Strange Powers (Leon)

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Leon's vision was blurry as he slowly tried to open his eyes. His memory suddenly came back to him today. He remembering encountering Havoc and Daffy in the school hallway. And then...the meteor. It reminded him of the one that came before. When the first one hit, he still had nightmares remembering on how his sister was trapped in the giant rock itself. The authorities were able to get her out just in time but he still feared for that day.

Leon turned his head to see his mother and father talking to the doctor. "M-Mom?" Leon muttered suddenly afraid that his mother wouldn't hear him. But his fear was soon diminished when she turned to him and smiled. "Oh Leon." she cried as she hugged him tightly. His father cried as well and hugged him on the other side. "We were so worried. How do you feel?" His father asked him as Leon felt his head. "Like I just got hit by a meteor." Leon joked. His father chuckled but his mother still cried in his shoulder.

The doctor looked pleased that the family was in each other's arms. "I checked for any other injuries involving Leon Henry Bunny, but it seems as though he has suffered no major injuries involving the crash." the doctor replied. Leon was actually a bit curious. A meteorite came down. With no warning at all. It struck right on top of him. And somehow...he was okay.

Leon suddenly remembered something. Or someone. "Hey mom, where's Lexi? Isn't she coming?"

"We've tried to call her sweetheart but she doesn't seem to be answering right now." His mother replied as Leon sighed sadly. "Hey it's alright kiddo, if you want I can call her again."

"No it's alright. I can do it myse-" The moment Leon reached for his backpack that was sitting across the room, his arm stretch. Like really stretched. But it wasn't just his arm. His hand was also huge. By the time his arm made it to his backpack, his giant hand held it like it was as small as a piece of food crumb. "Oops."

Leon, his parents, and the doctor were all so shocked that the doctor himself dropped his clipboard by accident. "Oh no, not the other one." Was all Leon's father said.

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