cashier knew Denis because he always saw him pick pocket. Denis bolted through the back door out leaving Tabitha, "Denis! Wait-" Then the cops hand cuffed Tabitha, one of the cops went after Denis.

"Lost him." The cop said out of breathe, Tabitha was speechless that Denis left her.

"Let's find that hood later." The cops laughed, what kind the cops where they, Tabitha thought.

Tabitha was too sad and shocked to even fight back.

-End of flashback-

I take a deal breathe, it's sad that the story still has more to tell.

Okay sooo this is very bad. I can't write xD I had no ideas too.

Anyways, hello.



Okay I'll stop

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