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teagan lucille zaveri


twenty — one

"the moment you arrived...

they built you up..."





" the sun was in your eyes..."


lorena rae



"you couldn't believe it..."




teagan is a wild child and there's no denying that. she's the definition of a free spirit. she's always marched to the beat of her drum, not caring what anyone thought. well, she used to. the girl was the type to always love attention from day one. she was the type to always be found at the middle of the crowd, laughing and smiling. she always loved adventures and new things. really, teagan seems a little all over the place, but i swear she's slightly normal. when you first meet her, this girl is charming as the devil. seriously, she's hot and she knows it. yeah... ego is a big thing for teagan. but, that aside, she's /actually/ a fun person. rather flirty at that too. she's the type to always have a bit of a mischievous grin on her face. she's trouble, but you'll love every minute of it.

now, if you're not aware of teagan's story, let me just tell you, she changed slightly. the girl started getting more and more attention, she was pulled into a new type of lifestyle and she changed. she became reckless, a little fake, and hella petty. but of course, her Instagram made it seem like she was just the perfect hot girl with a dream life. that was all she cared about, her image. it was a rather toxic life style.

after teagan's accident, she changed yet again. the girl is trying to turn her life around. now, she's much more reserved. the girl keeps to herself. she's trying not to create any waves. you could say the girl sort of lost herself. she lost the fun-loving, wild child she used to be. she let her obsession of attention take over, and that's where she started to lose the free spirit she used to be. the girl really is lost. she doesn't know if she'll ever get back to who she once was, but she's sure as hell gonna try.


persuasive : teagan's got charm to spare. she's pretty used to getting what she wants, either using her looks or words to get it. she likes things going her way. you could also call this strength manipulation, but 'persuasive' sounds nicer...

intelligence : this girl is clever as the devil and twice as pretty. she's definitely going to fool you. she knows what people assume about her. dumb instagram model who just parties all the time. most of that is true, but she's nowhere near dumb. she has a hidden intelligence that will surprise you. watch out.


attention-seeking : literally, that's what got her into this whole mess of a life. she loves attention, she seeks approval. it's kinda her then. low key terrible, but that's just how it is.

vain : the girl has always had a big head on her. whether it was about her looks or her follower count, she always had someone to have an ego about.

confused : after teagan over-dosed, her whole life basically fell apart. she has no clue who she is or what she wants to do. the poor girl is lost. she doesn't know if she'll ever be able to get back to a normal, healthy life.

♡  LIKES  ♡

⇢ music music music
⇢ dancing
⇢ dirty jokes (mature, right?)
⇢ attention
⇢ dresses
⇢ classic literature
⇢ rainy days
⇢ nutella or anything chocolate
⇢ flowers flowers flowers
⇢ cheesy rom coms
⇢ classical music/chamber music
⇢ piano
⇢ french braids
⇢ coffee coffee coffee
⇢ bagels (i mean, who doesn't?)
⇢ to do lists
⇢ road trips
⇢ the beach
⇢ modeling
⇢ sci fi (she'll never admit it)
⇢ fruit + smoothies
⇢ sunshine sunshine sunshine
⇢ puppies + kittens
⇢ the zooooooo
⇢ card games/gambling
⇢ cuddling 


⇢ while she used to be a total party girl, now she won't go near the scene. she's now completely anti drugs + alcohol, because she's definitely struggling to stay sober. okay, that's the most serious dislikes.
⇢ winged eyeliner (she loves the way it looks, hates how hard it is to do)
⇢ peanut butter
⇢ curling irons
⇢ yoga (she's never been patient enough for it, even though it was recommended to her to help her recovery... )
⇢ hot days (the angeles sun is brutal sometimes)
⇢ cherries
⇢ the viola
⇢ mysteries (real or fake, they annoy her)
⇢ surprises (she's been known to be a little to controlling for that)
⇢ rap (she can't understand what the fuck they're saying)
⇢ judgment (she's way too sensitive for that shit, and way too used to it)


⇢ well, all of her time used to be taken up by modeling, live streaming, basically being fake af and partying
⇢ but she's known how to play piano ever since she was a little girl, and she just finally got back to it. lately, it's helped her stay calm.
⇢ yoga, she hates it but she's been doing a lot of it lately. again, it's been helping her keep away from everything she used to be into.
⇢ hiking, she's always loved adventures, and some of them are always worth the work.

