Strange powers (Alex)

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Alex's vision faded in and out. She had trouble opening her eyes. She was about to rub her eyes when she realized that she was in restrains. "What?" She asked herself when she tried to move. She tried to bend her legs as well, but she noticed that her ankles were also restrained as well. "Hey! Lemme go! Someone help me!" Alex screamed.

Just as she thought no one was going to answer, a doctor came into the room and looked at her. "Are you Alexandria Elise Bunny?" The doctor asked as Alex nodded. "Yeah, that's me."

"You've suffered a major injury involving your leg and torso. You've just got out of surgery so the damage has been lessen. Though I advise for you to stay off your leg for a couple of days." The doctor fluently replied, checking her clip board. Alex viciously looked around and realized that her father wasn't here. "Where's my dad?"


"Barnard Bunny. My father."

"Oh yes. We've contacted your father about the injuries and he's on his way right now." Alex sighed in relief still struggling to get free of the restraints. "Um, can't you um...."

"Miss I'm sorry, but these restraints are mandatory."

"But I need to sit up. I don't remember hitting someone."

"You didn't." Well this is confusing. If Alex didn't hit or hurt anyone, why was she in restraints in the first place. "Please...they hurt. A lot." Alex pleaded as the doctor looked at her with concern but also with care. She sighed and nodded. "Alright. Don't say I didn't warn you."

The doctor walked over to the scared rabbit and slowly began to take off her restraints. Alex gave out a breath she didn't realize she was holding. "Thank you. Also what-" Alex didn't have time to answer. Because she felt her body becoming lighter. So light that she was flying. In the hospital room.

Alex looked around and realized that indeed she was floating. Her body was surrounded by a pink aura that waved around her entire body. "What the-!? What's going on!? Why is this happening?!" Alex looked to the doctor assuming that's she had the answers, but the doctor looked at her like she had no clue. Alex was now touching the ceiling. "Please, help me."

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