♡  FAMILY  ♡

her parents, ellie and david zaveri, they're all she has. they have a complicated relationship, you could say.


teagan started off normal, i swear. she was born to a lovely pair of sixes in the golden province of angeles. her parents, ellie and david zaveri, were hard workers. david was a line cook at a restaurant and ellie was a housekeeper. they were barely getting by, but what they lacked in money they made up for in love. they adored their baby girl. when they first found out ellie was pregnant, it was a shock. yes, they were surprised. the couple had agreed to never have children, they simply didn't have the money to support a family. but as we all know, life doesn't always go the way we plan. so both parents started taking more and more shifts to prepare for their daughter to come into the world. when the darling baby girl arrived, the parents were entranced by her. she was their everything. a baby made life so much more difficult, but how could they be mad when she was so precious?

so yes, teagan grew up with love. she was an only child, and most of the time of her childhood she was found in solitude. her parents had to work so much to keep the small family of three afloat. there's honestly not that much more to mention about teagan's childhood. it was simple, maybe a little bit boring, but that's all. when the girl turned eighteen, she moved out of her parents house, wanting to become independent. she did the whole 'working two minimum wage jobs to pay for one extremely crappy apartment that you have to share with two other people thing' for a little while, but she hated it. she was working her ass off, for what? she was a six, and the world was so set on keeping her in her caste. making her take service jobs, never climbing the ladder. she hated it.

so the girl took matters into her own hands. teagan learned that she could make a shit ton of money just for taking off her clothes — no, she wasn't a hooker or a stripper. she slowly started modeling on social media, mostly instagram. she got paid to do advertisements for everything from lingerie to specialty health foods. yes, she was one of /those/ girls. her following got so huge, she was able to quit her job and move into a large apartment of her own. the girl slowly let the life style take her. she definitely fell in with what you could call the wrong crowd. she started partying pretty hard, you know the drill. she became sucked into that lifestyle. so yes, the beautiful girl went completely off the rails. she was living day to say. drugs, booze, and instagram were probably her favorite things. oh, add hot guys and girls to the list. she was sorta out of control... she was famous, hot, and reckless. she thought it was the perfect life for her. newsflash: it wasn't.

there came a party where everything came crashing down around her. it was a night like any other night, at some rich guy's penthouse at a raging party. drugs, alcohol, potential hook ups. it was teagan's scene, but she took it too far. the mix of alcohol she drank and the large amount of drugs she took caught up to her. yes, that's correct, the infamous teagan zaveri over dosed on ecstasy. it was a miracle she even made it.

that was the beginning of change for teagan. when she finally got discharged from the hospital, she got serious about living a different life. she was quitting all of her different vices cold turkey. it was hell. she was not doing too good. yet slowly but surely, the girl was continuing to try. she promised herself to never go back to the place she was before. she'd never go back to that destructive life. and that leads us to teagan today. she's trying to stay clean, stay out of the media, and keep her cool. as if the selection will actually help that...


— well, ever since she quit drugs and alcohol, she's been a little fucked up. but she's functioning, and hasn't had a relapse yet. she was lucky, she barely survived the overdose.



"i keep searching, oh, i keep searching."
- king of the clouds


— one of the drunks
— old fashioned
— dying in la

♡  OTHER  ♡

⇢ teagan applied for the selection as a publicity stunt (she live streamed the whole thing as a joke kinda for her followers) before she overdosed, but she found out that she was actually selected after.
⇢ teagan/definitely/ deleted her main instagram account... but that doesn't mean she doesn't have another where she looks at the awful things people posted about her after her overdose. unfortunately, the girl was pretty well known.
⇢ teagan actually is going to the selection because she's so unsure of who she is back home, she thinks maybe it will be good for her to get away.
⇢ okay, now let's get to the way less serious stuff
⇢ teagan's dream would be to own a giraffe. they're actually so cute.
⇢ she's not a five, but she's always been obsessed with music.
⇢ teagan's probably spent like half her life on the beach.
⇢ nutella = life
⇢ deep down she actually adores super cheesy romance?? she hasn't had anything but flings, hookups, and publicity relationships in forever... so she doesn't realize how much she missed the cuter, softer side of romance.
⇢ puns and stupid knock knock jokes will never cease to make her laugh. seriously, her sense of humor is ridiculous.
⇢ even though she doesn't model anymore, she's still totally aesthetic when she wants to be.
⇢ if you catch her playing piano, she'll probably get all weird about it
⇢ if you buy her a puppy, she'll probably love you forever. the end!

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